I swear anons I love jrpgs for their gameplay and story and my interest in them has nothing to do with my obsession...

>I swear anons I love jrpgs for their gameplay and story and my interest in them has nothing to do with my obsession with anime and japan

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go back to /bant/

jrpgs are so fucking boring to play, they're literally just either luck based or just "who has the higher number" shit

Yea Forums


wrpgs are so fucking boring to play. It's literally just roam around open world with shit gameplay and a tacked on morality system

>I swear anons I love wojaks for their simplicity and wide appeal and my interest in them has nothing to do with me being physically unable to form an opinion by myself

But that's devil may cry v and you love it because big swords.

I like jRPGs because they're super easy and I have an IQ of 78. Who says I can't play video games?

GTFO fucking casual, this is a board for people who actually take video games seriously

Jokes on you I'm obsessed with Japan and I think JRPGs are fucking garbage 99.999998% of the time with a 0.000002% margin of error

But I hate Japan for war crimes and all else they have done
Fuck you Japanese pig you makes good video game but garbage people

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people that use wojaks are the real retards

I haven't played DMCV but those are action games user, and they don't have morality systems or open worlds. Yikes from me faggot.

Dmc isn’t a rpg u tard

I don't get it. That's like saying "I swear, I like apples because they taste good and not because I like fruits".

Dmc5 has neither of those and it's not a jrpg you fucking retard

when will wojack posters get an auto ban?

Yeah! And for e-celeb trash and gacha and 12-year-old-tier politics. Fucking cashuls

This. Lotta fags seem to have their panties in a bunch that people can enjoy a medium.

Hopefully soon. Throw in the frog too

>go back to /bant/
>the board that declared war on wojak and pepe
>the board that might as well be Yea Forums meets Yea Forums

Post something original you faggot. This shit is super stale

Posting those two is no better than how reddit beats dead horses. Its time to move on

I swear I love Japanese game because of their uniqueness and not because of anime girls, that I use as fap material.

>he demands OC in a thread like this

No picture would be better than the same shit over and over. I just want people to move on.


Thank you. Much better. Very fresh and original

>reading comprehension
/bant/ hates wojak posters and pepe posters and is a weird Yea Forums /jp/ /qa/ colony, the first post makes zero sense

I love them for all four of those reason
What are you going to do about it little gay boy?

>His only experience with JRPGs are final fantasy games


>the board that declared war on wojak and pepe
can't be all bad, then

I see. My bad. I just hope people can use new stuff like they used to. We have been stuck on those two for years.

What insecurity are you projecting?

Am I wrong? Name one western RPG that has good gameplay/gameplay that doesn't feel terrible to the touch
I'll wait

>I swear anons, I love wojaks for their cleverness and originality and my interest in them has nothing to do with my obsession with reddit and facebook

Mines like 40 and I like rpg to :D
I like it because they are relaxing and I can take much time I need

durr wai... foo? PEEPEE FEEL GOOD

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Oof she said something bad about something I enjoy. I'll have to quickly change my tastes so can fit in better in the circlejerk.

What compels people to hold on to wojak and pepe for so damn long. That shit is way past its expiration date. Using the same shit over and over makes it feel like this is a facebook group

yeah, choosing between a magic attack and a physical attack for 60 hours is real fucking fun
you play jrpgs for their story and/or cute girls

What RPGs are your favorites? I'm asking because I can't imagine that a sub-50 IQ person would be able to enjoy much of anything, if at all.


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The different variations for one I assume, the caveman, retard and boomer wojacks are fucking stupid but also different enough that people who shit post can latch on to it

because moving around like a headless chicken while shooting at random directions hoping for the best for 1300 hours is the epitome of engaging gameplay amirite

Thats true, but they have to be the most long lived images to come on this site. Ive never seen something stick for so long

Could you be a bit more creative?

I was weeb enough to take 3 semesters of japanese and I barely play jrpgs at all (loved yakuza 0 though because I could understand lots of untranslated material)

I don't think you need to be a weeb to love jrpgs, you just need incredible amounts of autism

why? you paid actual real life money for less creativity and my posts are FREE


The wojak shit has been beaten into the ground. Even very bad games have more creativity than using the same meme for multiple years. Its not specifically you Im talking about just this board as a whole

I think its just because of the simplicity, once again
Pepes used to just be this kind of shit but then the smug tux and clown one and other dumb /pol/ bait stuff put them in a weird resurgence, its easier to make that shit last longer if theres less depth to it because it can be versatile,
Cut my shite analysis some slack, gotta do something with this media studies degree

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I agree. I would even prefer simple ms paint stick people doodles over it though. At least someone made it from scratch instead of a template

Sounds like mental gymnastics, we abandoned that retarded frog and it went into facebook territory, then the site got invaded by people from there during the election. It's not rocket science.

>opinion i disagree with

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Thats basically it right there. Just throw in incel or tranny and you are golden

One word generic replies add nothing to the discussion. It is a waste of space

of course

this is your daily reminder that the frog and the fag are literal /r9k/-spawned nigger trash and that no amount of co-opting will EVER make them acceptable

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It is time for those rancid old memes to die

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fuck off vorefag

:( but i like all the classes
And pretty skills :(
Also pre Big Bang servers can also be fun and getting job advance feel rewards

I think you're the one doing the mental gymnastics with the whole "invasion" thing

Not him, but it did become an icon for the right leaning during election time which i think played a big part

Silly bait thread, but it'll attract people who want discussion maybe.

I recently played the two Golden Sun games on the GBA. Story in jRPGs tends to be nice, but I find gameplay is a bit of a slog. Random encounters have no place when trying to solve a puzzle that makes you go back-and-forth in a dungeon. At certain points, you just don't want to run into an enemy. You want to go to the next town, not fight mobs that do 1 point of dmg but waste a good 30s for you to attack them, get victory screen etc.

I think jRPGs can work when the lesser parts of the gameplay are alleviated somewhat. Some examples:
1. I don't want to fight trivial enemies, ever, unless I'm farming for an item. Earthbound is the only game to do this right. If a high enough level, weaker enemies run away (so you cant bump into them on accident) and will auto-die (still dropping things) if you bump into them.
2. Sometimes I don't want to fight enemies because I'm focused on a story aspect or a side-quest. Earthbound handles this by letting you despawn encounters by going in and out of a room. Final Fantasy games often have a materia/junction/whatever to lower (or eliminate) random encounters; this is less flexible but better than nothing. It's less flexible, because sometimes I just want to avoid low level encounters.
3. It sucks to be walking on a map and be jarringly thrown into a battle. Very few jRPGs have overworld sprites for encounters--even today. Earthbound might have been the first actually. It adds to player autonomy if I can see the enemies on the screen--then, I can try to avoid them, or just despawn them if I'm not really in the mood. This works even if the enemy sprites can't really be avoided (because too fast)--it still provides an illusion of autonomy and such.

I tried not to praise Earthbound too much here, but they really pioneered ways to make the gameplay less of a chore while keeping good parts (stats, mixmaxing, gearing etc.).

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Name 1 (one) good western rpg in the past half decade

This gets posted regularly, your misunderstanding of the site's operation stems from your newfaggotry. You're probably part of the reason why this site went even further into shit.

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