Do drugs

>do drugs
>every game you ever VA'd for has to replace you and update them
>CP is totally fine though

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Other urls found in this thread:

And it should be legal to post CP on Yea Forums. Hehe.

nips are demented, more news at 9


That's the way it works in Japan. Happened with the VA for Weed Ninja as well.

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>Do drugs
>Become iron man

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is this shit serious? oh my god

This is correct. There is no justification for drug use. The Philippines should become a global policy.


Meanwhile CP and child abuse is fine?

>punishing users and not dealers

You can tell this is a Yuropoor

why even respond to an underage larping fascist

Can they push an update to change his awful english voice too? Or better yet, remove him from the game entirely?

Good. Fuck drugs.

they're made an example out of, and rightly so.
Meanwhile westerners laud druggies and pedophiles as idols.

Too bad they can't just mute him all across the board. Olaf is the most annoying character.

Why are amersharts and euroshits so obsessed with dude weed

Different cultures it's not viewed as acceptable

>punishing users and not dealers

Sam reason you punish school shooters and not gun makers.

To think 2d drawings of children is illegal stay cucked

yeah they don't want cokeheads representing their brand or products, stupid.

Gun makers don't make guns with the purpose of shooting up schools. All drug dealers deal drugs in order to get someone addicted to them.

CP is not fine. (Nor is fucking underage consentable girls as an adult btw.)
Common sense saying Loli drawings are just that is what you are missing. And then there's that whole cultural differences aspect.

Cause we’re allowed to use it since it people aren’t ass backwards. Even our niggers are leagues ahead of the shy stains migrating to the EU.

Yes. It should be. I'm surprised America even has an "age of consent." Leave it to puritans to come up with stupid shit

Real CP

Thy don't force you use them, you stupid druggie.

Drugs are worse than CP by miles though

if there are no users, there won't be any dealers.

Why are you calling me a druggie when I am clearly opposed to the entire concept
Drug dealers are one of the only "evil" kinds of people there are.

if there are no dealers there wont be any users

And? Both deserve to be punished, and you are a faggot for implying otherwise.
I'm happy Druggies are getting fucked in the ass for using drugs.

Having an addiction makes him qualified to play Iron Man.

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Forget it. Most of the world's drug policies are centered around using attitudes to attempt to alleviate the problem that drugs cause.
It's limited in effectiveness to direct availability of drugs because once drugs become easily available to a region with law system like this in place, it starts to fall apart because actual means to alleviate the actual problems the drugs themselves cause are sorely missing.

And that kind of problem won't be solved until attitudes change.

>what is the pharma industry
jesus christ, dumbass, thr vast majority of your country are opioid addicts

It shouldn't because children have no agency under the law. They can't get their own place, they can't get a full-time job, they can't drive a car, they can get arrested if they run away from home, etc. It forces the individual to be dependent on adults and any sexual activity from someone of power can be seen as abuse, especially when the child hadn't hut puberty and has no romantic urges beyond holding hands.

Philippines also outlaws that user. They literally shoot you on site. The only reason why it's still around is because anything that isn't a major city is a 3rd world hell hole. CP trafficing has been in a sharp decline because now they do regular raids on all the outlying towns and kill anyone on site who is under 4'11''

If Japan is so anal-retentive about drugs, how did Itoi get away with drugging his child protagonists in multiple games?

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drug abuse is a crime incredibly easy to get away with

Imagine being this naive

not in based japan

Loli is way less harmful than drugs.

exactly its all cause of the illegal drug dealers, no dealers no addicts, simple as that

No, something needs to be done to stop glamorizing marijuana use. I don't really think that half of 17 year olds should be going to jail.

If Yea Forums is anything to go by, this is wrong

More the reason to be happy about a faggot getting his just desserts.

>every game you ever VA'd for has to replace you and update them
really? thats autistic as fuck.

>season 2 never

>playing KH with JP VA

This. Loli ruined my entire life.
Don't do loli, guys.

We can't really shittalk Japan for replacing VAs over drugs considering we're replacing VAs over "harassment" accusations

That's kind of cool, they're straight up erasing him from history.

get killed nigger

This is actually about real child porn. There's been several cases of manga artists and actors in Japan being caught with actual CP, and walking away with slap to the wrist.
Meanwhile if your girlfriend rats you out about giving her weed and police raid your house finding 1.5g of it, you end up with several years of jail time.


Why not? We shittalk that, too.
I think same industries can be held to similar standards internationally. This kind of PR messing is always retarded.

>trying to argue that dealers should be the focus of punishment
>t. dealer

How, if you're fapping all day to loli femdom doujins then you're not going outside at all to do any harm.


And pedos wonder why everyone hates them.

>No victim, creates jobs, good outlet for lonely males

>Health risks, makes people dumb, most of the money doesn't go to Japan's economy.

It's not a laughing matter. Many adult men have been traumatized for life by them.

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Then you deserve it. You destroyed your own argument.

fucking based druggies need to hang themselves

dealers should all be killed like you, you dumb jig

until their mom kicks them out

what the fuck is a jig

I would give it a go if they ever gave us the option, i did back when BBS came out in JP. By the way when are we expecting any KH news? Anytime soon?

>tfw you're told of a few h doujin artists of using very questionable references for their stuff
Didn't fucking believe Yea Forums at first, but now I'm absolutely certain that some do. Japs are messed up, but I still like all the content they produce.

don't talk to him, he's black

its you, jigaboo

Same with drug users. The problem is after the high wears off and you have to go outside. 4channers start shooting shut up while druggies steal

CP is illegal in Japan and the age of consent is 16 or 18 depending on the region much the same as most of the 1st world.

In fact in Japan you have to be 20 to get married without parental permission.

no, prescription pills are drip-fed heroin, you fucking idiot

never trust a nip. This is their supposed "samurai code" at work.

Just stop doing drugs you piece of shit.

obviously, the solution is to drug the children before the abuse.

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exactly which is why all illegal drug dealers should be murdered so they cant sell illegal prescription drugs

>Loli doesn't make you dumb
Wew, look up pedophilia and porn addiction

Cope harder druggie

oh, you're retarded.
I guess it's all the drugs that fried your reasoning.

I work in accounting and I jack off to Loli every other day.

Keep seething you retarded druggie.

pedos mad

>illegal prescription drugs

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You should really kill yourself.


What the fuck are you on about, you idiot? The author of Rurouni Kenshin was literally caught with it and got off with a slap on the wrist. None of his works have had their sales harmed in any way and he's not blacklisted from anything.

Accountants do drugs too. Doesn't change you're getting dumber

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He paid a fine, dumbass.

Judging that every final mix version has had english voice acting, I doubt it's the most popular option but I doubt we will hear much new about it until a couple of months. I'm just happy to know that there is going to be any dlc at all.

>mj died to drug abuse

Yes, that's what slap on the wrist means. Are you ESL?

So basically what you're saying is falling is as bad as weed?


>punishing anyone


For owning literal child pornography. Meanwhile smoking pot blacklists someone from the industry for life.

>actually died to doctor's malpractice
the deeper irony

kek fuck you

why don't they care that all that western pop culture they consume was litterly created by coke heads and heroin fiends?

It's actually relatively normal people who get caught. Not Rustle or Maeshima Ryou, but guys like Nobuhiro Watsuki whose works don't really have any loli in them at all.

What the fuck is with this mindset of "if you say one thing is bad you must be in favour of another"? I don't fucking do drugs, I just think that the way Japan deals with this shit is fucking ridiculous.

Japan takes drugs VERY seriously.

Get coke, go broke.

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Because retard he had old ass CP from before it was illegal and the laws changed.
So he got a fine and 6 months in jail as per the norm of people whose shit was that old.

I don't take drugs cause im not a degenerate criminal who buys illegal drugs from blacks

When'd you last get convicted and forced to pay a fine for acting in accordance with the law?


He paid a lot of money with probably a harsher punishment of he gets caught again?

Do you want him to be skinned alive?
He didn't even harm anyone directly.

What, you prefer Japan to be like the west?

>masturbating to pornography is as bad as doing drugs

exactly, all dealers selling them should be killed

>Extrajudicial he said she said killings should be the world policy
Spoken like someone living in a comfortable 1st world country. Enjoy getting gunned down because your neighbor doesn’t like you.

>rape a child
>get a 200 yen fine
>take a sip of alcohol
>based japan glorious nippon can do no wrong i wish i lived in japan then people would stop bullying me for liking anime

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It's actually pretty funny how Yakuza series deals with drugs. Which is, not at all. Alongside prostitution and gambling it's one of their biggest sources of income, but series just kinda glosses over how the families get those huge piles of cash they use in negotiations.
...I know Judgement isn't actual part of Yakuza, but it has same setting, engine and is made by same devs.

>what is trolling
>what is prison

>It’s another drug thread filled with straight edge underage

what does alcohol have to do with anything? they dont frown on alcohol


The Chad manga artist: I am willing to traumatize myself for the quality of my work. I must expose the depravity of contemporary mankind.

A fine is fucking nothing to somebody that rich. This is child porn. Not 2d. Real, actual children getting abused.

there's a reason your doc tells you to do the other but not the other
look at this thread for results of ignoring those orders


The Yakuza series is literally just an ad campaign for the Japanese whisky industry.

>DUDE WEED LMAOS eternally seething
Whats wrong addicts? Havent had your hourly smoke yet?

Getting the withdrawal jitters from your TOTALLY NOT ADDICTING plant?

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>What is prison
Better to get him back in work as soon is possible, right?

I mean he literally sits in a booth and draws all day, this guy isn't teaching primary school students.

>masturbating to pornography is as bad as doing drugs
it's bad when you didn't pay for it

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Virgin artist: "I'm traumatizing myself by viewing this pornography to see how depraved humanity can be."
Chad manga author: "My preferred type of woman is an elementary school girl."

Honestly it feels great that there's a first world nation out there that hasn't fallen for the DUDE WEED LMAO meme and punishes it harshly. I wish America would do the same and I wish it would extend to those evil ass pharmaceuticals that make their shit addictive on purpose which results in an opiod crisis

straight edge are the biggest faggots. this is objectively true. fucking bunch of lame ass nancy reagan motherfuckers.

>what is 賢者タイム

I'll drink alcohol on anyones dollar besides my own.

That shit is too expensive. Not smoking though because lmao cancer.

>alcohol is fine
>substances that are less addictive and physically damaging are not
Gotta love insane anti-drugfags.

>Be so much of a criminal you have to wear a mask in all public appearances
>Have Yakuza contacts
>Squenix is forced to fund your games for decades even though none of them make any money until one accidentally becomes a hit
He can't keep getting away with it

>Manga authors

Anyone have that pic of Togashi's house?

This is peak libertarianism

and got his CP just by doing that?

>Your just uncool if you dont smoke weed like all the cool celebrities
Smoke cigarettes too while your at it fag.
Typical homos and their eternal cravings to stick something in their mouth.

>That shit is too expensive

If you want to get absolutely blasted, sure. But a pint at the end of the day isn't even 2 dollars in burgerland.


Reminder that Watauki got fined only because he has 3D shit and he should've ascended to exclusively fapping to 2D

> In fact in Japan you have to be 20 to get married without parental permission.
This will be lowered to 18 (matching AoC) come 2022.

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maybe if you drink bathtub gin

Isn't cannabis precisely what's being pushed to replace various opioids as a less-addictive alternative?
At worst, breeding rastaheads is much less bad than breeding thieving addicts.

>All these underage who are seething at the idea of CP
It really shows how many newfags we have who werent aware for Yea Forumss 24/7 sink threads.

Children exist to be sexual playthings of adults.

>yfw 2B and 9S were commissioned by some hardass Yakuza boss

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>if you don't smoke weed you are straight edge
yeah, not how it works
if you don't smoke weed and act like a faggot about it, you're straight edge

They're puking facedown in the gutter half an hour after they get off work. Which makes all the drug hysteria even funnier.

Most 2d drawings are taking from actual child porn.

Copy and paste, that' s what pedo chinks do best.

well here it was part of job conditions

This just confuses me though, why exactly replace him in roles he's already performed?

So you admit they are underaged children?


user how has weed hurt you? The guy you’re replying to didn’t even mention it, and you immediately start coping about it like it’s the only drug in the world. Did some of your friends stop hanging out with you because you don’t smoke or something? Why are you so upset?

Lmao meanwhile in the west actual pedophiles get awarded an Oscar. Kill yourselves you hypocrites.

Wow its almost like drugs have an impact on society 50 times more sever than cp does

>alcohol and coke are the same thing

having pictures on your HDD is barely worth mentioning and should barely, if not at all, be considered a crime.

>No victim, creates jobs, good outlet for lonely males

The victim is yourself, cunt, for sinking so low.

this is the ultimate truth

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>not being convicted of a crime means it's legal
dumb retard poster

Yes, and? I'm still not seeing the problem here as no real children is harmed in the production and distribution of pic related.

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The only thing that’s really a suitable alternative to opiates is Kratom. I don’t think weed is really being pushed as an opiate replacement, rather it’s just being pushed.


Yeah i don't expect to get an option for JP VA either. Guess it's time to take a break from the KH threads then.

cocaine is a hell of a drug


imagine having this mindset
gotta love braindead drug fags

Only because of the scale. If the abusive homes and child abductions that are often the source of CP were as pervasive as drug use, I’m willing to be that you’d prefer drug use, from a social health standpoint.

I wonder if it was the drugs that made him a dickhead too

Nobody said that.

It helps to understand that this content wasn't illegal to possess in Japan until like 2012 or something. A lot of mangaka caught with it tend to be peeps who just have old DVDs from the days where it was still legal floating around an old drawer in their office/house.

There's a pretty big difference. I think a lot of people don't realize that CP was always taboo but not "outlawed" in Japan until very very recently.

Always comes as a huge cultural shock when I tell people this, and they can't believe it until they research on their own. It's ironic considering America forced them to censor their shit but didn't think to impose CP laws, really makes you think.

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Sure, why not drink some expensive onions craft beer, that's literally the exact same shit but you think tastes better because you paid more for it.

Cheap malts aren't bad at all.

I've seen Vivitrol work well if they actually stick with a treatment plan instead of thinking "I just get this injection and I'm forever cured"

Hideki Taniuchi, soundtrack composer for Kaiji, Akagi, Death Note and other Madhouse anime was arrested on 2012 for possesing 1.5 grams of marihuana, sent to jail and since then hasn't worked on a single anime sountrack.

Nobuhiro Watsuki, Rurouni Kenshin's mangaka was caught with underage gravure, got a slap on the wrist and continued as if nothing happened.

Honestly? Based.

This isn't fucking piracy, drug use can only be stopped if EVERYBODY is punished.

Coke is probably less dangerous than alcohol in the sense that you’re much more in control of your actions.

I'll never truly understand human nature. The protection of self leads to the destruction of spirit and in the end; all that will be left will be their self. There's no-one else to shift blame or scapegoat when you are truly alone in death.

Also, what a shame.

Reminder that Yea Forums is more addictive and has fucked up your interpersonal development more than any but the most crippling drug habit ever could.

The biggest problem with drugs is random roadside drug tests, they stay in your system for a really long time (despite actual affects only lasting hours at most), and it’s punisjed more severely than being drunk at the wheel. A friend of mine did a bunch of MDMA on a Friday, and got busted on Tuesday morning.

What exactly is the reasoning behind this? I get that he did drugs, but why replace him in past roles?

>malt liquor

well im not a poor nigger for one

>Creating a market for child abuse shouldn’t constitute a crime

It will never be stopped you fucking idiot, that's the point.

Good. start with locking up all drinkers and smokers.

>draw a squiggle
>draw tits on it
>people call it CP


cartoons don't have rights or feelings

Huh, haven’t heard of that.

Not 2012, simple possession is allowed until 2014, and people who possess them are allowed a grace period of 1yr to get rid of them, so effectively it's 2015 before CP is really banned, and even now it's a lucrative Yakuza revenue stream.

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>shittalking japan for replacing VA over drugs when burgers replace their VAs for made-up harassment "allegations"

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Try Japanese malts.

>Stopping drug use
How naive

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WTF so to have a good image, a character can be revoiced all over again. But to dub the game in another language than japanese/english is just way too much to handle for SE

hypocrisy is american true nature

I think the context of whether or not it was legal beforehand doesn't really matter from a common sense standpoint
the fact that they even thought "yeah kiddy porn is normal" before it officially became a bad thing is pretty fucked
but I get what you're saying, they got so normalized to it for decades they really did think it was acceptable

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I like drugs, but you clearly don’t know any benzo/opiate addicts if you honestly believe that Yea Forums is more damaging. Shit can ruin your entire life in a month.

Craft beer tastes objectively better than malt liquor, dumb hobo nigger.


>didn't harm anyone directly
>contributing to child abuse through his demand for more of those types of videos
pedosympathizer leave

>Unironically drinking and recommending rice beer
Begone, weeb

lol remember when Kenshin's author got caught for CP and paid like a 1000$ fine and was back making his series shortly after like nothing happened.

>Implying I don’t shittalk both
Nice assumption retard

>they even thought "yeah kiddy porn is normal"
Its legal to marry 8 year old girls in the US.
It happens over 100 times a year.

There are only 4 states in the US where its illegal for girls under 12 to marry.

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agreed. Watsuki is the fuckin' man.

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Hang 'em.

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>meanwhile in america
>rape kids
>become famous movie director beloved by all americans

>use coke
>everyone cut ties with you and you even risk jail
>possess CP, or have sex with underage prostitutes.
>just get a slap on the wrist and get to return to doing your job, becoming one of the most well known manga artists.

The strict anti-drugs laws don't look that strange to me, but it really looks strange compared to punishment for CP.
I'm not even talking about lolicon but 3D girls.

It's kids getting married to kids. You cannot fuck an year old and get away with it. Nice try, Michael.

He is a man of taste and culture, as many in the anime industry is.

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Pfft at that time it was probably as effective as modern day analgesics

Then don't complain that alcohol is expensive if you're going to reject something that's cheap and doesn't taste like urine.

This millenia old dragon is raping that child

Best thing is the guy who saved him was Mel Gibson

I only recently found out they gave meth to kamikaze pilots before pearl harbor

source on pic

>It's kids getting married to kids
It literally isn't.
Theres a metric fuck ton of 8 year olds marrying 21+ every goddamn year.

Theres been such a huge backlash over this that some states have finally started banning it.

So... Which one is it?

those individuals are a treasure. I hope they'll stay well in the future.

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in american it's legal to intentionally give someone HIV without them knowing
in america it's legal to mutilate a child's genitals without their consent

but japan bad, right?


spotted the kid that spends friday night with his mom on the couch

Nazi Germany was fueled by Meth.


retardation. Separate art from artist or you'll never enjoy anything, especially if it's something (not even that bad) as drug use

There's a whole thing with jap actors and singers and shit. It's weird as hell. Manga artist is different, people expect them to be weird and have weird fetishes.

what a compelling counterargument

both are bad

also American's don't go back and retcon voices from games that are already out. also raping someone is worse than sniffing coke

Druggies are human piles of shit and deserve everything they get. The way they are treated in Japan is the way they should be treated everywhere, they're the bane of society and even decent areas of the US are fucked up by the faggots who think it's a great idea to get hooked on such substances.

No need to compare it to anything else as if that changes anything.

Japan is a twisted country. Just look at their history up until today. They are a deeply sick people. We (Allied nations of WW2) reformed them as best we can and tried to lead them away from barbarism, but they are still the same malformed creature at their core. They haven't even been able to admit their own crimes during the World War. They are a still sick society. Yes, they are so twisted that they think real life child porn is okay (only banned in the 1990s) but using drugs which only harm yourself is one of the worst crimes ever.

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Loving the pedophiles ITT thinking they're viewed better by society than drug addicts. Both groups should be locked away forever.

>Theres a metric fuck ton of 8 year olds marrying 21+ every goddamn year.
Prove it.

You're kidding. Y'know, you'd think people would be talking about that but it completely slips under the radar.

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>I'm not even talking about lolicon but 3D girls
It's a sad state when people even need to specifiy this, honestly. It should be common sense that loli/shota isn't CP and that CP refers purely to actual, real life, children in sexual situations, but I suppose rampant shitposting has gotten to the point where some would actually believe they are one and the same.

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blame tumblr and twitter for this
apparently petite bodies/chibi is now considered cp according to them in regards to the arby's waifu shit

Except in the Nuremberg Trials you mean.


fuckin source?

Why are americans so obsessed with drugs and violence?

Yes. We, the West, who sexualize real-life children on live-action television, tried to reform the East from the barbarism that is creating ink patterns on parchment.

It was normal for hundreds of years in europe

>Finally an update with content for this dead game
>Update changes voice actor and nothing else
>inb4 KH3 cucks will defend this, "wait and see FM dlc trying to fix my garbage game"

>15 year old marriages
No I want you to prove your statement in 8 year old child brides, dumb nigger.

>Immigrants with underage wives
Fucking Democrat scum

he proved you wrong, no one cares if the age isn't exact, its still underage forced marriage you autistic pedant

does it really count as drug abuse when the doctor does it to them

Henreader. Do your homework.

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>He proved me wrong by not proving the exact thing that he said
Kill yourself retard

>10 years old doesn't count

What you're experiencing right now is cultural shock. You feel like it's common sense because you've been raised and indoctrinated with values local to your social sphere. Different societies on different parts of the planet have different views on things that you THINK are universal but aren't.

Nips are fucking retarded. Be caught with literal chilp porn and get a slap on the wrist, but smoke pot and your career is over.

Why don't these companies just piss test their employees?

It'd probably be cheaper than redoing a voice/character every time someone gets caught with drugs.

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You can make dishonest shitposts, but it doesn't change that your post is full of shit.

>not recognizing henreader/mothman
His style is pretty unique my dude, with just a glance you know it's him.

Maybe following the laws governing the country? And being Japanese it's very wellknown that only Yakuza deals with drugs, and is very frowned upon, as only lowlife scum uses drugs

>Its pretty damn rare
>They dont give a fuck if you do it, only if you get caught
Probably a mix of the two

kill yourself dubfag


Oh cool, does this mean white retards are going to whine and complain even MORE about Japan?

What game

Getting real tired of people not noticing hypocrisy on their own soil

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Just dont do drugs lol. You can actually live without them. Sure, you get the druggies saying “youre missing out” and stuff like that, but theres no actual benefit to using them except for that high, and the druggies will think youre cool now.

Japs sound based as fuck.
Potheads are notoriously anti-cunny.

>drawing bad
>drugs good

The people who got Japan to reform would also oppose sexualizing children on television.

..Is this real? How the fuck is this legal? Those are kids, wtf are you doing Netflix?

>..Is this real? How the fuck is this legal

How would it be illegal?


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Netflix is a full blown Silicon Valley sjw propaganda outlet now. I think the change really kicked in with sens8 and just got worse from there.

I'm pretty bad at recognizing art styles. At least on a conscious level. I intuitively know I gravitate towards the same styles and it always makes sense when I find out that one artist did a couple of my favorite works, but I never piece it together myself. It took me a couple of Yea Forums threads to realize that Nagatoro's mangaka was the same dude who wade countless gloryfaps for me. It all made so much sense when I realized.

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>CP is illegal in Japan
Only recently.
And I mean VERY recently. As in literally this fucking decade recently. It wasn't when I first started using Yea Forums.

That's fucking disgusting and shameful and they clearly support it. I mean they have child modeling DVDs and blurays that are softcore porn for pedos. Sickening state of things over there.


Cunny is life

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>Reprints of the game will have the replaced voice
>Initial copies will now sell for a killing secondhand if a solution to maintain the old voice is possible.

The devs are fucking retarded. This will make the older versions skyrocket in the aftermarket. They will lose millions. Kek.


The Toriko artist can fuck more teenage girls than R.Kelly and still sell his Fist of the North Chowder epic but show tattoos near your dick, smoke weed or snort coke and your existence is fucking erased.

Yeah, Japan is SO much more awful than the west

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Its crazy because it was only coke, but it leaves your system super fast. So if he got caught, who knows how much he was actually doing.

But the thing is prescription opioid addicts often die, which is good.
Also they tend to take showers and because they take pills, they aren't unpleasant to be around. potsmokers literally smell like fucking skunks.

>in japan degenerates are punished while cunnysours go scot free
best country

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>and they clearly support it
By making it a crime? That doesn't make much sense.

Based post right there.

Who are you kidding user?

alright, let's use this opportunity to list loli artists you've read recently.

>Kiya Shii

Attached: 032.jpg (1078x1522, 323K)

>both white american and european youth is about getting fucked up on dangerous substances and have meaningless sex encounters because this the cool and hip thing to do
>if you point this to them they get awfully defensive and call you a bitter incel because you didnt sow your wild oats

literally products of capitalism. i really thank god i wasnt born white.

it's still a drawing you doofus

reminder that Polyle is the best loli artist

Funny how a game criticizing the absurd Japanese justice system is part of the problem by absolutely condemning Pierre Taki, removing him from the game and destroying his career as a whole. I guess talk is cheap, guilty until proven innocent (though he did already admit to the charges) and there is no room for redemption's in Japanese society.

Attached: Hope.jpg (766x960, 80K)

reported to the fbi

Loving the amerilards subhuman in this thread thinking they are better.

Cringe and Redpilled

Lately I've been reading almost exclusively works by tomoki tomonori. His touhou girls are delicious.

Attached: [Yosutebito na Mangakaki (Tomoki Tomonori)] _Okaeshi_ (Touhou Project) [English] {Mant} [Digital] - (1280x1807, 288K)

Is that why the Catholic Church protects pedophile priests until they can get away with it on the basis of death, retirement, or the statute of limitations?

>be american celebrity
>get away with literally everything thats based...

I hope you're behind a proxy or two because that's a permaban if i've ever seen one.

A japanese chemist invented meth.
Weird how much things have changed.

Attached: drugsit'slaced.png (711x614, 323K)

Not sure how that shows any change though user

Amazing art, the way he draws loli is otherworldly and enchanting. Honestly a really unique art style remembering how many 'thicc' lolis that's been all the rage lately

I think an user mentioned his lolis look causcasian, with that eastern european flair of grace.

>kunisaki kei
Just discovered the guy and I'm glad that there's yet another artist that specializes in sexually proactive lolis. Has a tank fully translated which was an instant classic just for how hot it was.

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feel when no agiri gf to do coke no jutsu with

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Just because someone invented a drug, possibly for war/soldier purposes, doesn't mean it should be legal you pothead

Pretty sure the meth he made was sold over the counter in japan.

Cocaine was a pretty common ingredient in medicine too.

Now I can only get tylonel for a tooth ache.

>he invented medicine and gave it to doctors

Can't forget the Jews, who are also part of the West. Thank you, you literally just strengthened my argument for why the West is fucking retarded.

japan says it

>Japan is infamous for its heavy drinking

Love it when ironic weebs normalfags get a culture shock. Fuck off and kill yourself and let Japan be.

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To be fair it says that there are those that claim to be Jews, but are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan. Not that Jews are the Synagogue of Satan

DUDE, what if WEED and LSD was prescribed for minor illnesses, that would be so rad man, LMAO

me as the bike

>no Shimanto
What the fuck, I'm actually triggered right now.

High Fructose Corn Syrup was technically made in Japan too.

Such efficient killers.

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Why have you not taken the cunny pill yet?

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I love it even more when weebs defend anything that Japan does no matter how abhorrent it is.

No Ichihaya either.

He's like the Ishikei of lolis: boring.

>Sega recalls game because actor for some irrelevant character did one drug ever
>Sega doesn't recall game where you play as an actual child rapist even though Sneed did

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I love it when Amerisharts have to censor japanese games.

If I became a tyrant I would get rid of both tbqh. Smoking too

Weed and even cocaine are objectively less addictive and damaging to your health and brain than alcohol. If you want to ban the former, you should be even more eager to ban the latter too.

Most composers use amphetamines like adderall if they use anything.

Alcahol's not gonna help you write shit for music.

>Japan: We love how our race looks at any age

Japan is retarded and backwards. This isn't new.


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I don't like either of those things, but blanket bans on addictive substances never work.

>all these larping pedo-lawfags responding


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