Who here /wagecuck/?
How do you find time for Vidya?
How do you afford Vidya?
>Inb4 just like find a better job lol
Who here /wagecuck/?
How do you find time for Vidya?
How do you afford Vidya?
>Inb4 just like find a better job lol
I barely find time. But I still manage the get 20h/week in. Vidya is one of the cheepest hobbies around so it's easy to afford if you know how to properly spend your money.
I pirate and emulate
I know how to manage my time and only work when I need to.
>How do you afford Vidya?
It this a joke? Gaming is one of the cheapest hobbies out there, no wonder there are so many children and third worlders.
>I want more money
>I want to work less
>I don't want to find a better job
>How do you find time for Vidya?
Weekends only.
>How do you afford Vidya?
I pirate mostly. Very rarely do I feel interested in a game enough to buy it. I only buy around 2 games a year so when it comes to spending cash on vidya, I have enough money for any game anytime.
I make $23/hr but only work 3-4 hours a day.
Get a job with decent pay and low hours.
>want to be a wagecuck
>cannot do anything worth paying for
>not handicapped enough to gain freebucks from gov
guess I'll die
>music fag
>work comfy art gallery job 10 to 4 and teach lessons in the evenings 4:30 to 8:30
>That's enough to scrape together about $35k in one of the most costly areas in the country
>Come home to adoring gf
>Sometimes food sometimes not, both of us love cooking so I never make it an expectation
>Watch show while we eat
>Play Vidya with friends in discord
Then in September
>Pants on head retarded board for the art gallery hires some lady at 120k a year when we barely have that much in the bank
>Still only making $15/hr after working there for two and a half years
>Love my other two co-workers and love the space so whatever guess I'll ride this out and see what happens
>We were getting ready to transition into a bigger space as the main art center in our small town
>President lady is Welsh and everyone loves her accent. Meanwhile the staff hate her because she's condescending and sinking the organization with her lack of finding grants (what she was hired to do)
>find out yesterday the board is going "oh shut oh fuck" and thinking if shuttering the space as soon as April 1st
>Probably lose my job in two weeks
>That's fine I'll pick up more students that pays better at $44/hr anyways
>Still would be tough because I'd be teaching in the evenings
>Gf has mad wanderlust
>Fuck it, will probably move somewhere since her job allows her to full time telework.
Any other fags here have experience losing a job? What traps should I avoid?
>one day a grill appears in our guild
>who the fuck brought this here
>it's the guy who named our group "no girls allowed"
>she wan't to meet irl
>oh nonono
>the guy arranges a board game meeting anyway
>she has a huspand
>he is kind of a dick (a wagecuck who apparently has "connections")
>she wants to visit one of my friends who has VR
>he flips out and over protects her
>never heard of again
>leaves the group silently
at least our guild was spared
oh and like 2 months later he brought in another one and she is still there, never communicating or playing really
the guy who keeps inviting these is the leader and fucks on tinder or some shit constantly but these are his "friends only"
Games are free, if you want them to be. You can pirate or emulate like 90% of all games, fully featured. Current gen new releases can also be pirated but you might have to give up some multi-player functionality or manually patch/update games as patches are released.
Making time is harder but even with a full time job and a girlfriend I still have time to play 2-3 hours a day usually.
fuck off normie, literally nobody here can relate this
At work I just want to gtfo and play video games, at home I can't find the energy or motivation to play video games and think that I could be at work instead earning money instead of wasting time doing nothing at all.
Is this depression?
You have anhedonia.
>How do you find time for Vidya?
I come home and play games? Even spend an hour cooking must days.
>How do you afford Vidya?
What? Because of the job you fucking retard. KYS
>tfw neet
>I sit home and vidya and anime all day
>hasn't gotten boring yet
should probably get a job soon but that can wait for a couple months
Simple: I don't enjoy games anymore.
I barely have time, mainly due to the fact that to go to my job I have to drive for 50mins
Glad at the end of the month I'm changing this job with another one literally in the same city I live.
i have about 4-5 hours between coming back from work and going to bed, so i eat and play/watch something at the same time.
i try to buy games i know i will enjoy so i never buy day one and do some research before spending some money
I was lucky enough to have parents who let me follow my passion. So I tried different things and was able to get into writing. Now I'm a writer, I work from home, and I make enough money to to the bills while also playin' da vidya. Kind of a rare case tho, most parents wouldn't let you mooch off them for so long.
I always come home and couldnt be bothered to play games and just end up wasting time on youtube or watching anime.
It's not even that my work is that exausting but I just dont feel like playing unless I have a day off, am I doing something wrong?
Feel the same.
And once I actually have a day off I feel shame over just sitting inside playing vidya.
I feel forced to somehow take advantage off the free time when I would rather just play videogames.
What do you do? I make slightly more per hour, but my job doesn't offer part time.
>Any other fags here have experience losing a job?
Yeah I am in between jobs right now.
>Industrial engineer
>graduate in 2017
>after I shit you not 6 straight months of looking land one job for UPS
>ok cool
>its in denver
>ok cooler
>job starts and the two guys that got hired on with me got hired on normally and I was technically contract
>MEANING that they get paid more, do less work, and have insurance
>I dont even have a job after a year guaranteed
>knock knock get the door
>whos there
>its a shit job
>get fed up to the point where I quit
>Start school to become an aircraft mechanic
>seems dope
>working 70hr work weeks with 2 hrs of sleep a night to make it work
>total my car on the highway because I fell asleep at the wheel
>STILL carpool to class
>Realize that holy shit I am just going to be in the same spot that I was in before I started this school but with 20k in debt
>fuck that.jpg
>Quit that
>now I work in the same UPS warehouse that I used to be a manager in
>don't even make enough to pay for rent dad has to help out
At this point I might just try to work at a fucking dispensary if it god damn pays the bills.
tl:dr engineering grad but life sucks so I guess I am going to sell weed
I play Vidya in the 7 hours of free time I have a day. I should probably sleep more actually, I spend more time gaming than sleeping.
They probably do IT or something of the sort. I work in the industry and they don't need me around half the time so I only work part time.
>Sr. graphic designer
>spend all day on Yea Forums between projects
>wife and kid
>still have time to play vidya, almost done SoS
>still have time to fit in an Overwatch match now and again
>still have time to play BF3 or Apex if my friends invite me
It's simple, she likes watching me play games
The baby is small enough that you can't really do much with him anyway and he's always sleeping
I can't play every day but at least 4 times a week for a few hours
In fact I still have time to have an affair with my cousin on the side
>In fact I still have time to have an affair with my cousin on the side
>In fact I still have time to have an affair with my cousin on the side
How do I get a comfy IT job? I work in insurance right now and I hate it.
How to get IT job.
because I want it all
Extremely based and redpilled.
Telling you all right now
Get linkedin
Aquire good job
Make money, fuck bitches
Find a cool bro roommate who shares your lifestyle