The dust has settled, what do we think of this """game"""

The dust has settled, what do we think of this """game"""

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i liked it, far more than i like any other Cage (((game)))

Connor best boy

Would have been 8.5+ tier if it was all conner but it was pretty good story either way if I would have known was I was getting into I would have waited for 40$ CAD to pick this up.

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Connor and 90% of his story is great.
Markus mainly sucks.
I don't remember the other one.

not as good as Until Dawn.

The holocaust imagery was really offensive-- not because I think the holocaust is sacred or anything, it isn't, but because if you're going to take your story that far and actually put your characters into literal death camps and they're going to be naked, don't make them "turn off their skin." That scene could have actually been powerful and controversial if all the characters really were naked, but because he went for the PG-13 holocaust it just reeks of desperation.

Better than Beyond: Two Souls. But still as shit as a David Cage game.

connor and anderson gaysex

based and repilled

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So, were the androids the Purple Clan that took over the world? and if so, who was his child?

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David Cage is an awful writer.
Just because you want to write about heavy stuff like social commentary, it doesn't excuse your shit writing,

Surprisingly it's been more memorable than the rest of Sony's recent exclusives, and it was way more of a movie than the rest of them.
A fun experience but yeah, hardly a game and definitely not one I'll replay or decide to pick up on an afternoon and play a little bit of.

i just want to have sex with Kara

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Connor's part shows how engaging these games can be if they actually have sympathetic characters and not just caricatures. Too bad it only happened despite of of Cage. Wish he would come down from his auteur trip and let other people write.



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It’s a David Cage experience, your playing these games for that


The lack of Kara sex and death scenes ruined the game for me.

I want to impregnate Kara's robotic womb!

>markus as violent rebel
>connor as violent android hater
>markus vs connor
>connor wins
>woman dies asap
Best play through

yeh why the fuck make such a semen demen if you cant have sex with it

The graphics were great, and the faces looked great for the most part. Everything else about it was shit though
>brainlet plot, literally "HOLOCAUST BAD"
>tons of plotholes, why didn't the androids just go hide in some rural shithole area
>ton of shit in game that doesn't make sense. all kara and alice models have the same face, so how the fuck didn't the authorities immediately recognise them as androids
>how the fuck don't the authorities recognise a very distinct 7'0" nigger android
>why did cyberlife make a 7'0" nigger android to begin with
>how did alice's poorfag unemployed crackhead dad afford 2 androids
>tons of boring segments in the game, hank and connor parts were the only good bits
And there's a lot more shit but cba listing it all

Also I can't post images
>Uploading files from your IP range has been blocked due to abuse
What did (((mods))) mean by this? I did nothing against the rules and didn't post anything bad, I rarely even post images but when I do it's just vidya memes in the humour threads and virgin vs chad threads

Good by David Cage standards but that's not saying much.

For me it was always
Markus's story was pretty limited starting out (Fairly Linear with no real choice besides Carl dying). You don't get any real choice until the warehouse heist segment. But after that it gets much more interesting, at least in my opinion. All the stuff about whether or not be violent or how far you're willing to go was great and added shade of grey to his character. Simultaneously, Kara's was interesting at first, but sort of tapered off toward the end. The house escape and on the run segments were really good, but around and after Zlakto it just becomes
>We gotta go here
>We gotta get to Canada
>Can we trust this person?
The Amusement part section was meh, and everything after was also meh. The Alice twist kinda came out of nowhere and didn't really feel necessary, and while Luther was a bro, he couldn't really redeem those sections.

Connor's, however, was pretty good all the way through
Except for his Deviant turning scene, that was pretty weak. Everything afterwards was good though

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Best way is markus is peaceful throughout the entire game but uses dirty bomb at the end, that way he gave the (((humans))) every possible chance and in the end they brought war upon themselves

Yeah, I'm supposed to believe that lonely dude that resorts to a fake daughter won't take solace in a hot android girl's body? PLEASE

Still waiting for good Alice hentai.

>tfw no Kara gf to have intense sex with and cuddle afterwards
>tfw no Kara gf to hold hands with in public
>tfw no Kara gf to assure she is more than human than any other women could ever be

The only correct answer

The worst part of detroit, that makes it by far the worst david cage game is no titty scene

why did they have to make him so cute?

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I was really anticipating it but when I watched a couple streams it looked disappointing, not worth the money.

I enjoyed watching it on YouTube.

>Watching story games like this
I get your reasoning, but you're really missing the point. The real fun comes from those split second decisions that you make and their ramifications. The culmination of your choices impacting the world and story and characters around you. Did you play the demo at least? That's what got me interested in the game. It's pretty kino.

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>Wanting synthetic booby
What's the point? It's not real, just imitation. It's like slobbering over fake tits. Where's the magic?

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Connor is the only character that has agency in the game. When you control him, you're actually playing a video game (first time ever in a David Cage production), whereas the other two are just glorified NPCs and when you're controlling them you're in fact just watching a movie. This is the main reason why everyone says Connor is great. But of course his autistic movements and voice tones are also great.
It's also the best David Cage production.

you're a good man, user

same, i must have watched like 3 playthroughs of it.

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