Be minority

>be minority
>always play as white characters in games
>always act as racist as I possibly can towards minorities

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Other urls found in this thread:

>be minority
>added multiple people from Yea Forums on steam, xbox live, etc.
>always pretend im white because im afraid they will make fun of me

Same, but don't expect these reactionary morons to understand our struggle. It sucks having to play as a pale-faced cretin in EVERY FUCKING GAME

Well obviously, POCs are super insecure about being a lesser sub-human species meanwhile don't want to "act white" so they project that everyone else must think that as well.

you're why white people are hated
enjoy hell


Southern Euro here and I feel this way too. We are not true whites.

why my dude? It's not like you'd be jewish

sri lankan here, whats it like to be white?

jew here

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Jews aren’t white

every time I greet people with as salamu alaykum or give them an inshallah they think I'm being ironic and do their best to reply something in arabic to go along with the "joke", it's hilarious.

cant spell jew without ew

>Keep insulting people by calling them fucking NIGGER NIGGER
>I'm a nigger myself technically

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which is my point, you wouldn't be jewish if you were white
whats easy mode like?

>tfw half puerto rican and half Israeli

feels good because life is what you make it. Respect the person, not the race. Dont let this plaxe give you low self esteem

>easy mode
Wrong. We Jews are the worst kind of subhumans. We're subhumans that pretend we're not subhuman.

>ita another insecure white guy larps episode

>be minorotie
>want to play as white
>white chick says that racist
>have to play other minorities

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Uncle tom

>wanting to be white
Why would you want to be a balding cancer magnet?