How come EA has such a bad rep when valve are worse in every single way?
How come EA has such a bad rep when valve are worse in every single way?
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The third panel is unnecessary. It's be better with skipping it.
Not even a /pol/ comic this time tho so why act so triggered?
Is this loss?, also stonetoss is a nazi.
>EA greedy
so funny and original, nobody made this joke before.
alt left stonetoss is superior
Why would he buy the game come home with it put it in the console and then act surprised what game he bought? Is this man retarded?
Kudos for Stonetoss nailing the dick sucking lips in his comics
Because Valve at least tries to pretend they give a shit.
EA has won two Golden Poos and they didn't learn a goddamn thing. They know their rep is in the toilet and they don't care because they're still making money.
what ever happened to shmorky after getting booted from that lp channel for being a fucking creep and having a collective meltdown with his equally insane girl(?)friend?
>unfunny shadman
stonetoss is shit, but this isn't a bad comic
How long until they try to make an arcade game where you pay for another life?
Only discord trannies gets triggered by stonetoss
So like any other comic used on lol threads?
I think he just makes his comic now. Man, remember when Shmorky first started commentating with Lowtax and wasn't a huge creep? Good times. And it sucks because I don't really like them much separately.
>anarchocapitalist complains about anarchocapitalist practices
What did he mean by this?
>smart enough to know that ea games rip you off
>still buys it
Having a """""negative""""" political view is bad enough to get you killed nowdays
yeah same shit posted everytime over and over
im seeding fifa and sims 4
how many terrabytes should i seed?
He posts stuff that gets clicks thats it
Second and third.
>and wasn't a huge creep
come one, that voice wasn't exactly a question subduer
Exactly so why make such a big deal out of it?
It's up.
isn't that the guy who blew his landlord in exchange for rent?
Reminder that all ancaps are ok with children fuckers or are children fuckers themselves.
Where were you when pebblethrow was btfo by Based reddit bros
This is fucking gay. Just post shadman
That... actually does looks a bit better, honestly. Granted the joke is still a dead horse beaten to a bloody pulp but still a vast improvement.
Why is atheist sweating over the Quran?
>Mad Max was made by Mel Gibson
>Chtulhu is not garbage
Why would a Muslim be worried about the Holocaust? They hate Jews.
Mother fuck. Is he so fucking lazy that he can’t maintain the same color and size of the books in the three images?
Why you gotta sully Hotel Dusk like this?
Jusu like sjw "allies" truly a horseshoe
>sediment yeet
Because it’s a fucking old school Yea Forums meme you fucking newfag.
Post your best stonethrow comics
I don't remember Valve murdering DOZENS of legendary AAA development studios.
Im not just gave my opinion lol.
To answer your question is because Valve hasn't killed studios like EA's murder spree.
Red hat guy is supposed to be a republican I think.
Why do leftists make this into a race thing?
stacey is based
opinions of virgins without balls shouldn't be taken serious.
Should be Microsoft.
Round 1 legit charges $1.80 a credit for Fireteam Raven.
Because gravelchunk is a dumb fuck who just copies old /pol/ jokes he doesn’t understand.
>when valve are worse in every single way
Because they are next in line.
what is it with alt-right tendies and their obsession with cuckoldry
This but uinornically
he's a 90 year old vetran that survived world war 2?
It’s the same as there obsession with trannies. They are in the closet.
best one
I hope he dies soon.
Because it is still accurate
whats it like having a not-sea live in your head rent free?
honestly just move the TV over a foot or two to the right and the last panel alone is enough
>the roasties and cucknights chimpout whe he posted this one on st valentine's day
How can you hate someone this based
Thank you rockthrow man
Valve didn't murder over half of my beloved franchises.
>Make unfunny comic
>Nobody cares
>Make /pol/ ccomic
>Endless reposts and edits
Dont you idiots know it only gets reposted because you reply?
Seething tranny
I too browse r/gamingcirclejerk!
EA good!
>Thinks its about cucks
Wew lad talk about projection
This image is literally an incel fantasy
>haha woman finally sad that she can't have me
Look at this patheti incel trying to come up with an insult for browsing reddit
lmao how do you even know what /r/gamingcirclejerk is if you don't go to reddit?
Now this is what I call an improvement.
bioware doesnt deserve dying next to actually good studios
Only funny one so far. And of course it's an edit, because whatever autistic incel makes these comics wouldn't have that kind of self awareness.
It's stonetoss
the new B^U
I know of people that don't believe in god and will shit on it just to be assholes to christians but those same people will bend over backwords to protect muslims from drumphs evil unjustified hate against their sand religion.
>mfw ea bad
>ESL kid thinks knowing about reddit = browsing reddit
seething white boy
You know I’ve never seen one (1) atheist defend the Muslim religion.
they are in your head rent free lmao
is this loss?
>dragon age 2
>mass effect 3
>dragon age inquisition
>mass effect Andromeda
At this rate I would actually support EA for killing Bioware. Better yet it if is done before they rape the corpse of Dragon Age for a third time.
as opposed to any other part of history? Not justifying it, but it's not something new.
why would someone applying for immigration not know the country he's applying to?
S e e t h i n g
I thought Yea Forums liked inquisition
>dragon age 1 was shit and so was mass effect 1
to serve the punchline
>having a negative political view can get you tarred and feathered
>having a negative political view can get you lynched
>having a negative political view can get you beaten badly or murdered
>alt-weenies complain about people punching them in the face as if it's murder
>meanwhile they celebrate it when they kill some chick with a truck or when a cop kills a nigger
You are so oppressed user
nigga, they made MDK2, they made Baldur's Gate, they made Kotor and Dragon Age Origins. All awesome games.
Literally go to any college campus.
WHY are they putting the books in with the back first?
You won't believe how slutty woman are. I was once a fat loser but after getting fit, becoming an Engineer and making good money I have gotten messages on Facebook by every girl I have met.
But I know why they message me. I am a quality man with a stable and secure future.
Isn't it suppose to be sad that this people need to be treated by a psychologist but instead they encouraged in their sickness and that kills them?
>t. In college
Not a one defends the religion.
The why are opinions of the soilent elementals with no balls taken seriously?
The "heh" means it's a joke and the holocaust actually happened
I'm disappointed in myself, I laughed way too hard when it's not even that funny.
I belive the point of Chtulhu was that people liked it despite the author having some rather controversial opinions on certain subjects.
Yeah, sure you haven't. Let me guess, by your definition of what a real atheist is, right?
Yeah. Imagine a doctor telling you to cut your arm off.
Someone who doesn’t believe in a deity.
>can't differentiate between art and artist
>it's one and the same with rockthrow
Guy's such an idiot.
Virgin nazi: The holocaust never happened, but it should have.
Chad Nazi: 6 millions weren't enough.
Virgin commie: The communist victim numbers are innacurate.
Chad commie: 60 millions were just the beggining.
They do, fo BIID.
Israel is the last bastion of hope for ethnically pure countries
But all those leftists who bend over backwards for Muslims but call themselves atheists don't count, huh? Go fuck yourself. You either live in a closet, or you're a liar.
How is valve worse? They made pc gaming bigger than all consoles combined, and give large sales many times a year. You don't see Sony or Microsoft customers being able to buy games for -75% off.
you can't be a Muslim atheist you dumbo. However not all atheists are anti-theistic, but anti-theistic atheists should attack all religions, but especially the main one in their community as it has the most effect on them personally, I am willing to bet you live in a christian one.
>leftists who bend over backwards for Muslims but call themselves atheists don't count, huh?
there are like... 4 of those guys tops and they are still better company than you faggot.
>How come EA has such a bad rep when valve are worse in every single way?
Kill yourself.
>Reminder that all ancaps are ok with children fuckers
Go look up the non aggression principle and try again
this isnt about atheist by concept but rather reddit atheism. Is all about fitting in and look smart.
Man he must really hurt you on the inside to be this upset
imagine getting mad at comics la ma o
>there are like... 4 of those guys tops
This, meanwhile the /pol/tards who complain about them are everywhere I go when I walk down the street. I'd to go one day without hearing the word nigger in a public restaurant, what the fuck is wrong with you autists?
This edit is the only dare I say based and redpilled.
Lovecrafts Art
On the Creation of Niggers
When, long ago, the gods created Earth
In Jove's fair image Man was shaped at birth.
The beasts for lesser parts were next designed;
Yet were they too remote from humankind.
To fill the gap, and join the rest to Man,
Th'Olympian host conceiv'd a clever plan.
A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure,
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a Nigger.
sure friend, everyone is mad here friend, not alughing at shitbump retardation or whatever the fuck.
>it's a 'stonetoss shills his comic on Yea Forums' episode
Direct me to one (1)
in before spoodfeed!!!!
The normie: Hitler did nothing right, he killed jews
The virgin nazi: Hitler did nothing wrong, he killed jews
The redpilled nazi: Hitler did nothing wrong, he didn't killed jews
The chad enlightened nazi: Hitler did nothing right, he didn't killed jews
>''I'm totally not mad''
Sure man.
>didn't killed
It's always the same shit in right-wing "comic"
Right can't meme
He can't because they don't exist, and if they did /pol/ would start race riots. You're literally not allowed to be leftist in public anymore.
Go ahead, try to defend Muslims in public these days, see what happens.
But that doesn't make any sense, he would be on their side.
im not, im here for the edits.
you seem to be here for the real thing though.
>this is what polsexuals actually believe
>there are like... 4
Nigger, there are anti-islamophobia protests all the time with thousands of leftwing atheists.
he wouldnt though
>funny comics
Let me stop you right here
being against phobia is not the same as being a Muslim. You can think people have stupid ideas, but still think they deserve to be treated like people.
Do the people that spout this line take in account most of that "crime" is petty shit like weed possession?
this one is so terrible it may as well be an actual comic.
>that attention detail
this is quite sad.
>once I pulled my shit together I started inspiring people
Wow and that makes girls slutty how, mate? They would actually be loose women if they wanted to sleep with obese deadbeats like you used to be.
why does this artist triggers Resetera so much?
That actually happened.
But they acutally talk like Nazi now that they are older. I do copier installs and pretty much everytime I go into a VFW location I hear about how America should be a White only country and that the Muslims, or niggers, or Jews should be ejected.
Hell I walked by a room onetime and say an old mans room where he had both a aryan nation flag and a poster about how he defeated the Nazis.
t. Southeast TN fag
Why are discord trannies always so overemotional whenever they see his comics?
>Americans are at work so it must be Euro hours
>nothing but a bunch of ResetEra and Discord trannies
Really makes me think, this is the last time I browse in the morning on my day off. Yikes.
what is this