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The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything

>installs a RAT

Here's your 60 GB of gay porn and keyloggers bro

Why did Penn and Teller blow Maddox out? Am I just a boomer for ever finding Maddox funny?


Hey, I just want to join a free botnet, what's the problem?
Don't you want to make part of one?It's like a gang exclusive for pirates!

The absolute state of piratekeks

why is it called pirate?
like what have mafia on sea to do with games?

Zoomer scum. Pirate radio stations which literally operated a few miles off shore to get around paying for licenses to broadcast, from which the term began to be associated with any form of copyright based """""theft"""""

>imagine being so bad at pirating that you end up installing virus instead of games

>The devs still have their copy of their game
>I have mine
there's nothing wrong with downloading software

that shit was in the 60's, I refuse to believe anybody old enough to remember this would be here and using meme words like "zoomer"
kill yourself immediately poseur

Only retards pirate unsafe games.

>You have to be born in the 60s to know the history and etymology of piracy.
How do you mongoloids remember to breathe? I know you're a zoomer because you're incapable of finding out any information on your own, through either curiosity or necessity. I'm 34 and I can guarantee everyone you speak to my age will know the etymology, while maybe 1% of 18 year olds will. In short, get fucking razzed on, dweeb.

>enjoy your bloatware bitcoin miners

>underage with a compromised system boasting about not spending his lunch money

>get spoonfed

>I can guarantee everyone you speak to my age will know the etymology
I just spoke to a 34 year old and he didn't know shit about this.
So go and eat shit you retarded boomer.

>Those really nice guys allowed me to get the game for free, no strings attached!
Do you really believe that?

>creating a backup copy of a game you legally own for your own personal use makes you a pirate
>emulating a game that stopped being sold 20 years ago makes you an evil pirate
>watching someone else play the game makes you worse than hitler

Corporate lobbyists deserve the rope.

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I don't download repacks like an idiot and it's really easy to check your system for viruses and miners. So the fact that I have no issues does lead me to believe that.

you have no right to act smug about being "old enough" to know something if you never experienced it, faggot
>everyone on Yea Forums besides me is one person lol
in that case I'd like to ask why the fuck you replied to me twice

You're stealing time and effort you dumb shit. How dense are you that you think physical items are the only thing that can be stolen? If you go to a job and work 8 hours then they refuse to pay you is it ok? You're still there, you haven't tangibly lost anything. Dumb fuck.

Imagine being this proud of not only being a brainlet, but keeping the company of brainlets. The simple fact is you were too retarded to look something up then got angry when somebody else knew something you didn't. I accept your concession.


Maddox was only funny when you didn’t realise his persona wasn’t an act.
When this wanna be badass pirate turns out to be a scrawny, bald faggot that actually is as bitter as he seems, the humour just vanishes.
That’s not even getting into the lawsuit, getting branded a cuck in court legally, and getting his show hijacked due to his own spitefulness.

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The only times pirating is morally acceptable is if the game being pirated is no longer purchasable on any modern platform (Example: Panzer Dragoon Saga)

>haven't downloaded a windows update in years
>commonly use winblows 10 for work
>haven't had a virus or ransomware yet

When you download random crap from the internet, you tend to use common sense to preserve your system. Not even drive-by scripts can get me thanks to ublock origin and umatrix, not to mention a perma-blacklist of all scripts.

piracy truly is the thinking man's way of getting vidya

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>uses windows

What kind of malware is hidden in the repacks?

>everyone knows this!
>gets proven wrong
Okay retarded boomer thanks for proving that you're a retarded idiot.

Miners and viurses.

Alot of my work can't be done on Linux. thank goodness for dual booting.

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>using windows
>common sense

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I refuse to pay for a game whose developers aren't even active anymore.

Can you prove it?
Because last time I downloaded a game from the Fitgir repacks, it was running the same as the original, with the same memory used, same load on CPU, same VRAM used, same everything.

>I'm 34
>still comes to zoomerchan
lmao hollys shit kill yourself basement dweller

nothing comrade, keep downloading

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>stealing time and effort
the devs are already paid retard

>his jobs forces him to use windows

that was not even me retard
this board isnt used by 3 people brainlet

most piratefags don't even realize they are mining bitcoin on some 3rd worlder's shitty jrat/darkcomet botnet

holy shit just stop you're absolutely retarded. he already said you're among retards, it doesn't prove him wrong that the fucking term is obvious and easy to find out. there was even a movie about it. you're such a fucking whore i love it.

>34 and browses Yea Forums
Hahaha you're pathetic. Go raise a family or something you loser.

an even weaker comeback than the one I got from your mum last night zoomie

Is it worth it to use Linux? I thought about dual booting but I use a lot of applications that don't run on Linux nearly on a daily basis. I heard that Wine is not as good as it could be so I'm afraid that if I make the switch, it'll be completely pointless.

Look up 'seyter repack miner'. Also fit"girl" has a miner on their website.

If your talking about ports, you should at least buy them to show interest in seeing the series continue, vote with your wallet and all.

Stop samefagging cuck boomer.

>expecting rationality from your average workplace

No. Why would I buy a game I already played? That's fucking stupid.
>support remaster spam cancer
Fuck off.

Wine-staging is getting pretty good, honestly the worst part about GNU+Linux is the audio subsystem.

>he can't even IP check

it's over. you doubled down on being a fucking smoothbrain KEK.


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I was talking about supporting a port for a potential sequel, not a simple remaster. That being said, Panzer Dragoon's a finished series at this point.


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>anti-piracy fags unironically believe this

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That's good to hear. I'm a complete computer noob (the most I've ever done is build my computer) but the idea of having my operating system completely under my control is enticing. I love the ability of customizing everything to fit the needs I want. What's the issue with the audio subsystem?

as opossed to what? leenux? BigMacOS?
yeah no

Yes, and I addressed that. I'm not going to buy a game I already played, and i'm also not going to waste money buying remasters.

The mental gymnastics on display are incredible. Think about it logically. Let me break it down simply for you:
>You ask for some easily googled info
>Get spoonfed
>Somehow everyone who knew this info already is less intelligent than you

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You don't have to put commas on "girls" retard. No one actually thinks those are literally girls.
I didn't found any miner tho, not even with plug-in installed preventing miners and scripts from running.

>I didn't found any miner tho
No, there's an actual miner on the website and fitgirl even advertises it. Look it up.

>completely optional browser miner
Yeah ok That's their miner they are advertising, how does this prove it's in the cracks they release?

The fact that it's even there is a huge red flag, fitshill. Fuck off. Imagine being such a dumb poorfag that you even need to download repacks in the first place.

>can't disprove an argument
>call him shill!
>you don't even need repacks anyway
I just want some proof. That's all I ask.
I mean, should be easy, right? Why the installation continue as normal if I turn off my internet? Shouldn't the miner inside do something? Why my CPU/GPU usage it's the same as the original copy? Does that have a miner too?
Look, I know the you guys want to see boogey men everywhere, it's ok. But at least try to provide a reliable source next time.

I know piracy isn't moral but I like free games
Since when do people try to justify theft, just say "I like free games" and get over it

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>>can't disprove an argument
I was the one who told you about the miner int he first place, dumb ass. If anyone is coping here it's you.


Based, pirates are the only real PC gamers left, a real PC gamer wouldn't financially reward the distribution method that killed gaming.

Then please show me some proof about that miner, I'm genuinely curious to see where do you pick your sources to claim your facts about those miners or you're just scared about downloading something because you pretend to know shit about computers.
That miner you told me, apparently, is an optional miner they are advertising retards to run in their PC to get them incomes. You're not bound IN ANY WAY to have it in order to download games from them.

My dude, keep Veggietales out of your shitposting.


I am literally forced to pirate, there are quite a few games I have pirated that I would have bought a DRM free physical copy of but PC is digital only, fuck paying for a download.

Are you actually retarded? Read the quote line again, very fucking slowly then reply to me again.

I think you're the retarded here.
The fact that those idiots have a miner available to download in their site doesn't actually prove a miner is present in the installer, or in the final game.
All I want are
Something that you still have to provide.

watching someone else playing a game instead of playing it yourself DOES make you worse than stalin. unless you cant run the game yourself or want to see some gameplay before pirating you have ZERO excuse of watching some fag play a game with his gay as fuck commentary over everything

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>being too dumb to pirate
Nothing is stolen, once a game is made it has 0 scarcity and infinite supply. Paid digital distribution is neither a good or service. When you work you are being paid for your finite time, every hour they want you to work is finite and every time you work you have to use finite time. The only time scarcity or finite time is involved in paying for a video game is when you buy a physical copy or if you were to commission a game because then you are paying for their time and not the game itself.
Charging for a download is unethical and immoral and it should be illegal for companies to charge for a download. Piracy should be legal.

What the fuck are you even screeching at me for? You illiterate unironic darkie nigger. I said there was a miner on the website, there's a miner on the website. I said repacks are notorious for having miners on them and even gave you one specific example of one that you could have looked up for the proof that you want yet you decide to keep harping on about firgir like some deranged teenaged girl when I never specifically said that fitgirl had miners directly implanted into the installs and just talked about how the website miner is a big red flag.

Christ, you are an actual fucking retard. Learn how to read, dumb fuck.

If you're an adult and not on a private tracker, I pity you. Downloading several dozen links found on a shady site? Fit girl repacks that are incompatible with updates? lol

When a new release is coming out, I simply put in the name of the game in autodl-irssi at my seedbox, which will automatically download the game the second it's available. Then my FTP program, which monitors my seedbox for the same name, automatically downloads, unpacks it, and plays a sound so I know about it. Then I simply install and play. Same with movies and TV shows.

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