MonHun Issues

>sells over 13 million copies despite all odds being against it, praised by critics, wins best RPG at Game Awards
>Nincels still seething about lack of content and fan favorite monsters compared to GU, despite the game not having G Rank, causing a Fire Emblem level divide in the community

Can we just appreciate the game for once?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>makes thread console wars anyways

There is no "divide" in the actual community. You only see that here on Yea ForumstendoGAF. MHW is beloved by fans and critics alike by every metric.

I dont know op, I kinda like both for different reasons.

>watch the expansion add G rank and way more fan favorite old monsters

No, because like Fire Emblem Awakening, World killed all the fun both in the game and in the discussions. Ya know what? The two games share way too much in common.

Oh, and eat shit, worldlet

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>when Tribab starts to talk shit

>Listen to Deviljho's theme in World
>Completely butchered
Thanks Capcom

>Can we just appreciate the game for once?
Obviously not, since your post has no constructive purpose and is just intended to start yet another 500-post shitflinging contest.

Fire Emblem Awakening
saves the series

>n-no one ever said that

So, when does the main game end in World anyway. After Zorah?

The TGS2018 panel shed a lot of light on how much effort (and money) they put into it.
> required cooperation from the entire company: Cost-cutting measures were adopted
Wonder how many projects were delayed because of cut funds?

I appreciate the game. I'm a wordlet, only played with Bow and Katana, cleared most of the content. Game's fun.

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>There is no "divide" in the actual community
You're completely delusional if you think that.


>have to bring up sales because there's nothing else to talk about in babies first Monster Hunter game

I think the point is more that it's not seriously malicious. Yeah, there are old v new players who are angrily opposed to eachother, but my experience is that most people who only play one or the other are fine with anyone who plays the contrary.

The "divide" is fine and healthy, it's just the vocal minority that make it sound like there is a noteworthy problem.

Isn't it after Niggergante

Remember, if you dislike some aspects of World you're a Nincel/Bingposter.
There's some legitimate issues but the game is solid enough that I remain optimistically hopeful for Iceborne

>Remember, if you dislike some aspects of World you're a Nincel/Bingposter.
>There's some legitimate issues

I see what you did there, NIncel/Bingposter

Hardcore gameplay

choose one

Chose both.

No, after Xeno. But even so that was just a big tutorial

MHW is living proof that the two things are mutually exclusive

>Can we appreciate the game?

I see through your ruse shitposter kun.

It is a good entry point game. It had enough graphical quality to impress pcfags. It had enough serious gameplay to impress weeaboos. The amount of base content was light in comparison to other beefier titles in the series.

>a good entry point game
Well, I liked World but I'm sure as hell not going to start playing older portable versions or buy a shitty Nintendo console to play a game with PS2 era graphics.

The future of the series is from World + Iceborne and onwards.

Very disappointed with World, but after playing it I found it hard to go back to previous games because of the quality of life improvements. Whoever thought that MH needed unstoppable story stuff for such a large amount of playtime needs to be dragged out back and shot.

I don't hold out any hope for Iceborne because its going to be more of what World did, but I'll be interested to see what they do next.

you might take a sip of your scylent drink while your at it fag

Your loss.

Sorry mate, you'll have to excuse me for having standards.

There hasn't been a single generation that had poor sales, so no matter when you think the series stopped having hardcore gameplay your statement isn't accurate.
Gen 1
>1,838,580 units sold
Gen 2
>6,720,723 units sold
Gen 3
>9,400,000 units sold
Gen 4
>14,750,000 units sold
Gen 5
>13,300,000 units sold and counting

Not gameplay standards evidently.

Nah, World is shit.

That just proves World was easier

imagine being this fucking stupid

Yeah nintendofags do whine a lot, but its worldfags the ones causing the divide, and dont tell me there is no fucking divide in the comunity you are looked weird everywhere if you talk about how much you like past entries , both here, and by normies alike. You are not allowed to say monster hunter was always good

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>but it's the mainline fanbase fault that nintendo babies refuse to follow the series when it moves on from their underpowered gimmicky hardware

>Yeah nintendofags do whine a lot
I wish. Maybe then we'd actually have some kind of game related anger rather than just
>You're just mad because it's not on Switch LOLOLOL

teebeeH the lack content and more monsters is a legitimate problem especially if you're on PC
it's been over a year and while Kulve Taroth is neat, Deviljho is the only monster to be added
plus stuff like the Witcher event and other crossover things have yet to be added on all fronts even though there's no reason for it now that every version of the game is out
The game is still fun but it feels odd how slowly they trickle more into the game that isn't just event quests

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Awakening was the catalyst for the shit that would infect the series but it's still the most bearable one

I'm not saying World isn't easy, I'm saying that that hardcore gameplay and good sales aren't mutually exclusive. The easier games have sold more, sure, but the harder games also sold fantastically, and the easier games selling better probably has less to do with them being easier and more to do with the series receiving better marketing and establishing itself as a major franchise over time.

>underpowered gimmicky hardware
yeah I'm glad MH moved away from the PSP too

Are events still on rotation?

I dont think they even play monhun annon, dedicated fans change platform and follow the series , i did it twice from psp to 3ds and then ps4. It must be some autist that only played tri. My point is monhun autists are loyal to series and never to the host company. But now that the series got a much wider massive appeal, there is a lot of people that dont think that do not think this way , and much of the sense of comunity got "diluted"

>actually believing shitposts

>but the harder games also sold fantastically
Not really? They've all had about average sales and barely any outside of Japan.

they are but more often than not it feels like it's the same 4 or 5 over and over rather than going all out and even then a good chunk of the quests feel very samey

>But now that the series got a much wider massive appeal
With World? MH didn't jump platforms since World yet. Not going to for another 9 years. People who started with World don't have a motive to wage platform wars.

>only 3 monsters added since launch
>1 was clearly supposed to be in launch
>other is a reskin
>2 are event only, with only only appearing time from time
>actual content update isn't coming til Fall
>PC launch was horrible and late
Monster Hunter's biggest success ever and you fuck it up. No one plays this shit anymore.

>my game might play worse than literally every single other entry in the series but at least it looks better

>Yea ForumstendoGAF
>There is no "divide" in the actual community.
The divide started when you fags began to autistically screech over people having fun in games without hyper-realistic graphics
See you in 3 days, somehow my post will get me banned, but not these retards I'm replying to

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If I had a friend I would keep playing

>muh casuals
>muh baby game
So nobody remembers Tri being massively casual and all the nintendo games just following in that vein?

>My point is monhun autists are loyal to series
Uh no, if anything they're extremely critical about their games and how they're done which is why ever game has been met with a lot of initial complaints.

>tri is casual

so there's armor debuffs in world?

user, MH was casualised with P3rd not Tri.
Tri removed a few weapons but made monsters more agressive.

Tribab wasn't a phrase that sprouted overnight

We've seen "divide" in community since its launch, and got miles times worse once MHW came out for PC, there were a handful of ps4 players begging to get rid of PC players on MHW discord servers because "graphic enhancing mods ruin other people's experience" according to these based retards.

Not him but it kind of did.

Just forgetting about all the drama with this for one second I want you to really consider if a game winning awards and being praised by critics is actually meaningful these days. Do you not think that some money is changing hands in order to get good review scores or for some awards? You really shouldn't rely on gaming media being 100% objective and in some cases you shouldn't rely on it being objective at all.

It was derived from babby which was popular around the same time as tri's release new person

>which was popular around the same time as tri's release new person
But it wasn't. Tribabby came up as a term years after it's release.

World is officially the casual entry.
It was the stated aim.

Okay revisionist

Game is on sale for 32 bucks and I'm obviously thinking about buying it, but I don't have a lot of cash to spend right now. I'm also not sure if I'll end up putting a lot of time into it.

>but nintendo

Yeah, because that totally proves you right.

What do you want me to prove exactly? All you've said is "ur wrong"

>All you've said is "ur wrong"
You do realise that's what you're doing right?
After all you are the one that used "Okay revisionist" as proof.

I told you how the phrase originated, you just said it wasn't that.

>I told you how the phrase originated
Not really no, you told me that it's a portmanteau not how or when it came to be.

A pormanteau of a thing that was popular in around the same time as Tri was you silly retard

make way for the best weapon

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Pretty sure it’s facing left, not right

How is babby formed was 2006 user.
Tri was 2009. The last few jokes about it ended around mid 2008 long before Tri came out.

Babby as you know it made a resurgence in about 2013-14 ish when it was applied to Gen 3 of Pokemon. It was after that it was applied to other games such as Tri.

Babby formed was around then but just babby came later with that picture. It wasn't around 2013, closer to 2010, that's when the board was renamed babby

you'd think with all that extra cash they'd hire some people competent enough with PC development to properly optimize the game and get the content updates on par with consoles.

>despite all odds being against it
get the fuck real. they took every measure they could to make it palatable for casuals and westerners and MH still has no real competition to speak of

>Can we just appreciate the game for once?
not after you decided you should dip into console war garbage

>No u

I am a worldbab, but I am having a blast with portable 3rd

Thing is, World advocates have it in their head that World was some kind of underdog game with limited advertising and such so they see it as some kind of great achievement.

>way more.
I wish but I won't get my hopes up with all the crying about how hard it was to actually develop monsters in he and not just recycle decade old skeletons, animations and textures

The aI was too stupid, the end game content is you facerolling archtempereds hoping they don't decide to randomly one-hit you, and there's absolutely no nuance to stats or abilities. 6/10 handheld port

i can't appreciate the game, for two reasons:
-fucked up values for multiplayer (worst in the series in this regard)
-first 20 hours are dreadful, still the same no difficulty problem on top of unskippable cutscenes and find track awful segments, making it the worst low rank experience so far
-endgame additions are mechanic-heavy non-fun encounters that you beat by pure numbers (red val hazak is probably the culmination of the problem and the single worst fight in the serie, a main fight that manages to be less fun than the big titan gimmick fights running through a course)

That's it. Low content was expected, it's a major revamp like tri. Looking at the game as a whole, the first 20 hours are the worst in the serie and the last 20 hours are the worst in the serie. Can't say the game is good. It had massive potential but it's thrown in the garbage by shit decisions.

That's because you're playing the easiest game after World.

whats in her heart shaped pocket?

>Things that never happened: The post

I remember visiting those Media Create threads in the month MHW released and just laughing.
Every other post was some dude trying their hardest not to seem booty blasted but failing.

You're joking right?
The OP in and of itself is proof.

You mean tri and gen right

I'm a Freedom Unitefag and I fucking despise it though.

Wanna know what did happen

Tri and gen are both significantly more difficult that p3rd.

I liked it. I've also played 1/2/3/4u.
I'm ok with not using paintballs and having to pick up a map.
Why should whetstones take inventory space?
Also the game is a bit easier. until you get to tempered kirin and shit. Which is where you should be anyway.

>MonHun fags LITERALLY BECAME the new God Eaterfags
Kek, so much for shitting on the casual spin-offs, God Eater 2 and Toukiden 2 have more Monster Hunter in them than World does.

user, P3rd literally the game that casualised everything. Before that the games used to be much harder especially in low and high rank.

this game is still the comfiest, i got to get back into it at some point

are event only, with only only appearing time from time

Its so easy to spot the nintendofags that never played World and are just sore they got the only good non-Nintendo IP "stolen" from them

>barroth used to be known as a casual filter in Tri
>turned into a retard in his next appearance
P3rd is right.

based underage Sonyfag with the permanent victim complex

Capcom is on such a roll lately I'm thinking of grabbing this on its next sale. What do I need to know about it since I have never played a single monster hunter game ever? Is this the one with the witcher 3 cross over too?

Funny how everyone on Yea Forums hates critics unless they praise a game you happen to like

>UGH Yea Forums is nintendogaf amirite?
>whole thread of nothing but shitting on nintendo
>whole memes dedicated to shitting on nintendo
sonygoys truly are the worst fanbase known to man, even worse than 360dudebros were holy shit

You sound mad nincel. How are those ports coming along?

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you're only proving my point

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Don't you have a movie to watch? We're talking about video games in here.

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I have no idea what you're talking about here. As a Nintendo-fan, I couldn't be happier as there is absolutely no way Capcom can charge full price for hard mode for us ever again, in addition to all the QoL changes from MHW.

>UGH Yea Forums is nintendogaf amirite?
it kinda is
>whole thread of nothing but shitting on nintendo
not really
>whole memes dedicated to shitting on nintendo
I wouldn't call a image of what they did a meme
>sonygoys truly are the worst fanbase known to man, even worse than 360dudebros were holy shit
Hey bizzaro user

based overweight nincel manchild seething

>Black Diablos are actually female Diablos that are in heat

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Opinion discarded. If you need name calling to back your arguments, they might not be good arguments.

>it kinda is
no it's not, ps4 owners make up the majority of visitors because sony won the consolewar
>not really
look better
>I wouldn't call a image of what they did a meme
great argument lmao
>Hey bizzaro user
dudebros had actual games to shitpost with sony fanboys have next to nothing, that's not to say it's only sony that's shit it's this whole gen obviously

it wasn't world that really divided the playerbase. Most MHfags are such blind fanboys to the series that they will gobble up anything MH related including that rock paper scissors trash MH Stories. It was when the PC players came along that ruined everything.

>I wouldn't call a image of what they did a meme
Considering how it came about it is a huge meme.

I've bought this game twice, and played for a grand total of probably 1 hour, AMA

Is this the furst thread you've been to where people don't just gurgle Nintendo's cock endlessly? Why do you feel so hurt by this? If anything, you prove/v/intendogaf is real.

When is iceborne coming out, I want to play this with my friends again

>. It was when the PC players came along that ruined everything.
this, that's why there was absolutely 0 shitposting AT ALL until pc release 9 months later

>where people don't just gurgle Nintendo's cock endlessly?
go ahead and post a single archived thread that is not a smash thread that contains nothing but nintendo fanboys from the past week

The only actual QoL changes in world are the hunter's notes having hitzone/droprate data, smithy menus, the"send all to item box", and the radial menu that you can add item combos to. The rest is either unnoticeable fluff or actively hinders enjoyment of the game.

I love MHW and MH4U and MHGU
If you hate any of these then you're a blind retard who doesn't actually bother acknowledging design choices and viewing gameplay elements objectively - instead you're too caught up in your retarded nostalgia or own personal experience that you can't appreciate how well each of these games were made.


>no it's not, ps4 owners make up the majority of visitors because sony won the consolewar
That was proven wrong by multiple polls here and the obvious mod bias
>look better
I agree look through the thread better very few people are shitting on nintendo
>great argument lmao
I agree it's a great argument
>dudebros had actual games to shitpost with sony fanboys have next to nothing, that's not to say it's only sony that's shit it's this whole gen obviously
Ahhh no argument but that's what I expected from a consolewarrior

Even Smash threads are nothing but Nintendo shitposting, especially that time when Eric was spamming them.

>by multiple polls here
user, the polls revealed that Sony was in the solo majority. The only time it didn't was the time someone made a poll without captcha or IP checking.

>That was proven wrong by multiple polls here and the obvious mod bias
yes? thanks for conceding the point?
>I agree look through the thread better very few people are shitting on nintendo
no u
>I agree it's a great argument
epic retort
>Ahhh no argument but that's what I expected from a consolewarrior
just stating that an argument isn't an argument doesn't magically turn into something other than an argument user

Snoys forever salty about MHGU.

>That was proven wrong by multiple polls here and the obvious mod bias
haha no, the opposite happened actually

>Toxic gatekeeping: The thread.

Attached: Image-1.jpg (1024x1280, 173K)

>yes? thanks for conceding the point?
I didn't concede anything
>I agree look through the thread better very few people are shitting on nintendo
Yes no u very very few anons are shitting on nintendo
>epic retort
Not really
>just stating that an argument isn't an argument doesn't magically turn into something other than an argument user
I guess

alright user have a nice day im out

>whole thread of nothing but shitting on nintendo
>whole memes dedicated to shitting on nintendo
what's with the lies user you do realize anyone can easily look through the thread

Okay bye user

Pretty much. I hate people using QoL as a catch all.

>it's not casualization, it's QoL!
QoL should come where there are actual problems, not just make the game braindead.
That, and the westernization/sterilization are the reasons I don't care for World.

The west is why the AI is braindead?

Yeah, challenging games aren't particularly popular in the west.

But it's a Japanese game?

I can't get over that slow weird movement and designs, if it had Dragon's Dogma gameplay and their designs would play this game as crazy

Yes, a japanese game designed to appeal to the west.