Battlefield V battle royale trailer
>No women
>No minorities
Are Dice /ourguys/ now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

How could this happen to us trannybros!?

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>battle royale
battlefield is a reanimated corpse of a series, how anyone can get hyped for this shit anymore is beyond me

i was more making fun of dice for not putting in a single female or black person.

>playing battle royale in a game with no anti-cheat

>adding battle royale
>not adding the japs, americans, russians and so on

who cares

end yourself

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Pick one

>accept it or don't buy it.

ok. this battle royal meme needs to die, i'm so sick of it,

Are you blind? There’s plenty of women in the trailer. Look for the pony tails and hair buns

>in a WW2 game

Autogyro like shit existed during WW2. Not very numerous though.

>Battle Royal
This is what current EA has managed to kill

Nice try Dice

Is BFV worth getting now?

no, wait a couple of months

BF1 had multiple factions. Germans, Americans, Italians, French, Turks, Brits, and some other group I'm sure I'm missing out.

>dropped all the fun stuff from Battlefield 4 and 1
>added Battley Royal in a heavy saturated market
>released their own Battle Royal game for free

Is BF V dare I say dead? (Hardline *cough*)

there is an anti-cheat, its just that it simply doesnt work and only bans people by analyzing their statistics (only obvious aim-botters get banned, which are like 10% of the cheaterbase)
They fucking killed the franchise, post memories here and pay respect.

There were prototype helicopters during WW2.

Yeah, that really look like the 40's...

Huh, these look interesting.

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So far I enjoy bfV, its not the best but holy fuck the guns feel good. The squad aspect is done right too so that you actually have people playing together. I enjoy the vehicle as well. Its probably the best ww2 game out there. But honestly fuck women on the frontline.

reminds me of battle field vietnam menu music man

>battle royale
they're not our guys

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lol the apparent pubg ripoff

it's like a parody of reality. cringe inspiring

>battle royale
when will this shit end?

Props for using Talking Heads, but I'm still not buying it.

Literally no gameplay.

when the fuck will this imagine dragons trend die

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Too little, too late. Use that as a title in your report, shillbro

>its not the best but holy fuck the guns feel good
Nah, major downgrade in terms of sound and even visuals. Also give us more ww2 guns damn it. Medic is also boring with only being able to use smgs. Not sure why they can't use shotties.
>squad aspect
It's alright but good luck with randos. Though when do you have a good team it is really fun.
Nah. Too many assaults to push your shit in.
They all look the same though. Just a bunch of androgynous blobs. That said I hate that you can't switch the gender of pilots. Really find their death yell annoying.

Wait user, are you implying that they aren't being historically accurate with this video game? Holy shit you're a genius how did I miss this

>make a WW1 game
>forget that WW1 was a war of bolt rifles,cavalry and mounted machine guns
>slap automatics everywhere because redesigning is hard

>make WW2 game
>push in diversity&feminism and wacky cosmetics (instead of making sequel to BF Heroes)
>tell people to fuck off
>after people fuck off , tone down the game
>people can tell you cant make good games and do not return
All pain well deserved

Why did they remove all of this stuff? I don' want women and Battle Royal.

Battlefield 1
>Medpacks + healing over time (after being out of combat) => led to a more proactive gameplay
>Behemoth => fun as hell
>more grenades => again with the more active gameplay, because you could just clear away major camping spots
>graphics being a bit "darker"/"realistic" => made you actually feel like being on a Battlefield and not in Overwatch
>permanent spotting => again lead to more pro active strategy gameplay - at the moment its better for you to just camp somewhere and not move
>better voice line menu
>those announcer cinematics in Operations we had in Battlefield 1

Battlefield 4
>Commander Mode => one of the things that made Battlefield for me
>Weapon Customization& Ammount of Weapon => You had a goirillion of different&unique&fun weapons with a ton of different options.

>one of the only WW2 games to feature a helicopter
>its a battleroyal mode in a shit EA game of all things
holy shit why cant we just get a WW2 game with all the cool experimental shit instead of niggers and trannys?

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The game is far from perfect obviously but overall it's pretty comfy in it's own way. IF they actually keep updating and adding content and keep removing the faggotry I could see it having a renaissance much like Battlefield 4 did. But it's fucking EA and Dice so they'll probably just add more fucking tranny's even though I want an M1 Garand God dammit.

It was called "BF1942 Secret weapons of WW2" dude

No, wait a couple of years so you can bury the remaining copies in a desert.

>anime/manga is plagued by iseka
>videogames is plagued by battle royal
>Yea Forums is plagued by shilling
It's all so tiresome

but that game has been dead for 10+ years, you cant play it anymore because its multiplayer only shit with bots

The models are just the same set of parts recolored and stuck together. The voices were at least unique.

I just want D-Day and Pacific maps

Doesn't sound very fun to be shot by a tank or a plane in a BR. Guess everyone will have to huddle in vehicles to have a chance.

Or you can just go solo with a sniper and go stealth mode..

Vehicles are actually pretty brittle. Though since you can't start with anti tank weapons I wonder how OP they'll be.

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It depends on how many vehicles there are and how often anti-vehicle solutions spawn. I think limited fuel was also mentioned.

Play ET, it even had V1 and V2 rockets as objectives.

> not putting in a single female

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Having 10 people do nothing but camp with mortars is not fun.
>permanent spotting =>
You mean "search and shoot at the red triangle" minigame? Spam the spot button to start? Good riddance.

Shame about the whole EA thing

I think the tanks are supposed to be rewards for killing people I think

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Yeah... no.

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>ded game
>stupid mode
>no gameplay shown

Boring, uninspired and already forgotten.
Have some unrelated ass because it's more interesting

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Nope, reinstalled BF1 because its a better game

>sign in to confirm your age
Well, better luck next time 80% of Yea Forums.

This will be great to grief in. After all games are about entertainment value.

Because of the spotting changes it's also hilariously easy to be sneaky. Once you learn a tank's default FOV you know how to sneak past them. Plus, as mentioned, with them being pretty flimsy in addition to having limited fuel and ammo, if you truly have no means of attacking it, you can just avoid it and wait it out. A big part of being good at Battlefield is using the map size and terrain to your advantage.

This happens with every BF game. New one comes out and is considered shit, the previous one is suddenly considered good, and a few years later it's a classic.

but those arent even experimental or cool, and they're not something the player can use directly like a gun or vehicle

And yet every thread about it before BFV was about how shit it was, and people screaming about niggers

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It is shit and it is full of niggers. BFV is unironically way better and i than the dumpster fire that BF1 was.

I think its just a Burning Down the House remix with BF theme samples thrown in.

It depends on the map.

>hurr battleroyale game but only if you buy the full game
they have to fuck off with this shit
if they want to compete on the battleroyale market, they need to make those games stand alone from their retarded shitty shooters
blackout and firestorm need to be their own separate things, that you can purchase and launch instead of wasting 60 dollars of fucking main game that nobody plays only to play a shitty secondary mode
fuck that gay shit
blackout is already dead for the same reason
who the fuck is going to spend so much to play a shitty BR instead of just playing fartnight or apecks
fucking idiots cunts mongoloid fags

You have issues

I can’t wait for Firestorm. I’ve got 950 hours in bfv so far

>game has had no content since launch(November)
>add a half baked BR mode
>only included with the full game
Makes sense why should EA care about any game other than Apex right now?

>point out that those helicopters were extremely sperimental prototypes that never saw a firefight and were mainly used, in literally single digit cases, for recon missions
God you fucking faggots are insufferable.

Wasn't this mode announced at E3 as the bug addition and its not even out half a year after release? This is a bigger insult than all the minorities shoehorned in

congratulations, you and whatever handicapped black lesbian tumblrina whore that bought bf5 will surely enjoy playing firestorm against each other

BF1 was the worst bf game until 5 came out

It's literally like $30 now you poor degenerate fat faggot
Also kill yourself

Do you remember the flame wall that closed in on a group of 100 soliders killing each other in history class? I don't

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EA wouldn't approve a WWI game until the game designers told them it wouldn't be all bolt action rifles.

Blacks didnt bother me in BF1, neither did women in BF5 but holy shit the guns and maps in BF5 suck so hard. BF1 just runs better too imo.

To people that saying BF5 is shit, you people probably gonna say that BF5 is good in 2 years from now. Same thing happen with BF1 when it's announced everyone say it's shit and now everyone here say that BF1 is good

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Too late.
Also not adding maps to base game while developing this trash just to release it as F2P later.
To the gas chamber with´em.

BF1 was my first BF game anyway so I didnt have the other games to look back upon.

When I play Battlefield I dont expect Call of Duty, but they kept trying to make it like Call of Duty. When I play Battlefield I dont expect a Battle Royale game. I am deeply saddened to see this franchise crash and burn and lose its identity to the point where it is no longer trying to excell at what it was known for, but rather it is trying to be other games and failing.

But they were used, it's not like they added a fucking TIE fighter. Why would you even come to this thread is you're that autistic about it? Faggots like you are seriously worse than the tranny niggers sometimes, so you should kill yourself like they do

>now everyone here say that BF1 is good
nobody says that
you're falseflagging
BF1 and BF5 are both abortion
BF4 was kinda bad too, but still better than BF1 and BF5
BF3 was the last good battlefield game
>b-but battlefield h-hardline!1!!
exterminate yourself

Why do you think BF3 is better than BF4? Like, current gameplay, not the abomination that was BF4 release. I feel that LMG suppression was bit too strong in BF3, although I did like some of the maps, but overall I think I prefer BF4.

>used once because a drunk soldier decided to have fun one night
Seriously, you should consider killing yourself as soon as possible.

better maps
better gunplay
better weapon stats
better vehicles
better modes
>they ported maps, modes and weapons to BF4 after people complained enough
top kek

That's not a good look on you, Dice

BF3 was also hated on Yea Forums for:
>many bugs
>blinding lights and blue filter
>two good maps on release
>subscription service
>all the removed features since BF2
You would have been told no-one on Yea Forums thinks BF3 is good in 2011.

Imagine being this upset over a fucking video game. I'm so thankful I'm not you. But in your defense, life must be hard for an obese neckbearded shut-in like yourself. Let me guess, you also think there's a shadowy cabal of Jews out to get you too?

I forgot the classic:
>have to unlock flares and essential gadgets

Don't joke about the zionist jews! They're out to get all of us! /s

THIS is what they killed.

BC2 was always consolized shit.

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nope, I will not forgive them for the past 5 years

I've got 200 hours on it, still having fun

Ignore the haters who are mad about MUH INACCURACIES and MUH WHAMEN, the worst bugs from launch have been fixed and the gameplay is the best in the series so far.

They have a lot more to prove before they're considered /ourguys/, One decent trailer doesn't make up for all their SJW bullshit.

And oh another BR?


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Nope, BF series is going down the shitter after it plateaued on BF 2142.

they stuffed up battlefront 1 and 2 as well
as soon as battlefront 1 had female stormtroopers despite the films never having any, I knew they fucked up

I dont wanna hear women yelling in a videogame

2142 shipped with literal adware.
Also forced Origin scanning your hard drives and sending information about it to EA.

Who cares, EA already records your dxdiag info and everything else you do once you install their latest games now? At least BF2142 didn't require a fucking internet browser to be open in the background of the game to access the server menu, or the fact it's the last BF game to support mod tools, and also it wasn't a consolized piece of shit.

It was considered unacceptable in 2006 to have adverts in a full priced game. Now we have far more intrusive shit and it's just accepted.

i like the story they tell in this trailer

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>stuff game full of women and minorities shit
>don't let you play as a trap
What's the point?

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Some of the BF3 maps are great yeah. I think it's unfortunate that Levolution didn't really work out that well. I really like Obliterate mode, but impossible to find any games now in EU-PC for it.

The traps die from AIDs early in game.

so what is this? sturmtiger?

isn't that already in the game?

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>In-game advertisement billboards ruined my BF2142 gaming experience.

Yes it's the Sturmtiger and Dice are just lazy shits trying to act like they made new content.

It's 35 bucks on PSN this week I think

>don't buy our game
>don't buy it
>it actually worked
Damn... gamers have this much power?

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Yeah, the 'big reveal' is something that's already in the game.

it’s regularly on sale for under $30, don’t buy full price

I thought the reveal was more about that it is in this mode and not what it is, Sturmtiger seems quite OP.

lol it sold like 6 million copies

More like 7 and a bit, EA cried a little they expected 8 (for last year).

BF br can be unironically good. Not even shill. It can be good because of BFitself

And EA's goal was 13 million, then downgraded to 8 million. It's a fucking flop.

i’m just happy that full on BC2 destruction is back

It's not. Certain parts of buildings can never be destroyed. They should have allowed absolutely everything to be destroyed and had the fortification systems automatically rebuild it in a different form over time. As it is fortifications are a gimmick.

But you can't destroy everything in BC2

you can destroy more than any other BF

The fortifications are fine they're just too easily destroyable

Which game should I get with my RTX 2060 Code ?

Never played any of the Metro games

what can you choose from? is it anthem, metro and bfv?

in that case, just get BFV. NEVER buy anthem, and get metro when it's on sale.

>BF1 is bad because it has mass appeal
>BF5 is bad because it lacks mass appeal
Yea Forums

was just discussing this with my friends. every BR game i've played has always been wonky as fuck in some shape or form.

this is probably going to be the first actually fluid playing BR i'll want to play.

also first half of the trailer gave me Bad Company vibes. loving it.

Guys can have buns too user. Or long hair in general

they've improved their trailers

Something like this for the very firts trailer and the game itself would have got way less flack.

>Lol BFV is appealing to a small shitty group that aren't gonna buy the game. What a shitty game
>adds BR
>Oh shit I'm excited and it's gonna look better than any other BR games!
What the hell is wrong with people. It's amazing how much they'll change their opinion just because you add a boring game mode

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still not gonna play it

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Honestly this is the only WW2 game that feels NOTHING like a WW2 game

where is this Chika-chan muppet from?

That's the only thing you can't talk shit about, it runs at 60fps with 64 players with 900p-1080p on a 200 dollar base ps4.
Fortnite looks blank, BO4 and Apex look like arse on console and Pubg should be removed from it.

Reminder Germanic tribes used to see woman as ready to follow their husbands into arms if nessecary.
Most of you haven't even played this game, you incels!

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This. Based discord trannies

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>how dare you play videogames for the gameplay

ok cya

Cheers famalam

It's according to EA themselves not Yea Forums you moron

>dice employees gay marketing thread didn't work

>coming in a thread just to mention you're not going to play the discussed game
honestly I can't even play this out in my head

>thinking this could somehow salvage the game
They've released 1 (ONE) map in 5 months time. 90% of the weapons they've added they just took from BF1.

Its a fucking dead game. Move on and spare yourself the disappointment.

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Not bf3 ot bf4=dog shit

t. never played bf1942 secret weapons of ww2

You still complaining about blacks you inbred white supremacist

BRAP Royale


Can they make 2143 or nah? I din’t care about the revisionist shit, but it comes way too close to BF1 in terms of history/weapons, and the WWII era shooter is so overdone.

Kill yourself racist shit. Every game Is fill of crackers weak as fuck.

>hurr i like walking/running/looting simulators

thats a lie

>no minorites
Holy fuck Apex on suicide watch

Anyone who actually owns the game, is it worth buying now for $30? I don’t give a fuck about women/minorities because I’m not brain dead, just tell me if it’s good or not.

>realism and historical accuracy are the same thing

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>Are Dice /ourguys/ now?
Haha, no. Corporate came down on them like a ton of bricks "you faggots better make some money or you're gone"

It's truly baffling how angry Yea Forums gets over videogames they don't even play

I admit I don't own it but it looks much, much worse than BF1 which was I pile of shit. And I loved all of them from 1942 through 4.

Do I have to give EA money? Pass.

isnt this shit supposed to be free?

150ish hours in game
I've played BC, BF3, 4 and 1.

As it stands, I would argue it has the tightest gunplay/gameplay of any of the games, and with the exception of two things, the balance is great. Tanks are pretty fragile and I find myself almost never using them because a single assault or smart support can end you, and the medic class has pretty lackluster choices for weapons since they are all smgs, but some of them are quite strong.

At the end of the day, in my opinion, there are 3 core flaws to BFV. Those 2 balance issues I mentioned, and that the game is absolutely lacking content. There have been weekly challenges where you complete assignments and unlock weapons, vehicles, cosmetics, etc, but there have been 0 new maps and only about half or less than that of the maps are fun. Hamada and Fjell suck.

I would say it's a buy if you like Battlefield games, especially at $30 or less. Like all modern Battlefield games, they have a terrible launch but continually get better after. It definitely has a higher skill ceiling than BF1 and made a lot of great changes since then, and they are continuously fixing things and adding new content. The game has vastly improved since launch, even if it's a little low on maps at the moment.

I bought BFV last night. For only $20, it's a decent deal.

>no Naval Strike
>no Obliteration
>better modes
fuck off stupid nig

yeah there’s nowhere near enough content here for anything more than $30. i feel bad for anyone who bought it full price

I don't revive black and female squad mates in V.

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>hasn't played it
>b-but it looks bad
Fucking end your pathetic life. Jesus Christ this is why Yea Forums is legitimately the shittiest board on 4channel

>4v4 br


it’s squad based dummy, 64 players


honestly what do you expect?

It's pretty good as long as you want to learn the game.
It has some good map design. The maps play out reasonably well. Much more than some BF4 maps did.
I agree with >the balance is great.
It's almost as good as BC2.
Most importantly it's fun. Way more skill-based than BF1.
It's almost as fun and dare I say, "atmosperic" as Bad Company 2, with Brits actually speaking like bongs and Germans actually speaking like krauts. All in all, it's pretty enjoyable. I especially like killing women and hearing them scream twice as loud as a regular male soldier. There's nothing quite like it in any other multiplayer AAA title.

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that's thoros of myr

I get your point but that's not a very viable tactic.
KIlling black and/or female enemies is a much more viable tactic.

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I am fully entitled to say something looks bad. The promotional material did not give me a good impression. I didn't say it is actually bad and at least signified that I had not played it. But given the way it LOOKS, and how shitty the previous title in the series played, I have zero excitement for the game. Does that suit your requirements, jackass?

No. Misogyny and racist bullshit aside, the demand is far to low to pay $30+ for. If anything, it will be a PSPlus title in the future.

make it free to play then I might consider ever installing this garbage
playing for it ain't gonna happen after that SJW fiasco and they're way to late to the BR hype

i agree with you completely however the game is barren of content and barely worth it even heavily discounted. if we got BF5 except with

>multiple factions
>more maps
>pacific theater
>more vehicles
>more guns

it would rival the better entries in the series. but instead it feels like a demo.

>way too late to the BR hype
but the biggest BR to date launched like two months ago?

He was literally asking for people who have actually played it their opinion on it you braindead retard

Still not buying it op

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>biggest BR to date
that's still is Fortnite where all the underage spastic at

It's like the development team have no personal experience of WWII media at all.

I found it the other day for $24 and don't regret it. Seems pretty fun so far, ignoring the political bullshit. Still getting the hang of the new class system...frankly I don't like it so far but it works I guess.

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Which is why I clarified that I haven't.

BASED. EA always pulls this shit. Yea Forums is so full of contrarian zoomzooms that they stick up for THE WORST publisher in the industry. It's disgusting.

you can stop replying to yourself now, nobody cares

Bought it about a week ago and already have 62 hours playtime. I can't get enough of grand operations.
My last battlefield was 3 and I quite enjoy the game. It should be ok for 30 bucks.

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I'm actually shocked there were no women in the trailer. They pushed that shit so hard and not even a single one. I wonder if the the investors told them to cut that shit out.

i can almost guarantee you that’s what happened

I have 200+ hrs in it so far. The gunplay is EASILY the best in the entire series but the game still has lots of issues and overall feels like an unfinished beta. It also doesn't help that most of the current maps are kinda shit. It will probably end up being really good after about a year of updates, similar to what happened with BF4.

Buy on sale only.

I wouldn't say so. It's lacking in content and the roadmap they revealed is essentially over so no-one knows what, if anything, comes next. If they announce they're adding new factions and maps soon, it might be saved. If their plan is to just trickle in the occasional weapon, map, or vehicle it's never going to have enough content. Very little has changed in the 5 months since release, so if the next 5 months are the same it's dead.

nope, not our guys in the slightest. for that they would have to not be swedish, make good games again, not be apart of EA and actually make historical authentic games like they said they do.

yeah the live service is likely dead after firestorm. unless this proves to be some
giant success and brings tons of people back

Kys shill.

You're gonna have to be more specific then "germanic tribes" my dude.
Where, when?

>muh history

Yeah it's dumb but DICE said they are >MUH HISTORY when creating games.

As if it matters. I'm never buying another Battlefield again.

>Buying anything from EA

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Honestly that’s a pretty cool trailer, it is BR and it is BFV though so whatever

Who cares what they said? It was outlandishly obvious after BF1 and the reveal trailer that BF5 would be very ahistorical, their consistently terrible PR and CMs don't change that

And it really showed when they replaced the Norwegian soldiers and resistance fighters who disabled the station that produced heavy water with a 16 year old girl and her mother.

>Who cares what they said?
Oh so you're a corporate cocksucker, got it. Keep paying for the lootboxes piggy.

>ruin your historical setting with minorities
>fanbase is mad, game is dying
>revert on your decision and show less and less minors in trailers
>BR now looks more historically accurate than the main game
This is fucking hilarious

Yeah Battlefield as we know it is dead

People on twitter and reddit are wanting DICE to focus on the BR mode instead of updating their game
Youtubers are over the moon with the new BR and are saying it's better than the main game.

It's either a Sturmtiger, Maus or E-100

You're 2 for 2 in being a retard

Makes me wonder what the devs felt after being told to cut the bullshit. I wonder if some quit over it.