ITT: Games only brainlets can enjoy
ITT: Games only brainlets can enjoy
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Character action games are for brainlets
Fighting game brainlet here, is there like a combo guide or something around for this shit?
Wow you losers must have really pathetic lives
not yet
just watch youtube vids and try shit around in the void
Most things seem to knock back, shit pisses me off.
Maximum retarded ass non stop grind
>combo guide
why do you need someone to tell you what combos to do?
hit the enemies with the largest variety of attacks you can muster while avoiding getting hit.
if you launch the enemies away from yourself it's usually bad, try to launch them upwards instead and continue the combo from there.
jump cancel last hits which usually pushes enemies away
have fun
What is the opposite of brainlet? In my mind I keep going to brainlord
>be not a brainlet
>post on Yea Forums anyway
I think you meant to post this, fag.
Because I don't want to spend time in training mode figuring shit out when the execution is babby tier. Obviously knockback is bad you stupid faggot but there is no variety in air launchers.
If you're playing Nero, time the knuckle input, it stops all knockback.
As for Dante, he has trickster.
not having time to post images to i made short list
fallout nv
monster hunter world
mortal kombat
fallout 2
witcher 3
fina fantasy post 6
dwarf fortress
anything from crapcom
Oh damn, didn't know that. Haven't bothered much with the gloves.
Loot and shoot games.
When I say knuckle input, I mean pressing RT when you attack. This is unlocked after beating the game. I'm not referring to devil breaking or anything related to the breakers.
So I have to suck fucking cock until I beat the game? I thought I was doing something wrong because this combat system is just not fun with shitter moves right now.
You'd think after literally daily threads from announcement to release, people would have figured out the typical *dab* based and redpilled WHIRRRRRR brainlet bean-milk threads aren't working to get conversation about it to stop. Often these dipshits will even start up the "DmC2 LMAO" train of thought that first got shot down within the first twenty seconds of the announcement trailer.
how can you not like gorky 17 and total annihiliation
Now there's a classic, aged shitpost
If you're playing Nero, get enemy step and upgrades to your wire snatch. Try staying in the air instead of staying on the ground. I'm going to assume you're spamming streak too much.
>i don't want to train in the training mode because it's easy but also i don't want to train during the campaign because it's hard but also there is no variety but also how do i do stuff because there's too many things to figure out
see what the problem is?
Holy hell Barry, you are SEETHING
ITT: The same bait thread as always
I never said I have any troubles during the campaign you retarded faggot. I said I'm not having fun. I come from fighting games, I want to do fun shit.
>wahh this game is shit
>i need someone to tell me how to play it waahhhh
I'm so tired of hearing about Barry. Please, God, stop naming the shitposter.
It's not a shitpost if it's the truth.
maybe you'd have more fun if you weren't a raging autismo
I never said it's shit?
It's been "the truth, ur just mad lmao" for months, now.
>Tfw you can't handle REAL fighting games because they're too hard so you start playing "character action games" with braindead enemy AI where there's a "style" meter to tell you how cool and epic you are for pressing different buttons
Is this really what constitutes as rage to you braindead feelfaggots? Have you never browsed old Yea Forums? Don't answer that.
Yeah I'm probably fucking that part up, thanks.
>not playing games that are simple dumb fun where you can just turn your brain off and enjoy them
Crackdown 3 is great too.
This will be GOTY
>I come from fighting games, I want to do fun shit.
then go train and figure out what works and what doesn't
i never touched a 2D fighting game in my life but you can't expect me to go to a tekken thread, ask "guys how do i Jin?" and then suddenly i'm having fun wrecking veterans
watch the skill list, observe how some proprieties of some attacks works against some enemies and not against others, watch how rapid fire low damage attacks juggle enemies real nice, try to figure out what the eardrum shattering clang you hear when you clash swords with some enemies is
Fighting games are boring
Just make all your ground combos follow up into the air. Better for continuing combos and not getting hit. Use the grapple constantly, no need to chase enemies. And also use your arms. What rank do you usually hover over?
Starters are shit with mostly no variety and execution is baby mode. Once you go into aerial, you do a basic jump-cancel loop and vary your attacks. You don't have to worry about floats, weights, or aerial hit-boxes, or anything or that nature because it's all uniform. Also, enemies can't air tech which means timing is a joke. You should be able to nail BnBs infinites in a couple hours in a lab. This shit makes DBZF look like the game of kings.
It's not even the best capcom game from this year
Good post, I bet all your pals will instantly upvote it when you upload your epic cringe compilation on reddit
>stop liking what i don't like you heckin' loser, owned lmao
You are literally saying nothing. Look at That is how actual information looks like.
Yeah I got all I needed from this thread, thanks.
>DMC5 flopped
Why are DMinCels such a loud and obnoxious minority?
Ninja Gaiden hasn't been good for more than a decade. I don't know where you guys get the gall to talk after 3 and Yaiba
Also, I forgot:
There's also a huge OTG window where enemies are just helpless and retarded and lay on the ground. Usually enough time to land and reset into aerial and the best use of guns frankly
>understands technical shit
>doesn't understand anything by playing the game
you can figure out most of the stuff yourself by playing without having people tell you what to do, the game is as fun as you make it out to be.
the only obscure shit is that enemy steps resets your aerial move count, which admittedly it's the cornerstone of real advanced play, but you REALLY don't need it for a first playthrough
Your last game was Ninja Gaiden 3 and that was just fucking embarrassing
Yeah I was fucking up some really basic shit apparently, I'm braindead.
>another autismo thinks he's more important because he's wasted more of his life on a shitty website
I literally am.
Because NGB still hasn't been matched let alone surpassed and blows the fuck out of any 75IQ DMC game.
If it's so good, why isn't there a Ninja Gaiden Black 2?
hell, go a step further, upload a clip of you wailing on an enemy in the void, at least we can get an idea of how good or bad you are
Not worth the effort, I know what I was doing wrong now.
>It's Call of Duty isn't the best game ever why is there 20+ of them?
Let's do the opposite
Games only smart people can enjoy
>DMC5 flopped
>In the UK
One would think that if these games were so good, they might get their own threads, instead of another anti-CURRENT GAME thread. This tactic of putting down another game won't make said game sell any less than it already did. It won't make any older games more successful either. Not Ninja Gaiden, and definitely not FFXV.
Man, sometimes you guys need to just lighten up. Not every game has to be a cinematic experience like TLoU or GoW or Uncharted. Let niche games like DMC/Bayo exists. I just want to style on brainless enemies and juggle them endlessly with my sick combos. Can't you guys just let me have that?
You spend more time watching ryus gay kill animations in 2 than actually playing the game , NG literally has only one good game and it can cheesed easily
You're not allowed to have any fucking fun. Some poor user's favorite game is being overshadowed by several big name releases, and we are ALL gonna stop buying new games, and show some FUCKING COMPASSION by purchasing a copy of FFXV.
Who's this freak in the thread obsessed with FF15?
so true.
The "combat" in that game is so barebones it makes the combat of DmC look deep.
>Here's your OP for the night.
>no star wars republic commando
>no might and magic series
>no Ultima series
>no guilty gear and arcana heart
>no touhou games, not even the fan-made ones
>no syphon filter series
How much this board can fall?
Why does DMC5 being good trigger Yea Forums so much?
this is Yea Forums, they want every new game to be the next TORtanic. Plus trolls that actually wanted DmC2 to happen over DMC5
and yet that already happened with Anthem.
There's just a select few that are trying to stir up drama. Same as it ever was.
Why else?
Did anyone else end up falling through the world during their play through?