March 2019... I am forgotten.
March 2019... I am forgotten
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Shame. It has so much potential but they made serious errors and launched with barely any content
Not really. I honestly believe that the current Bioware is incapable of producing a decent game. They can't make a looter shooter but they also can't make a decent story-based RPG. It's just an utterly destroyed company.
Looter shooters don't have potential that's the problem. Destint, Division, Anthem. When will the penny drop?
>It has so much potential
It was forgotten by me before it even released
To be forgotten means that somebody must have remembered it before.
So.. I don't see ur point.
The ass has not been forgotten.
I cannot think of a worse genre than looter shooters. Why have FPS mechanics if the enemies are bullet sponges and the aiming is trivial? If your gameplay is simple, don’t make it a chore, just have fucking tab targeting.
Imagine paying $60 for a game with loading screens for everything, horrible city hubs, open worlds with only a handful of people in them at a time, game breaking bugs, copy paste enemies, Hebrew designed mtx, and no end game when you can have the same exact shitty experience with Warframe but for free.
I don't think anyone even cared in the first place so it cannot really be forgotten.
Yeah I thought they were neat at first, but the loot treadmill mechanic is fucking pure cancer. Maybe one day someone will figure out how to not make it faggots.
Not him but it did. Combat is fun and each javelin has its own style. Setting is also fairly interesting.
Because action combat is funner than tab targeting, even if enemies are bullet sponges.
>combat is fun
no it's not. Absolutely barebones shit.
great game btw
Then don't use guns, lmao. It's not Destiny.
For the next week or so until some other diaster comes from it
>Physical copys for consoles accidentally shipped with a small packet of anthrax, lead paint on the cover art and the special edition statues were made from recycled prison toilets
>Official EA representative says to email them for $10 of in-game money as an apology
>It has so much potential
It looked so fucking generic that I fell asleep when they announced it and that was pre downgrade.
>Pulls a Bethesda and leaks the emails
when will this shit be 30 dollars like bfv?
I've never seen such stiff jetpacks in a game since that original Ironman game on the xbox
Diversity is their strength.
True dat
>anthem/vg/ cuckolds desperately trying to convince themselves the game is good
>people who say they're going to the division 2 get pelted with "LOL ITS NOT GONNA BE GOOD THIS GAME IS BETTER"
>implying anthem is better than anything
>mfw when anthem vg cuckold paypiggies
Based and discordpilled.
>there's no way Anthem has a gener-
>mfw it's real
Can you tell he's the villain?
I mean, it’s possible to do looter shooters where everything gets oneshot instantly (see Warframe), I don’t know if that makes it more fun.
when /wfg/ is healthier than your general you are doing something VERY wrong
/anthg/ exists
Wait, it came out already?
Today's Protip for Anons:
When you see the words "it has/had potential", it's code for "dumpster fire; avoid at all costs".
Observe this example
Anthem is a ripoff of MassEffect andromeda and Destiny. It's shit.
Why does every game look like Destiny now?
Not Warframe
Worldbuilding was pretty good. History and background lore of the game where interesting
Flying felt alright, a little janky at the start but after getting used to it the mech suit flying was fun.
Everything else sucked dick. The main story was absolute shit. characters where annoying fucks save for 2 because you barely talked to them. end-game loop was broken, frequent crashes, almost 0 enemy variety. only 3 dungeons and randomly generated daily quests as end-game content.
The end-game gearing up specifically was fucking retarded. people ran the first 2 stages of a dungeon for chests, then dropped out and skipped the last boss because it dropped almost nothing.
Scaling on GM2 and 3 was retarded and never worth it so everyone just farmed gear on GM1.
All of the end-game gear was in a single loot pool shared by every action, free-play, quick-play, dungeons, contracts. so people just farmed the most effective way and never looked at any other content.
The gear itself was fucking retarded as well. i ended up with a legendary gun that had -50% recoil when you kill something, lasts 10 seconds, stacks up to 3 times, so i was constantly at -150% recoil which made my mouse drift upwards and made it more difficult to aim then regular recoil. but it randomly rolled +350% gun damage so it was the best gun i was ever going to find.
Played that shit for 30 hours, i liked the idea of iron man x border lands. but Bioware is such a bad dev, even they took another 6 years to make it, it would still be a dumpster fire.
how is it any more barebones than your common FPS?
>gamechanging skills
>flight, dodging etc movement mechanics
>a decent variety of different weapon types
>gamechanging passive effects in higher rarity items
>gamechanging passive abilities in higher rarity items
It's a shit game but the combat is definitely not bad
>hey, trend X is currently very popular and seems to make a lot of money. We should force developer X make a game about the current hot trend to get a slice of that cake.
this they fix this? Lmao
He is just one of the commanders.