Lady Gaga to appear on Cyberpunk 2077
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Lady Gaga
Surprisingly nice innie pussy tho
honestly who are those dudes in the background taking pictures with their phones?
Boomer Lady Gaga fans or what's going on here
ok and?
Looks like someone's fridge is running
"Hey, Gaga, what's up? Looking like a whore tonight!"
"Thanks Tom!"
her soles tho
LOL this game is gonna be gigapozzed.
let's hope they keep her assets
her mom is hotter
how the fuck do women walk in those things
Yeah, so far I've been kind of let down by the average asses.
Eh sure, she could pass as a weird android.
I know right? Literally every step you take you need to balance yourself.
Wew, she's getting old.
Deja vu to NG Resonance
I don't know french, but from the words i can understand she's collaborating with CDPR and will do a motion capture performance, more details on E3 it seems.
Only surprising thing is that CP2077 is the game she's getting involved with and not Bayo3, since she wouldn't shut up about Bayo1 a few months ago
I don't know why but if you asked me to describe Gaga's face I would not remember a single detail of it no matter how many times I've seen it
Sounds like some double marketing for Gaga's new album and CDPR getting notable celebrities on board with their games now, which they announce at E3, if this is all true.
Witcher 3 did have some variation.
That they are going gold soon. E3 might give us a release date.
And ofc if the Hollywood/Music industry are involved then the game is going to be pozzed as fuck, there's going to LGBT flags and in game clothing come launch, mark my words.
Why didn't Hideo Kojima get Lady Gaga into his walking simulator?
to be*
user, this is the future state of California, degenerancy is is second name.
Good I like realism in my dystopian futures
You will never be a biological woman.
I think you misunderstand me friend, I did say it was dystopian
>appear on
It's appear in, ESL nigger
That’s okay. I like lady Gaga
fair point and apologies.
>twitch garbo
At least be consistent and direct him to the correct shithole.
Why do celebritys have to appear in video for fuck sake? Am I the only one who hates seeing some cunts face from movies randomly appear in video games?
vidya* fuck it I'm seething with rage
dang, worst part is that we cannot shag this
You should be instabanned for posting this shit
Based degeneracy peddler!
Based Poland is based unlike soi Western devs
Because it's marketing and crossover potential. Though celebrities in video games is a fucking waste because most of the time they either die with hardly any character, or are VAs or faces except stupidly expensive and not any better than any other industry VA.
I have no problem with attractive people being in my video games. Beauty (not the forced tranny "beauty" but bonafide, society-approved beauty) always draws the right crowd.
pics or it didnt
its just you user
How much do you think it cost them? It seems as huge waste of fucking money to show her in the game for 30s.
i did
i get the feeling that my computer will start smelling bad if i run the game with this crusty bitch in it
I disagree
she was alright on a star is born
lady gaga has a horse face and there's a reason the rumor about her being a tranny became widespread.
Maybe not that much, it is feel like she just want to expand much more in different fields just like the movie she is in.
Those are pantsu, friend.
t. falseflagging tranny
waste of funds... but hey, they neededan archtypal goblina del sur california
She just looks like your average jew.
She doesn't speak Japanese
Probably a couple of millions that's nevertheless a lion's share of the VA budget so we end up with a celebrity cameo with 10 lines and rest of the NPC's are voiced by 5 actors.
Why do the elites have to put their noses in everything and try to ruin it with socialism and bland celeb shit
She's not Jewish though. Her parents are pastaniggers.
I like "Bad Romance" and boker face
Basically jews.
>gaga will never give you this look
They fucked, right?
How much do you think it cost them? It seems as huge waste of fucking money to show her in the game for 30s.
Is she still alive in 2077?
what the fuck is this from
Muh dik
A Star is Born.
I think you're conflating different parts of the industry that don't actually interact. The inclusion of Gaga doesn't at all suggest "LGBT flags".
You JUST know
too high skill ceiling
Honestly, if you were a woman, would you not fuck anyone for money including niggers?
Don't bother
It's not a good sign for the game. I'm calling it now, this game is going to be the biggest letdown since No Mans Sky. It'll be GTA with "edgy sci-fi".
They actually can't.
it hurts their feet and they need a car within a few streets to go anywhere.
How much do you think it cost them? It seems as huge waste of fucking money to show her in the game for 30s.
Having that whore Paris Hilton for an hour costs you 100k dollars
I bet she'll have a really interesting cyberpunk design. The setting is probably what attracted her to the project in the first place
>cherrypicking pictures
>thinking this entire pr stunt event is "real chemistry"
i'm not a fan of the term incel, but goddam..
No lol. you just watch too much porn or are a fag, hell bent on getting your neg hole pozzed by hundreds of hairy men or some other satanic shit
OK pecs for a lanklet. Could use with some incline dumbell press, but clearly making progress. I ain't mad.
>cherrypicking pictures
There's literally hundreds of good photos of her online, retardo.
>first they wasted money on voiced protagonists
>now they're wasting money for pointless, ugly, irrelevant, old and busted Amerimutt celebrities for no fucking reason other than twitter hashtags
Why? Why was this necessary in a video game? In an RPG? How is she a worthwhile addition? What's next, Kanye West?
This game is just a conveyor belt of disappointments.
not surprising considering there are probably hundreds of thousands. there's bound to be a few good ones by comparison. sorry but you worship a washed up old uggo lool
Isn't Lady Gaga a tranny?
She's all woman, but I'd like it if she were a tranny. ;)
>not becoming a trap and finding out
Poor form, user.
Valid question. I'd also like to know.
I didn't know she was in the fappening.
Yeah, Witcher 3 didnt have a voiced protag.
What a worthless post.
>Expected music from Ken Ishii and Takkyu Ishino
>Get this fucking bitch instead
No, but you are.
>ex-CDPR devs leave and make their own Cyberpunk game
>they use sleek color pallet, anime artstyle and licence Susumu fucking Hirasawa
Pity all that's left in CDPR are soulless AAA fame chasers.
ruiner fucking sucks
>t. faggot
i really wanted to like ruiner but it just wasn't very good
who are you quoting?
He'd fit right in.