Defend this shit Personafags

Defend this shit Personafags.

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She is so pretty with her hair down!

That's cute.

I can't. She does look much better without that goofy hairdo.

It's like her neck is about to break.

She looks way cuter with her hair down. I wish that was her vanilla hairstyle outside of her phantom thief outfit.

I tried the demo, i wouldn't buy the game but it was fun and quite hard 2bh.

I really can't defend you making the same low effort thread over and over again like a fucking autist.

I don't play Cringesona. What's supposed to be defended here?

...What am I supposed to defend? Anne being cute?

Weebs seething that a white girl is better than their (((jpop))) idols.

Alternate hairstyles are literally the only great thing in that game. Everything else sucks ass, but boy, Haru with ponytail and Ann with her hair down are the next level of cuteness.

>1/4 "American"

>Haru with ponytail
Show me. Also is best girl Hifumi in it?

should have been her design in the game, having her hair down like that.

No she is not.


Cute-aba dancing is literally the adorablest.

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Shut up bitch. Quit getting mad at video games

Not a Personafag, but she looks very cute.

Well, she's also 1/4 Finnish.
Here you go. It's a part of a cheerleader set, same as Ann in OP's picture.
There's also a ponytail hairstyle for Futaba:

Thanks! I think it doesn't look very good on Haru but amazing on Futaba. Ponytails are the cutest in my opinion.

>Character dancing in a dancing game
Xenofaggers 2 fanboys don't stop spamming these topics now because of the embarrassing webm of their waifus dancing during the main story of their shit game that wants to be taken seriously.

literally what are you even saying

Futaba is the best girl in general

This. These daily posts are done by Xenocringe 2 cucks because they are asshurt Persona 5 is way more respected than their embarrassing garbage.

That she is, my friend. That she is.

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But I hated playing through XC2.

that wink, hnnng

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To attract horny incells

No one else is mad enough to do this. It’s so fucking obvious it’s you.

I still haven't started this game because I don't know who to go for, I'm so conflicted

I'd post my copy of XC2 right next to my P5 copy, too bad I hated Xc2 so much I sold it.

What totally ruins her character are her freaky eyes. They are too wide apart.

OP is actually correct for the wrong reasons, game is indefensible because no panties

Give me a good reason for you to keep shitposting with this every day then.

I love her armpirts.

She has the most personality; development and relevance to the overall story along with the most unique and cute design and a legendary VA

Best girl status was always guaranteed.

Gee I dunno, to see what Personafags have to say? Give me a good reason why you're so quick to assume I'm some Xc2cuck.

She fucks Black men.

Because you’re obsessed as fuck

How the fuck do those two things even link together?

Nothing to add here.

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Fluffy ponytail!

Maybe if you have brain damage, severe shit taste and are a dirty NEET.

She's not that bad, she's not Makoto at least.

I love Fuuka!

Attached: Fuuka Steppy.jpg (507x949, 146K)

>t. I like the dumb whore; the no fun allowed retard or the literal who
Ok sport

So defensive.