
This game disappoints me, what do you think about it?

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It had a couple of nice ideas, mostly regarding base building and the large variety of options for doing so, but I can't bring myself to base build without other people to share the base with and good luck finding anyone actually playing the damn game.
I was one of the suckers who got duped into backing the game way back when, so at least it taught me the important lesson of never trusting crowdfunding games ever again.

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I think the only remaining playerbase for this horrible game is autistic furfags, and hopefully you don't want to associate with those degenerates.

Wasted potential the game, it’s enjoyable for about 20 hours but once you realize there isn’t any loot worth exploring for and every plant is mostly the same you get bored. It’s great for building though

it had so much potential but the devs fucked it up

Could this game be salvaged by autistic enough players if Chucklefuck gave out their broken spaghetti source code?

Maybe. I think the best way it could be fixed is with
>get rid of the stupid main quest
>have a smaller amount of planets that are very different from each other
>have unique loot and a decent progression system like terraria
>have more abilities and integrate the space segments and mech segments with the other content
>space Combat
>unique crew members/tenants that provide unique items you can’t get anywhere else

get fracking universe mod, game is now fun

Multicolored dirt and other shit clogging up your inventory isn't really that fun tbwh.

This is a future game right? Why is there no work put into ranged weapons like ammo and unique guns? Why are they still tied to the retarded stamina bar?

I only want to know why the base version had MORE FEATURES than the final release. Also why isn't it on the fucking Switch yet? All Chucklefish does is shill stupidass Wargroove and Stardew Fucking Valley. Support the only game that you fucking made you retards and I'll buy two copies right now.

tl;dr - Make it Space Terraria

If only they had actually done that instead of basically trying to distance themselves from Terraria by refusing to include better design because it would make people compare Starbound to it even more.

It's shit

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How is Chucklefuck still alive? Why can't thrley go away and die?

Pic related was the only good thing Chucklefuck made.

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They didn't refuse, they literally couldn't. They had only artist as devs and the devs responsible for the early access version didn't buy into the whole moving office to london thing and abandoned ship.

>tfw ywn fuck Nuru

Why the fuck did they even move office to London anyway? Sounds like the shit where Madcucks spent 30k on a website host instead of keeping it wordpress.

Infinite space exploration directly conflicts with building a base on a planet with deformable terrain
One encourages you to move around constantly, the other encourages you to settle down and carve your place into a world
Not only was starbound doomed to fail, every game like it will be doomed to fail

To be fair, the first dev was a medically diagnosed Asperger who refused to comment his code because he felt commenting your code is a sign of a bad coder. Then when he quit, the next guy they hired couldn't make heads or tails or what he'd done so they had to rewrite it from scratch, explaining why so many systems were stripped from the first versions.

Nah, it all worked out with a permanent base location and teleport system + upgradable ship.

The REAL problem is that they fucked their sandbox with a FORCED AND BAD STORY PROGRESSION SYSTEM.

It all went downhill after the last Koala update.

any news on It Lurks Below?

Soon :^)™

This just about sums it up

What the fuck is that?

Mechanics felt better to me than Terraria but otherwise it was not that great. Mods helped. Mods helped so much... But past a point you're running around trying to find stuff and you can't because anything new is buried in the proc-gen universe.

Early access Terraria copy with some adjustments in loot and building mechanics.

For me I prefer more civilized Floran. The savage ones are okay as a last resort though.

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I want to fuck Florans, Hylotl, and Novakids of both genders
couldn’t give less then a single fuck about the game

>of both genders
Faggots aren't welcomed here.

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It was getting worse and worse with every update, surprisingly.

>Not wanting a strong warrior gf to take you hunting on high-threat planets

>Colonising both genders of an alien species
You've got some good taste.

>can't share a base
This is my problem with the game. If everyone has their own ship and can instantly teleport to and from the ship to you at any given moment, why even fucking bother playing together? You literally have to go out of your way to stay near your team mate.

Nah femdom just isn't my thing.

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any new porn mods?

Wasted potential.

Besides FU, are there any mods that make the game less shitty?

That's all there is really. Modding scene is pretty much dead all except for the super autistic furfags.

Even the multiplayer is dog shit. It was the only thing that could save Starbound, but nothing was done for that

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Floran's are pretty cute.

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post more



That guy's channel has several videos on Starbound
He sounds a little autistic but it's good content


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Amazing building, disappointing everything else.

I like sexy plants. Lewder

>into backing
no such thing. They had pre-orders with stretch goal, but it was never outright crowd funding. i hate this fucking game for being such a disappointment and seeing how jewish and idiotic and incompetent tiy and chucklefish are, but get your facts right

How lewd?

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True that is, but how many years has it been now? I don't care what exactly it was, because by the end it basically was crowdfunded with how early the pre-orders started.

>lets make terraria but we take out the fun.


base building is cool. WTF were they thinking with the rest.

big tidi plant lewd

Would it be okay to literally nibble on your floran gf? It would grow back fine since she's a plant, right

I honestly enjoyed starbound more than terraria. I have no idea why. With terraria everything just felt like some massive autistic grind. To get this weapon first you need this which needs that which you get from this, same for armor etc. And you needed it to progress through bosses that unlock MORE stuff to grind.

With starbound it was just the adventure, what limited adventure there was. I never felt i needed to grind besides sometimes digging up a bit more ore but that was quick. Or getting fuel from the moon. Gear just dropped randomly and I never had to autistically grind for anything

she'd nibble on your dick, so seems only fair to me.

That'd be really rude.

Shitty terreria clone.

I like the soundtrack. I like to tell myself that I bought it only for the included ost. The game itself is just bad.

It bothers me that they don't even use half of the soundtrack yet the files are in to bloat the filesize

>what do you think about it?
I try not to

Very sad and true. Chucklefuck had the advantage ehen Red left Terraria after 1.1 but then came back with 1.2.

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Literally every game that Chucklefuck has published is better than their own game.

Those games weren't made by Chucklefuck.

That's why he said published

>autistic furfags
Why did you said the same word twice?

How and why the fuck does this game still have stutters? I've been trying to get back into it but jesus christ it's irritating missing a jump because the game freezes for half a second.

Some autistics aren't puppy rapists and child molestors. Furfag autism is it's own category.

Furfag implies autist though. Kind of like saying a winged eagle or something.

Some spergs first C++ then when he left after king retard Tiy bought an office in London they hired a different autidt coder who had no fucking idea how to work first spergs C++ chickenscratch so they had to make it all over again.

Eagle is a specific type of creature, autist is general term like bird. But not all birds are like eagles. Furfags are autists, but not all autists are furfags.

>Furfags are autists, but not all autists are furfags.
>Furfags are autists
Exactly. Thus no need to say "autistic furfags"

This happens to me a lot, especially when an enemy detects you there's fucking half a second freeze.

It was the game that taught me to always be wary of crowdfunding/early access

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This piece of shit along with Edge of Space is why pic related never got made.

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Exceot the furfag jews. The ones that are only a furry to take advantage of the gold mine from taking commissions and doing YCHs.

Nah if you're a furry you automatically become a degenerate subhuman that needs to be lined up against a wall and shot.

kek, guess you don't want to take advantage of the degenerates and drain them of their money before they get shot.