Turtle Rock Studios (Left 4 Dead, Evolve) announce Back 4 Blood, a new Zombie Co-Op Shooter


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Fuck Valve, long live Turtle Rock! *dabs*


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>co-op zombie shooter

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This. Valve either has to fire most of the staff responsible for the shit they've made over last few years or GTFO from game industry.

lol enjoy evolve 2

Wowie its fucking nothing!
if this was a cake, the flour would still be in the store shelf waiting to be bought.

>evolve flopped so we’re going back to zombies bro

>co-op zombie shooter
No thanks.

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>coop zombie shooter
Sure is 2009 in here.

>zombie shooter

you fucking IDIOTS make something NEW jesus fucking CHRIST

Warner Bros is a fucking awful publisher

where my evolve bros at?

Evolve was cause of 2K mishandling and greed

As far as I know people still play L4D2 so why wouldn't I just play the game I own instead paying $60 for the "new" one?


>It's been 10 years since Left 4 Dead 2, and we haven't a peep about a possible sequel - with Warhammer Vermintide 1 and 2 being the closest we could get. Now Warner Bros has teamed with Turtle Rock Studios, the original developers behind Left 4 Dead, to create Back 4 Blood - which is Left 4 Dead 3 in all but name.


They JUST don't learn, do they?

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Lets hope it's an EPIC Store exclusive. You can never have enough stemacel tears.

because there's definitely room for improvement

reason why people want l4d3 is new campaigns and new zombies. if turtle rock can deliver this, Im sold desu


>There will be a campaign, but no PvP or battle royale.
Yas!! I've waited so long for L4D3. Thank you Turtle Rock!

>No PvP

Aaaand it's trash.

I don't care unless it stars Bill.

>co-op zombie shooter
Holy shit guys just close up shop, this is sad.

A normal 2009-esque game is still better than modern battle royale shit

>Studio only knows how to make one kind of game

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dont listen to him, this is in the offical faq

>Will there be PVP?

The official blogpost literally says there will be pvp. How are journalists this incompetent?


And you think WB will be any better?

>Tfw I miss evolve


Valve has truly fallen jesus christ

Not only that but it's the most played out game on the planet.

They made one of my most played games.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

It's true in most cases, man. Studios either try to do every possible genre and are shit at everything or concentrate at one thing and come close to perfection (That's why Valve has changed so drastically recently)

It's ok when Platinum does it, though.

>co-op zombie shooter



>no PVP

Um sweeties do you understand why left 4 dead was popular

Except they made Infinite Space, which was an RPG, and Vanquish, which was a third person shooter

>A normal 2009-esque game
>in 2019

Keep dreaming

>yet another zombie co-op microtransactions dlc ridden shitfest

I hope they go bankrupt and all of them lose their jobs

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Wow, another fps game, amazing

Umm sweetie please read the original information from OP's link

Umm sweetie, see pic.

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>What is Back 4 Blood?
>Back 4 Blood is a co-op zombie FPS with new features....

>How are you planning to succeed against recent and upcoming AAA zombie and co-op shooters?
>We are going back to our roots and at the same time innovating....

>Is this Left 4 Dead 3?!
>No. Back 4 Blood is our own brand new, original IP.
original idea do not ste...zzzzzzzz

>Is this game going to be a Battle Royale game?


>i-i-it's the publishers f-f-ault!
>the devs d-d-did nuthin wrong!
>their design decisions were perfect!

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>uuurrrr one team is zombies and one team is people?
>and NPC enemies are zombies too?
>*notes down no PvP*
>*also fuck white cis males*


what the fuck is even happening at valve? with every passing day it seems more and more likely that every IP they own are staying dead.

Just buy their card game, you jelly hater.

why dont you faggots want l4d3?
Valve doesnt make games anymore

Is it VR at least?
Yeah, fuck right off.

Wow, another video game, amazing

One deluxe copy of Back4Blood, please.

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They put all their chips on Steam and forgot they can experiment with other shit too.

Wasn't L4D2 done by a different studio?

>unironically asking for a sequel

>Getting hype after evolve

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Return of Halo and Left 4 Dead! POGGERS

Because zombies were already becoming played out by the time 2 released and now it's just sad and desperate?

>bro i just entered a thread about a game that i don't care about and posted about how much i don't care about said game, how cool am i

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>I was Left 4 Dead
>But now I'm Back 4 Blood
>Bill joins the Smash!

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>he didn't like evolve
shit taste, it was fun for the first 100 hours


Publisher meddling

>coop zombie fps
Yeah no thanks.

>WB games

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WB is way greedier than 2K

Aside from Steam store stuff and their ongoing games, Valve is mostly R in R&D now. See: Linux gaming shit and VR shit. It seems like their revenue from Steam and their current existing products just fund their R&D for those two things now. They've set up quite a good infrastructure for Steam now and the only problems they need to address are shit like visibility etc.

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>What is FromSoftware

i sure hope they dont make melee the best thing in the game again

>Left 4 Dead
One of the most fun I've had in video games
Literally one of the biggest pieces of shit of the decade

So 50/50 either godlike or dead on arrival

Valve employees choose what they work on, and they get a portion of the profits. It incentivises an environment of greed, where everyone wants to be on the project that makes the most money, and that means micro transactions. It would be absurd to say NO ONE at Valve is willing to shoulder the burden of creating new games on a regular production cycle, when the best they can hope for is modest returns, all for the sake of just making good video games, but it damn sure isn't a lot of them.

To put it another way, they got fat and lazy and forget what it meant to have to hustle to get get by.

Gotta just keep beating that horse, at least some people will buy it but god knows why.

>I sure wish we could get a left 4 dead 3!
>we’re making pretty much left 4 dead 3 but valve isn’t involved
>MOMMY WHY DID THEY DO THIS?!?!??!??!??!!!

>forgot they can experiment with other shit too
More like they forgot they can develop shit and are too busy experimenting with VR.

l4d2 is 10 years old and there is still no replacement
we got a bunch of rip offs but they all suck ass. Im starved for good co op games

>All this excitement over the zombie meme.
I didn't realize we were still in the year 2009.

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Name 5 that are in the style of Left 4 Dead

Yes and like I said 10 years ago zombies were already becoming played out and now it's just sad. I get they want to stave off bankruptcy a little longer but just move on.

Try Vermintide 2. It's good.

They've actually been doing a decent amount of actual development on the Linux gaming side. Wine/proton integration with Steam made having to boot windows for games a thing I pretty much never have to do anymore.

>Basically left 4 dead 3
>Nu/v/ hates it

Is it summer already?

Retard. I'm not even going to mention their old games - there's literally a first person adventure game from them, which is Deracine.


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Vermintide 2
Killing Floor
Killing Floor 2
Left 4 Dead 2

This is prime real estate for the devoted autists though. Cash in on all the pcbros bruh

kf doesn't play at all like l4d

Feels like summer starts sooner every year

I dumped hundreds of hours into the first two games but at this point I could not give less of a shit.

Something something The Walking Dead?

>WB Games

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>3 games
>1 of them is Left 4 Dead
This fucking board

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>coop zombie shooter
is it 2012 again?

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>Killing Floor
>plays like Left 4 dead
pick one

ok what about
No more room in hell

Evolve was unironically a gem in the rough. It got kneecapped by 2K Games before release.
Know all the things that people hated it for are common practice.

Vermintide isn't a co-op Zombie shooter.

You didn't even need to pad your list out with sequels user, there's been several released in the last couple of years, two off the top of my head Earthfall (shit) and Deep Rock Galactic (good)

i can give you no more room in hell since i played a little bit of that one

the worst thing is, in the time they where gone another game came along that does everything they do but even better

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>dying light 2 on the way
>world war z game right around the corner
>now we get back 4 blood too
Are zombie shooters, dare I say it, back?

I'll be honest with you Im kind of tired of zombie schtick myself but the time I spend on l4d will always be special to me
if the stars align this could rekindle my love for the genre but Im positive they will fuck it up

Semantics, it's very clearly heavily inspired by L4D, you faggot, you could replace the rats with zombies and it would be functionally the same game.

Tell me, which distro is best these days?
Also, has Linux improved at streaming with shit like Plex and game streaming with Steam link? I currently use the Nvidia Shield to stream video and single player games, does this shit work on Linux yet?
Also, has Nvidia stopped being cunts?
Also, any fork of Linux that doesn't use the tranny coc?

>there is still no replacement
Dead Island
Dying Light
The Walking Dead game

upvoted because philly

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>Tell me, which distro is best these days?
Take your pick of pretty much any of the big ones and you'll probably be fine.
No idea, I don't do any of that.
Their proprietary drivers work fine if whoever packages them for your distro isn't incompetent. Their documentation is still shit and stifles the open source drivers, though.
>tranny coc
I don't care about /pol/ shit so I have no idea.

Jesus you're a faggot. It is borrows heavily from L4D2, and in Vermintide 2 you even have Nurgle Plague Zombies.
If that's not good enough for you, then you're just being a bitch because you want to be a bitch.

How Turtle Rock still in business?

you just know of the playable characters is going to be some puerto rican whore

Has anyone played Generation Zero? That seemed like an okay spin on the L4D formula.

We were sick of zombies, remember? That was the argument. I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to disqualify it.

Why does this evoke literally zero feelings in me?

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I played the alpha and it was boring cause the world was huge and empty

none of them are co op shooters though except vermintide and its just boring

Because spiritual successors are rarely as good as what they're succeeding.

>Evolve fiasco(blah blah blah publisher blah blah see point 2)
>WB Games


>formerly Left 4 Chucks

I don't know about this one chief.

so more sorse engine crap ?

Dead Island and Dying Light are Co-op, don't know about The Walking Dead, that series has been played out for years.

This game was shit.

>l4d could have up to 50 zombies on screen at a time
>wwz will be able to show 500

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They use CryEngine now

I'm not sure, I get the feeling that this is going to be a Left 4 Dead but with downs syndrome.

lol no its literally a better L4D

I liked Evolve, 2K really did ruin it.

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Bet it'll run like shit on consoles

This is true and been discussed in some of the recent insider leaks. Their format used to work greatly for Valves creativity, but that was with the old guard, there was a lot less money and cost of living in Seattle (comparatively) cheaper. In that time frame the old guard is gone, the money they make is stupid, their staff is replaced with zoomer era techies rather than old Microsoft nerds and gaming designing out of garage types, and frankly the already high cost of living in tech centers like Seattle and SF went from high to astronomical so it's a profit machine company and its former laid backness now haunts it.

What Valve is though is a lot better than becoming a Blizzi/Activision, better no games than shit that craps on your memory.

>from the lads that brought you EVOLVE

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It's nothing like Left 4 Dead, you retard. One's an open world looter shooter type game and the other's a 'Go from point A to point B and not die' type game.

>a new Zombie Co-Op Shooter
Creatively bankrupt.

Mostly correct. The other half being the game's assets were wasted building such nice looking maps and ecosystems that are ALWAYS zoomed past because you're too busy holding W running away/towards the other guys.

do you all even remember what L4D looked like before Valve overhauled the characters and graphics?

turtle rock may have came up with a cool concept, but they kinda suck and then there's EVOLVE

500 zombies and 0 gibs

I don't see the problem?

WB was why we had microtransactions in Shadow of War in the first place and why Injustice 2 and MK11 are full with this customization shit instead of more characters

I'm not so sure about that, i remember monster being an EZ win 99.99999% of the time when the game first came out, or maybe it was the hunters, regardless that is not good game design.

Too bad it was ValvE that took their original concept and actually gave it personality and staying power. At best, TR co-created L4D. This new one will suck.

Doesn't matter if it's a shitty tie-in game that's 6 years too late made by a shit studio and made for a shit movie.

It had its moments.

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L4D2 is still one of the best shooters in history and you should play it.

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what if it's based on the book, genius?

>that's 6 years too late
It isn't late user, they're making a Zombie Survival Guide movie if i remember correctly, WWZ is a sequel to Zombie Survival Guide, i believe they intend to remake WWZ.

L4D2 looks like ass and is completely SOULLESS compared to L4D.
also Zoey > Rochelle - what were they thinking?

I think the problem with Turtle Rock is management, Valve knew how to make those games, and ensure that the content they put out was fun and something that players would actually enjoy.

>running zombies that climb on eachother like retarded ants
>movie logos shoved everywhere
Oh yeah gurlfriend! it's totes based on the book! that's so fetch!

That's my point. The game had terrible pacing, which caused terrible balance. The game should have revolved around both sides switching back and forth fighting for improvements and the final blow, rather than spending the entire game trying to step on a baby. If the goal of the other team was to escape the planet/activate a machine to disable the monster, and the monster was otherwise invulnerable (but could be pacified/deterred), it would have been another really good survival horror coop experience.

>what were they thinking?
Let's make new characters that fit the location we picked for the game.

It literally doesn't, and you can still play 1s campaigns/characters, so fail.

lol so much for the Cuckrosoft buyout rumors/speculation/wishcasting. Better luck with your next fanfic, Xcucks.

The point of a shitty tie-in game is to come out with the movie it's named after. Plus, all of those movies got canned during pre-production anyway.

no one cares bring evolve back or make l4d3

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Hello 2012.

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He's right, 2 is a much more barebones game when you get right down to it from a technical level. Go launch L4D and look down, then do it in L4D2, notice something?

>>Is this game going to be a Battle Royale game?

how is this a bad thing you retarded zoomer?

>so fail
never (you) me again you filthy redditcuck nigger.

>those view-models
>that lack of legs
>muh consoles
>that UI
pathetic and disgusting.

No legs in 2.

Good job at countering my argument that, despite how much of a downgrade Rochelle was from Zoey, her character still fit the new locations.

They were never alive to begin with, Valve has done more damage to gaming than any other company

>Play the old maps, but with the new shitty weapon balance
>And the new, less clear infected death animations that make clearing a pain in the ass
>And the new horrible special infected, like the Charger, that turns the game into a roulette wheel of "did a Charger spawn in one of the MANY instant kill spots, many of which are basically impossible to counter if even just the Charger isn't retarded"

Yeah, minor visual shit like no body awareness, and no sway on the pistols. Left 4 Dead 2 still built upon the mechanics of the first game and introduced many needed mechanics and abilities for the new special infected.

>huge ass mall which obviously references romero's dawn of the dead
>abandoned amusement park
>a cajun swamp
>fucking hard rain
>fucking new orleans
face it, the og l4d2 campaigns are vastly superior to the original game at the very least in terms of pure setting

>dude lmao just play l4d2 on maps balanced for l4d xDDDD
kill yourself as soon as possible.

this is probably their last game before they are put down for good

Shame it's impossible to play with random people now, the community is by far the worst I've ever witnessed, even fucking dota is thousands times better.

>dilute the infected's spawn-table with shitty OC designs
>thinks change for the sake of change is good

its really weird, every single l4d character, 1 and 2, is really well done and fitting and has memorable quotes, on par with the tf2 cast.

except rochelle, who i cannot remember a single thing about her, or a single line she says in the game.
maybe shes coaches daughter? i think?

>impossible to counter
>""instant"" kill chargers
(You) for being this bad at videogames

>or a single line she says in the game.
oh come on user, i didn't even pick rochelle that much back in the day but
>"axe me a question, i dare you"
is a classic

Are you really that upset that you just couldn't camp in a corner or inside a closet anymore? Because that's the only issue people have with the new infected, they took out that possibility of players cheesing the fuck out of levels that way.

>t. plays campaign only

>WB Games as a publisher
Dead already.

Yeah because I'm clearly addressing the problem from a survivor's point of view, brainlet.

WB games makes good shit though. All the GOAT licensed games are by them

Right, so you're just complaining because you play vanilla vs?

>t. partially blind and deaf

Why the fuck would I give 2 shits about what happens while playing against a fucking AI?

Has Rvolve been released in a different time it would have easily been considered a classic. What ruined it was the jewery of the modern age.

The fucking AI can't figure out how to utilize a charger so that you cause a fucking team-wipe, it'll just charge in whenever it spots you.
You singleplayer niggers really need to fuck off from the balance-discussions.

as someone who played a moderate, in my opinion, amount of l4d2, this bitch was the only addition to the special infected that i ever found really balanced both to play as and against

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worked for nintendo

b-but they both have zombies

Play more.
"Guilty. Sorry."
"Nothing to see. No pills, here."
"It's party time!"

Ok, yeah, these are pretty shit. I still have them perfectly burned into my brain, though.

> Back 4 Blood
What's next? All those dev teams leave EA and release Large Impact, Giant Drop, Killed Universe and Space Fights Warzone?

20 years in the can, taking it up the ass.

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>being so bad you TEAM WIPE from a charger
holy shit please stop posting this is embarrassing

Just make L4D VR.

>playing vs
when will this meme die?
you're lucky to even find a match, and if you do, good luck trying to herd 3 strangers, none of whom have a mic or any experience.

Ah yes, I should use my eye and ears to stop a charger that can't be one shotted like a Hunter, standing behind an invincible piece of scenery, able to pull off kill strats from point blank charge range in the span of a couple seconds. Why didn't I think of that.

Like the other user said, you've played single player and haven't a fucking clue what you're talking about.

>Source engine
>10 years old
>Only around 7 official maps with the others being from an older game
>Special infected that that have been the same for 10 years.
>Characters, voice lines, banter, level strategies, music that has been the same for 10 years.

But by all means keep playing L4D2 user just understand some people might want something fresher

>single player
lmao the absolute state of vs fags

>7 maps
you mean 7 campaigns, all of which have 4-5 maps. So really 28-35 maps.

>i beat teh computah
>i is gud at game
absolute state of l4d2 apologists.

>Playing single player
For what possible purpose? You could clear Nightmare with randos in the first fucking week.

I'd rather play motherfucking Fortnite or LoL or Desert Bus or literally anything. L4D2 Versus is cancer incarnate.
t. almost 1000 hours with bros vs AI

>i beat teh computah
stop all the downloadin

>t. almost 1000 hours with bros vs AI
That's just pathetic user, don't come here and talk about balance when you're playing against a fucking AI.

That's because, for some reason, they've cut most of her voice lines.

>single player
Have you even played l4d2?

>PvP fags
Please kill yourself

I never talked about balance, retard.

Sorry, "Expert". It's not like I've played the game in the past half a decade.

Campaign is about cooperating with a team and competing against your team mates, you fucking pleb. Even if you knock the competitive part out, coop is still what the game is about. VS has always been a meme that tryhard fags like you use to pretend you're og hardcore max over 9000. It's kind of pathetic. You would be absolutely fucking insufferable team mate in campaign. You'd rush ahead like an idiot, get killed, call the others fags, ragequit, and leave 3 people without even an AI 4th all in the span of 5 minutes. That's NEVER been what L4D is about. Eat shit.

Dead rising 1 had 800 on 360 hardware
Dead rising 2 had 7000 on 360 hardware

Why cant western devs keep up?

Yeah sorry I was caught up in the moment. vs AI niggers talking about balance makes me seethe.

I'd kill for evolve 2

So this is another thing we have to wait many months for? I'm tired of waiting for games. I don't have the energy to get hyped anymore.

Those games both fucking suck, though.

>competing with your team over arbitrary points that don't actually do anything to accurately reflect your contributions
So these are the lies you need to tell yourself, huh? What's more, you actually think the idiotic AI is enough of a threat that somehow VS isn't the game mode that actually encourages not playing like a dumb asshole, when it's massively more dangerous and tanks your score to have someone die.

>Mario and Yoshi fighting when Link jumps in
>A bit chaotic but suddenly a beeping noise sounds off
>The pipe bomb bounces into all 3 in the exact same way as youtu.be/eCM9RDkHSEM?t=113
>"Hell, I was too old for this fifteen years ago"

>all this projection
I'm sorry your first and only encounter with VS was when the game was already old and the "meta" settled, you missed out on a grand time, that was only present in L4D. L4D2 ruined it because it's GARBAGE.

Dr2 was western

How are you competing against anything? You're playing against the computer, you dimwit.

>and we haven't a peep about a possible sequel

>killing specials and commons and damaging tanks aren't contributions
>shot accuracy and ff avoidance are not contributions
>revives are not contributions
>death/incap avoidance is not a contribution
>all of this is arbitrary

go get thrown out of a hotel window, tryhard

>Going back to zombies

I would've seriously rather heard Evolve 2 (not jewed the fuck out by 2K) announced than that.

>look ma! big numbers!
Now you're just reaching.

The game tracks each player's performance. Do I need to elaborate why this creates competition?

>L4D has guns with ammo management
>Vermintide has melee with a block and pushback system

Not to mention the myriad of tone differences, Warhammer is a different world, if you dont like that setting then it's already unplayable.

>Turtle Rock Studios (Left 4 Dead

I stopped reading there. No they did not make Left 4 Dead. Valve did.

>vermintide being the closest
when killing floor 2 and deeprock mining exist
there are better successors than fucking vermintide

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>look ma, short progress bar!
gimme a break

Competition against what you doofus? Your'e on the same team.

Yes you idiot, it is. Killing a Boomer as he waddles into your face isn't a contribution, it's a fucking liability. Running into side rooms to gun down every single inactive common isn't contributing. Reviving someone into a horde who gets downed two seconds later isn't contributing. Running into a tank to get your face smashed in so you can shoot him with your shotgun after he has already been lit isn't contributing. These are arbitrary data points that do little to reflect how actually helpful you are to a team, because the actually helpful data is too esoteric to track.

They forget to mention the most important part we all want to know, what engine it will use.

>You have to prevent the enemy team from reaching point A
>They in turn have to prevent you from reaching a point further than them or achieve a greater score than them by taking less damage


>Get to point A or try again

Actually, why am I even replying anymore, you're a literal brainlet, this is my last (you) - go huff some more paint.

I'm taking this bait cause maybe it's an honest mistake. The left 4 dead devs dont work at valve anymore. They left a long while ago and formed turtle rock studios

Ok, I guess you're so profoundly stupid that I DO need to explain it:
>intra-team competition is a thing

Did you stumble when you got to 'intra'? I can flesh it out more if you need me to, sweety


Look, I never ONCE said campaign's competitive aspect was anywhere NEAR the level of VS. I merely assert that that competitive aspect DOES exist, and that VS is shittier than campaign, because competition is not my highest value vis-a-vis L4D and it shouldn't be yours, either. You completely miss the point of the game.


jfc are you real or bait?

based retard

retarded zoomer, they made games before you were even born

Also a more accurate second greentext would be

>Get from A to B while putting in more work than your teammates.

THAT is the actual apples-apples comparison.

See if your response is
>lol that's not AS competitive

>The point of the game should be mindlessly repeating the same maps over and over and over and over again, despite being easy enough to sleepwalk through, so instead you create meaningless pissing contests over pointless data points so there's at least something to do
I don't think we're the ones missing the point of the game user.

I mean if you want to credit each and every 'map' as the same you'd be intellectually dishonest. Unless you're comparing running across the bridge to the helicopter the same as coming out of the safe room, across the park, survive the alarm, through an empty bus station then next safe room.

most people who play l4d 1/2 never played pvp once, ever
Those who d try, pvp quickly gets bogged down into a tryhard meta where you have hunters jumping off skyscrapers over a building into you you have no way to fight or boomers using exploits in map holes and it reaches the point no one wants to play and everyone goes back to just playing pve on advanced/expert as their difficulty curve instead

>new left 4 dead
What engine will this run on? The screenshots of l4d2 running in source 2 looked fucking amazing, but we all know how that turned out. If they take the time to do this right, and don't fuck around with trash like micro transactions, then this will unironically be good. I'm cautiously optimistic.

You don't get to dictate what I prefer in my videogames you obnoxious little shit.
If you wanna get bogged down in semantics this fucking hard be my guest, but you don't get to say that playing against a fucking AI is "competitive" relative to playing against other players.
This "exchange" has been competitive following your dumbass logic.

>Get from A to B while putting in more work than your teammates.
False, all that matters is whethever you made it to the fucking safehouse, doesn't matter if you sat back while everyone was being overrun by zombies just so you could say "I took the least damage!".

>Got shitter shattered when he got rocked in VS
>Went to go cry in singleplayer about the mean men who were better than him
>Projected own experiences onto the community as a whole

Well yeah, that fits I guess.


>You don't get to dictate what I prefer in my videogames you obnoxious little shit.
Nigger you've been doing it this whole fucking time. Get off your dildo on a high horse. We both disagree on what L4D2 mode is kino. Since I am right, you must bend to my will or face total annihilation.

>Its a co-op bamham combat zombie game
How could the timeline twist so much

>hunters jumping off skyscrapers
>you have no way to fight
look up?

>False, all that matters is whethever you made it to the fucking safehouse, doesn't matter if you sat back while everyone was being overrun by zombies just so you could say "I took the least damage!".
Yes, this is all that matters for an official win state. That's not at all what I was talking about. I never said campaign required competition. I said that it is there, and anyone who wants to may participate in it.

I was about to say that I enjoy the hundreds upon hundreds of addons in the L4D2 workshop but then I remembered they patched user content out of versus mode servers as if it was just an unintended bug all these years

>Nigger you've been doing it this whole fucking time.
You're the one trying to tell everyone "what the game is about", so don't come here trying to project your shit onto me now.

>Get off your dildo on a high horse
As soon as you jump off my dick you attentionwhoring little shit.

>it's left 4 dead 3 in everything but name and setting
this could be great or easily the worst shit ever.

the worst shit ever meaning mods are out of the question and cosmetics/microtransactions run amok

>I remembered they patched user content out of versus mode servers as if it was just an unintended bug all these years
same shit happened with tf2 and sv_pure servers where people installed mods that would make, for example, spy's decloaking sound ten times louder to hear

>Days Gone
>Dying Light 2
>Last of Us 2
And now this. Stop making zombie games you fugs.

>back to semantics
The (you) counter here sure makes me feel competitive right now.

Unless I'm (you)ing the wrong guy, you've spent this whole fucking thread shitting on campaign, to the point of repeatedly calling it single player. Not only are you a shit slinging faggot like everyone else, but you're dishonest about it.

Die in a fire.

Did anyone read this official blurb? Sounds exciting

>Set during the aftermath of a worldwide zombie outbreak, the game pits its four protagonists—dubbed the "Subsisters"—against hordes of the contaminated. There are four game modes: a single-player mode in which allied characters are controlled by AI; a four-player, co-op campaign mode; an eight-player online versus mode; and a four-player survival mode. In all modes, an artificial intelligence (AI), dubbed the "Conductor", controls level pacing and item placements, in an attempt to create a dynamic experience and increase replay value.

>In the versus mode, the four Subsisters William, Lisa, Francine, and Zorro will find themselves fighting against unique contaminated such as the leaping Poacher, the long-tongued Vaper, the pus-gushing Exploder, and the brutal Bulldozer. Non-player unique contaminated include the easy-to-anger Wizard.

Attached: OFFICIAL.jpg (300x159, 11K)

at its core evolve was really amazing

It's not semantics when you objectively misrepresent someone's position and they correct you on it, shit heel.

Mods brought the game to another level. The default weapons and sounds were honestly not that great, but damn the workshop has some fantastic stuff on it now. Just a shame half the scar reskins are just more fucking scars. I hate the way that gun looks, thank fuck I found a nice m4 model online somewhere to replace it.

All I needed to know

>Killing Floor, a horde wave shooter with a cash & shop mechanic
>In any way similar to L4D, a race-to-the-finish shooter adventure
Absolute retard spotted

Zoomers were a fucking mistake

>that infected list
Please God, include visual/audio jokes that poke fun at valve ala Megas XLR poking fun at MTV

its going to suck dude

> the game pits its four protagonists—dubbed the "Subsisters"
>easy-to-anger Wizard.
What did they mean by this?

Attached: 3526343.png (459x558, 1003K)

>Spiritual successor

Bill, Zoey, Nick, and Coach or no Purchase

Attached: 1549392244171.jpg (227x222, 7K)

>The default weapons and sounds were honestly not that great,
Couldnt disagree more. Occasionally I will play vanilla with no mods, and the og art direction is excellent.

>This gameplay aspect is unbalanced
>No it isn't, because that gameplay mode doesn't matter
>Yes it does
>No it doesn't, because the game is about the competition between teammates
You made your point very clear, and now you're trying to back track.

And that would be great if L4D2 was a ranked, competitive game. Every addon I downloaded from the workshop was to replace each of Valve's terrible weapon models, sounds, and other assets with much better ones, and now I have to go back to shitty vanilla. Workshop is still there though, like a massive tease

I've been shitting on campaign because there are retards IN THIS VERY FUCKING THREAD trying to argue that game-balance is REMOTELY relevant in fucking vsAI.

Go play campaign for all I care, go have fun in it. Enjoy.
But don't then come and say "oh the charger is super balanced, especially when playing the older maps like No Mercy. Chapter 4 is so easy because all you have to do is shoot the charger to progress, there's no way you could ever get team-wiped.".

But instead we're on a merry-go-round with niggers getting defensive because they can't cope with the fact that they're playing a casual game-mode like vsAI and there's no competitive element so they have to grasp at straws like fucking arbitrary shit like "damage done to tank".

the few times i played left for dead i really wished the gameplay was just a segment of a bigger game, like you were just traveling between settlements or going out scavenging or something

>no Francis
I hate frogs.

wait, when the fuck did they do that? keeping versus mode fresh by using different weapon models was something that kept me playing.

I'm not the balance guy. V should have pol style poster ids. This shit is ridiculous.

>Workshop is still there though, like a massive tease
oh i know what you're talking about, user...

Attached: coach.png (1280x720, 432K)

Evolve is fine, dumbdumb

Don't be a retard

i dont mean off a roof, i mean way fucking up, they were jumping over buildings with it too so youd never see it coming, from the roof behind not dropping off

Attached: retard.png (613x262, 13K)

>No SWAT4 with zombies
Division 9 still dead

Attached: 1533127884185.gif (300x204, 2.34M)

cant we have something like dawn of the dead or SWAT 5 instead of another generic
>waves of enemies with specials spawning constantly on an extremely linear map

Attached: Dawn Of The Dead 4.jpg (500x333, 119K)

Feminist Francis incoming
I hate X but with the patriarchy


Turtle Rock only partly designed the gameplay side of l4d1. It was Valve how created the setting, characters, and format of the game. Turtle Rocks only contribution is how fucking stupid unbalanced 1 is. L4d2 was ENTIRELY developed by Valve. Turtle Rock was not involved.
These people don't know how to make a game. Don't give them your money or time

Well, ten to one the modern take will include some form of RPG progression mechanics, so if they aren't lazy shits they'll probably at least jam their shitty skinner boxes into something with context.

Oh that, yeah it's a difficult spot, but do-able.
The good news for you is that the damage is capped at 25, also you can just do the hold-out further away or inside the construction-area.


L4D versus needed ranked mode and an option to play with pickups or teams only.
Trying to just play a casual pickup game and getting stomped by an organized tryhard team that speedruns through the chapters was no fun.
People that only wanted to play infected and would just kill themselves as survivors was a problem too.

>there will never be a shouting match between coach and Bill over who hates stairs more
Eh, I personally found they didn't do to much for me. The worst offenders were the deagle and the spas 12. Even some of the simpler mods, like pump shotguns with wood furniture are a step up in my book. I feel like the tier 1 and 2 weapons should be stuff you would actually commonly see at a gun range, and tiers 2 and 3 should be more exotic and/or powerful stuff. An example would be having a tier 1 rifle like a sporter 22, something that doesn't do a whole lot unless you hit the head, tier 2 being more of an actual hunting rifle in. 223, and tier 3 being a full blown sniper rifle. That said, mis-matched pistols was a rock solid call for 2, I'd love to see an rng mod that randomizes the model of handgun you pick up.

I think it was back in November. I remember it being around the same time Ubisoft initially announces they were going to remove graphical assets and UI elements to appease the chink market

why didnt they release it? looks pretty solid, would have sold like hotcakes

>deeprock mining
Based. I wish devs weren't trying so hard to fill the game with memes.
>for karl xddd
>le rock and le stone
>epic barrels to the pod
>fug elves xd
>based karl
>please karl let me suck your dick

>Decide to play VS in L4D2
>Kicked before 2 minutes mark
Never played again.

Attached: 1538438371696.gif (480x270, 2.17M)

>Ubisoft initially announced they were going to remove graphical assets and UI from Rainbow Six Seige elements to appease the chink market
Forgot vital context

>tfw missed L4D1/2 bandwagons

its too late to get into L4D1/2 now isn't it?

Attached: 1548863260386.jpg (729x845, 213K)

God yes.

This thread is a perfect example why L4D PvP community sucks.

Those special infected names are hilarious

yes, good luck finding a game with competent people

Literally a L4D clone

Poacher = Hunter
Vaper = Smoker
Exploder = Boomer
Bulldozer = Charger
Wizard = Witch

They don't even try to hide the connection

Honestly, votekick is my biggest gripe with the game and I hate any game that has a votekick system. It's abused more often by some fag and his group of buttbuddies to grief you than it's actually used for its intended purpose of removing actual griefers

>join vs match
>the two other people on the infected team are talking about shit like they know each other irl
>wordlessly kick me after 5 minutes

Attached: ....gif (171x172, 962K)

>get kicked for using a rifle on a gas can stage instead of picking up a melee weapon


>What we have here is an unreleased game by Irrational Games, known as Division 9. The premise for this game is similar to the Left 4 Dead franchise, it featured a co-op survival style gameplay, in a mass city with Zombies as the main antagonists. It also featured complex FPS elements such as game changing missions, one instance being a situation where you could turn on a power generator that would give you light for any night time mission.
>It began as a joke amongst the developers, having just finished SWAT 4, this game would be like a Swat 5, jokingly referred to as the Zombie Swat. Sadly, the company, going through some trouble at the time was unable to pitch the idea to the buyers in time, having only a week to prepare a demo. They did well, and were ready to sell it to Vivendi but they had just sold the company to Take-Two. Other concerns were the assumption that the zombie genre wouldn’t be as popular as it was in the target year.

US64 page.


Attached: index.jpg (388x130, 8K)

Bulldozer is the tank.

this ain't real

Attached: 7 minutes.jpg (463x543, 50K)

Vs is cancer

damn it feels good to be a gangsta

>get murdered by survivors because the area is wide open and you have no support from your retarded teammates
>"shit tank lmao"

>ken levine
its shit by default

>Get Tank
>Think you caught one of those fuckers out, and charge in
>Get kited like a little bitch with T1 weapons
>No one says anything, but you know what you did

Attached: MJ.jpg (900x900, 185K)

oh god oh fuck

Killing floor is a wave survival shooter and not only that its older than l4d so how is it a successor you dumb weeb

>Left 4 Dead
>Back 4 Blood
Not even trying to be subtle I see

Gabe is a fat and bitter old man who doesn't want to make games for the kids anymore

>No one says anything, but you know what you did

Attached: big guys.gif (306x205, 2.97M)

Ok Zoomer, Spring Break is over. It's time for you to leave.

I play all the time and votekick always works as intended in campaign. Yet another reason why campaign is kino.

*gets molotoved*

>take control of tank
>it's already on fire
>no water in sight
>get votekicked

lmao they're pulling an Obsidian on this one except they're even more on the nose.
>All those special infected
Literally L4D3, for once a journo gets it right

Sounds like it's going to be a cheap knockoff.

>Warner Brothers
that's odd.

you can go on about saying pve is irrelevant all you want but that doesnt change that 90% of the people who play the game play pve
pvp for zombie games is niche, the """"main""" game is the pve and you know it

>warner brothers

Yeah no, fear 3 coop was fucking retarded and I don't see this turning out any better.

I'm still figuring out minor interactions in l4d2 to this day because the game mechanics go so deep (despite their simplicity). there is absolutely 0% chance of a follow up game ever being as good as l4d2. it is the penultimate 4 player run and gun. it's like trying to make sequels after Terminator 1 and 2. why even try?

and the shitter reveals himself yet again
how the fuck are you claiming anything about the balance of the game when you're whining about teamwiping to a charger, as if that's a problem for anyone who actually plays the game remotely competitively. kys

new weapon balance is a bit off, the new scout sniper rilfe fucking chunks through even a dreadnought

aw fuck fucking phone posting I just wanted the word *ultimate

its a valve wide problem, early mvm expert had people kicking the 6th man to get their friend in to milk expert completion to the point it became meta to kick the scout since you didnt need more money on the last wave
That shit was fucking stupid

Using words you don't understand completely ruined your point


>get tank
>cars/hay bails
>smacking survivors with rocks, baiting them into the open so I can instantly down them with the cars/hay bails
>"wtf is our tank doing, rush into their shotgun closet idiot"

Attached: 1397176130195.jpg (1251x713, 109K)

>was going to go to bed
>this thread
>now playing l4d2
Iirc that's why they introduced the refunding in later levels

>all those votekick stories

Sounds fucking awful. How could anyone enjoy playing with a community like this.

You're bad at video games

Left 4 Dead was actually shit outside of the versus mode

I play with randos all the time and it's maybe 1 in 50 who are dickheads.

If it has realism and mod support I'll buy. Pass if it doesn't have mod support. I still play L4D2 occasionally because of custom maps.
And VS players need to chill.

Attached: 1539157908569.jpg (660x493, 44K)

Another asymmetrical coop FPS...is the only thing this guys can do?


Attached: file.png (362x76, 4K)

>they made Evolve
oh boy

That's why you play with versus with at least one friend, campaign on normal and below is usually more relaxed even with randoms.

It was a shit game. Just accept it.


L4D2 had more soul than L4D because of the characters and setting, there I said it.
I'm a sucker for the south and there need to be more games that don't just go the "hurr hillbillies and incest" route.
And yes, Ellis is my favourite survivor.

Yes they're using the Source engine.

>Are you really that upset that you just couldn't camp in a corner or inside a closet anymore? Because that's the only issue people have with the new infected, they took out that possibility of players cheesing the fuck out of levels that way.

They removed the ability to spawn on any rooftop, or even get on them in the first place. L4D was designed around giving the infected a chance to reset their positioning by blocking line of site with the countless buildings/bushes/climbing locations to let them get back to the action. Half of the levels in L4D2 are giant fucking corridors that the infected literally can't do anything about and end up having to run a quarter mile just to go back into spawn mode. As a result almost all team vs team interactions take place at very specific chokepoints instead of literally everywhere. It lead to a much more sterile playing experience since spawning solo was almost always a death sentence and not having the correct combination of infected for specific events/chokes meant the survivors would get through scot free.

I'd say the L4D2 survivors were universally better if it weren't for Rochelle

I would unironically be interested in an Evolve 2 if they brought back Wraith

Attached: 1550419975851.jpg (1920x1493, 408K)

Jockey is objectively the worst vs. infected

Not even memeing a Battle Royale with zombies would be kino

wait... what? hold on a sec... i'm not ready yet... WAIT FUCK

Attached: nononono.gif (267x200, 1.96M)

I don't hate Rochelle though she is the weakest of the 2 cast, most of her lines got cut anyhow.
Still, I find her more interesting than Zoey at least, does she even have any personality apart from "girl"?
She likes horror movies, and?
Rochelle is annoying but annoying is still more than [blank].

Your brother Billy, whatever happened there

Playing charger in VS. was so fucking fun

Desolate is an open world RPG with coop. Its closer to Dying Light, not at all like L4D

What the fuck were they thinking giving it thighs?

Why would anyone want to play another 4 player co-op zombie shooter?

I LOVE Dying Light but it plays NOTHING like L4D

run or shoot, Yea Forums ?

>doesn't play like l4d
>only good answer


Attached: SArais threads.jpg (2000x7791, 3.45M)

Whatever happened to the western game they were making?

Did that evolve shill end up killing himself?

Probably the same thinking behind this picture
This is an actual advertisement for a fucking pistol

Attached: IMG_20190314_104919.jpg (1200x687, 51K)

Your brother Billy, whatever happened there

>immediately block safety room door with a car

Attached: 1538336835912.gif (500x500, 1.86M)

Based and evovlepilled my brother

Is this by the same people who made the ad of that woman with handguns for arms and legs?

>listing evolve like it's a good thing.
didn't evolve fail horrible and put the turtle rock in a shitty situation, which serves them right because of how jew tier they were being with the game content.

holy shit i've seen this guy before, he still shows up to spam threads with shitty alien porn sometimes

>Warner Bros

Attached: 1542235652030.png (244x278, 62K)

>We are going back to our roots and at the same time innovating on them
Lmaoing @ ur lives

yes, they rereleased it as F2P a year after release, then I think that lasted another year before they shut everything down.


>Valve is so out of touch with their audience that Turtle Rock essentially said "fuck you guys" and made their own L4D3
First Artifact flopping, now this. It's about time that Valve got their karma.

>went f2p still died
man that's a shame it was such a cool concept but i guess by the time they did electric boogaloo the world moved on.

Hey jackass, we got your coke

Nah, that's a different gun if I remember right. This guns while marketing is it's supposed to look kind of "alien" and some xenophile marketer got the chance to shoot his shot.

Attached: Alien-pistol-11-768x511.jpg (768x511, 43K)

neat concept, but pretty much everything about the game sucked, and the full game was like ~$140 on release.

>announcing a game when you havent even started it