Were going home bros.
Were going home bros
Other urls found in this thread:
still no release date
>inb4 summer
i was pleasantly surprised that they went out of their way trying to replicate the patch release cycle instead of their original plan. gives me a sliver of hope
It's a start for sure. They've been uncharacteristically decent at understanding with people want and adapting to that, but this is still Blizz we're talking about so I'm sure they're going to fuck something up somewhere.
>Phase 7 Legion Invansion
>Phase 8 TBC launches with its own phases
rate my old UI
pserver garbage
Paladins? Hunters? Anybody?!
I hope I play with none of you faggots
Yes, yes you are.
Any tips on ele shammy while leveling and early 60 gameplay? Is rolling resto is mandatory for gearing up for/in raids? (Also requesting healing tips I guess)
You dont play any form of Ele before you get fully Naxx gear
And fuck you dense mother fucker if you even ask why.
You play ele shaman the same way you ply ret paladin or laser chicken.
Stay on your containment board, /pol/cuck.
I can't wait to give activision my money for classic WoW.
>Playing WOW in 2019
For fuck's sake I cannot decide between horde or alliance warlock.
They said in a blue post to "have a classic summer".
Seems pretty indicative of the release time to me, unless you think having it for only the last few days of summer counts as playing it over the summer.
Plus, they can't just let the ffxiv expac slide, now can they.
>1 week before classic launch
>half of Yea Forums is nothing but going home threads
Can't wait bros. Cheers to a Classic Summer™
>minmaxing as a manlet
A few tips for newfriends
>it’s easier to start a group if you say LFM rather than LFG
>in early dungeons and raids, gear is a lot less important than not being a complete idiot
>make sure to level first aid
>gathering professions are easy ways of making extra cash, but you risk getting shafted if someone floods the market
>stash excess materials if the selling price is absurdly low
>if it gets low enough, you can sometimes manipulate retards into undercutting you to the point where you can buy it off them and sell it to a vendor for profit
>fishing is very profitable at high level, but it comes at the cost of levelling the single most boring profession in the game
>guilds will sometimes subsidise you for alchemy or enchanting
>assume people that read guides are retarded until they prove otherwise
>hunters and warlocks don’t need to be good to get in a raiding guild; they just have to be less stupid than the average member of their class
>warriors and druids don’t need tanking talents to tank any dungeon while levelling, they only need the gear
>likewise any class capable of healing only needs the gear to do so
>complains about minmaxing
>minmaxes his height
And for every single one, I will be ready to post
I give it 1 year tops
>fishing is a very proftiable at high level, but it comes at the cost of leveling the single most boring profession in the game
I see you're a man who hasn't done the GREATEST part of no sharding server, and fishing next to THE OPPOSITE FACTION, on a pvp server. I once fished for hours along side some horde, and we all just fished together, /waved goodbye when done and went our seperate ways
you think you understand comfy, but you don't
>always kick the hunter if he rolls need
you'll be playing with us friend, we're all going home
>>gathering professions are easy ways of making extra cash, but you risk getting shafted if someone floods the market
I'm going tailoring for making bags.
Eeeeveryone needs bags, it's pretty much impossible to saturate the market.
I did this a lot. Maximum comfy. It warms my cock to be a part of such a peaceful event.
This. Orc is superior in PvP, UD has the best casting animations, Human has shit casting animations, gnomes can go eat a Safeway bag full of wet dicks. There are likely to be less alliance locks for various reasons though, so maybe getting groups and raid spots would be easier there. I also prefer alliance zones and cities.
What does sharding have to do with anything you said?
Oh, I forgot the big one
>better to ask a question an risk looking stupid than to cause a wipe and remove all doubt
*horde phases out as you're fishing beside them, also the same with you and alliance players fishing together*
Dealing with WotF would be rage-inducing but horde has to deal with an additional enemy dispel class and no paladins means no bop or salv for you to go balls to the wall with.
>UD has best animations
>Gnomes suck
here's my story:
I leveled as enhancement on a private server. I can't recall which. It had a bug with glancing blows, or weapon skills or something, and it gimped melee. I was around level 30 when I found out about that bug (I avoided world chat except when I was looking for a group). I was tired of nearly dying from fighting one mob and almost certainly dying from fighting two - that's how much melee sucked. I respecced to elemental and I was able to shred mobs much MUCH faster. I could easily fight two mobs at once, sometimes three mobs. I did more damage than when I was enhacement, I could top the dps meters in dungeons (not a huge accomplishment but still). I leveled elemental until 60 when I was recruited by a guild and went resto. Before I went resto I was still able to heal dungeons easily. That server eventually died and I leveled elemental on another server until level 40 or so before I burned out and quit. Here's the advice I can give you:
- Use a shield and a fast 1-handed weapon. Put flametongue weapon it it.
- Pull mobs with one or two lightning bolts. if you're certain that you'll pull more than one then use chain lightning. use flame shock once they're in melee range and finish them with your melee while using the shock on cooldown. don't finish a mob with flame shock - only cast flame shock if you'll get the full effect of it's dot for maximum mana efficiency
- Make friends with a mage. They'll level faster than you so they'll always be able to create the highest possible water that you can drink at your level. Get a few stacks from them before heading out to save gold.
- Almost all of your totems are worth using, but some are more situational than others. Familiarize yourself with those situations.
- Get an addon to manage your totems. There are a lot of options out there so find the one that works best for you. You could go with something like "Opie" where pressing a key opens a radial menu, so you have one key for each totem element.
- Feel free to roll on cloth and other caster gear. The dagger from Doan in SM would be perfect for you. If you notice you're taking too much damage while questing then replace your cloth with leather or mail, but keep the cloth for when you're doing a dungeon
- Learn how to kite with earthbind totem and frost shock. You can easily solo elites as long as your mana holds out
Yeah but shamans give mana tide and tremor totem makes certain bossfights a joke compared to alliance that has to setup dwarf priest fear rotations
More than I plan on playing, hell that's far more than most reasonable people will spend. You really are a neet who has one thing going on for him in his life and that's "accomplishments" in retail.
Post your farming theme
me right now
- For healing: Get a quality unit frame addon. I prefer LunaFrames, which should be updated for retail classic by the time it's released. You want the raid frames to be as close to the center of your screen as possible - most important things near the center, less important things on the periphery.
- Know how much you can heal with any given spell, and have a few downranks of your spells on your action bars. Look up the importance of downranking - you can probably find a youtube video on it. it's too lenthy to go into on a Yea Forums post
- Top off your tanks before heading into the next fight. Don't immediately heal as a tank is getting aggro or the mob will 1-shot you because you caused more aggro with your heal
- Don't use a healbot addon. Learn how to anticipate damage on a tank or the raid and pre-cast your heals so the heal goes off just after the target takes damage
- Know where to stand and when to move. If you can plant yourself at an optimal location then you can fire off heals without having to move back and forth. This is important for almost every boss fight and trash pulls.
>Tfw back to Dun Morgh
>Tfw the comfyness of Loch Modan
>Tfw the manhood run to Menethil Harbor to get in to Teldrassil.
Tremor totem is not guaranteed and the fear will still go through for a moment. Did you even kill Onyxia back then? It was very common for warrior to get feared on the ledge and resetting aggro. Also shamans have to be in the same party and if they're in the same party with tank, they're also in a party with zero spell casters, making your point about mana tide worthless.
This is the video anyone planning to roll shaman should watch, the guy goes in depth with numbers and stats but the video is quite light to absorb because he explains it well
i'm honestly going to miss playing with people from across the globe like on a private server except chinks
Orc is too muscly
UD (male) has repetitive casting animations.
Human has ok casting animations. Almost too muscly but isnt under wraps
>it's not kargoz
are you retarded or braindead? pick one and kys
Based goinghome poster
Probably rolling Warrior Tank or Holy Paladin. As the former I can earn gold by reserving shit in dungeon runs and get paid for tanking. As the latter I'll be a buff bot until like AQ40 or Naxx when I become the God of Healing.
AQ gear actually
It's fine but you need to zoom out man, you can't see someone sneaking up on you like that.
Warlock advanced tips, imp edition
1) Your imp is your tank. Let your imp start fights so it takes the aggro while you're dotting the mob. Your imp has more health and armor than you at low levels, and comes with good hp regen, making it a surprisingly good tank. Keep in mind that your imp can't hold aggro if you do more than dot the mobs.
2) Position your imp properly. Since you're going to pull aggro, you should position yourself so that you're far away from your imp, forcing the mob to run a good distance to you.
3) Manage your imp's mana. Imp's mana regens fast, but it's subject to the same 5 sec rule that you are. With autocast on, your imp will start casting another firebolt immediately when it has regenerated enough mana for it, which means it only has mana for 2-3 firebolts at most. To maximize the damage of your imp, you should let it regen to almost full after it has run out of mana, and only then let it cast again, assuming you're killing mobs back to back.
>makes certain bossfights a joke compared to alliance
Ignoring that all vanilla bossfights are a joke outside of the gear check (and in the case of Naxx, trash respawns WAY too fast in one wing), tremor totem takes the same slot as windfury so you have to choose between going ham or playing safe.
It's funny it was taken so seriously then because it shows how shit we were. MC gets cleared in an hour with a team entirely of fresh 60s now.
>tremor totem takes the same slot as windfury
Tremor is earth, windfury is air.
dwarf paladin here. is there a guide for speedrunning dun morogh? I'm familiar with the dwarf/gnome starting area, but not to the point where I know the most efficient route
Wait then what air totem am I thinking of that competes with windfury?
Grounding? Spirit Link? Grounding can be useful for caster bosses.
Three words why Alliance will always be superior: Blessing of Salvation. In the true endgame the biggest issue is threat. Horde can either have Tranquil Air Totem or Windfury, but they can't have both.
Tranquil Air?
The problem was always ‘tard wrangling forty people, and dealing with the inevitable dumbasses that slipped through the cracks.
There’s a reason the most feared bosses outside gear checks were the ones that required everyone to keep their eyes open or risk wiping the raid.
Right that's it. That's what I was thinking of competing with Windfury's spot.
It's more that people didn't know how to manage threat and 25 of the 40 members were halfway to d/c because of shit internet.
I completely forgot the existence of that thing. I thought it was added in bc.
hell yeah negro
It was taken out at the end of BC actually since Wrath added the threat multiplier
In terms of PvE, the difference between Horde and Alliance only matters for the absolute 1% of all players considering the gap isn't that much and we're talking about scenarios where all 40 players are perfect. If you aren't in that group (and this is Yea Forums, you aren't), then it doesn't matter which side you choose.
Looks like it was added in 1.9. No wonder I didn't remember it.
obviously. Im gonna get it though since i ll go undead lock for the comfy brill experience
>speedrunning the most comfy of zones
I wonder how many people will try staging the classics
Boy I can't wait to put on my nostalgia goggles and play this outdated MMO.
>i-it's nos-n-nostalgia
back to retail with you
outdated MMOs are still thet best.
t. Lineage 2 Interlude private server player
Expect 100,000 attempts at Leeroy Jenkins, with each of them failing to be funny every time
>Blizzard are so desperate, that they rush 8.2 and classic at the literally same time just to compete with Shadowbringers
Doubt it end well, classic should be released between big patches so average sub value for this months will be much higher, not fucking together.
>implying people are gonna come back for 8.2 anyway
What's the point of just using the old patch cycle instead of actually putting in new content? You'll have a game going to shit just like before.
>see Leeroy video when it first made waves
>start playing wow during tbc
>never get to experience ubrs
>hit level 70 and raid kara with a joke guild but I didn't realize what a joke they were because I was completely new to the game
>get home drunk one friday or saturday evening
>log in and do some dailies
>leveling friend asks if I want to do ubrs
>didn't even know what that was
>join the group
>get ported to blackrock mountain
>go through the instance
>stand outside the whelp room
>realize where I was
>"oh shit"
I have a similar experience with BWL - being on the verge of blacking out but vividly remembering the balcony in Nefarian's room
Because we don't trust Blizz to make new content that isn't shit. The old game we at least know what we're getting.
this. i was on dsl in the middle of nowhere growing up plaing this.
So you'll have your fun and good times 'till Vanilla ends, eh?
What's next, Vanilla again and again and again?
People resub just to finally see Azhara, you can be sure
They don't use old patch cycle though, it's 1.12 with locked raids
Private server style
This is just sad.
Very few people care about 8.2 if they quit at the start of BfA (if anything they'll just get curve within a week and switch games again), the subs are tied so they get people who never tried BfA are tempted to try it. Blizzard aren't scared of Shadowbringers, their reputation as a company has gone to shit in recent years and Classic is one of the easiest things they can do to renew their reputation
If you're even considering alliance, you should go alliance
We don't want the likes of you
Then don't play. Or more likely, you'll try and quit before level 20 like 80% of vanilla players. Not because of difficulty, mostly because of tedium.
>already many changes
Most likely more changes to come. Still no info on sharding, no info on pvp.
Community will be filled by people who were in their diapers or not even born when vanilla was released.
Dead on arrival.
Because shit like Dire Maul or Zul Gurub would completely fuck up the progressions if they were there from the start.
still seething ay retailcuck?
Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
This, Horde for life baby
>Blizzard aren't scared of Shadowbringers
They literally push every big patch and expansion near big xiv releases since fucking wod
And this time they cramp two biggest releases of year(wc3 remaster, classic and azhara) in literally span of two-three months instead of spreading it
There's one of these threads up every single day almost 24/7. What is the point?
I loved Vanilla WoW, I have no doubts that I would enjoy the gameplay as I've done so in private servers.
Just the fact that you'll never get anything new is disheartening, it's like a ghoul of a game.
ZG wouldn't COMPLETELY fuck up progression, but yeah it's better that it's out after BWL.
Nostalgia circle jerk and hype, what else?
>want to play druid again
>But blizzard ruined tauren lore turning them into weak willed pro alliance cucks on retail, so I can't make myself to make one on classic
Pure suffering
Do YOU trust them to make new stuff and not fuck it up? I barely trust them to deliver the old stuff and not fuck it up.
I'm hoping that classic is successful enough to springboard people into making new games that follow some of the design choices of old wow. Instead of how it is now, where they follow the design choices of new wow. MMOs are never going to be top dog again, but I don't care. I just want the genre to appeal to me again.
Nah, but this is still just all so depressing.
Not her, but it's fucking 1.12
They can add even goblins and it wouldn't be any less "classic" experience
There is no speedrunning with a Paladin. There are addons that tell you the best levelling path (Questie's pretty good according to Joana himself) but they were made with 1.12 quests in mind and will have to be adjusted to 1.2 database, which nobody but Blizzard has access to.
Back to your question, try Joana's website.
I'm going to enjoy the laugh when this comes out and dies within a month. The nostalgia is only good for so much until people realize the game was shit.
With the exception of Christmas most people have time off in the Summer, those who currently play BfA expect an update every 77 days and those who are interested in Classic would like to get started when they have time off. Whenever Classic gets released the majority of MMO hype will be focused on the game, if Shadowbringers got released before or after those who are interested in Classic would obviously drop that game and play; Shadowbringers has more to lose than Blizz with the release schedule
I have never understood the rabid fervor for the horde. Especially considering how much Blizz has ruined it over the years. And it's not like I was an Alliance player, I didn't even touch the Alliance faction until Cata came out. But the Horde has always been stupidly devoted to the vidya equivalent of a highschool football team.
In fairness Goblins were originally planned for Vanilla but were removed because they wanted a major neutral non-player faction in the game for both sides to interact with.
The old patch cycle changes the meta throughout the cycle. It keeps things fresh.
I think Blizzard will be overwhelmed with the reception of retail classic and they will have to create new servers to accommodate the players. Blizzard should go all in - have one server per region which is a resetting ladder server where hardcore poopsock guilds race from fresh start to Kel'Thuzad kill. Blizzard should track the records of level 1 to 60 (as well as shortest time played between levels), quickest Rag kill from server start, etc. Document these records and make them viewable by the public. A few months after KT is first killed then the server restarts.
Then Blizzard should have progressive servers - start with Vanilla and go through the content patches. A few months after KT is downed then open a TBC server, allow free transfers to it from the Vanilla server, and go through the TBC content patches. Continue doing this throughout the series. Interest will wain as later expansions are released, but Blizzard can simply merge the interested players into one server at that point. Blizzard should continue to open new "fresh" servers for people who want to experience it and merge existing servers if the population drops too low.
Finally Blizzard should have a parallel universe version of Vanilla. Include all cut content and content that was planned for vanilla but was instead pushed back to later expansions, all while keeping the level cap at 60. Introduce Kara, Hellfire Peninsula, Black Morass, Cavern of Time, Hyjal, Uldum, etc. Major content patches with one major raid and one minor raid, new zones, new consumables (like how every original content patch would have new consumable recipes as a reputation reward from the affiliated raid faction), and an attempt to balance the classes (and specs) with each patch.
So you raided as all classes? I only played 3 to 60, finished BWL with a Mage, never stepped inside AQ40 let alone Naxx, never played with Engineering or equipped a fishing rod etc.
Way I see it, I have a lot of content to experience.
It's the same fucking content.
The rabid fervor for horde all comes from vanilla. It started off as the weirdo faction. Every normie I knew played alliance in real life, but all of my epic gamer friends played horde. It was "hardcore" to be horde back then. Or that's how we all saw it, anyway.
i've never played beyond wotlk, so in my headcanon horde is still cool
>shaman leveling guide
>goes into options other than windfury gambling
BITCH. The only reason to play a shaman is to complain about 95% of your time as a weak auto-attack machine, but then boast and gloat when you 1 shot that gnome mage with your epic all criticals windfury + frost shock combo.
Seen from a different PoV.
Because I view the Horde as the actual Horde starting with WC3, not the bastardized version Nu-Blizz has done. In my mind, anything after WotLK isn't canon
Actually the reason Goblins weren't chosen was because "well it seems lame that horde has a tiny race just because ally has gnomes". Consequently, ogres were considered for Horde but weren't chosen not because of doorway issues, but because they didn't want the Horde to be known as just the faction of big guys since they already had Tauren.
Yeah but the same content.
Yes it would. Bloodvine is fucking huge.
You do know that people have been playing on private servers since forever, right?
Ok but that's not optimal.
>actual horde
>but then boast and gloat when you 1 shot
this is too accurate
m8 as someone who's played WoW for a decade and leveled one of every class and done the grind for every profession
it's all the same shit
you're just playing the same game over and over with a slightly different approach each time
it's a good game, don't get me wrong, i wouldn't have played for so long if i did not genuinely enjoy it, but don't fool yourself into thinking that you've "missed out" by not grinding out everything there was to grind
Was it the Horde then? I thought it was just the demonic orcs. They didn't start working with trolls until WC2 right?
Killed to the last man in UBRS, lul
If you wanted to have a """beautiful""" char you had to roll Alliance. If you wanted a min/maxed char you had to roll Horde, hence why horde had more serious players than Alliance. Having to be a Tauren to play druid sucked though.
help me out Yea Forums should i go with undead or orc for my warlock?
I'm not a lore nerd but why didn't they make kolkars into a playable race?
wasted opportunity
they'd have a mount from level 1, it even fits nu-wow easyness
also big centaur tiddies
Would a raid ever wanna give a holy pally dps gear? I wanna put in the work, but I also wanna occasionally smash someone's face in with a big hammer to compensate for my small pp.
Other option I guess would be to go ret with nightfall and hope for the best in terms of raid acceptance.
Right, I forgot everyone on Yea Forums cleared OG Naxx.
orc if you want the best racial
undead if you want the best casting animations
I hate making male orcs as warlocks. They're way too fucking swole so I always make a girl orc for that class
Yes, that's what referred to now as "the Old Horde", and they were called the Horde because they were supposed to be completely rapacious and were modeled after the Mongols, less an army and more a plague sweeping across the land. They allied with the Forest Trolls of Zul'Aman in the Second War as well as bringing in Ogre allies from Draenor.
Also, the demonic thing is basically a WC3 retcon. They were just evil conquerors before, which WoD kinda solidified since even without demonic influence they try to conquer us anyway.
>If you wanted a min/maxed char you had to roll Horde
Until people found out years later how good humans were.
I'd go with orc, i went with undead on chinkdale and i regreted it
but i just dislike how undeads look with cloth because of the bone joints
orcs look silly in cloth too but on high level set they look better imo
absolutely, but you would have to wait until every warrior gets that piece of loot first.
almost nobody did but if you played the WotLK version, it's the same thing
the biggest difference is numbers, original naxx was way overtuned because of vanilla design
No the stereotype was that the Alliance was full of 10-14 year olds while the Horde was filled with guys in their 20s. The irony is 99% of people in this thread were around 10-14 when vanilla was live (I was 16 so close enough)
Grom and Ogrimm were part of Thrall's horde
Also don't forget that thrall didn't really had problems with human mass killing, and the only reason he and Cairne didn't leveled Theramore was because he fell for Jaina's promises about neutrality(and she gave him boats)
Shame that at the retail nu horde heroes are Baine and Soifang, who would be disgrace to Thrall/Cairne horde
you'll get DPS stuff eventually. Especially if you're a dedicated healer. But it will take a while since you'll have to wait for some of the warriors to get it first
>and she gave him boats
No she didn't, him and Grom stole them.
So I used to be horde but I’m almost 100% positive I’m gonna be a dwarf this time around. I’ve limited my choices to hunter, or a healing priest or paladin(male).
t2 is great for PvP and nobody takes it for healing so you can start collecting it from get go.
>tfw you find out your guild's mt back in the day was a retired 80 year old man
He's probably dead now... fuck.
I'm one of those few people who never really had the chance to play WoW at all when it was still good, so I'm really looking forward to playing classic when it comes out. I've played on a few private servers but my dumbass friends keep getting dragged away so I don't really have anyone to level with. Should I just practice on a private server solo or wait until classic comes out
>you're just playing the same game over and over with a slightly different approach each time
Your comment seems a little empty to me. All WoW instances feel vastly different from each other, it's one of the major success of this game. BWL fights have nothing in common with AQ40 for example. Not counting MC because it was a first try for endgame from Blizzard and feels rather weak compared to later dungeons.
i'd wait if i were you, classic can be quite grindy and tiring
you might be burned out when it comes out, but then again you might not
i don't know, i sure as hell am giving it a break
I talked about tft, when they planned to kill all humans on kalimdor in retaliation
I been a hordefag since WC2
back when they were actually badass
WC3 ruined them turning them into "Noble" savages, and WoW cucked even further.
>spellpower plate
>paladin only
I think you might be onto something, my man. I've always wanted to delve deeper into the spellpower meme and see what's really good.
If you're REALLY unsure on your class i'd say level to 20 and get one/two dungeons done. Don't burn yourself out and spoil the rest of the levelling experience since not knowing what the fuck you're doing and meeting new people whilst discovering the game is what made it great
I've been playing priest so far and Ive had a blast, it really is a great experience for someone who is completely new to the game. I've got to like level 30 so far, but Ill take a little break
>back when they were actually badass
They were also completely flat and had nothing to them beyond being "the bad guys". Not that the Humans were any better.
Toaster PCs with barely enough memory to see a loading screen on top of starter kit DSL connections was a handicap in its own league. I'm confident that with modern specs and services as well as pve encounters being common knowledge for today's online games, most (read: non-minmax) guilds will be less strict on class/spec ratios while still clearing content relatively well compared to the days of MC Raiders.
you know I'll still be jammin that shit while raiding though
I haven't found a group to do any dungeons with because Im a pleb and too shy to ask people, since I just assume most private server players are wow veterans who wouldn't hesitate to kick me. But I'd really love to try
>log in to classic
>"we're back bros"
>9gag chat
>tryhard memers
>95% quitters first week
>no communication
>right click report
>tryhard guid recruitment given the figured out meta and 10 years of theorycrafting, expect every raiding guild to have 8 rogues and 10 mages, including any minor guilds that are wannabe pro, as zoomers follow metas without understanding it or having the skill to make full use of it
>tryhard pvp with established meta, forget seeing even a tenth of the less popular specs around as vanilla
i make sure to have 100 at all times and 200 in the bank to give out to friends while we play as well as strangers for fun
Simple doesnt equal bad.
I was talking about playing the game as different classes/races. Of course the raids and dungeons are different from one another.
I was a hordefag since 2005 for 9 years. I only regret not switching earlier. Bonus for me with classic is that I get to experience Stormwind and Ironforge in their classic prime.
I knew some guys who wouldn't roll Horde because they found its races too ugly for their taste. Also don't forget muh elves, which led to the creation of the Blood Elves as a way to make the Horde population higher since most people played Alliance (aka the "good guys").
this is also why i always roll troll or rogue, that way you can play as 3 different models
ok here's a pic to make up for my 'tism
>I see you're a man who hasn't done the GREATEST part of no sharding server, and fishing next to THE OPPOSITE FACTION, on a pvp server. I once fished for hours along side some horde, and we all just fished together, /waved goodbye when done and went our seperate ways
Fishing has always been a profession of gentlemen in WoW. As much as I murder hobo across the land nobody really wants to start fights in the fishing colony
Most veterans just want to meet new people and have fun at that level, there's little-to-no complexity in the rotations and gameplay whilst doing wailing caverns so there's nothing to be afraid of. I'd say wait until Classic if you're worried, the chances are 99% of the players have no clue what the fuck they're doing and the people you'll group up with day 1 on your server will be your friends for a while if you click
i meant troll or orc
It just feels like Im lost in this huge world, but Im sure ill find people along the way. Ill take a little break and maybe play again, but otherwise I am so hyped for classic its crazy
I will still unironically advocate for (nu)Blizz trying to apply some balance to vanilla. I know it's volatile and some minor adjusting meant for PvE could radically fuck something up PvP wise - but something being difficult is not reason enough to not do it.
Tank - healer - dps is the same archetype pov, and tank is pretty much just warrior doing the same exact thing start to end.
Stop thinking that having engineering equals to a brand new way to play the game, fucking hilarious.
>Also don't forget muh elves
You're forgetting that when WoW launched, most people knew the night elves as being the overly territorial, FUCKING MORTALS GET OUT OF OUR FOREST REEEEEEEEEEEE semi-savages that they were in WC3, tempered only by Malfurion asking them to show the slightest amount of restraint. WoW ruined them too.
Apparently the best weapon for a spellpower pala is something with a procc that benefits from +sp. Look up Drakova's videos on YT on how exactly it works, however nobody knows if the coefficient will be the same on Classic as it is on private servers.
>Most veterans just want to meet new people and have fun at that level,
False, if that's what they wanted they'd play even more sandbox MMOs (WoW was the equivalent of retail when it released back then, if not more limited in interaction options).
This is a little narrative classic delusionals like to push.
My bad, but the same applies for most classes, they all feel very different. That's why some people were just leveling their toons up to 60 and spent all their time rerolling other classes.
Just look at every Blizzcon for the past decade. Horde fans are always the morbidly obese sweaty caricatures of human beings.
....Like a hand of rag?
Only balance changes to things that were in vanilla or the beta. Which means ret pallies can have Crusader Strike back and warriors can charge in combat again.
Shit taste, brah
They should balance the secondary specs that the community universally agrees are garbage and useless, basically the treatment TBC secondaries received but applied to vanilla's powerlevel.
No argument to defend that shit with "no changes" meme. Things literally did nothing ingame and were so weak they didn't even work for comedic content.
user that's the kind of people that go to Blizzcon in general
Thoughts on him?
I get the merits of pre-patch TBC classes being way better, but there's something deeply flawed about playing classes that are balanced for level 70 at 60, especially talent point wise
He's good at legalspeak and not much else.
You're saying that as if there was no point in doing a second playthrough of an RPG with multiple classes. I don't have to explain how flawed that thinking is, do I?
>Stop thinking that having engineering equals to a brand new way to play the game, fucking hilarious.
It will be for me when I pair it with a class I never played/another profession I never took.
Dungeons at that level are a joke and everyone on a private server treats them as such, I've been returning to private servers for the past couple of years to revisit the start of the levelling experience and i've never encountered someone who's pretended to be an elitist while doing RFC/WC. People just exchange stories on what got them into WoW and their experiences with the game, it's more of a nostalgia circlejerk than these threads
>if it's not the best at pve then it's useless and needs to be buffed
No I mean things that were in WoW's beta. Both of those existed, were taken out before vanilla launched, then were put back in the game later.
Right, right, I didn't play Paladin at all during vanilla let alone, but I did read something about them being radically changed throughout late development
>Posting an objective falsehood as fact
I laughed
He's very subtly charismatic. He does seem to be very classicpilled, and I do believe he's handling it with care.
>Balance them for PvE
>They're suddenly insanely good in another field of play
Fuck off retard.
a lot of people will be slapped in the face when they realize that that the good old "nice community" they remember will be replaced by competitiveness and hardcore minmax autism. Then comes the good old kek argument
>ultimately just play what you want and have fun
oh boy you people are in for a grim reminder.
For the best example of how this works is how warriors will get the biggest chunk of shit on the stick when they realize they pumped all the effort and boring as fuck leveling into a character who will sit in a capital in blues, and they'll curse every nostalgiafag for baiting them. I hope you are ready for being shit on with your unlimited MC runs by every single other person and faggots rolling need for shit so they can give it to their friend.
>but something being difficult is not reason enough to not do it.
It's precisely reason enough not to do it, we're talking about Blizzard in 2019. There's more chance of an asteroid landing on your house right now than Blizzard being able to balance Vanilla. They can't even do a decent job when all the classes are homogenised as fuck.
I would much rather play a hybrid and out perform pure breed classes through dedication than have them buffed
I don't know if he had Sulfuras but having access to BWL/AQ, he claimed this was the best weapon for a Paladin with heavy +sp.
Again, we don't know what the coefficient is going to be. Also, it seems his channel no longer exists.
The fact is there's no way raiding will be as retarded as it was back then. Understand that 40 man raiding in 2005, even ignoring internet connection issues, was like trying to jam together 2 LFR raids into one group, all the failures that entails, then making that group your guild. That's the reason failure in 40 mans caused so much rage.
If you want to see how 40 man raids were without going back in time, hop back on now (or really any time in WoW's history) and play a pug match of Warsong Gultch. Understand that when every player has to care on their own about
>raid spot
That will supercede any real amount of teamwork. Now I don't think that'll be as much of an issue now because the fact is players are much better at the game now than they were back then and you can just bruteforce victory in most vanilla fights, but my point still stands.
The skill cap for the game isn't very high. There's not much you can do to outperform people who are competent.
would a retail player be banned for this?
Yeah on private servers where sunder effects stack and bosses have 0 armor.
I'm confused. Is this supposed to be super badass or something?
shittershattered orc detected rofl
Are you implying it isn't?
user, Rag only has 3 attacks
>melee knockback
>range knockback
>disappear and summon some adds that are relatively easy to kill if you focus them down
It's not like there were enrage timers in vanilla.
Oh my bad, 1 and 30 minutes. What a huge difference.
>Level 8 with relatively decent gear in vanilla beating up level 10s
Well... yeah
I don't mind the video I'm just confused. The video with the naked rogue killing people was kinda impressive, I just don't know what's super cool about this
>The fact is players are much better at the game now than they were back then and you can just bruteforce victory in most vanilla fights
With my experience on one of the first vanilla server to accurately get raid boss difficulty down at least for the first two big server patches (BWL and ZG), I am not at all prepared for anything beyond T2 content, the majority of private servers are completely broken for raid fight difficulty and shadow raid performance of vanilla.
>Yeah so what if the boss doesn't work like he did in vanilla
user you're completely avoiding the actual point. And Rag was still hard back in the day when he only had those 3 attacks
*All private servers, because nobody has access to the same code as vanilla wow
>With my experience on one of the first vanilla server to accurately get raid boss difficulty down
What server?
If it's mangos based, I doubt it was any way accurately
Even nostr was overtuned, and still was braindead as fuck
>still 4 months away
They say the butthurt screams still echo through Tiragarde
I mean there's no real mechanics to worry about. What's the most challenging thing in vanilla? Probably Thaddeus. What does the fight entail? Going left or right. That's less coordination than the most basic LFR fight today.
>laser chicken
They’re called cabbage blasters desu
>rag was hard when half of the raid was afk and the other half was playing at 200 ping 20 fps while clicking and wearing shitty epics over bis blues
Well yeah, of course.
>And Rag was still hard back in the day when he only had those 3 attacks
Yeah, because we were shit, and half of us were on dialup and not doing anything in the raid, and nobody knew rotations or were retarded and wasted all their mana in 3 frostbolts because "the highest tier version hits harder".
Pretty solid dun morogh route here
user, that's just because you have the autimisism
AQ 40 is a stepup from BWL for sure but it's not so bad as to be even unattemptable for guilds that can clear Chromagg and Nef
Prophet Skeram is hard as shit for a guild coming fresh off of BWL but past that it's pretty manageable until Huhuran
Props for using Memphis Slim. Classic blues.
What's the best class for someone who's new to WoW and why?
By that logic you shouldn't play wow at all since they ruined the entire game
>the horde that [all that sic shit]
that was the burning legion dummy
orcs weren't a horde during the first war
doomhammer's group was a proper horde in the second war because they didn't suck demon pp
>orcs weren't a horde during the first war
They literally were
>doomhammer's group was a proper horde in the second war because they didn't suck demon pp
They were still under the demon haze in the 2nd war, it was after that they started experiencing withdrawal
>all the autism around exploration leveling becomes useless
What a shame.
Warriors are utterly broken on 1,12
Not really, shit gameplay is one thing, playing as a literally race of cuckolds who worship humans is totally different
>level as Alliance
>constantly ganked
>level as Horde
>never ganked
Explain this.
>UD (male) has repetitive casting animations.
Fuck are you on about? They all have repetitive casting animations, are you retarded?
Warlock because high damage, simple buttons to push, great utility that will make you useful even if you're trash, and easy levelling with a pet to tank for you
Literally any of them. They aren't that complicated. The best one is the one that appeals to you personally.
They Don’t have to worry about food/water, they’re less gear reliant than melee classes, can PvP and pve with ease and are always a solid spot in a group or raid even if the person playing is a complete dumbass.
Hunter is a close second.
You dumbasses, why did it take raiding guilds literal weeks and months to do it then? Or was every raiding guild on the planet loaded with drooling retards? I'm sure you'll say yes for the lulz but this is retarded.
Alliance don't see the point when dishonorable kills exist.
>I don't want real classicexperience where servers were limited to 2,5k people
>I want NOSTR experience where we had 10k people at starting zone
Really makes you think
alliance players are cucks because they're usually outnumbered in the highly contested zones
DKs are only for civilian NPCs you fucking zoom-brain.
>why did it take raiding guilds literal weeks and months to do it then?
>Or was every raiding guild on the planet loaded with drooling retards
>Warriors are utterly broken on 1,12
90% of the game they're only decent, they only become monsters when they're fully decked out in the best gear.
Actually it wasn't the gear that made them broken, it was scaling changing that came out with the AQ patch that suddenly changed fury from "why bother" to "hilariously OP"
Every "modern" mmo is modeled after the success of this game. And all the spins put on its formula have been cheap effortless shit. We're going back to the source baby!
Yeah, this is retarded.
>Every player in the entire world was bad at the game
>It had nothing to do with fire resistance, or the damage Rag dealt or anything
have u never been to hillsbrad as horde m8
>tons of easy to learn utility
>send in pet to win
>easy to learn, hard to master
Itemization was bad, the raid itself was overtuned and average player knowledge of the game was generally lower.
>he's not rolling dwarf rogue
why even play the game?
>Every player in the entire world was bad at the game
Have you watched the kill videos? Even the best were retards. People actually good at MMOs didn't touch WoW because they saw it as too casual.
>Itemization was bad, the raid itself was overtuned
Huh it's ALMOST like everyone wasn't just an idiot
>i am unable to comprehend people getting better at a video game and learning more about it as time goes on
literal autism
Barrens is too big to gank properly and Alliance only ever goes to Desolace once to pick up SM quests
Plus you stay in Barrens a REALLY long time and aren't auto-flagged for pvp there. Unlike Alliance who go from Westfall to Redridge relatively quickly.
The first kill videos I saw for Rag had everyone moving about in a pretty coordinated manner.
>People were shit at this video game, that's all
>Well ok there were a myriad of other factors, but it's just that people sucked
Wow, and you accuse others of autism
Itemization being bad was only a problem because people would use gear with shitty stats over gear with good stats because the former had a purple name.
If this was possible on a popular private server, imagine the content we'll get from classic itself.
>Don't use a healbot addon
Why not? It seems like that addon makes your life a bit easier.
>It had nothing to do with fire resistance, or the damage Rag dealt or anything
Both of which are trivial now that we actually know where to get non-shit gear.
I'll throw out some tips of my own for warlocks
>imp leveling is playable (see above) but void is much easier and safer in my opinion
- Level demonolgy spec until 3/3 improved voidwalker then switch to affliction. Improved voidwalker makes it's threat generation much more efficient but that's only half it's use, it's sacrifice shield is also 30% stronger.
- You should also take improved healthstone which is extremely useful for world PVP (it will often recover more than half your health pool) and for handing out to your group in dungeons, it widely expands your margin of error. This will be relevant in Classic because you'll play with a lot of newcomers from retail who will, in all likelihood, be pretty shit.
- Taking first aid should be a no brainer. With it, your downtime while leveling is essentially zero with careful mana management. Life tap your mana back then bandage up your missing health. If playing Undead you also have cannibalize so you can be a bit sloppier with your mana use.
- ALWAYS have soulstone applied to yourself while leveling. It will save you a lot of time on corpse runs and it allows for some sick world PVP comebacks. Nothing beats getting ganked 2v1, almost winning the fight, and resurrecting yourself and finishing off the people who thought they had you.
all the factors are another way of saying that people were retards. no guides, no common knowledge like clicking and keyboard turning being bad, shit like that.
Dude people used gear with shitty stats in MC because Fire Resistance was key to surviving many of the battles. So a lot of people had to sacrifice utility for survivability.
If you think people were normally running around with spirit daggers and such because they preferred that, you're wrong. Straight up.
No, itemization was genuinely bad before there was a major rehaul halfway into vanilla's lifespan that made a lot of items not shit. Also, less debuff slots made bosses last longer.
On fighting rogues:
- Improved voidwalker's shield lets you go toe-to-toe with most rogues who jump you while leveling. However, you will have trouble with ones who actually play the class well.
- After they open on you, let them hit you for a bit and when at 50% hp, pop the voidwalker shield. Unless the rogue is slick with his kick timing (most aren't) he won't be able to interrupt your fear cast through the shield and his gouge should be on CD from is opener.
- Once you get a fear cast off, the fight is basically won. Pop your healthstone and drop all your dots on him. Remain somewhat close (~20 yds) so he can't easily disengage. Alternate between shadowbolts and reapplying fear. Bandage if necessary and the rogue will be dead in short order.
Unless you are dealing with a very well geared rogue, or one who carefully manages his cooldowns (again, most are too sloppy for this), this strategy will work on almost every rogue who ganks you, unless you are starting at VERY low hp. In that case, well you had soulstone up didn't you?
>t. Horde warlock that never had to deal with WotF
user, are you going to say you're wrong if in live classic people still roflstomp these bosses? Or are you going to claim it's not real vanilla?
Will everquest players ever not be mad?
healbot can't predict incoming damage - it only reacts to the current health situation. if you press your healbot button in a raid environment then it'll target someone who is missing a significant amount of health. a healer who isn't using healbot, who predicted that incoming damage, will have their heal go off before yours. your heal will be wasted and counted as "overhealing".
Sure, but considering how much of a shitshow MC was during the 10 year anniversary I have a feeling it won't go so hot.
>Dude people used gear with shitty stats in MC because Fire Resistance was key to surviving many of the battles.
I'm not talking fire resist gear. I'm talking about shit like half of the gear that drops in MC being worse than blues and the D1 set being worse than fucking greens for most classes.
I have played WoW since Vanilla and recently unsubbed from BFA forever. It is that bad.
Simple example. On retail, you create new character and just blaze through the first 10 levels like it is nothing, no thought required, no excitement or progression.
I recently tried out private vanilla server. The example follows as: had to team up with people to even finish the first starting zone. Our group of three then continued questing in the following zone. It all felt like an adventure, we needed to cooperate, you needed to press your buttons at the right moments. Friendships were forged, the meaningful progression was there, needed to farm gold for buying spells/skills. When green item dropped, it was a fucking big deal.
tldr: vanilla wow feels like an actual mmorpg, retail doesnt anymore
Was that on purpose?
Nost had just about 5k at launch iirc. It was still hell to level in, even with a full group to share quest kills.
2.5k with vanilla-like spawn rates will be annoying as fuck (especially for shit like Warlocks that need to do cogwheel quests for class integral spells).
You got me, user.
before next wow patch, after shadowbringers launch.
its just a guy going around griefing nu-hordes by healing the mobs.
God I can't wait to play vanilla again without having to deal with chinks, eucucks, russos, brs, and a population over 3k.
Healthy server pop is always around 2500. 2k is a little too less where 2500-3000 is the one where you can find groups without difficulty and mild competition. 3k up to 4k is still manageable but a lot annoyance will be in your way, if you are not planned ahead and know what to do and where to go you will have a shit time. Above 4k it becomes just plain annoying, 5k is hell for 1-30. If you are playing anything other than mage, lock, hunter you are fucked.
Did anyone actually enjoy this zone?
>ants version
Its excellent what the fuck are you on about.
No you can twink out a alt right now and do this but chances that a 120 comes to get you are very high since this a crap ton of people dueling outside of org to this day who also hang out in the small town
It's just boring centaur genocide.
I did. I thought that the centaur clans was a cool idea, and that you could gain faction with all of them if you were horribly autistic. Not the BEST zone, but not bad. Plus it has Maraudon in there.
There's some comfy spots if Badlands is too crowded for your mount grind. Good PvP opportunities too.
Pretty much my favourite zone
The difficulty of bosses pre-ICC were entirely down to gear. You either had good enough gear to kill a boss, or you didn't. Sure, there were more casual guilds that struggled to get the mechanics right, but there weren't a lot of bosses where the mechanics were the difficulty of the boss.
This is why private servers are such a false representation, because the gear vs boss stuff is skewed from private servers having fucked values put in by literal monkeys.
But that's Desolace
What makes you think people just magically were better at it in general later on? Or are you pretending all mythic raiders nowadays played 15 years of WoW?
get this bfa zoomer outta here
These memes are funny, though I do wanna point out that to play Classic you'll have to sub to the retail game anyhow
>Level demonolgy spec until 3/3 improved voidwalker then switch to affliction
Rushing 2/2 Improved Drain Soul then going demo at 17-24 for 2/2 Improved Healthstone, 3/5 Demonic Embrace, 3/3 Improved Voidwalker and then switching back to affli is way better due to the mana regeneration.
>fighting rogues
Also, go orc for that 25% racial +5% base stun resistance.
This is the average /wowg/-player's reading comprehension.
How can wow even compete?
Is this bait? the whole centaur dynamic this zone has really elevates it
I like the mix of demons invading, night elf highborne relics/ruins, and the cycle of life stuff with the kodo graveyard. Like a nelf zone without all the grass and greenery.
I played alliance so there's no reaosn to go there except for the SM prereq quest
read it right, but couldnt help, but make the joke
there are a few easy quests and it's a rather DESOLATE zone. plus you can get the feathermoon stronghold FP in Feralas when you're done
Why would wow be competing with a single player game?
Doesn't the addon do more than just predict healing, like give better raid frames or help you auto remove debuffs or is that stuff superfluous?
I've only ever DPSed, but I'm planning on rolling a healer for classic
>Rushing 2/2 Improved Drain Soul then going demo at 17-24 for 2/2 Improved Healthstone, 3/5 Demonic Embrace, 3/3 Improved Voidwalker and then switching back to affli is way better due to the mana regeneration.
Solid point, better than mine in fact because your voidwalker's threat is more than sufficient at low levels. I get improved drain soul regardless, but getting it first is the smarter move. If you do imp. drain soul first though, bear in mind that your sacrifice shield will be substantially weaker, this could be relevant if you are on a highly populated PVP server where ganking is common.
>Also, go orc for that 25% racial +5% base stun resistance.
This is definitely the best for PVP. I prefer Undead myself, the health recovery from cannibalize makes leveling even easier. I also like the idea that I'm a ghoul who makes people sick and then eats them after they're dead. Cannibalizing an Alliance player before he releases is one of the best ways to dap on someone in PVP.
>Had to press buttons at the right time
Oh you sweet summer child how much did you give your twitch streamer today?
Do you have a favorite zone to level in?
wtf, they have gremlins in FFXIV now?
t. Mr. Hardcore putting in two hours every day
Because classic wow was promoted as a mmo you can play alone
Or are you too young to remember that?
So one thing I never got in vanilla. Where was the Stormwind army the whole time? The reason Westfall/Redridge/Duskwood were suffering was because the army was withdrawn from those locations, but you never find them in the game.
By having a better leveling experience than ff
Seriously when I can't even reach your endgame because your leveling experience is so shit compared to wow current leveling experience you did something wrong
i dont give any money to cam-clowns..
stop projecting, fkin zoomer
u gotta press at the right time, when it comes for example to low level healing to get the most out of your mana
What race of priest should I roll bros
we have videos of people playing, retard
These stupid faggots that spout this home shit are just retailfags returning to a spouse that cucked them mercilessly. They're delusional as fuck.
Not just finding a mage Everytime you log on and getting a ton of free food and water
I just assumed they were spread out amongst all the different Alliance towns and villages.
>bear in mind that your sacrifice shield will be substantially weaker, this could be relevant if you are on a highly populated PVP server where ganking is common.
Shouldn't see too much PvP before 24 on a fresh server if you play ahead of the pack, which should be relatively easy due to the flood of new players. Ashenvale/Hillsbrad could see some action, so if one would decide to play a bit slower and just enjoy the game more I could see going Improved Voidwalker first, seeing as mana isn't too bad if you get a decent wand.
>Cannibalizing an Alliance player before he releases is one of the best ways to dap on someone in PVP.
I agree, if I didn't love femorcs so much I would probably roll an undead just for the whole undead aesthetic.
not on chinkdale
christ, the ganking
Depends on how you like to play, but technically Hunters are safest to level once they have a pet.
Why would I bother with going hardcore? To compete with pissbottle autist spawncamping a copper vein? lmao
good luck drinking in combat
Dwarf or undead. I love trolls but as someone who prefers shamans i've always thought troll priests looked silly with their wand animations and shadowguard felt like a budget lightning shield.
Were humans more retarded 15 years ago? Less capable of moving around? It's not rocket science. It's like you believe humans couldn't do fourth grade math in the mid 2000s or something.
According to wowwiki (I know but it's the only source I've got), they were mostly kept in Stormwind itself and Elwynn Forest by Lady Prestor (aka Onyxia).
Solo play was never the focus. Only an option. Meanwhile FFXIV wants you to play with literal bots.
>join group for SM cath as healer
>everyone is like level 36
>3 dps are all hybrids with no CC
>tank is alright, but DPS won't give him 1 second to get aggro
>have to drink after every pull because I have to spam flash heal on the DPS because they constantly pull aggro
>the DPS pull while i'm at 20% mana
wrath heroics have ruined dungeons, i'm tired of running with groups with 3 enhancement shamans, with CC, marking and a good group I never have to drink between pulls(and can even DPS)
The risk of getting a shitty group just makes doing instances not worth it
Stranglethorn Vale, no question. World PVP is one of my favorite parts of the game. On a populated server that zone is like Viet-fucking-nam. The endless shenanigans are frustrating to a lot of people, but I always look forward to going there. Sometimes the unexpected happens too.
>need to kill King Bangalash but have no group
>I run to his spawn and LFM in local
>a party of Alliance 5 strong rolls up
>using /wave, /point, and /bow I indicate that I need Bangalash
>they /nod and kill him but stick around
>in the meantime, 2 other Horde join my group and show up
>using chat and emotes I play the diplomat and there is no fighting between the groups
>after respawns the Alliance clear the trash and help us kill Bangalash once we tag him
>/salutes all around
leveling as horde on northdale rn and this just isn't true, alliance always gank and it's only 2v1, never have the balls to jump me 1 on 1
>Solo play was never the focus
>Wow is famous for being first mmo where you didn't even need to talk or interact with another player ever to reach max level
Remember in FFXI when you couldn't kill mobs at your own level past like lvl 14 unless you were in a group?
Do we know who's on the Classic team? It almost feels like they left most of the dumbasses back on the live team.
If that even matters it means you're getting ganked by people around your level range. On Alliance I'm just getting farmed by 60s all day.
He doesn't know how to exploit being out of combat and rezzing Bros during a boss fight
>337 replies to a fucking wow thread
world of warcraft was shit and still is, all of you need to kill yourselves
now tell me what should I do besides rerolling if I play alliance warlock.
but how?
northdale is like 65% alliance
>Do we know who's on the Classic team?
According to Esfand who met them, a lot of them are guys who worked on vanilla along with a bunch of vanilla fans. They also apparently had been working on classic for 7 months already when they announced it.
Doesn't matter when there's 5-10k people online. There will always be enough bored 60s to gank lowbie zones like redridge and duskwood 24/7 with those numbers.
I've had a few similar experiences to that, one I can remember is teaming up with Hordies to kill the black dragons in Lethlore Ravine in Badlands. Nice on the rare occasion these kinds of things happen.
It gets this many replies every time they make these threads you fucking idiot
Stop acting surprised
I enjoy wastelands and, uh, well desolated landscapes so I didn't mind it. The satyr/Legion presence was fitting, the kodo graveyard was spoopy and then you have the whole centaur/Maraudon/Celebras deal.
When the AQ war effort goes live, people should just go full gathering mode and hoard all the materials or sell them for insane prices on the AH just to mess with the raiders.
>he doesn't already have all the mats ready to go for when it hits
It's not even spring.
That desert area with the beach was hell
Always nice to see people will to share their experience, cheers. Can't wait to play an Alliance lock, picking up Engi to deal with WotF.
The first part is to mess with the people actually trying to gather.
You could solo to the cap in both Everquest and DAOC. Wow was hardly the first game where you could do this. The difference is every class could do it instead of just a handful.
Which is the biggest "fuck you" pvp class in wow, not as in the best, but the class that is the biggest pain in the ass to fight against.
The real key is to be the first person to get herbalism high enough to get black lotus.
Well, there'll probably be more demand for alliance warlocks in PvE. As for PvP, keep in mind that most people are absolute shitters anyways. I think alliance warlocks do alright in organized PvP due to fear ward and paladins.
Also, like this guy said , make sure to pick up engi.
holy paladin, literally impossible to kill fast enough before someone else shows up
>60s ganking lows due to boredom
kek fuck no.
If you ever see a 60's ganking lowbies its because he wants to show how much gamer power he has because he was shat on by an enemy 60's player/s wpvp or his alt was ganked. Every time I see an undead rogue in hellfire I smile because I know a pally manhandled him in burning steppes, and nobody needs another rogue in raids so the poor fag lives off his autistic rage on the only place he can succeed and be relevant.
If you're an asshole (like me), a few tips for fucking with your own faction.
- If a mob is aggroed to another player and you fear it, the additional mobs it pulls will aggro to the feared mob's original target, not you. If a player on your faction is killing mobs you need, fear one. It will likely pull more than they can handle and get them killed. This is a guaranteed kill in NPC-crowded zones.
- Pic related is your friend. If a player is tanking multiple mobs cast this on all of them. They can't take advantage of the armor debuff on multiple targets at once. This will especially shit on casters who are squishy and gain no benefit from armor reductions. This will work on both your own faction, and lowbies of the opposing faction, so you can kill Alliance in Elwynn Forest for example.
- Summoning a player when you are swimming will drop them at the maximum depth, even if you are on the surface. Have your friends help you summon randos while swimming in the fatigue zone and they get plopped at the bottom of the huge ocean drop-off at the edge of the map. They will invariably drown or die from fatigue damage, even water breathing isn't enough to save them.
Stay douchey, my locks.
Tanaris holds a special place in my heart
Based, how can other classes even compete?
Had some of the most intense PvP versus a Rogue camping Hall of Mysteries in IF (that's where people emerge after taking a portal to SW).
Paladins and druids are incredibly hard to kill. Rogues and warlocks have a ton of combat tricks at their disposal. Also warlocks can do shit like Warriors who take engineering are also fucking freight trains in 1v1
>how can other classes even compete?
They can't. Warlocks are by far the best class at messing with your own team.
>tfw when you don't restrict your PVP to the opposing faction
Roll a pally and everyone on horde will want to rather kill themselves than fighting you. Your main weapon is that you can stall fights and this is a complete kick in the balls for a rogue for example who excels at quick kills.
Druid if you are exceptionally good, but have to put in shittons more effort than a pally.
that stuff is useful, but Healbot is the wrong way to go about it. Get actual raid frames which allows you to customize it however you like (LunaUnitFrames is perfect for this). From there, for dispelling, you can either bind your cleanse/dispel/etc to a key and then mouse over the raid frames to manually dispel, or use something like Decursive (my preference), where you can spam a macro to auto-decurse.
I remember this UI and this wasnt a thing in classic so this is not related to the thread gtfo
WoW is for trannies.
>be a humble warrior in his late 20s
>taking my time taking careful pulls for my quests
>eating and bandaging after every kill
>the fights aren't easy but I'm making steady progress
>in the distance I can see a man in a dress with a swollen blueberry following him around
>I think little of it
>homosexuals should be allowed to love as they choose
>while they're teaming up to take down 4 mobs at once he comes up to me in the middle of my fight
>help is always welcome
>wait why is it running into the elite pack
>i die
>Mushroomaidsxx gloats over your misfortune
never trust a demon fucker
ngl (s)he's pretty cute
based boipussy
nah, you're thinking of FFXIV
They can't, really. Mages can sheep mobs over and over to reset their health I guess.
Alliance only.
>every class sounds like so much fun in their own unique way
>can't fucking choose just one
For you, it's the druid.
the true reason why retail did what it did with classes. it just made them all the same. normies couldn't actually handle this feel.
how do I make enough gold to get a mount at level 40 while also leveling as quickly as possible?
Play them all, it's not like you have a life anyway.
>have to choose server
>have to choose horde or alliance
>have to choose race
>have to choose class
>have to choose a name
it's basically free.
HOW have we had, ALL these WE'RE GOING HOME threads
And not ONE RANDOM GENERATION post end of number CLASS/RACE/ picture has been posted? where thE FUCK is it?
Play a warlock.
Yeah I am pretty amazed at how they managed to make every class have it's own advantages and drawbacks but they can all stand on their own in vanilla. It's really cool
why are you rushing...? what for? why don't yuou just take it in, user? you don't NEED to rush. take your fucking time bro
Blame the hot pockets for being complete fucking faggots.
people screeching for balance and blizz caving and balacing classes effectively made all the classes the same
I played legion and paladin and rogue basically have the same playstyle with holy power/combo points
Gathering professions are a good way. In my experience mining is the most lucrative because copper is widely used no matter where the server is in its progression. Also, if you skip first aid (which isn't advisable for a number of classes), keep your wool cloth to sell on the AH. Wool bandages are a significant hangup in leveling first aid and tailoring, so people will frequently opt to buy it instead of collecting it themselves. Alternatively, play a warlock or paladin and your level 40 mount is free.
>be warlock
>have bros
>we ride to Winterspring and walljump into Hyjal
>cast unending breath on bros and self
>swim to the bottom of the lake in hyjal (it's deep. takes 3-4 minutes to swim through)
>advertise in world chat that I'm summoning people into hyjal
>invite tons of people to the raid
>summon them
>they appear beside us and try to swim to the surface before drowning
>they drown
>they have to spirit rez in another zone because no graveyard in hyjal
>>have to choose a name
Legit the hardest part especially rolling on an RP realm.
>can't choose something dumb like dicklickersixtynine
>most made up fantasy names are cringe af or just copied from anime
>has to fit warcraft naming conventions
>can't be taken already
it was the small things, there are so many little things, I can't remember all of them. for example, what was that hunters spell? that made you be able to put the camera anywhere and see from anywhere? it wasn't really used, but IT WAS WHAT SEPERATEd, AND MADE hunter unique. that is just one thing, of hundreds. each class can do so many things. drawbacks, good things, bad, the class is, UNIQUE. who would of fucking thought people want that from a mmo huh?
I want to play rogue
not really planning on rushing, just effective leveling. I just know my will to play will be detroyed if I dont have a mount at lvl 40. I'm autistic like that
Just a reminder that even if this is classic, you can still get your account banned for griefing.
imagine not unironically rolling an undead warlock
i agree but some classes are just cucked and pretty much useless
Like mages in TBC, they were kept outside for the int buff, why take a mage when a destro warlock was far superior in every way?
so is WoW starting over again or what? will burning crusade classic follow?
That was removed from the game, very early. WOTLK or something, or maybe a bit later.
eagle eye was the long distance view. they also had (dont know if they still do) eye of the beast that let you control your pets movement for a time
fun stuff like this are what makes classes feel unique
shaman's had far sight too, you could chain cast them to see forever
they were pretty much useless though
Why do game developers never understand that balance is imbalance? Like the only way to have a truly balanced and fair game is for everything to be the same for everyone, which is antithetical to the MMORPG genre. Why do they always chase the ever-elusive idea of balance?
In fairness, getting to the 30 zone quickly will be a pretty good idea. You'll have less competition, while the people who leveled with you will likely be the 'spergs you want to dungeon with.
>You could solo to the cap in both Everquest
Only as necromancer, and it was still really hard and painful
>have quality names picked out for each class
>can spam the character creation process on day 1 to reserve names
>but don't want to play with whatever randomized character features are generated during the character creation process
>want to take time creating the character I want
>can't do this without risking my name being taken in the process
this is why I have anxiety
I have... a very niche feel.
I'm an alliance lad, through and through, but recently I leveld Nost/Ely [I say recently, but you know what I mean, the latest time I played] and it was the greatest time in gaming, since the first time playing, the people who are saying "it won't be the same" just trust me and the thousands of others, it's actually eve nbetter. it can only be worse if blizzard fuck it up. but I played Horde. It was okay, Hordies are neat, but there is one city I just love more than anything in the world.
Thunderbluff. I can't go alliance anymore. that's how comfy thunderbluff is,but I want alliance. I don't know what to do. There is NO place, comfier than the fucking pond fishing place in TB, with the bank, auction house, mailbox, all there. TB has ruined me. It looks the worst from an outside perspective, but when you're in it, it just has that certain comfy feel.
I'm never going to be able to decide what to roll.
all classes bring something though. even if warlocks dont do top tier dps they are still valuable for healthstones, summons and the clutch banish when a surger surprises you in MC
You are not going anywhere.
It wasn't removed, it's still in the game. It's called Eagle Eye and it's pretty useful in some BGs like Arathi Basin.
I get what you're saying (and it was called Eagle Eye), but technically shamans had the exact same thing called Far Sight.
eagle eye
shamans had the same thing, farsight
it was useful in BGs
Fuck off back to your containment Alliance refugee.
iktf, i wish they made some kind of buff or something to make the other cities more populated, UC/TB were nothing more than quest hubs for low levels, it's a shame
Maybe some sort of buff for spending time in your own race's capital or something
>Wotlk kid who only played nostr
>Doesn't even know that in vanilla players got forcibly tp from hyjal after few minutes
Every time
I feel ya TB is prime comfy, Darnassus gives a similar feeling for me too though, so tranquil and quiet
Don't forget bloodpact for party hp and curse of shadow/elements/recklessness to boost raid dps. Warlocks bring a ton of support functions to a raid.
what funserver were you playing on?
it's because people want the class they play to be top tier at everything. and developers always succumb to their fanbase over time
imo the best version of "balance" WoW had was in TBC. there you had hybrid classes being competent at all specs instead of just 1
>we will never get Vanilla but with Hyjal along with all the other missing locations added as questing zones
>even if we did, blizzard would fuck it up somehow
Its not fair bros
But then why would I play a non-hybrid in TBC? What does a Warrior have over Paladin if the Pally can tank, dps, AND heal?
let's count our fucking blessings user and not push it. the fact that we're even getting classic, and it seems untouched, is a blessing from hyjal itself
>what does warrior have over paladin
A functioning dick
Undead or a Orc Lock
female orc lock
Warsong, molten core for horde and stonemaul for alliance
Of course wotlk kid like you never heard about them
Paladin really sucked at tbc and warrior still was main tank in all boss fights
Also paladin skills even instant ones in first tbc patches counted as casting, so they got hit much harder if they didn't planned ahead and use them between boss swings
from what I remember warriors were still the best tanks, paladins and druids were just made competent at it. but I see your point, however ret dps was also about boosting raid dps with improved judgement of the crusader which gave a 3% crit on target I believe. dont think ret in tbc could compete with rogues at the dps meters
>the biggest cuck class
>having a functioning dick
lmao even the fucking sissy healers locked up in chastity cages have more functioning dicks than a warrior
My hope is they've just relegated the hots team to classic. Hots may be trash but it still had one of the most based teams in the industry. They may just be letting them do as they wish with Classic since they are probably worried about WoWs state. If classic is successful it'll strongly indicate that the path they've taken is fucked. If it isn't, they will still get a decent chunck of money for it and nothing will be lost. Might as well pander and try something.
Orc for min-max pvp
Undead for easier leveling and flavor
>every time there was a rag tag retail thread on wow, the random class/race end of post picture was post every thread
>now when it's ACTUALLY needed, nobody is posting it
one of you CHUCKLE FUCKS has to have it. I haven't seen it posted ONCE in these go home threads, it is quite literally needed
get ready hordecucks.
>The only viable tank in vanilla
>Cuck class
>Undead for easier leveling
In TBC fury warriors were better dps than ret paladins by a large factor and warrior tanks had no downtime with tanking whereas prot pallies had to stop and drink multiple times thru a dungeon. Better geared groups actually made it worse because they had to spend even more mana to hold aggro from faggots with no patience.
Probably referring to the undead's cannibalism ability
I used to do this to alliance on the STV both, just before the loading screen, jump them off, in the middle of the ocean. You do not understand the salt I got. priest is the GOAT and nobody yunderstands.
But user
warriors(and priests) are also hybrids
Cannibalize+life tap
>Fury warrior dps
>Ret paladin dps
Holy shit, wotlk kids really went full out today
Tank is a cuck role.
>Mind control hat on a priest who's doing that stuff, jump him off a cliff
>The guy starts angrily typing at me for hours, making new characters when I block him
I agree with you by the way, I just found it funny when people could dish it out but couldn't take it.
Pic related serves to augment First Aid in keeping your health topped up from Life Tap. Humanoid/undead mobs are plentiful enough that Undead Warlocks literally never have to stop killing. Even without Cannibalize, your downtime will be minimal but every bit is helpful.
Out of all the UD classes, warlocks would benefit the least out of it. After a certain level they have zero downtime with lifetap lifedrain and improved drain soul giving them a major mana regen boost
>I have an opinion
Ok, it's also a vital role to get anywhere in the game. Good luck with a prot pally or bear druid in vanilla, shit.
They were probably holding off on announcing anything for the sake of BFA's abysmal new patch. I would expect an announcement in the vicinity of 2-3 weeks from now.
you always get them, it can happen both ways
>somebody camp you for hours, just take it
>call a friend to help you, they get ganked
>he makes an character rage whispering
for WHAT purpose
is the pet buff from orcs good enough to make up for bloodfury
>Need tank
You just need healer, sometimes
Generally 5 dps can clear any dungeon of their level
Or two warlocks
Or 5 enh shamans for overkill and boss fights ending in seconds
So is ret or prot better for leveling for paladins
holy down to consecrate
then you go into ret or if you have a healer friend go prot for aoe leveling
ret unless you want to go reckoning /sit autismo spec
hello retailbaby
You will never use bloodfury as a warlock, it buffs melee attack power only. Orc Warlocks utilize the stun resistance and pet damage only.
This is so true. Reminds me of a private server I was on last year
>Guy's going around as a 60 griefing lower level people in Felwood
>A few of us band together and lay a trap for him, killing the guy
>He gets on an alt and begins pestering us and the zone with messages, calling us cowardly, pussies, and saying if we were REAL men we'd fight him one-on-one and win despite the level gap.
>hunter forgets to dismiss pet when taking the gnomeregan shortcut
>”guys, I think I got the not leaving combat bug”
>youtube.com/watch?v=2oaIcChc4tI starts playing
>the unholy legions crash upon the party
Good times
Good luck with that tactic in raids. Or heck, in the harder dungeons like UBRS. Also
>If you don't have a tank you can scrape by with other roles
Isn't a way to prove that tanks are not needed.
>Good luck with that tactic in raids
To be fair, we DID have an enhancement shaman tank Onyxia once. Of course, that was for fun and we were decked out in AQ40 gear so not really a normal situation.
Are you retarded, wotlk kid?
Most famous tbc fury guide literally started with ways how to beg party not to kick you, including how to lie and pass as arms
But I'm not surprised that wotlk kid like you doesn't know about existence such awesome things
>If you don't have a tank you can scrape by with other roles
>Isn't a way to prove that tanks are not needed.
I don't understand you
You have 5 slots in party, and not having tank isn't important
Can you clear anything relevant with 5 tanks? No, because they die to the first pack
But you can clear everything with 5 dps
Can you kill level 1s in their starting zone on PvP servers? Or are you not flagged until 10?
Fury outdps arms in TBC, Raiding guilds would only bring 1 arms warrior for the debuff, that's it.
I think you are the wotlk baby since I remember arms being better damage early in wotlk, I don't remember if it stayed that way the entire expansion because I quit in early 2009.
>''Hey guys i played vanilla, trust me i'm not retailbaby''
How do you get whispers from someone of the opposite faction on a pvp server?
no, all starting zones you can't kill, but famously, say redridge, you can nuke all day
they make a level one account on your faction [yes, that happens] usually called something quick like FCKINGFAGGOTCNT
>Generally 5 dps can clear any dungeon of their level
Please try to do this when classic comes out. That doesn't work outside of RFC and Stockades.
>I don't understand you
Well I just said that the method you described won't work for harder dungeons, or literally any raid in the game. I hope that's much easier to understand.
>But you can clear everything with 5 dps
I'd love to see 5 DPS try and clear UBRS. That just sounds hilarious to watch
This isn't rocket surgery, user
I thought in vanilla you can only pick one faction on pvp realms. At least that's what i remember.
Who the hell told you you get flagged at level 10?
It's not level specific, it's zone specific. Level 60s can sit in starter zones with no pvp flags.
Alliance get pvp flagged once they get into redridge around lvl 15 or so
Horde same with Stonetalon mountains but it's possible to get to the early 20s without ever getting pvp flagged if they grinded several WC runs after running out of quests in The Barrens.
>I'd love to see 5 DPS try and clear UBRS
10 can though, because ubrs was made for more people.
Of course wotlk kid like you only knows this dungeon from nostr, where you didn't even need hunter to kite on the last boss, because 1.12 warriors can hold all 3 mobs together and live
It may have been like that in vanilla, but this was a private server I was on. I just know that they allowed you to have both.
Isn't Redridge alliance controlled, seeing it's right next to their starting zone and has no horde relevance or quests whatsoever?
/Sat doesn't work anymore just like how they fixed it in retail.
The Horde was literally the name given to the army made up of the unified orcish clans as they raped and pillaged the fuck out of the draenei.
They were the Horde before they even knew about Azeroth.
Rise of the Clans isn't nu-lore. Besides they were still the Horde in the first and second games when they had that 80s fantasy narrator.
>Dives right into "You are a wotlk baby"
Glad to see you're not even trying anymore.
>because 1.12 warriors can hold all 3 mobs together and live
So warriors at the literal end of vanilla could tank them all? Wow! Also I thought that tanks were cucks and useless
>likewise any class capable of healing only needs the gear to do so
not true. paladin cannot heal without illumination, period, end of story, full stop.
Westfall is an Alliance zone, Redridge is contested.
it only has Alliance content, but it's still flagged as contested. Same with Duskwood iirc
>Warriors were useless
>Except that they were totally badass and shit
I've never seen someone undercut their own argument so badly before.
I don't consider 1.12 as a vanilla, just like every true oldfag
Wotlk kid like you wouldn't understand
>W-well they WERE badass, but not fast enough
Sounds like warriors were pretty good then. Especially because they were vital for raids.
>Goblins were originally planned for Vanilla
Literally the only reason I'm hesitant about going all in with classic. I fucking love playing as gobs.
Guess I'm not inviting any paladin to heal the handful of dungeons below level 25 then.
I'll be making a paladin even though it's slow and I'll be relegated to healing
Flash of light is boring as shit but I'll endure so I can join a group at any time
>Isn't Redridge alliance controlled
and the tears come classic will be amazing
>Playing on Northdale before the Lupos nerf
>Levelling as druid with my paladin friend in Duskwood
>See some Horde on the north side
>Realize they're going for the Lupos spawn and start harassing them
>Eventually escalates into a 20v20 slugfest that lasts like an hour and a half
>As we wipe them all one time the wolf spawns, manage to call in an Alliance hunter to tame it as we cc all the respawning Horde away from it
That night was fucking magical, I fucking can't wait for Classic
Horde had to go thru low level alliance zones duskwood and redridge to get badlands and searing gorge where they get the flightpaths so they can do blackrock mountain dungeons and raids.
low level alliance would get randomly ganked by high level horde passing thru
Being a Goblin mage was what got me to rejoin during Cata even though that expansion sucked dicks
as you shouldnt. a true paladin is ret, or in rare circumstances, prot. no paladin with any shred of self respect would ever spec holy and be a cuck bitch ass wannabe-priest.
not that it matters, dungeons below lvl 50 are so easy that it really doesnt matter.
t. wrathbabby
jesus christ never play wow please
>rolling a paladin thinking you can reckbomb
/sit crits don't count towards it
>I can't explain why I'm right you're just wrong
Wow what a faggot
it is a ugly desolate grey wasteand at the edge of the world, free of alliance scum
ruins invaded by naga, demon scum or satyrs
warfaring centaur tribes
some gian snake skeleton
the most comfy troll fishermen village at the coast of the unexplored sea
a vile maze leading to a even more vile maze like dungeon you could spend hours in with the right people
sometimes you meet Rexxar and his bear companion Misha patrolling the wastelands
repeat after me:
peak comfy
unless you are alliance and thus obviously cant see the glory of desolace because you suck too much cock
dont blame me that wrath was the best version of wow, by a LARGE margin. having 2/3rds of your specs be worthless and useless just because some cuck dev named tigole got salty that a paladin killed him in everquest is bullshit.
I am a wrathbaby.
But playing on Nostalius was really fun. More than I had leveling during wrath.
honorable and Hordepilled
>meanwhile in the barrens tranny elves just shadowmeld near brokentooth solo