Why is playing vidya becoming illegal?

Why is playing vidya becoming illegal?

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Based India banning shit vidya

It's not.

this proves gamers are the most oppressed minority on earth

>slight change to anime tiddies
>literally arrest anyone caught playing a game you don't like

The cognitive dissonance here is amazing



kys resetera tranny

Fuck off transgender.

>literally can't refute the point and resorts to ad hominem

Never change

Fuck off man in women's clothing.

Superb. EU next please.

You seem to be applying the Kantian categorical imperative. I elect not to. Equality is cute and all but you need to stop liking what I don't like.

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Wish they'd arrest everyone playing weebshit

>Equality is cute and all but you need to stop liking what I don't like.
This is literally fascism.

I dont understand
Should i be sad that poo country has stupid laws?
Difficult to be outraged like you want me to be when i am not even affected by it

Now you're getting it.

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Won't make much difference, I play on the European server and am always teamed with sandniggers from the Middle East

This isn't what I meant with "stop shitting the streets".

British occupation was a mistake.

Is it because of dumbasses playing it while driving?
That's the only reason I can see for it getting banned

Don't be silly, nobody wants to play online games with Indians, it's not because of any feelings forward the game in question. I hope China, Russia and Brazil start arresting gamers too, would really clean up multiplayer in hundreds of games.

And that's a good thing

Yea Forums in a nutshell:
>bad thing happens to someone I like or to me

>bad thing happens to anyone else

It's the final form of "stop liking what I don't like" and results in hilarious things like red hat wearing idiots complaining about their president "hurting the wrong people" (completely oblivious to the fact that the mindset of absolutely needing to hurt someone, instead of maybe not hurting people, is creating more problems than it solves.)

Superpower next year, fgt.

Play video games on the streets - bad.
Shit on the streets - good.

Whatever keeps people from playing shit games.

>REEEEE this board is so full of stoopids
>Yet here I am, a king above the filth
>And here's a socio-political comment nobody asked about

Shame they still don't arrest anyone for shitting in the streets.

go back to shoveling shit off your streets, pajeet