*city rabble*
*wind blowing*
*steel clanking*
*grug Shek mumble*
Yep, time for a Kenshi thread
*city rabble*
*wind blowing*
*steel clanking*
*grug Shek mumble*
Yep, time for a Kenshi thread
I want to upgrade my Skeleton but their limbs are so fucking hard to get rid off/detach.
Any ideas on how to remove em without dying?
>not exterminating every bugman on sight
Worst faction in the game. Period. Just recently became enslaved because I was hungry and poor (rock bottom start). Got my lockpicking up to 70 though constantly breaking out.
>not playing as a prestigious Hive Prince
>not easily replacing your limbs early game
>not becoming the greatest transinsectoidist wanderer in the land
How do I recruit a full squad of greenlander humans only?
Find Greenlanders that you're able to talk to and pay up (unless theyre free). Otherwise, get the "recruit prisoners" mod and bail out some Greenlanders.
Not sure why you would want to do that though, no negatives, sure, but greenlanders are so bad at combat. Even hivers can do better.
>not playing as a chad Scorchnegro
Anyone like doing a slaver playthrough? Any stories?
How do you go about safely removing specific limbs in general? I found a nice arm but I have no idea how to lop mine off.
>not playing as a chad Scorchnegro
Dunno why you'd ever pick one over Hive Prince. Between the two of them the only stat that Scorchlanders have over Princes are smithing, but Princes are faster, better at early (and late) game combat, can knock out early game research before you take on a scientist better. Hell they even make better thieves than the black fellows, if you can believe it, which makes making money early on very easy.
Well, combat is out. Chances are you'll bleed out or get enslaved.
If you have a skele in your party/are a skelly, you can become friends with the Skin Bandits and use their peelers/build a skin peeler. It slowly damages limbs until they break off.
Be warned though, if you become friends with them and get the blueprints, other neutral bandits and HN will hate you.
You could just wipe their base and use the peelers whenever though without getting reputation losses.
Also, the 50% hunger rate is a blessing, but I find that missing shoes and not being able to fit most shirts is a bit of a handicap, especially if you want to go Martial Arts
the game has an amazing early, great midgame and lackluster late, as usual.
trying to raise an army by making them run circles carrying stones isn't fun. there needs to be some kind of cat sink for lategame.
In regards to humans, Scorchnegroes > Greencucks. But yeah. Princes are great. My preferred race desu. They just creep mr the fuck out with their eyes. Uncanny valley as fuck. Maybe that was the point?
>hive prince
>martial arts
Thats a great way to lose your limbs.
Ever think there will be dlc? Late game stuff? World domination is boring, maybe a new continent/more islands?
Try going to the Scrapyard and kitting your boys out in top tier gear, or buying research books to be able to do that yourself. Shit is expensive
Just started a few days ago. What the hell is prayer day and why should I do it?
You BETTER attend.
I couldn't attend prayer day for the first time after settling on Okranite soil, and i got the shit beat out of me in a later assault on my base by the holy nation. I had my backup sheknigger scurry over and heal all my characters, they never bothered me again after that.
I still always carry a Holy Flame on all my characters just in case.
So... If you dont pray, they fuck you up?
Yes but only once, they stop pestering you after that. I think you're supposed to do it every week.
I missed the first one, got the shit beat out of me, and we're still on good terms.