Escapism bad

>Escapism bad
>Facing reality good

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This but unironically

you are meant to have healthy balances of both

>just waste your life away in a fictional universe where problems don't exist lmao

marche was right

blaming his crippled brother for his own inadequacies was a low blow.
I dislike him for that alone.

>just waste your life away in the shitty """real world""" because I said so lmao

If someone can "lie" to himself so hard that he truly believe that living a fantasy is a good thing and he is happy doing that, avoiding all the pain he is suffering in real life, why is that so bad?

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And where would you escape anyway? You will always be a prisoner of yourself

He didnt blame him for anything except getting all the attention from his parents.

He never blamed him, he just told him that he was having a bad time in reality just as his brother have, but that he still wanted to go back because it was the right thing to do.

>hurr durr my life sux because you're a cripple
yeah no he's a shitbag

Except thats not what he said you brainlet.

You have reading problems.

blah blah blah something about incels blah blah blah get a real girlfriend

letting video games become your life is a mistake

How long have these threads plagued this board?

the game forced a mediocre, yet acceptable "escapism is bad" morality onto the could have worked as a plot, but it did so in the wrong way.

it did give the player very poor reasons to "come back to the real world" and very good ones to stay in the "imaginary world" where everything actually felt real and good.Death is possible but rare so the world feels real. your character has become a self-made man commanding a small army and that is have matured and embraced your responsability as a leader. your friends all found happiness in their own made strong friendships with characters that you won't find back in the real world.the land is bountyful and the kingdom thriving.

you are basically the only real villain of the story.

didn't they actually transform the world rather than making a fake/dream one? it's been ages

>mommy didn't hug ME because YOU are sick

Then don't drag everyone with you. The cripple kid can fuck right off, Marche is right.

yes. however everyone behaved as that dind't happen. and there seems to be things and people in the world that have been just flat out created.

Daily reminder that according to the OFFICIAL TIMELINE FFTA was NOT an imaginary world and this makes Marche a murderer.

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He didn’t destroy the world when they left as FFTA2 confirms

You're merely pretending, I get it.

He didn't murdered anyone, he returned everyone's life back to their previous reality.

I keep having childhood memories of this game. My mom came home and just gave it to me without its box one day with no context as to where it came from but I was too much of a first grader to fully appreciate it. I genuinely miss this game. The snowball rock never left my mind

Yea Forums ISN'T REAL


Yea Forums is real son, is what some cultures call purgatory.

Why didn't Marche let Mewt have an adult size Krabby Patty?

>ignoring everything Mewt did to not only Marche but their other friends and innocent people
playing through the game right now and you're wrong, stupid AND gay
there's nothing wrong with escapism but when it starts affecting others negatively then it becomes a problem
the game did a good job of showing this if you disagree you're either retarded, never actually played the game, or a mindless drone going along with the "le Marche is evil" meme

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>the entire world has to be destroyed because Mewt was mean

You're a sociopath.

I mean, if it's a physical reality why not?

It wasn’t destroyed

>a video-game, the most escapism-based entertainment form there is
>talking about escapism being unhealthy
they are very lucky most gamers are fucking idiots

This balso don't take either too seriously because reality is big gay, and escapism can blind you.

>Hey Marche look at this crystal it's keeping the world alive

You can't weasel out of the fact that Marche tried to destroy the universe. He said he wanted to every time he saw a crystal.

Sounds correct to me what's the problem?

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Who's more evil
>A person that unknowingly changes the world and makes life better for some people and worse for others, then fights to maintain the new status quo
>A person that tries to overturn the new status quo, knowing that many people will be going back to worse lives if he is successful

Thread should have ended here.

>knowing that many people will be going back to worse lives if he is successful
you forgot the uh, "and better lives" part there champ

Wouldn't that make them essentially the same kind of asshole?