Why is it wrong to have diversity in video games? I like to see people of colour and being represented in video games

Why is it wrong to have diversity in video games? I like to see people of colour and being represented in video games.

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It's not. People just get annoyed when the Battlefield V trailer looks more like the BK Kids club than a fucking war

There's nothing wrong with it when it's done properly. People get annoyed when devs shove it in your face to try and look progressive.

shut up tranny

It's not, I don't care if they're white,black ,a girl,gay,bi or etc. As long as the game is good idgaf. Being black myshelf and knowing other black gamers this seems to be a popular opinion. Its really annoying when people complain about lack of black representation since 95% of them are white and most of us don't really care. Sure it would be nice to see more,but its really not that big of a deal for most of us.

>people of color
this will never not induce cringe

I mean its mostly white people bitching about not having more black people in games.


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back to retardera, Sambo

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A good step of normalizing something like diversity is simply to add it & be just something.that's in the game, but doesn't need more attention than that.
In the current industry, Journalists won't shut up about every inch of news that indicates that a character could be even slightly different from the norm. With how much of a common phenomenon that is, you end up turning people that would probably be indifferent/neutral to the matter into people who are opposed to it, sometimes with misguided hatred: Just that this minor detail that isn't important to their video games is taking unwarranted spots over something more important about their favorite medium.

because it's not about inclusiveness it's about being able to say 'fuck you its MINE now'

This, diversity is fine if it's some fantasy gay shit. But when you put a black man on the front cover of your WW1 game that's when you're being a fucking jew

It's very simple OP. But retards like you will never take that simple explanation and continue to lay blame or insults wherever you can.

Because coloureds, women, and fags can’t help but make everything all about them, all the time, forever

For this reason you absolute homebred spastic.
This too.


I marked all the white people. Rest are to be shot at dawn.

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What's good about diversity exactly?
It's for people who lack empathy for anyone who doesn't look like them.

I don't ask for more whiteys in Bollywood movies, lest I not be able to budbudbud along with those pajeets, now do I?
I'm perfectly able to put myself in the shit covered shoes of ranjesh as he tries to woo sahrita before raping her and then chucking the body in the Ganges.

why don't browns make their own games?
How come nips aren't forced to make everyone some mystery meat goblin?

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And I don't, they are ugly.

And colored people aren't even the problem, the problem is that the games that cave in and add them will obviously also make all girls look lile abortions because women should be ugly and annoying to be realistic.

>white people.
Yeah right chang, bottom right slut is a filapina or some shit.

oh shit you might be right. you can shoot her?

It sounds really fucking dumb. "Colored people" is supposedly the offensive term, but switching the two words around and adding "of" in the middle is politically correct. Logic.

As long as the actual game is good, I don’t care. I’ve played plenty great ones that feature cartoony mascots, so why should I be so picky about what kind of person I’m playing.

Leave it to the leaf to make such a faggy thread