How many friends do you have on steam?
How many friends do you have on steam?
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although to be fair, i made it a year ago and never really played any games on it, until recently.
Zero. Don't care about it.
Used to have 30 or so that I found here years ago but I removed them all and I'm fine with 0
Like 5
8 that I regularly talk to, but I fucking hate Steam so I talk to them on different things whenever possible.
Stop pretending Yea Forums, I know you have at least one friend even if it's some faggot you ERP with.
2, both haven't logged on in over a year.
Just one friend that I know IRL.
Fucks the point in befriending other neets who will never communicate in any fashion?
1, but he's a normalfag so we just play FIFA on origin.
I added someone from Yea Forums last year and we had one conversation and then after a month or two of no further interaction they removed me. I very rarely play MP games and I'm not a very social person.
1 ;_;
only 2 are real friends, the rest are remnants of an old san andreas multiplayer community i used to belong to, i dont talk to them anymore but i dont see any reason in deleting them
used to be 18 but i removed my ex girlfriend after we broke
4, all people I know in real life.
5, one irl friend who barely launches steam anymore and 4 guys from Yea Forums I added to do some seasonal "play game a friend recommended" achievements.
Out of the Yea Forums guys, that one Russian with an Arino avatar is gonna be the end of me, no matter what obscure shit I click on in my library, steam tells me that this guy already played it.
dont worry lads, once halo mcc drops on steam your gonna make tons of friends. i remember playing halo 3 at launch week and i made like 10 friends, 5 of which i still keep in contact with.
I aint buying that shit lmao
I think 8 at the moment.
They're all for some rare and obscure multiplayer co-op game that I happen to enjoy, but you usually have 0 players on it.
I use my friends list to see if there's a game running.
I mostly play SP games and have friends irl so idon't care.
Like 30, about 15 of which I know irl / talk to regularly.
Had 10 at first, all met from various forums, now I don't use steam due to absolute dog shit
>Most of them I have no social attachment too anymore
>one we were close but drifted apart even going as far as going offline when I simply said "hi long time no see" but never going as far as to block me
>one had some sorta drama long story short after hearing rumors and my follow up first they blocked me then came back saying they were trying to start a new life because of some stalker and purged everyone who actually cared about their existence
Needless to say I blocked the last one's BF because he wouldn't stop asking "WHERE IS MY E-GF BRO", e girls, not even fucking once.
Now I'm back to being an anti social console pleb with 1 friend who is purely for a competent gaming partner and nothing more, fuck having friends online, once you get attached to text bots you lose your fucking mind, only thing that sucks is no clans or any of that shit just a duo and hopes and prayers whoever joins our 4p lobby isn't a retard
None, internet friends kind of freak me out
3 that I know IRL; 3 that I met in different multiplayer games.
had about 50 but realized it was nothing more than a collection
i never talk to any of them so whats the point of them being on my friends list?
took the bullet and just deleted all of them, made my profile private and i'm pretty happy.
1 and have never even played a single game with him. I don't even know who is or how it got there either.
101 friends
i like to vc and make friends wherever i play and so i have a wide arsenal of efags i can play with when im bored
What is wrong with you, user, how can you not know who is it?
About 50. About 15 people from real life and 35 from TF2. Only talk to about 10 tho.
Regularly play and/or talk with around 10 of them
I just have my wife and my brother in order to play with them sometimes, I don't do the cringy "internet friends" thing anymore.
Good lord, and I thought I was a slut.
It never fails to both impress and horrify me how promiscuous people can be.
Two. Only friend IRL friends
About 65
98% traders
A lot of people from old 2013-2014 humble threads
I have ~40 people from imageboards that I used to play Dota with. Some randoms, including some teenage kid that keeps messaging me about the only game we've played year ago. 4 people that I know in real life. Haven't talked to any of them in years.
i dont see whats wrong with having people to play with from time to time? do you detest me because you lack the ability to make friends yourself?
I already have MCC on the Xbone and have no reason to get it on PC since I prefer using a controller to play it. I'm aware that you can use a controller to play games on PC since I do so frequently but MCC MP already runs at 1080p 60fps so I wouldn't really be gaining anything by playing on PC.
3. I don't use Steam for social stuff. I use Discord instead.
I just can't comprehend how you could be attracted to more than like 15 people at once.
I'm a huge slut and I rarely go above 8 current partners, I just can't form connections with that many people.
And you have 100?
I'm not a casual so I don't use Steam
>I use Discord
It has its uses.
If you don't care about privacy or free expression then it'll do.
0 and have 2 brothers
not going to count them but i assume something like 15. 4 IRL friends, 1 of which logs on everyday and another who logs on only on the weekends and the other two quit gaming AFAIK.
the rest are Randoms from Dota 2 who i've won T5 BattleCups with. but i don't actually talk to them, its more of a "hey, we're pretty good players lets do the Battlecup this weekend." type of thing. i only play Solo queue.
70 but i only play and talk with 2 of them
100, used to be Head Admin of a decent sized gmod community. Only talk to about 4 of them regularly
kys, collector
>guy says add him on steam
>he never accepts your invite
Pretty much my life story. I have no friends.
kys too, collector
im not collecting, those are all people i had interactions with but i just don't talk to them anymore
>guy adds me after some csgo
>he never said anything, never sent a message
Fuck those people.
Pathetic collectors, eat shit
well ok, if you say so, i'll eat shit just for you
Like 10 that I actually play with, rest just sit there.
I clean out my friendslist every year or so, so far its at 15 and I talk to everyone of them regularly.
Fucking friend collectors, look at this man how is he golden based, a true human being , godspeed, fellow user
I have 97 Friends.
About 30 of them are "Last Online: xxxx days ago" buddies from years ago. I know a few of them are fucking dead, figure I'll just leave them there.
Another 30 are literal who friends of friends or alt accounts of another friend.
The other 37~ are friends and coworkers I'm in contact with almost daily.
I miss the days when I only had 3
You guys don't add random people I hope
you're pretty popular user
You will never be cute. You will always look ugly.
Your personality is ugly too. A person who is needy and clingy is a chore to be around, and you get ghosted because you're such a burden.
You don't even want to be around yourself. Why would other people put up with you?
Kill yourself.
Popular with trannies for some God forsaken reason, I fugging hate trannies
Why are you talking with yourself, nigger?
the XBO version of MCC didn't feel anywhere as social as the original games in their prime
it's not about the games, it's about the mentality of the players
based retards, go hang yourselves
42. We only do the group chat.
How do I make friends in online games
You are a mentally ill little sad man
But I'm pretty cute user, I get that a lot.
And 99% of the time people are the ones initiating the talk.
It's ok I like you too
you are a mentally ill retard trying to get to people because you think they're alone as you are, stay mad nigger
i only talk to about 3 of them
10 irl friends and 50 internet friends since the beta days of team fortress 2
409. And I only talk to like 10 of them.
Be confident, happy, and energetic! A person who inspires others by setting a positive example. A person who loves their life and isn't afraid to show it. By being a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, you'll get tons of friends in no time :)
150. Fucking antisocial cucks.
maybe like 30
I only use the friends list to play with people I know through other platforms, if I could I would remove all the community and social media aspects from steam and keep it as a pure store and games platform
I'll be your friend user
More than I actually talk to or game with
Dumbass, I'm talking only about a little faggot who is samefaging here, you literal low iq orangutan. Why you mentally ill anime losers so want (you)s? This is unbelievably pathetic, even trannies speedranners are better than (You)
i unironically learned something. depressed guys probably dont want other depressed guys and want someone that makes em feel happy. maybe explains why i failed so much
Eh, I find that having a low tier friend is worse than having an empty slot, but to each their own.
Unless all of those 150 are competent players, at which point I am a bit jealous.
you're talking about someone that doesn't exist because no one was samefagging, go kill yourself you larping retarded fuck
Its not about having strong relationship with most of them its about them remembering you. I only keep daily contact with like 30 of them yet still all of them know that it's me and who i am once i join.
like 90 something
I don't even know any of them, they're just random fucks who added me after csgo matches and because im not autistic about friends I accepted.
7 all irl persons i know
Best of luck user
more than you
What traits do you like in a friend? What sort of personality do you want to see in a teammate, what attracts you to others?
What makes a good friend (in your opinion)?
Live up to those traits. Become that person.
Friendship is a two way street, and you have to BE a good friend to have a good friend!
The silence is honest.
But it also lets me hear the scraping in the walls.
If your only contact with them is in a game server then I don't see what point putting them in the friends list would have.
I'd just add the game server to my favourites.
My "friends list" for game servers is probably like 100 servers long.
Crawl back into your r9k shithole, you mentally ill abomination
That's birds or rodents making nests.
Unironically a cat is a good way of fixing that.
About 15, and they’re either friends/family or friends of friends.
end your pitiful life chinese nigger
0 I only play solo
keep seething american dog
2 and they’re my cousins
Not so sure desu. Meet bunch of people on community server and few years later after the original server closed down they all agreed to play on another one so the legacy continued. I think its always a good thing to have that number up there to remind you of the people you've meet.
I suppose that makes sense. Thanks for clearing it up.
around 50 but i only play games on the regular with maybe 10 of them. the rest are just nice people i sometimes will fill a party with or people who friended me as a friend of a friend
Sorry chang, but i'm not even ameritard, back to eating eggs filled with pee you retard
Wingwang ignomious gaybar legion
Formicid Ant pendant movement
Tibet flash sale 75% off
Literally a bunch of random little fuckin lines going everywhere and apparently it's a language or something
I got zero, how do I make steam friends?
post your id here, and we'll add you
I've always wanted a black cat called Niggerman.
You are going into the trash, sweetie
Is this a bad out of season april fools joke?
Worst part of today reality it's not even a joke, such normies exist and lurk here, Yea Forums is a garbage after all
Almost 200, most of them are from warband, keeping in touch with old clanmates, organizing events and scrim teams. Friends IRL and randoms from different games.
8 and I talk with all of them regularly.
is that a trap?
33 but I only play games with like 4 of them.
Most of them are just still on my list from back when I played TF2/L4D and frequented fightingamphibians.
The Steam community is pretty dead since Valve stopped making games.
I-I know this is not pretty related to the thread but, any of you guys has a Dream Daddy Sim key from that Humble Bundle package up for trade?
I'm pretty broke rn
445, but I only care for my sister
I don't talk to most of them, and the majority I added through Tekken to shit talk and ended up being friendly with.
All of them are from my college
Steam - 4 (only play with 2)
IRL - 0
My purpose in life is keeping /c/ threads alive.
I need a daily dose of cuteness so I don't off myself.
10 of them I know irl. We all rotate in and out of a teamspeak everyday.
i met a bunch of people online when i was younger, now i rarely meet new people, all the people in my friendslist have been added over 7 years ago and i don't talk to them anymore other than them sending me a message once a year asking me "who are you again?"
The actual number is like 12-15 but I only ever actually talk to maybe 3 of them. I'm lonely.
same as this, I only recently purged my steam page of all those once-lively groups I was in almost a decade ago.
The sad part is I don't even feel bad that I don't make an effort to socialize on steam/games anymore
1 and its one of my old friends from high school I still talk to. We never play steam though because I only have single player games and he’s mostly on PS4.
50. None of the is someone i added, they all added me at some point. The most i talk to them is a short "hi" if i randomly meet them in a game and i prefer it to stay that way. Nothing more bothersome than clingy people who get pissed if you don't want to play/chat with them. Fuck people who think they need to talk to you or invite you to games the second you come online. When i play i play to escape from rl bullshit and not to needlessly socialize with some autist.
bout 30, which I all know in real life to greater or lesser degree.
and circa 80 friends requests.
>how are you?
>fine and you
>depressed c:
>want to erp c:
i fucking hate steam
Wish I had a neet friend to play video games all day with..
>ugly attention whoring tranny
Unironcally delet urself
What games?
me too user. I only talked to 1 guy but we wont be able to talk til next year for various reasons. Im so lonely
h-hi i like video games
3. I deleted them all, and I plan to delete the last 3 and make a new Steam account and gamer alias.
This. It was 2007, a different time. A time I wish I could go back to and never fully enjoyed. :'( Now its faggotry in online games
What games are we talking about and most importantly, what's the gender of the person in your image?
all but 5 of them are just people who added me for tekken games though
What games do you like? I can be your new friend!
Pretty much. Got 135 friends, most of these are people who I very actively engaged at some point, played games with and such. Some of them haven't even logged in for years. Kinda sad how social I used to be and how little I care about even talking to anyone now, so I only chat with some of them at times
Still don't have the heart to remove any of them.
Most of them are hardly even online and only three of them ever play anything
The only one I don't know irl is some guy who is online about twice a month and he only plays CoD: MW2 multiplayer I added him when we and my other friends met him while playing.
10 guys I know irl, we talk and sometimes play together
4 dudes from Yea Forums, I only talk to one of them
3 guys no Idea, probably was trading with them long ago
Good luck, i also have issues making friends online. I have some but none that actually play the same games as me
49. I talk to zero of them, should probably purge but eh no harm
5 or 6 but they just consist of my good friends.
I don't really use steam for online games with randos.
Good luck user, you are pretty relatable. /c/ helps me every day.
Hope things get better
I love rpgs, jrpgs, fps and fighting games a lot. Im currently playing divinity os2 what about you user
I wouldn't mind chatting up with you, and probably play some games together if you want !
I always try to find more people to play games with, i've been lacking people that play the same games as me
I have two people on my friend list since I purged it last year.
First is a Brazilian who uses Google Translate to communicate. We ran into eachother playing SotFS.
Second is some smalltime streamer who invited viewers to join in Left 4 Dead 2. I've gotten tired of him pretty quickly.
>All the lonely people are weebs who can't help but post anime shit on every single post
Really makes you think.
Anime is for faggots
Anime is for losers. Faggots can at least make friends.
t. faggot
im i dont have many multiplayer games but we'll see. What games do you play
what if im both
48, don't talk to about 20 of them anymore but it's nice to keep them around just in case
>implying i couldn't make friends if i actually tried
friends are for losers who are too weak to go through life alone
Well, i play a little bit of everything to be honest. Fighting games, rpgs, platformers, a bit of FPS, shooters, some indie games, would be easier to show which games i had user !
Don't worry user, being a faggot loset is alright (probably saying that because i'm also one)
Indeed. With friends.
Oh right, the good old "I could do anything if I really tried to, I just don't!"
Are you a NEET? Just curious
Not really, studying at a university and have a couple of friends. I just want to play with anons that have the same games as me
Do you think that i give a single fuck about Yea Forums? As long as there is a place to shitpost im happy
Not much of a loser then, maybe still a faggot. Hope you find a friend with interests in common in this thread
22, I chat with one maybe once a week
I'm kind of a loser due to my difficulty to make new friends, but i at least have some classmates to spend time between class and partners ib assignments. And i'm faggot, checked earlier today
8. I knew all of them in real life, but I don't really talk to any of them anymore.
You seem alright.
We probably wouldn't get along then
2 i never talked to
and 1 is my brother
I have 5 friends on steam but I only talk to 2 of them. One of the ones I never talked to is an user I added years ago. I always thought about hitting him up to play some shit but he stopped getting on.
Plus if you played on PC with a controller you'd get wrekt because everyone with a KBM would have an advantage. I used to play fps on pc with a controller and it always sucked.
I purge the ones I never talk to periodically, and I only talk to 9-10 more often than once a month
So where's all the furries in this thread. So we can make fun of them too haha
>So where's all the furries in this thread.
I dunno
post feet
6, only real friends, and one of brothers.
Both haven't been on in over a year. Still holding out.
What, is your furfag detector going off?
Furries aren't real
I had a few friends from high school added but I haven’t even seen them in years, and I just sort of unadded them after a while. The only irl person left on the list is my cousin, and he hasn’t even used steam in years.
2 irl friends and like 10 street fighter autists
Didn't even notice I had this many. It's just the people I met over the 10 years through various games.
56. An overwhelming majority were auto-added when I synced my facebook to steam.
I have more friends on my list who I know have died than that.
50 something. but most have been offline for years and no reason to delete
Oh yeah? Then what does that make you?
I'm just a friendly Wolf poster.
Who wants to be my friend! I'm a broke NEET with no multiplayer games!
had like 150 nobody wrote anything ever or wanted to play so I purged them all
4 all of them irl friends.
That's cool. Friendly men who dress like that seems like a good thing.
I don't know and i don't care enough to check
eh, the joke been beaten to death 10000 times,isn't funny to begin with and jokes don't do well with age
why not just try to be creative instead
>All these friendless losers ITT
I bet you are virgins too.
Faggot, I bet you kiss girls.
I met pretty much all of them on the Weeabootique.
I have 2 friend and 100 memories. Its a sad existence seeing everyone moved away and im still on the loop
Ew, why would anyone do that
Check this 5, loser
2 i do not add people play unless i plan to play with them constantly or have gotten to be close to them.
Friends? 1 or 2. Not counting my brothers. Got about 48 other people ive played games with once or twice though.
Lmao get fucked
And what is the loop, user?
Reroll using golden orb
I've been completely alone for so long I have no idea what it feels like to have friends or have somebody who cares about you anymore.
going to steam, playing games, wasting time, repeat. Not getting out doing something productive, just doing the life in front of the monitor
3 of them died last year.
one is in jail.
Yep, know that feeling too well.
Need someone to talk about it with?
online gamer here (dont know 85% irl)
People around here have the same problem and it would only end up in a downward spiral. I dont think i have a way out anymore. But thank you for the effort man
Been roughly 5 years since I talked to one, not sure I've ever talked to the other.
I have no idea why I have 7
There's always a way out. You just don't see it yet. And yeah, don't think it would get much worse by breaking habit a bit and discussing things with someone else (even if they may be going through the same situation), but I understand if you don't wanna.
Post your id, buddy
12, 6 of them are RL friends and the rest are people who have beaten me in souls pvp
I'm a porn artist, take a guess at how many "friends" I have.
frostyviper, I think. profile id is skypilot2 if it helps.
Furry porn artist?
Furry with a lot of friends? Nah
Oh well. Barely speak to those friends these days, in the same situation as you believe it or not. Pretty much anything there stopped in time like 4 years ago. If you got a problem with the furry part though that's fine.
252 I had more but cleaned my list recently.
Back in my day, furries yiffed in hell.
Too bad you are a popular boy with lots of friends and a furry faggot, I like piloting jets myself and to talk about military airborne stuff, we could have interesting talkings, welp
5 but 2 are alts and one is never online.
Used to be 6 but he was a cunt and left even though he was the only one I talked to regularly.
>Too bad you are a popular boy with lots of friends
Maybe a long time ago, user. Those "hundred" friends are more like a graveyard of memories by this point. It's okay, I don't think we would have gotten along. Hope you feel better and break out of that loop. I really do believe it's not a matter of "if" but "when".
3 and I shit you not one of them is my mom.
4 or 5, I don't really care much about it.
How do I mass remove friends?
Put on Trump avatar
Click on your username, then go down to friends and there should be an option to manage friends in that menu. Alternatively, , but make sure it's a pepe with a MAGA hat.
3 that I made by playing online, 8 friends and a gf.
whoa there man, you were talking with an impostor, I didnt wanted to add you or anything, let alone calling someone faggot like that
24 and only one of them actual friend.
Such is a conversation when everyone is anonymous I guess.
300 Team fortress 2 bronies
tried to add you to clear things out, i see you made your friendlist private. I guess its justified after what a bash you got
They piled up over the years from individuals that mostly just enjoyed my presence or thought I was some manner of youtuber. Despite this, I rarely am contacted by any of them.
I don't care enough to prune the list.
26 but in reality 1
Actually, it's set to public but I can't even see my friends list looking on my own profile. That's weird. Are you this SAS guy?
I would have preferred it a bit more uhm... privately, so im not agree or deny the claim if im that guy
I will post everything I will find on internet on you, get ready to be wrekt and doxxed, mate, you'll learn to never trust furries in a hard way today, little Timmy
7. I don't think I've communicated with any of them for about 4 years, and I don't really plan on it because half of them added me randomly and the other half are just old gaming friends that have grown distant.
About 90 but I don't talk to a single one. People just add me after I body them in games and my actual group of about 5 friends all stopped playing pc games because nothing peaked their interest
5, but two of those accounts are one person, and he hasn't signed in in over 100 days. He might actually be dead or sudoku'd because he was a little crazy the last time we spoke. I'm kinda worried about him.
Like 12, but I only add people I know irl.