Biggest online rip off? Xbox live or PSPlus?

Biggest online rip off? Xbox live or PSPlus?

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>halo mcc gets ported on steam
>steam users have access to xbox live servers
>still dont have to pay while xbone owners do

1 - you have an xbox kek
2 - if you don't like Halo, gamepass is worthless
3 - PS4 online player base is less childish
4 - you bought an xbox kek

Nintendo switch by a long shot. Least microsoft and sony give you free games instead of roms

Want to cancel your membership


>Sony asks if you would like to cancel but still pay the fees
>fuck off
>sony says you're being unreasonable!


>PS4 online player base is less childish
the fucking irony of this post

None of this matters, the elites in the UK are against it and won't allow them to leave the United states of Europe controlled by Germany.

It's like they never won ww2, germany in control baby!

All games are roms you fucking idiot. Switch online sucks, but don't be a dumbfuck about it.

PS+ was actually a pretty good deal when the PS3 and Vita were still alive.

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ps+ has literally never had a good PS4 game available. It's always the worst shit imaginable.

Live but only because it started the whole thing. i'm never going to pay for any of those services.

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It had Bloodborne, Ratchet & Clank, Yakuza Kiwami, Hitman and The Witness recently

so the worst shit imaginable. thanks for confirming.

The UK is hilarious.

It's a nation that prides itself on humane animal treatment and are against testing of cosmetics on animals because they feel pain, yet in the supermarkets that spout this stuff in they sell halal meat which is involves the torturing the animals prior to death...

Honestly I wanted to disagree with you but after browsing a list of all the games you're right. There's been a few decent games but few and far between and rarely anything worth sinking a lot of time into. Why do I still pay for this shit? I don't even need it for f2p online games these days

You do know they can stun them the same as any other method right?

prereq for owning a PS4, everyone has a copy.
>Ratchet & Clank
god awful remake
>Yakuza Kiwami
mediocre remake
>The Witness

except nintendo uses roms they downloaded from pirate sites online

>waaah muslims do bad thing :(
>i know lets import muslims to our country, i'm sure nothing bad will happen :)

based Sharia

You do know that 60-80% don't though right?

"What is religious slaughter?

In the UK, Jewish and Muslim communities are exempt from legal requirements to stun animals before slaughter. All Shechita (Jewish) and some Halal (Muslim) slaughter involves cutting the animal’s throat without stunning the animal first (pre-stunning)."

>making things up

you haven't seen half of it yet, on psvita and ps3, sony removed the free month games,and the games on the previous months given to you will be lost if you stop signing psplus, so, to keep the games you won before, you must keep paying for the service or you will lose them.

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thats kind of funny but completely ignores the fact that the EU is a political union, not just a free trade area

Wew that image is babbys first politics incarnate

Damn, millennial political commentary is so deep and thoughtful.

>No Nintendo option where you pay them $20 a month for the privilege of using your own internet and fucking nothing else
Gee, I wonder what falseflagging dumbshit fanbase was behind this racist garbage

>prereq for owning a PS4, everyone has a copy.
That can't be the case. Seeing how it flopped.

>Remove PS3 and Vita games from PS+
>Don't even offer any more PS4 games to compensate
They will do fuck all about it as well considering they're on top.

They're all a scam, but Nintendo is the most jewish

What the fuck are you even on about.

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