Commonly mexicans are seen as the ‘bad hombres’ in a lot of cultural game dev related things so when it’s our...

>Commonly mexicans are seen as the ‘bad hombres’ in a lot of cultural game dev related things so when it’s our time to create, we repeat those toxic stereotypes.

Thoughts? Mexicans are seen as the bad guys usually, why is this?

Attached: guacamelee.png (480x397, 277K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Honestly the name seems kinda racist
Make Mexican hero name it after guacamole
I would be really upset if I was Mexican

Mexicans have nobody but themselves to blame for their bad reputation.
They don't even see illegal immigrants as bad people, so ofcourse we're going to think they're shitty criminals and worthless scum

>Thoughts? Mexicans are seen as the bad guys usually, why is this?
Because they're most well known for being a violent criminals and lawbreakers that fucked over their own country beyond repair?

no wonder people will think you're shitty when you come from a country where being a drug mule is a family pastime

Whyre you blaming all mexicans for the cartel? Thats like blaming all whites for the mafia. Im not even Mexican. Im an italian from NY and mexicans are the hardest working people i know.

But fuck them for not learning english when they get here. My one gripe

lazy indieshit beaner should have made a good game

why do you even care?
My peeps are always muh ebul terrorists and mad scientists, or Russian

How long will you keep this up?

I said nothing about the cartel, I said fuck you for flagrantly disobeying the law of the US and illegally immigrating instead of fixing your fucking problems.
You are human cancer

>Thats like blaming all whites for the mafia
Italians aren't white.

>Im an italian from NY

>mexicans are the hardest working people i know.
You should report them to ice, Luca.

Read the whole post timmy

>mexicans are the hardest working people i know.
They work for less than minimum wage, driving the wages down of law abiding citizens and making the US a worse place to live on the whole.
If they love working for cheap so much we should put them in gulags and make them break rocks for free until they die

>Have Mexican friends
>They're shit at being friends and steal from everyone they know, lie about everything, and become violent when they're caught
I've learned my lesson in the past.

Does anyone on this planet actually like spics? Even they seem to loathe their own.

Ever saw one of them cartel videos?

>Italians aren't white
Muh true scotsman. Shut the fuck up you meme loving cuck. I bet you have brown hair and eyes lol

What's the problem? Mexi-troid was pretty fun and Luchadores are based as fuck.

mexicans havent done anything good ever

Spics are still more attractive then blacks.

They invented mexican food!!
Oh wait, real mexican food tastes like shit, and what you think is mexican food is actually texmex

Mexicans aren't human and the flood of cartel webdms that will come in this thread prove that.

As a Puerto Rican. This. I fucking hate mexicans, dominicans and other Puerto Ricans. Most lf my friends are asians since their cliche adopted me because we all got bullied

>from NY

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And whitws desu. Best of both worlds as long as you arent mexican or dominican since they usually look like noggers

I actually found this very interesting from OP article

>In 2014 Luis Zuno released Elliot Quest, the first mexican game to be released on all the mainstream platforms of the time. He made the art and coded the game on his own

>Also in 2014, Alonso Martin successfully funded Heart Forth Alicia. He got around $250k USD!

>GameCoders Studios made their own engine (!!!) and made Attractio with it that released on PS4, PS Vita and Steam published by Bandai-Namco.

>Kerbal Space Program was developed in Mexico and it's the best selling Latin American game ever

>Lienzo successfully published Mulaka (a 3D action-adventure game based on the rich indigenous culture of the Tarahumara) in all the mainstream platforms. They were everywhere!

>Bromio successfully published Pato Box in all the mainstream platforms. Suda 51 said that it was his favorite 2018 game!

>Mecha Studios had a successful kickstarter as well and it is almost ready to release its debut game Neon City Riders.

>KleptoCats has made more than $1 Million in revenue and has more than 10M downloads across platforms. It also has many merchandising deals with big players like Funko and Scholastic.

>Many game dev schools started to appear in the past decade. The first graduated from those schools are starting to work. The future looks bright!

>There are two games based on the boxer Julio César Chávez for SNES that were developed here.

>Mexican gamers love AAA stuff and indies are more of a niche thing. This puts a lot of pressure on starting devs to create something on that level.

>Gamers here also grew up playing “maquinitas” (arcades), with fighting games being really popular in the 90s.

>In the early 2000s a local company called Evoga partnered with Noise Factory to make a tag team head-to-head fighting game.

Attached: nocto.jpg (1280x720, 124K)

I would be more interested in a low key Mexican hero than a over exaggerated stereotypical luchador one, but I'm not against that take either, is just kinda over done.

>why is this?
Racists keep noticing their children being raped and murdered.

No one is blaming all mexicans, you fucking mongoloid. One can say "mexican society allowed for this to happen" but this is a stretch, all you can blame them for is not trying to fix this image. user is blaming the cartel. And stereotypes exist for a reason.

>only 8 results

the absolute shit state of republican shills

>Mexicans are seen as the bad guys usually, why is this?
Because of their various racially based organized crime syndicates, it just an easy target to make a weapon fodder horde of baddies. It's not really because they are Mexican though, Russian probably have it worse when it comes to their representation in media desu. You can see the same thing with Irish and Italians, it's just really easy narratively and logistically to make your bad guy some random gang.

>Mexicans are seen as the bad guys usually, why is this?
Mexico is as its most interesting as antagonists.
>wealthy cartel boss
>monstrous cartel minions
>monstrous aztecs
every now and then you get a luchador like El Fuerte or maybe a mexican cowboy, but other than that why would an American or Nip or Euro use a Mexican as a protagonist? They don't have that many cool positive stereotypes, and dirty chicanos will ruin anything cool like Speedy Gonzales by protesting you.

I think he changed the pic a few times, I swear I have seen this thread a hundred times already

cope harder indio. You're literally bottom barrel.
t.eurofag who went to mexico on vacation
ojos azul made me fuck more than I ever did locally lmao

>not protecting your asian friends
My best friend is literally a burly nigger hating black dude who hates football and grew up with a white step dad.

Have you not watched Jersey shore? They aren't

>Americans depict every single other country as evil
>"wtf why is everyone so evil bros"

Because their country is perpetuallly broken and a significant portion of it is a breeding ground for the worst sort of people - organized neo-feudal warlords and their gangs. Of course the wealthy northern neighbor plays a massive role in maintaining this situation as the status quo. Of course the legacy of racial based colonialism, post-independence caudillismo, and financial colonization played their roles. Ultimately however, the Mexican people cannot avoid blame entirely - they have come to accept this situation. Anyone would.

It's a tragedy to see as I love much of the culture and people. There's so much variety and depth there, paid comparatively little attention outside the borders. But I think any honest Mexican would do their damnedest to get a good education and get out of the country, shedding their roots. The hope for change was over a century ago, and even then it was a false hope. It will be centuries before Mexico as a whole overcomes its current ills, if ever.

Game is pretty cool. I didn't enjoy it myself but there are lots of people who really like it. It's good that he was able to make a fun game while also representing Mexican culture in a different light.

Why is this a negative thing? He made the game, it can portray whatever culture he wants it to however he wants. Why am I supposed to have a problem with this?

Why do you just make things up for a stranger online? Its okay dude you dont need to impress me

Italians are literally not white
They are closer to gypsies.

Spics are literally second from the bottom statistically of the most attractive race, the bottom being blacks. Whites are first, obviously.

White cucks triggered since it goes against their /pol/ fed narrative. Yea Forums is the new reddit hugbox for low self esteem storm niggers

>Mexicans cut people's faces off while they're alive
>behead people with chainsaws
>cut people's hearts out while it's still beating

oh those racist whites with their bigoted stereotypes of other people

>muh okay cupid stats
Lose your virginity then you can (you) me billy balding

I'm not Mexican, but I don't think they mind much. CoCo is the highest grossing movie in Mexico ever and that movie was hitting almost every stereotype. If someone made "BURGERMAN" and he was an American running around eating fastfood, chewing bubble gum, shooting guns, and beating up baddies, at worst I would find it humorous.

You are not.
Nobody is talking about the game.
This is just a mexican hate thread because honestly who the fuck loves spics.


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>speedy Gonzales
You know that Mexicans love Speedy Gonzales? It was Americans sjw fault

México is full of wannabe narcos and retards that's why, it sickens me how many shows glorifying cartels and narcos are being made.
t. Spic

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Honestly they should ban retarded fags like you whl cant stop talking about race on a vidya board

When all know that the only ones that should be range ban are the leaves

Thank God you aren't one, fucking SJW, Mexican Americans are all retards that think we hate Speedy Gonzales

I know, that's why I called out the dirty chicanos. Chicanos are mexican-americans, typically born in the US and possessing varying levels of proficiency in spanish and english.

I'd put on my flag pants and bandanna, shell out 40 bucks or whatever and watch the shit out of BURGERMAN in theaters. Sounds like a capeshit version of Team America.

They should ban ESLs while they are at it too.

Mexicans should make games for themselves. They can represent themselves the way they want to, which is true multiculturalism. Better yet, do it in Mexico.

Better this than whites getting browbeaten by (((game writers))) for not representing the entire world to their satisfaction.

>another Mexico thread made by burgers

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This I thought that people praising drug cartels was a meme until I worked with one retard that wanted to be a drug Lord, it was literally his life goal, how much of a low live you need to be ?

You must be a real pansy if "flagrantly disobeying the law of the US" gets your panties in a twist that much. Most laws are BS and you really shouldn't see them as a fair, righteous set of rules that you have an honor to uphold. They're made by seedy men in suits and you shouldn't let them control you.


Most Mexicans don't really care. I actually like seeing these stereotypes, it's much better than nothing.

Because we have more testosterone than the average white """male"""

I also recall an interview with the guy who sold his script about US Marines going back to Imperial Rome. He wanted to do a script on a Texan who defected to Mexico but was told it wouldn't be profitable enough.

Character variety and artistry is going to have to come from Mexicans themselves. I always thought the higher than expected interest in Mexican culture coming from Japan was interesting. Anecdotal, but a Japanese girl once told me Spanish language comedies lined up with Japanese humor more than most Western comedies.

Enjoy being a fucking nigger mutt
Without immigration law the entire 3rd world will flood into the US and turn it into a shithole

>they don't even see illegal immigrants as bad people
Yes, we do. Stop talking out of your ass, lil' zoom.

No the smart and good Mexicans should stay there and make the country better. Perpetual brain drain in the form of goodthink white liberalism is just a veiled imperialism, we take their best and leave the worst, deepening the issues of the home country. And it’s not like they integrate here, sure they might work hard but their kids become la raza Mexican pride dipshits once they go through university.

We just need to minimize remittances while opening up an Ellis Island equivalent in the SW USA. No criminal record, good health, immunized, and you've got a job and a place to stay lined up? Welcome aboard.

As a person who's parents are from Mexico, I always thought it was funny that we spoke Spanish and English when I was raised. So I get to keep a little of their culture with me, even if I'm probably pocho but whatever. I find it sad that Italians never got that. The impression I got was that you wouldn't pass the language down to the new generation born in the US. That's just sad.

you already played patobox, right Yea Forums?

Hahahaha he thinks the US isn't a shithole now

Then why do you get mad that you can't get into it?

.t upperclass liberal elite who is literally the 1% but think's he's a "bohemian"

That's easy to say from outside, much harder for those experiencing it, and presupposes we're all just supposed to suffer for an entire lifetime for the sake of the nation - God forbid a man makes a better life for his family elsewhere. Mexico doesn't exist in a vacuum - they've never had a noncorrupt government and they'll never be independent of US control.

Many more do integrate, but I agree la Raza shit is poison.

The US is already a shithole. Just look around you. American culture is pretty debased already. It's not necessarily a problem I suppose, but things aren't going to be getting better and keeping immigrants out won't fix the problems this country has created for themselves.

The guy's name is Juan, not Guacamelee

That’s because they understood they came to the US to become Americans and contribute to it, not leech off the wealth of the country and stay in their bunker. It was better that way.

Comparing regular sized apples to literally the biggest apple to ever exist. It doesn't take much to grow apples, it takes real planning and work to get the biggest shit show of an apple the world has ever seen.

I do blame Mexico for the cartels.

>virtue signalling is okay when Yea Forums does it

>keeping immigrants out won't fix the problems this country has created for themselves.
You are an idiot.
Do you really think you'd be struggling to find decent work if there weren't millions of illegals willing to work for peanuts and stealing your job?

Because despite the hard work meme they were some of the least ambitious students I've ever grown up with.
t. Californian

Finnish people can be stereotyped as mentally ill wife-murdering axe wielder alcoholics and they'd love it just because they're getting represented in a ridiculous way.

Good for him

Too bad the first game doesn't have proper support for gamepads,

It's in decline, but it's a very, very long way from being described as a shithole. Parts sure - most of WV, the poorer parts of inner cities, places like Flint, MI, many parts of the rural deep South (and NE, but no one thinks about those). But if you want to see shitholes you ought to visit rural China, India in general, or SEA.

The only finnish person I know never stops talking about how Trump is stupid and Brexit is horrible and how socialism is great

They are just frustrated cucks obsessed with the power being a drug lord gives you. Fuck those people.

Whatever you say, Paco.

Yet Americans are the reason the cartels are still so prevalent. You consume the majority of their product
All of you junkie fucks and stoners, even your government are keeping them in business and the good people of Mexico are suffering for it
So fuck off with your little biased /pol/ narrative

t. /pol/cel
Enjoy being outbred in a couple decades you low t infertile beta

>B-b-but there's no way a white person would ever work a job that illegal immigrants take!
>Who would ever be a janitor or farmer or landscaper?

You aren't really better than /pol/ users when you hate on White people you degenerate.

>Mexicans are seen as bad guys all the time

Not true at all. Even though not western, Mask de Smith is my favorite hombre.

Attached: Big_MASK.jpg (730x592, 96K)

When you go to become a citizen of a new country for life, you leave behind your past citizenship. When in Rome, do as the Romans.

See narcocorridos as well. An entire fucking genre of music. Just think of it in terms of the less pleasant parts of medieval Europe. You're a peasant, of course your'e going to envy the local lord.

Every Mexican I've met has been cool as shit. But your country has a shitload of problems. Just look at the cartels. For a lot of people, Mexico is a do-not-go country.

Liberal elites don't realise that being a janitor is SHOCK, better than being unemployed

Then tell the rest of your people to stop protecting illegals or voting for people who do.

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Not in the US sadly.

Druggies will buy drugs, no matter who stops them. Mexicans in their own country don't stop cartels or put forth a concentrated effort to do so with the aid of other governments. You're blaming the addicted for the actions of the supplier. Fuck druggies still.

Mexicans are chaotic good and chaotic evil

No, I don't worry about illegal immigrants stealing my jobs because they're working entry level jobs or doing things like lawn care and landscaping. If you're working anything higher than that, they're not a threat.

But honestly, they bust their asses a lot harder than the Americans that they're competing with. The brunt of America's lower-class workforce is obsessed with negligence and trying to look like they're not invested in their pathetic, dead-end job. If you're losing your work to immigrants, strive for a better job.

No one does that anymore. They just continue to force their own culture and complain that the other culture they're invading on isn't anything like theirs. This can apply to a shit ton of different scenarios. Nowadays people just have to kick and scream to get their way.

>Mexican food is le bad
>Literally heritage of humanity
Imagine being a cuck and liking that disgusting shit that pretends to be real food, back to taco bell with you faggot.

>Mommy and daddy paid $200K for me to go to college but I totally understand the struggle
>Just get your mommies and daddies to pay for you to attend an Ivy league school too! FFS, it's not hard, just TRY

But Mexicans are portrayed as strong guys with high core values

South Americans are seen as favelados, monsters like Blanca

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My only problem is that, if the best and brightest of a country leave that country, then their native country is worse for it. They shouldn't come to the US if they can improve Mexico, otherwise you leave the poorer and weaker to suffer in perpetuity and never bring prosperity or advancement. It perpetuates the cycle of cartel control.

I'll never understand the Mexican food meme. It's the most low effort, disgusting cuisine imaginable. Half the dishes are mush on a plate.
The other half are mostly corn, and lard.
How people can justify the existence of something like enchililadas is baffling

>what is a h1b visa

Pay attention dummy, the elite have their sights set up decimating the upper middle class, and they’re doing it by importing hordes of chinks and street shitters to replace you.

To be fair, it is really hard for a lot of Americans to find decent Mexican food. Even if it's there it's hard to access it as an outsider. Self-perpetuating problem. I've tried to get people to just try a bit of posole and menudo but they just refuse. I'd also pay very, very good money to try Oaxacan food, but there's none to be had in my area due to the fact that most of the Mexicans here are from different regions and in any case don't sell such specific (and often hard to make) food.

This user fucking gets it. I'll take illegals because I'm not scared pussy idiot snowflake and I know they won't murder me. But they'll damn sure cut the hell out of my grass.

>They're only taking the blue collar jobs don't worry about it
Nigga are you literally retarded

Mexican American here, as another user said something a but more subtle could be good but an over-the-too luchador like Guacamele is fine. In fact, I bet it’s even more fine with Mexican people.

This whole political landscape is a fucking mess. Most Mexicans are actually conservative(hard work, not taking charity, independence and culture), yet it is mainly the liberals campaigning for immigrants.

Mexico is fucked up because of political corruption and the cartels being the human embodiment of satan. It could be said that the problem really began because Spain plundered the country instead of properly conquering it like Britain did with significantly less-fucked colonies.

Mexican people have so many great stories, and humor, and food and traditions that people in the US would love. It’s a shame that the country is 5 steps because by the time they get shit in order half the country will belong to Chinese investors & American agricultural interests. P.S. we hate SJw shit so put mariachi hats on everything because mariachi and their hats are based as fuck

As a full fledged Mexican, I will tell you that I and my friends and family feel proud to have Mexico represented by other cultures. We were all fine with Mario Odyssey and Guacamelee is fine as well. The only time I was let down by a representation of Mexico was in G-Gundam, the only way they could've fucked that up worse was by having the Neo-Mexico Gundam shoot beans and wrap opponents in tortillas. G-Gundam was rough on stereotypes all around though, so who cares. I just wanted a badass Pancho Villa Gundam or something.

>fuck the lower class.
>who cares if they have to compete with literal slave labor and illegals eating up available low income housing
>just be not poor

I'm saying it's very likely that no amount of well intentioned people can fix the problem. There was a lovely Pan-African reform movement of Western educated people once too. It didn't work.

the most mexican guy I can think of is King, and King is a good guy.

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It's the biggest problem with our immigration system. They aren't expected to assimilate. If theh can't be bothered to speak English and follow our cultural norms, I don't see any reason why I shouldn't disregard them and shame them for it. This is coming from someone who's visited Mexico and actually enjoys Mexican culture; but keep it there, and leave it. We don't need it here.

It is interesting. Coming from a country with a mostly dead gaming scene, it seems like all you really need is one big hit, like Kerbal Space Program, to get the ball rolling on investors, actually sparking for decent studios to be created.

Why hispanic gringos have their head so far up their asses?

Seriously, those fuckers think speedy gonzales were problematic and nobody even cared

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Who will cut my grass and raise my children while I work at Google, if not for illegals?
Don't you realise that kind of thing is beneath you, Americans?
Just try harder and get a six figure salary like me!
It's not hard, I did it all by myself, nobody helped me when I had to study 6 hours a day while daddy paid my bills at uni

Thanks for larping as a whiny American trapped in a non-American's body, we definitely want you spreading your shitty behavior to the rest of the world

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First of all, most of these countries are ok for the educated professionals, that’s part of the weird thing about Latin America (and California). We hear about the desperation of the lower class peasants, and the narcotraffickers, but an accountant in Lima, Mexico City, or Medellin is living a pretty decent life, smog notwithstanding. Not as material as the US but that’s ok.

Your description is more like places like Nicaragua and Honduras which are total basket cases. And if you’re a smart kid there, yea that sucks but I don’t want you in my country because you’re surely followed by 5000 80IQ orcs. We don’t have an immigration framework to just let in the smart ones and without that, fuck off.

I don't mind having both. Keep in mind Irish, German, Polish, and Italian communities in the US. They integrated, but it took a long time, and left their mark on the host culture as well. Fear of those damned Romanists was a huge thing for much of US history, now it's a total nonissue. People forget the fear when JFK was elected that he would be a slave of the Pope just because he was nominally Catholic, and from an Irish background.

Anyone darker than beige should be killed. I don’t know why melanin affects the mind so much, but a mere drop of the stuff turns everyone into a drooling retard

I was speaking in general and not just about Mexicans. Just fucking look at some parts of Europe, specifically the UK.

Just wait. Your gated neighborhood won't be safe forever with the people you import to cut your lawn. Look at California if you want to see what comes next.

I didn't go to college and my parents don't support me financially. For starters, if you're a male and willing to work outdoors, there's plenty of jobs that provide training to the uninitiated to get them out into the field within a couple weeks to a month. You can easily start off making over $20/hr working construction or something. It won't make you a millionaire, but you can easily live comfortable off of this, especially living with someone else (room mate/gf, etc). I got a job inspecting the ground for wires and pipes before people dig there and it's very laidback, easy, and pays well. The only downside is I just have to work outdoors in sometimes unpleasantly hot weather, but I didn't know anything about it before I started and they trained me, so the door's open if you can find it.

uh huh tell me more

Try being an educated professional in Mexico advocating for real political reform, as you want them to.

You must be #000000 color then, making a retarded post like that.

Oh, I agree. 100% immigration across the board needs serious restrictions. If some of the better ones would assimilate like mentioned, I'd be fine, but I live in an area with too many who don't even speak English despite living here 15+ years. I see commercials in Spanish online because of lazy illegals.

Yeah that third of the country working 16 hours a day just to support themselves are just lazy
Your experiences in the number 1 job stolen by illegal mexicans are totally relevant

>canadian born and raised hispanic thinks all other spics are uneducated criminal "mexicans"
Absolutely redpilled

>Construction isn't one of the highest employers of illegals because *anecdote*
>Just walk in and give a firm handshake, they'll happily train you!

You’re right that the biggest problem with immigration is integration, but if you really like a culture you don’t want it to stay there. We want culture in the U.S., it’s the reason people wear green and drink on St. Patty’s. We just don’t want people outside the law or against our American codes of ethic.

Imagine a world in which we celebrate Dia de Los Muertos in the U.S. and it looks like it does in Mexico with flowers and food and good bread. Fuck man, that’s another thing. Aren’t you tired of paying out the fucking ass for good bread and coffee? I’ll take a good coffee and bakery house on every corner like Mexico or Europe has any day.

If people don’t assimilate I agree, fuck them. But integration of culture is the good shit. I’d worry more about Islamists and their whole “women shouldn’t have rights and American women are all whores who deserve to die and American men can go to hell for drinking” than Juan trying to open a delicious taco stand hombre

I am definitely more concerned with Islamic culture. That is one of the worst there is, and with nearly no exceptions to the rule in my personal experience. I just wish that we could integrate elements of other cultures without politicizing the hell out of it, too. I would kill for a proper Dia de Los Muertos down here.

Lmao fuck off, beaners love this shit

On that note, I'd love, LOVE to see either a serious game or big budget film or miniseries about El Cid, but that would never ever fucking happen these days.

Are you mad, shitskin. Pale to pink skin is absolutely fine and white

Everything else is usually approaching castizo territory and they are retarded already with just a light drop of non white

How to get Mexican Catholic gf?

Attached: mariachichan2.jpg (684x1024, 421K)

Shit dude, I've been wanting a Reconquista series in a similar vein as Vikings for years. Fascinating time period.

Beaner here. I don't care.

Also fuck donald trump and fuck white people xd

When did personal responsibility for your actions disappear? Everyone is always shouting about "muh influences!" yet completely gloss over the fact that person made a choice. They may have been misled but it is everyone's personal responsibility to check yourself before you wreck yourself. Don't just swallow everything you see and blame others for an upset stomach.

Side those fuckers won’t stay on their side of the border.


Agreed about Islams, but having known some really oustanding ones it seems the consistent shittiness is really in their less-educated mass (whch of course in any population besides a few will be the majority)i You wana know the one thing I’ll take from Islamic culture? The food. God fucking damn the food is next-level I swear. They need to come in here and obliterate cheapass Chinese food (not Thai, mind you)

Watch Alatriste with Viggo Mortenson if you haven't already. Not quite the same time period. Disjointed film, but lovely to watch and arguably the best swordfights ever put on film.

>blaming the employees for working for cheap wages
>not blaming the employers for setting a cheap unlivable wage and having low standards
>blaming the employees for making the US a shithole, and not the ever increasing wealth divide
nice bait, but you're still a retard.

Haven't known anyone like this since I stopped being familiar with burnouts and losers who need to work multiple jobs to support themselves. And they're losers because they don't apply themselves and settle for mediocrity, cementing them in their lower-class role.

Never said that. You should know construction and landscaping have a pretty high turnover rate, so they are in fact, always hiring. I see new people constantly, and they're usually white. But the people who quit and don't show up for work the most are usually also white.

Ethnic guy here, having grown up without want, with good parents, good music, ahead of my grade in smarts, etc. I look at the world exactly as you do.

But not everybody even gets the chance to be “woke” as you say. And that’s what bothers me. Yeah if you take a gun to an innocent person you deserve to rot but the shitty systems aren’t helping. I guess I have no sympathy for the criminals but I do for their children who wont even get a fucking shot like the rest of us.

Employers only pay as much as they have to. The blame lies with the people(illegals and/or children) who will accept the substandard wages. Get a job for at least 2 months before posting again.

Try doing that in the US, I’m ruled by political elites who hate me and want me replaced or preferably dead.


They unironically have your best interest in mind. And I'm not being an asshole, it applies to me too.

G Gundam is pretty rough for most countries to be honest. See Nether Gundam

>only pay as much as they have to
>pay less than minimum wage
So which one is it? They pay as much as they have to or they don't? Besides that, I do realize now that there's something to blame on both sides. The employers, who pay unfair wages, and the employees, who don't demand fair wages. Use your brain for at least 2 months before posting again, friend.

In the US, you'll get discredited and thrown into prison in the vast majority of circumstances, and rarely set up as a fake suicide or shot in the back while walking home from your DC area job. In Mexico, you'll 'disappear' or just get shot much faster for much less.

And that makes them very evil. I'd mind less if their idea of our best interests including raising up the whole population with quality education in order to advance society and the human species as a whole.

>Mexican videogame character
>white, blonde, strong, respectable

>S*uth American game character
>Nigger, ugly, goofy

Japanese love Mexicans a lot

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Luchadores are great

Only gringos will disagree

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>I would be really upset if I was Mexican
As an actual Mexican, I don't give a fuck.

>And that makes them very evil.
Oh sure. I'm just saying that if we all got nuked it wouldn't be a bad way to go. As long as you're close to the blast.

>They work multiple jobs because they choose to and are lazy, they should be hardworking like me and get a high paying job that is by my own admission easy it's so simple

The employees that demand fair wages are cut and replaced with workers who do not because jobs are in high demand
Illegals work for peanuts because they basically have no choice unless they want to increase the risk of getting caught

He thinks spics are uglier than bugmen lel

I loved this show. Guacamelee reminded me to it in some ways.

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>S*uth American game character
>Nigger, ugly, goofy

Well yeah Brazil is pretty much all of South America

Reminder that Mexico is the only country in America that can travel to Japan without visa for six months

Attached: Visa_policy_of_Japan.png (1425x625, 68K)

Guacamelee is fun. Nothing like piledriving sombrero-wearing skeletons into bigger skeletons

Good point, user. We live in a society where you can't demand equal wage, or equal treatment, or anything like that, or you get the boot, and get replaced by someone else.

reminder japan barely cares about mexico

Chicanos are essentially niggers bro. Always tried pulling La Raza bullshit on me just because I hung out with the whites and my family is conservative.
t.1st gen Bean

Latinas are incredible but Asians are also better than whites. White bitches are attractive, but not exceptionally so and tend to be uppity pains-in-the-ass. Black girls are alright too. Some of them are gorgeous, but it's not as common.

land of the free

>>only pay as much as they have to
>>pay less than minimum wage
>So which one is it?
Those aren't mutually exclusive you retard. If illegals who accept illegally low pay weren't around, then employers wouldn't undervalue the labor they have access to the rest of the public.

But a lot of spic countries cannot even afford consoles and just pirate shit.

Take a look at the most violent cities around the world. Mexico makes up for half of the list and the top 5 is Mexico + Caracas.
That alone should be enough, but to be honest, american media tends to portray foreign people as villain in actions movies. There were Russians in the 80s and now we have narcos.
Anyways, good for him, celebrating the stereotype is the right non-boring way to go.

It just occurred to me looking at this picture.
do people in the Americas go to japan and vice versa like pic related or by flying over Africa and shit?

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Yes, Flights from the Americas cross the Pacific Ocean. DFW to Shanghai for instance is a 16 hour flight.

But still, Mexico remains as the most visited and relevant country in Latin America

I agree that its shit
this song is pretty good though

>t. clearly never spoke to someone from Central Mexico

color tv tho

Why can't minorites ever create something that isn't a big mouth piece about how oppressed their race is or some other social issue bullshit? You never see blacks or mexicans make a game like Hollow Knight, comic heroes like Dragon Ball Z or shows like Lost. It always has to be "what it's like to be a minority!" and "There aren't any X raced super heroes so I created this one to teach everyone how COOL and AMAZING our race is and how HARD it is to live like our race". Are they really incapable of creating original stories that are just about an adventure?

I know, other than the shithole that is mexico city, big cities rarely represent any danger for tourists. Cops are a probably the biggest threat to them.
Still, the number of murders per capita are enough reason to imagine them as villains.

>As a full fledged Mexican, I will tell you that I and my friends and family feel proud to have Mexico represented by other cultures.
And as a full fledged Mexican I'd also tell you that me and my family are tired of this shit.
Please stop with this anecdotes and falseflagging everytime someone complains about this shit.

They do, but it's the more blatant stuff that is either more noticeable or more featured by English language SJW types.

considering how ruthless mexican drug cartels are what else would you expect

>am definitely more concerned with Islamic culture. That is one of the worst there is
t. Jew
0.01 shekels deposited into your account.

Wow, it's like Rico doesn't exist.

Who is the most BASED Mexican videogame character?

This guy or Rico from Just Cause?

Attached: ShadowsOfTheDamned.jpg (250x330, 53K)

>Why can't minorites ever create something that isn't a big mouth piece about how oppressed their race is or some other social issue bullshit?
But they do.
You just ignore that shit so you can complain about muh minorities.

Because Mexicans are the niggers of the hispanics. They're lazy, degenerate, and prone to chimp outs.

Just look at all spics in commiefornia. They're nothing but cowards who run away from their nation instead of staying and fighting to reclaim their land back.

Not to mention the beaners are still butthurt about the Spaniards. Lest the Spaniards accomplished some things throughout history.

I'll take the Spaniards and Italians even though Whites are the superior race, because at least they aren't lazy and degenerate and aren't making retard decisions like disarming their own populace.

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because mexican cartels
but in wrestling/lucha you can find a bunch of heroic characters that can be easily recognizable across the world

Who the fuck is white?

>Mexicans are the niggers of the hispanics
>not BRs
Don’t be retarded just to sound like the edgy faggot you want to be.

>Not to mention the beaners are still butthurt about the Spaniards.
no need to make shit up

Brazil elected a Trump president.

Mexicunt elected a literal commie as their leader.

>Of course the wealthy northern neighbor plays a massive role in maintaining this situation as the status quo.

I love when people say this. They like to think that the reason South America, Middle East and Africa are all shit because THE WHITE MAN invade and are manipulated their country like some spy fiction, shadow faction where you're not even sure if there is a real face to the whole thing. In reality it's.

>Country is already ass backwards and violet as hell.
>America comes in and makes deal with local government for resources.
>Government collapses because it's shit.
>Former dictator blames white man and half his cronys get of scott free.
>Cronys then come back a month later and resume dictator ship.

My favorite is the middle east.

>Majority of middle east is stable and cities are liberal paradise
>Election time!
>Liberal president wins cool.
>All of a sudden random dude funded by Soros and Clinton comes in and sits on top of desk.
>Says it is ok to beat wives and fuck goats.
>Instead of kicking him out and killing him everyone just shurgs and starts fucking goats.

Frito Bandito is the best mexican superhero

He ain't a pussy either, he'll fucking kill you for your snack

Friendly reminder that:

Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones

Mexico is also the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames

Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51, it was so popular in Japan that it's getting a physical release via Play-Asia

Guacamelee main creator and programmer is Mexican and it's a very successful indie games, it's getting a physical release

We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies

The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK

We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever

Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too

This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and it's being published in Asia too

Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world

The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:

Also, Mexico is the biggest vidya market in Latin America

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>Go to a convention
>Get on Grindr
>Hook up with a 19 year old Chilean twink
>Best and kinkiest sex I've ever had
I've always heard Latino twinks are absolute freaks in bed. Has anyone else noticed this phenomenon?

>instead of staying and fighting
To be fair, the cartels are absolute dick and I would rather fight in a war against a conventional army than the narco subhumans.

nobody cares if your fragile feelings are hurt and you complain about it

wait is rico mexican? i thought he was from puerto rico or something
at least in js2 i don't remember him having a mexican accent

Stereotypes are funny

>nobody cares if your fragile feelings are hurt and you complain about it
Tell that to the companies that are gonna start censoring now because I told them my feelings were hurt.

Yeah he's mexican. He doesn't have a mexican accent probably because of the hilariously bad voice acting. But apparently in JC3 they say he grew up in Medici

BRs arent hispanic

>As a full fledged Mexican
Aka some whose Trotskyist grandparents ran away there in the 30s

rage of the dragons was a pretty fun game,also the story on how angel was made for KoF was pretty interesting too

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Those companies are not gonna listen to you, they're gonna listen to americans whose fragile feelings are hurt

Cute and funny?

And those americans are listening to me right now bitch.

Yes and I'm sure Kazakhstan is the best country for video games in the former Soviet bloc we are all very impressed by your achievements

What about Severed?

>zelda minish cap opening

I want to marry Angel

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>Mexicans are seen as bad guys all the time


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I want to fuck her tits

I care about illegals here in mexico, what those rats do in usa is your problem

How do I get a Mexican hacker gf?

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>Mexicans are seen as the bad guys usually, why is this?
Low IQ, high crime.

But Sombra is a high IQ character and best hacker in the world

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By cutting her head off

Its a way of life

Fuck now I actually want BURGERMAN

Someone get on this shit stat

Guacamelee series was a game with cultural influence done right. Seriously. It was a high quality metroidvania with great mechanics and its entire thematic core was Mexican. The heroes and most of the cast were Mexican and/or inspired by Mexican legends. The stages had Mexican pre-Columbian art styles etc... and it worked! It was fun, it wasn't "forced diversity" or anything, nor did it have any "bad whitey" style ideology - it was someone who rather than complaining that whatever other game was racist because there wasn't a latinx hero/ine or included that culture went an actually made a game that can be enjoyed and actually poked fun at their own stereotypes (something that most hispanic people seem cool with. See the whole Speedy Gonzales thing).

If you haven't played it, Guacamelee (Super Turbo Championship Edition is the best version of GM1. GM2 has a single version plus some DLC campaigns)., its worth it for the whole package if you like platformers/metroidvanias.

>If someone made "BURGERMAN" and he was an American running around eating fastfood, chewing bubble gum, shooting guns, and beating up baddies, at worst I would find it humorous.
i mean it sort of exists already

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>toxic stereotype
So it's just fine when its white dudes being bad guys?

Fuck this fag and fuck you

Why are Mexicans the most weeabs in Latin America?

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mexican here
i dont care nigger and neither should you

>I Made Guacamelee to Repost Dumb Memes

Because when you go to other countries you choose to live the life of a criminal. You aren't sophisticated enough to understand why the things you do are wrong, because you hail from a lawless place. You expect people to sympathize with you because you're poor, but you steal from shops and cheat taxes, because you insist on living in countries that you can't afford, and you try to play it off like you don't know English when you get called out. No one respects you, so you don't deserve any good representation.

Because latin dubs of anime are not complete shit and actually taken seriously in the 90's, not to mention anime being widely accepted rather than than being considered kid cartoons

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Because our (((overlords))) won't let us turn you into a smoking nuclear crate.

because their life is so perfect that they have to make up shit to be mad about in order to feel like they're fighting the power

same reason why blacks were all considered gangsters and are still considered thieves.
ever since media was a thing they were considered gun toting bandits, now they been upgraded to narcos which is thugs but fancier.

>Also in 2014, Alonso Martin successfully funded Heart Forth Alicia. He got around $250k USD!
Tell that fucker to get off his ass and release it.
It's been 5 fucking years.

Kinnda reminds me of El Tigre. I watched it and it was fun. Didnt it get canceled for being racist or something despite the creator being mexican.

>being a pleb who cant compete in a free market

>nobody is talking about the game.
But this is a video game board. If you wanted to shit on mexicans you could do it on /pol/. Why here?

Nope not buying it. He wan't exactly treading new grounds with this

Why you keep making this thread?

>Commonly mexicans are seen as the ‘bad hombres’
Because crackers bitch about having to read subtitles.
Any fucking foreign film they cry about this shit.

Attached: wrestler movies years before wwf and wwe.jpg (400x540, 44K)

Why do you keep remaking this thread?


kill yourself

I want it. Get on that right now.
t. burger

I don't think he's saying that Mexicans are portrayed as villains, he's saying they're 'bad hombres', tough guys, anti-heroes like Rico Rodriguez or El Mariachi. He's saying Mexican gamedevs end up repeating those "tough guy" cliches when portraying themselves instead of opting for more noble, heroic protagonists. It's an interesting observation and certainly nothing to be upset about.

>ust look at all spics in commiefornia. They're nothing but cowards who run away from their nation instead of staying and fighting to reclaim their land back.
just like all the Americans who ran away from their countries to colonize America right?

As a latino I do get sick of diversity meaning more blacks but I've never been that obsessed with having representation in media. Whites were extremely represented in media and it's done nothing good for them.

mad wh*te boi cope

Mexicans are the most represented anyway

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I'll always be flattered that the Japanese like us, I'm not entirely sure why they like us but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.

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nice sour grapes weeb

They go west, why the fuck would they go east user? it's longer.

>South America only means "Brazil" to japs
The absolute state of sudacas

Sometimes people think of Argentina too, they are the only 2 relevant countries in South America besides Venezuela and they are only relevant because they managed to be poorer than all the other poor south Americans somehow.

>the door's open if you can find it
What can you be more specific you nigger? That's literally the case for anything.

based, tfw Lil Majin didn't win

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>be 'Merican with dad from mexico
>absolutely love the colorful stereotypes of mexico
Sometimes I wish I was just in shape like a luchador.
Can't speak for Mexicans from Mexico, but I love all this stuff.

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I'm willing to bet my entire life it's because of wrestling. Luchador shit is what I always see Mexicans represented as in Jap shit. I always see jap wrestlers when my dad watches lucha on TV. They probably share the industry/wrestlers somewhat. The only other connection Mexico has with Japan is only a recent one where car companies like Toyota have factories there, and they have little towns supported entirely by the Toyota workers, so they have some Mexican-born 100%-japanese people there with family in Japan.

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The only ones that get mad are the wetbacks, real Mexicans either don't give a fuck because they are dirt poor / don't understand the "satire", or the very slightly wealthy % that understands English thinks its funny and won't get mad a fucking videogame.

If you didn't immediately pick cormano, you were wrong

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>CoCo is the highest grossing movie in Mexico ever

Poor bastards

It's kinda ironic

>murders in america so far in 2019: 516
>murders in mexico in the past 5 years: 0

mexicans pretty much don't know the concept of crime because they respect each other and live in a socialist country

americans live in capitalism which leads to exessive violence but they can't see it

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The fuck? Why? We have god damn military basses there yet I can only go for three months without a visa? The fuck Japan. I thought we were your Onii-chan! Who the fuck is this Mexico fucker!?

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Trying to defend a group of people from something you deem offensive to them, as if they're helpless children, is far worse.

The real question is: Why are mamacitas looking so fine while the hombres look like absolute macacos?

>Mexico sets record with more than 33,000 homicides in 2018

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Once America sinks and only the rich can afford to travel to Japan they'll probably lift the visa requirement.

Italians are better than whites user. They founded civilization. Wh*tes where snownigger tribesmen.

depends of what you consider a homicide
there's no real definition, but just killing a person isn't homicide

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then how do you define it incel

>doesnt see positive mexican characters portrayed as much as theyd like
>makes one instead of demanding someone else do so
>actually not a bad game and has interesting mechanics instead of a self-servingly masturbatory VN
This is a good thing and should be encouraged.


the deliberate and unlawful killing of one person by another; murder.

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Bad genetics.
>tfw 1 inch below average mexican height

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>mostly dead gaming scene
>they just inaugurated the mexican sports federation last month.

Fuck shitskins doing anything.

post pics

Eh, seems about right, but some of the uglier guys probably have bad health issues as well. Not to say there ain't some real slags among mexican women as well.

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We have moved far beyond shackles such as “Talking about the topic of the thread”, this is not an /int/ thread where someone occasionally references video games.

To understand mexican murder you must understand mexican mentality

To them death is a good thing, so murdering someone is seen as a good thing, there's a reason why mexicans love cartels

They fucking eat this shit up. They're a lot less sensitive to you, at least when they aren't ultra Americanized. Once they are Americanized they think even more about race.

Lot of japanese fled to there when WWII started up.
It's partially why they have a decent relationship with Brazil too

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>To them death is a good thing
Understandable, given what a shithole they live in.


>I would be really upset if I was Mexican
textbook white guilt
kys yourself famalam

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homicide means homicide + grade 3 privilege, so technically mexicans (grade 1.2) cannot commit homicide

What is that goblino on the right?

The greatest mexican invention is the Taco according to Vincente Fox. Why is all mexican food just beef or chicken and beans wrapped in tortilla shells but they always call it different names?

The product of ugly people on both sides finding eachother

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>I would be really upset if I was Mexican
>Mexicans not giving a fuck

how does it feel to come out as a faggot?

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No seas marica, ¿prefieres que te representen como un narco decapitando cabrones? Nunca ves a los Japoneses llorando porque les dan una katana o por practicar karate. Puñal.

I was born and raised in Chihuahua, Mexico. Being close to the border facilitates learning English as a second language. I'd rather my country be represented by a sombrero and maracas than by ruthless murderers decapitating people for fun. Mexico has a lot to offer. Those sadistic fucks are ruining it for those of us who just want a peaceful life and earn an honest living.

I love the Gundam series and G-Gundam is so over the top that idgaf about the stereotypes. Thanks for the suggestion user, I'll check it out.

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Committing homicide in a sub-2 community bumps you up 2 ranks on the privilege ladder, as you now have unlocked the evil depths pf your human soul and activated the wh*** genes.

Holy FUCK I need this.

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Mexico needs a whole new group of statistics, like
>People decapitated by chainsaw
>People flayed
>People hacked to pieces
>People put inside a bunch of tires, doused in gasoline and burned

Fuck so now it's spics turn to hop on the SJW train? The ride never ends.

Also I forgot japanese cholo's were a thing

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post some vidya mariachi

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Guy on the left looks like a chubby Hiroshi Fujioka.

Why do Mexicans love Nintendo so much?

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Made by CHIs more likely

>Thoughts? Mexicans are seen as the bad guys usually, why is this?
Golly gee wonder why.

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Cheap pirate carts and consoles, IIRC. Maybe I'm thinking of russia. Either way, NeoGeo/SNK machines were also cheap to buy, and the 4-in-1 system was great because you didn't have to buy extra machines.

Maybe the city slickers but even then, not that much. Nobody really gives a fuck about such trivial shit when your nightly news is about the latest group of women and children that got beheaded by cartels or exploded trying to steal gas from broken pipelines. The only people getting mad are non-Mexicans.

t. spic

Probably because consoles are so expensive so many of their first/only experiences are with family members from USA visiting with their multiplayer Nintendo systems.

>we are better than the shittiest countries in the world
We did it Mexibros

cartels are like the yakuza
they are often portrayed as bad guys but they are good, caring and often kill bad people to protect the innocent

the mexican cartels are basically superheroes

No falseflagging please

t. a sicario

American are usually the heroes. You and I both know that there is plenty of sadistic shit going down in the U.S. Just think back to Sandy Hook or Aurora, CO.

>inb4 muh it never happened

shut the fuck up, Alex Jones. You'll get b& here too.

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You're a fucking child. Get out.

Dumbass. Go listen to some shitty narcocorridos and neck yourself.

Blame the US governments and cuck americans for taking in trash.

Japan is a society that emphasizes honor. Mexico has no such thing. I've never heard of or seen yakuza cutting hearts out of men in front of their families, skinning people alive or disappearing entire small towns.

Why is Mexico the only Latin American country that shines over the rest?

You don't see other South American countries creating good games as Mexico

Even Patobox is getting a physical release in Japan

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>a couple of unhinged psychopaths are comparable dozens of ruthless criminal organizations with power comparable to the government that kidnap, murder, desecrate bodies and indoctrinate children
Ok dude

Because their nation doesn't border yours

Yakuzas are just basically meme organizations like Italian mafias nowadays.

Like everything ever, almost any depictions are based on idealized traits.
Which is why we have stuff like Yakuza with hearts of gold.

Mexicans pretty much invented the concept of honor

Blood for the blood god is the mexican way of life, it's the way they honor people. A simple dead (eg: just shooting them) wouldn't be honorable, it'd be like cheating

I couldn't take any. My hand was too deep in his ass.

Yeah let's not forget Obama selling those murderers guns, the CIA trafficking cocaine into the U.S.A. and the world, American & Israeli ops hacking and infiltrating Iranian nuke plants, Clinton foundation related "suicides", CIA involvement in Panama, and all this on top of the ruthless criminals running about in cities like Chicago. The difference between U.S. government and cartels is that one is hypocritical about their involvement in shady shit and the other gives zero fucks.

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I used to till I started working with them. I would still fuck their women but fuck em honestly

You are both stupid and ignorant if you actually believe the Japanese don't have a history of being barbaric and enjoyed dismembering people. Look up all the shit they did to people in their attempt to conquer Asia.

>blood for the blood god is a Mexican way of life

You can stop larping now, Pedro. Regular Mexicans don't go around looking for shit to kill to appease some dead superstition.

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Aztecs were pretty metal

Attached: Huitzilopochtli_V.png (341x500, 182K)

How many anons in this thread griping about the "sanctity of the law" routinely pirate music/movies/vidya?

The rape of nanjing

Japan doesn't border ANY nation you stupid fuck. You dont see them flattering Niger or Chile.

Aztec nahual game with black metal OST when?

My dads side of the family legally immigrated here in the 80's from mexico city.

I think this way of thinking is the wrong way to go about things because then you end up making a idolized overbloated icon that that just dosen't have a solid persona. Also my friend made me play guacamelee and it can suck my ass.

Yeah they where.

fuck you, you defile this country

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Should have made him a cartel member

They also make up a gigantic chunk of the economy so what's your solution.

Here are my thoughts:
>This person is pushing political propaganda by misleading people into thinking that "whoever" said the phrase "bad hombres" was referring to Mexicans in general.
>What the fuck is "a lot of cultural game dev related things?"
>I can't confirm or deny whether Mexicans are commonly seen as villainous because I can only name a couple Mexican video game characters.
>If what they're saying is true, then it's only natural since one of the two biggest video game developers is the U.S. and they have a cultural history of Mexico being antagonistic. Other countries, with zero connections to Mexico, would likely copy this. That doesn't stop them from making cartoons with Mexican protagonists, though.

I'm also kind of sick of people implying that "stereotype" is synonymous with "falsehood." Your intuition should be setting off alarms. Things don't become stereotypes because they're false, otherwise anything could be a stereotype and they'd change over time, and yet stereotypes tend to be pretty specific and resilient. This was shown in Jussim et al.'s The Unbearable Accuracy of Stereotypes where consensual stereotypes were found to be accurate 80-90% of the time and exaggerated no more often than they were understated.

>mexicans are the hardest working people i know.
Hispanics cost the U.S. $7000 per capita annually. Mexicans, who are the largest Hispanic demographic and make a below average wage even for Hispanics, are the biggest cause of this deficit.

Who cares? People here fucking love Guacamole.


When have they been a problem?

>PR talking about hating other beans

What a surprise. A PR starting shit

He is full of shit. Mexican characters tend to be good guys.

Attached: Elfuerte-sf4-2.png (475x550, 85K)

this reaction is how you know you don't understand any type of latin culture. they don't give a fuck about any of the prudish shit americans do. their comedy and entertainment embraces human nature rather than trying to pretend they're above it all.

>toxic stereotypes
oh, the stereotypes that keep people skeptical of a country that is ruled by drug gangs. TOXIC
that said, did anyone give a fuck about the mexican stuff in the game

I'm hispanic and I love having my culture presented in ridiculous ways, not everything needs to fucking serious all the time, the culture's like the only good thing about mexico

Eh I'd say Mexicans/South Americans have it worse. Russians and the Irish/Italian mafias get portrayed as civilized and organized players of the game in a way that makes them out to be your equal but morally grey/bad. Hispanics are basically used as a more PC Middle East.

If it was Super Refried Bean Man or Beanareno, they would celebrate it?

uh what about tacos you racist

Remember the Alamo

>This nigga actually believes this
lol, even if they give money to poor people only because it's their home towns, it still comes from drug blood money. Of course it's just a huge problem stemming from the government being shit and the army not only not doing their job, but not letting the people arm themselves to protect themselves. Commies are a mistake.

Guacamelee is a fun name though.
Super Refried Bean Man is lazy. There's no soul.

maybe don't get offended on other people's behalf because its none of your business

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mexican here, I didin't like the game because all the 9gag tier meme references and I fucking hate with passion all the luchador culture. It is a stereotyping name but I really don't think anyone here give a shit about it, in fact mexicans like that kind of pandering, like the mariachi mario, personally I love huitzil from darkstalkers, cool looking robot.

This, you don't fight the cartel.
You only scream against a machine while you see everything you love die.

For the outside it might look like a bunch of corrupt people, but once you witness the state of the corruption going on you start to feel it is a force of nature instead.

>Believing hispanics are special snowflakes like everyone in usa

Not everyone i. The world has a weak status quo like you cucked by niggers fuck boi

They were also in this game, even though it takes place in Bolivia.

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WE are the bad guys, we made this old hobo our president

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>be half white half bean
>white dad ran out on us
>raised by badass Mexican grandpa and giant Mexican family
>Pasty white with red facial hair
>Everyone just thinks I'm Irish

Bean culture is so rad wish I had more ties. Fuckin white dad had to go and ruin shit. Is this what black kids feel

>Is this what black kids feel
Like they're Irish yet not white? Yes.

food is part of the culture

Having wh*tes in Mexico isn't surprising/shocking at all, it's just "notable" at best. There's shit like small villages full of blond-blue eye niggers, everyone figures they're Frenchies. Frenchies were last there like what, 150 years ago? Similar to the African slave trade and USA.

I hate that Mexico is represented as a desert when you can find places like this

Mexico is the only Latin American country that has castles where the royalty lived in

Mexico is the most "European" country in the Americas

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I want to fix it mate, but you know what I find? Corruption, everywhere. I don't steal, cheat, bribe, or make any kind of illegal arrangements for my own benefit. Yet that's what I see daily. Not only from government officials, but everywhere. The cop taking a bribe, the illegal cars, public teachers being paid despite not working, littering, and random people being permissive about basically anything because it's "not a big deal", or because they don't want to "be mean". This is not something that you can just fix, it's a vicious cycle of no education > corruption > no education.

Not being a corrupt sack of shit in the government here gets you and your family killed. Not getting into politics and just doing my best as a good person does fucking nothing, most of the rest don't give a shit. I'm sad and tired of it all, I'm leaving. Not to the U.S., so don't worry about that. I already worked there legally for some years and it wasn't my cup of tea.

>tfw no more spicy moves

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Mexico is relevant because of being so close to the US
South America on the other hand, besides Brazil, had never done anything recognizable besides based Chile and 31 Minutos

We actually had an emperor, Japan of all places actually recognized him as one.

We can actually say "We were Reyes and shit".

>Mexico is the only Latin American country that has castles where the royalty lived in
Portuguese royalty had been living in Brazil for decades before the independence, which was declared by a prince.

Mexico is going to have a Christian reformation, that's the only hope at this point and I think it's going to happen tbqh.

31 minutes is shit

Chavo is timeless comedy kino

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Mexico has a shit reputation overseas because of its capital city, CDMX

If you want to visit Mexico and leave with a good impression of the country, go to Baja or Queretaro, fuck CDMX and fuck chilangos

only the few seasons that had the entire cast in them were kino, the rest can suck a dick

31 Minutos has been constantly kino over its entire run

My jorts would be full of cum if Suda51 liked something I did

Mexico was an empire for like two years, Brazil was an empire for over 60

Most of the country is Catholic, that doesn't really help much.

This. And both emperors were executed lel.

That's what I mean, it might turn full Christian. Not necessarily for religious reasons, but just people being fed up and looking for a new hope and then the masses seeing this as the "hand of God" sort of deal.

I remember playing this but not much about it.
Wasn't there slow mo in the series?

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what fucking mexicans? what game even specifically has mexicans? i hate this fucking identity shit that invades everything now.

That sort of already happened with the change of government, dunno how it will work out.

He did

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Beaner here, fuck off.

Mexicans are happy to be acknowledged at all. I mean look at how they reacted to Mexican Mario in Super Mario Odyssey. They loved it.
They aren't as thin-skinned with stereotypes as people somehow expect them to be.

>Mexico is the most "European" country in the Americas

I think that honor goes to Argentina, which had a very tiny native population with no unifying state like Mexico. It
explicitly sought European immigrants for 100 years and thought of itself as a true extension of Europe (which is why so many Nazis went there). This was only changed after the Falkland “War”. It’s getting pozzed by the subhumans now but we all are.

Guacamelee is the name of the game. The main character doesn't have an alter ego, he's just Juan.

Japan always making North/Central/South Americans better than we actually want to perceive ourselves.

I'm Mexican and you can go fuck yourself.
Por que las putas nenas de los Estados Unidos siempre estan llorando?


Meanwhile your country economy is collapsing

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It's not collapsing. Argentina's economy explodes every 10 years. It's kinda like bitcoin :^).

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Obviously never had real Mexican food. You probably saw videos on youtube about the weird dishes some central Mexicans make and were told that's real Mexican food.

>movie based around polandball-esque personifications of countries
>america is basically an overweight version of badass Burt Gummer who complains about the price of gas a lot and is highly confident whether or not they fail
>makes better mexican food than mexico

I fucking love this girl.

Fuck Mexicans, the asshole I bought my house from hired a bunch of them to re-do the master bathroom and they did an absolute shit fucking job. BUILD THAT WALL

Burgerman is the hero we want but don't deserve.

>still believing in Trump
I want my $1,000

I'm not Mexican but Guacamelee's representation of Mexican culture struck me as superficial and stereotypical, though not outright racist.
>gratuitous references to mexican dishes that are popular in the US
>setting revolves around wrestling and the day of the dead
Like I said, none of this is really racist, but why were the developers unable to portray Mexican culture except through the most played-out tropes?

Lmao. The person I bought my house from insisted on using their "handyman" and wouldn't use anyone else. The (white) guy was easily 300lbs and if not 7 foot tall, pretty damn close. Really nice guy, also did an absolute shit job at everything he did. Couldnt even caulk the bathtub correctly or bolt down the toilets. Cut corners, get shit results. Good thing I'm not a pussy and can fix things by myself.

I'm making a game called "Utopia" where there are only white people.

Me too

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>borders not just being invisible lines to you
>only thing that was preventing immigration back a hundred years or two hundred years ago was the means of getting there
>wanting the immigration process to be harder on your neighbours
yeah nice one 0iq mongo

Patobox was so cool

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Off the top of my head, games where you can play as a good guy Mexican.
>Sunset Riders
>Total Overdose.
>Shadow of the Damned
>King of Fighters
>Virtua Fighter
>Street Fighter
>Saturday Night Slam Masters.
>Ultimate Muscle
>Call of Jaurez
>fucking Zorro has a game.
And that's just what I know. You Hombres need to get over your inferiority complex, its doing fucky things to your brains.

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Don't forget that Mario is honorary Mexican

>Jumps walls
>Honorable and respectable
>Save her chica from Evil Bowser who turns everyone into bricks according to the original Super Mario game
>Mexicans are canonical in Odyssey game

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would you like to buy some natural gas? cheap

Maybe because most like that shit, even though they may not care for Day for the Dead, they love the aesthetic, and it is a good one at that.

What are you even suppose to do in a game called Utopia?

You're supposed to build utopia duh

The character himself isn't named Guacamelee, that's just the name of the game. The main character pictured's name is Juan Aguacate.

Here’s another (you). I’m a Jew and I still browse here and absorb all the oy veys and goyims. Guess what, I’m not triggered or butthurt by them, in fact it’s the opposite, I unironicly enjoy all the jew memes.

The only ones offended by shit like are people like you, and not the people who the stereotypes are based off of.

>Even PlatinumGames stereotypes Mexicans

Mexicans can't get a break huh?

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I want gacameele 3 to have a Burgerman mode now.

What a stupid guy
I bet he is a finnoswede too
Sadly stupidity is everywhere you go

Japan is exactly the one country that likes mexicans

make mexico aztec again

I always wanted an action rpg where you played as an aztec warrior

>skin color doesnt matter

dumb /pol/ frogposter

I don't give a shit. Guacamelee is awesome.

His name is Juan, you retard. Guacamelee is just the game's name.

because they're murderers and rapists. Somebody's doing the raping!

Too fat to be a mexican wrestler though.


If you are curious, Mexicans have the best character work in wrestling, due to the fact that they have to represent his emotiions in a match while wearing a mask.

Because of this young Japanese wrestlers or wrestlers that struggle with character work are send to Mexico to learn from luchadores.

Some of the top wrtlers Japan got his characters in Mexico most famous are Hiroshi Tanahashi, wich was the biggest name in Japan from years and got his "wannabe rockstar" character from lucha legend Negro Casasa and Tetsuya Naito who has a character that is pretty much a Japanese guy who sihes to be a mexican guy who doesn't give a fuck (wich was the character of the main faction of evil guys in Mexico at the time)

How the is that even remotely racist?

But Mexicans get good representation in vidya

Also Mexicans are very skilled players and Ninten. drones

The best Super Mario Bros player is Mexican.

Mexicans are in fact underrated, but everyone hates them for some reason.

It is sad that all the world hates Mexicans, even Americans like Black people (BBC) more than Mexicans

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>The best Super Smash Bros player is Mexican.


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>31 Minutos is shit


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>Argentina most Euro
>socialist shithole pandering to jews and getting BROWNED by both hues and soon sandniggers
Got that right

The whole wrestling community is actually really surprising. From what I know, the US, Mexico and Japan are all considered to have their own "thing" when it comes to what they do best in wrestling, and wrestlers will travel between regions to become more well-rounded.

Communism is going to be what pushes people to the end

Por que ey es stupido

>Still believing in Yang

Your 1000$ meme is a fantasy, you're going to end up stuck in the dirt like the poor commie socialist you are.

Don't worry, you can still send your $1,000 to Israel or whatever. Then Trump can continue banning guns and building Holocaust memorials.

Remember that time that the most acclaimed actor of Japanese cinema went to Mexico and played a drunken Mexican indio? That shit was in 1961. Mifune didn't even speak Spanish, but learned all his lines.

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>few role-model mexicans in games
>instead of whining in twitter about it goes ahead and makes his own game
unironically based

Mexico is a shithole because of the cartel
the cartel is funded by American dollars
American drug addicts are why Mexico is a shithole

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>CoCo is the highest grossing movie in Mexico
That's very sad.

is this the /pol/ thread?

Coco was kino, it got tremendous success in Japan, even Fideo Kojima loved it

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they didn't post character redesigns making Samus Aran into Samás Aranda on tumblr, they went out of their way to create their own pretty good game

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who are you quoting?

they had to have straight up traced Sylvester Stallone for that picture look at his face

no they didn't

It was mediocre.

kojimbles has shit taste in movies, so that's not saying much

>italians built rome, who founded england
>northern whites were living in grass huts when the romans showed up

Why is South America such a big shithole?

Even Nintendo abandoned Brazil, they don't have any good videogames characters let alone any good videogames

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whatever happened to morphies law?
looked fun as fuck

As a mexican who had to go away from Mexico LEGALLY to have a chance of having a healthy, peaceful life, I can see why.

People blocks streets in neighbourhoods with chairs and whatnot for parties and block neighbors from even using cars, no one fucking complains. Public Transport is almost as bad as India's but there's enough money flowing and not enough crwoding in the cities to actually avoid this. Police is a joke, in fact since you're little you're taught by experience to fear policemen as much as other criminals. They try to copy everything bad from USA but don't even know why or how. Hitler is worshipped in Mexico by many historians and there are historical records of mexican nazis, and they still exist and are more common than what you think, making it extremely ironic. I can go on with this list...

So yeah, Mexico has done almost NOTHING to earn the sympathy of other countries, not even in the media. Am I justifying racism? Nah, but again this is Yea Forums, you post this and you already know what you're gonna get.

Imagine being mexican and living near LA CREATURA

it's an ideal climate to grow coca for the production of cocaine

eres retrasado o pendejo?

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>31 minutes is shit
mexican here, this user can go and chigar a su madre

>instead of fixing your fucking problems.
>college students hold a protest
>43 of them apprehended by police officers
>police hand them over to drug gangs
>all of them slaughtered and thrown in a mass grave

I mean I can't blame them for just wanting to leave

Because the us has staged several coups in SA creating political instability

Cartels don't need drug money, they can still do shit like ransoms and human trafficking which if there is a nation then there are people to exploit. Not to say that America doesn't have a hand in this, especially supplying the cartels with guns.

It uses Mexican iconography to create a fun game with a unique graphical style.

It's really not that much different from Cuphead using the iconography of old animation and film.

I love Mexico!!

The only bad thing is there's Mexicans everywhere

>I lived in a shitty neighborhood and a few Mexicans liked bad things, therefore the whole country has no merit to be liked by anyone

Te pasaste de pendejo.

I agree with the bit about cops though, they don't do shit and the few that try to get killed. Mexico is a good place, it has always had its shortcomings but Salinas de Gortari royally FUCKED Mexico in the ass. Don't even get me started on Peña.

I'm genuinely surprised that the US hasn't tried working with Mexico to stop all the bullshit. Making Mexico richer and more stable would benefit the US a lot.

>Referenced "bad hombres"

Drumpf Bad, right muh fellow game devs?

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a quien mas le vale verga?

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>clockwork response from totally not an npc

Murder of Junko Furuta

Just a little reminder that:

Mexico has the cheapest vidya prices in Latin America and the most affordable ones

Mexico is also the Latin American country that had contributed the most to videogames

Just last year, we had the best indie game according to Suda51, it was so popular in Japan that it's getting a physical release via Play-Asia

Guacamelee main creator and programmer is Mexican and it's a very successful indie games, it's getting a physical release

We have Kerbal Space Program, the best selling Latin American game on Steam and the most successful one, it has sold over 3 or 4 million copies

The first videogame Latin American company is Mexican and it's called EVOGA, they worked with SNK

We had AAA Lucha Libre which is arguably the Latin American game with the biggest budget ever

Also we have created some games for PC and PS4 too

This one came to Switch/Xbone/PS4 and PC and got good reception, it's the best selling Latin American game on Nintendo e-shop and it's being published in Asia too

Not to mention that we have one of the best KOF AND SMASH players in the world

The guy who beat all licensed NES game is Mexican:


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Three words

Gus Motherfucking Rodriguez.

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Gus is pretty cool, Club Nintendo was a huge success in Mexico thanks to him

You mean Joe Satriani


>makes game to combat stereotype
>whole character and game theme is a huge stereotype

>ITT everyone tries to speak on behalf of everyone else, resulting in people trying to usurp their position in order to speak on behalf of everyone
Collectivism was a fucking mistake.

Aztec game when?

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>I want to make a game to represent my culture because it's underrepresented
Fine, God bless.
>And I'm going to fill it with stale reddit memes that were moldy before the game comes out
>With a nice helping of shit gameplay
Attaboy, ese, that'll show those gringos who's boss.

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>Latino /pol/ /int / thread disguised successfully as videogames
Fucking mods.

This thread was pretty good

I learned about Mexican game development

stop posting this dumb whore at every mention of latin america you fucking paypig loser holy shit

why would they like niggers

When everyone pays tax, you gotta pay tax.

Failure to do this results in you not being allowed there (:

Are you homo user?

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Poor people are only going to be able to afford X amount of things no matter your wage retard. When your wage goes up. the cost of making whatever you touch goes up.

The only reason your poor ass can afford more things now is because of people working for less than what you will work for here and abroad.

You will never be not poor just because you got paid more than last year. You have to actually work hard and get into the upper or middle class.

>Either act white or go away
fuck off, black people aren't pressured to act white.

shut the fuck up tranny go away and dilate yourself

I don’t undersand all these people getting upset over these kind of sterotypes. I’m an aussie and I find them fun.

>no mayan themed game where you explore a cave system, getting deeper and deeper into the mayan underworld.

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