Why the fuck is Microsoft wasting time with bringing the MCC versions Halo 1&2 when they originals are already on pc?

Why the fuck is Microsoft wasting time with bringing the MCC versions Halo 1&2 when they originals are already on pc?

Attached: DSC_1464.jpg (3840x2160, 2.47M)

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The MCC versions of halo 2 is based on the PC version


Did you just wake up from a coma OP? I have some good news.

No it isn't, you absolute dingleberry. Halo 2 Vista required GFWL and it would literally cost more money to implement/gut features from it than just port the console version.

Just use xliveless, the online in gaylo is shit anyway.

Have you played Halo 1 on pc? It aged like shit.

Modders fixed all the issues

Not the guy you quoted, but Halo 2 on MCC was ported from Vista. You can tell because it inherited all of Vistas problems like broken physics.

No, they didn't. Show me a source for this. This is like saying they ported Halo Custom Edition when that is false, the MCC CE has no flamethrower or fuel rod cannon.


Here you go, dumbfuck.

MCC does have the flamethrower and fuel rod cannon, so again, you are a dumbfuck.

you know he's just gonna keep denying this cause he's a petty fuck who needs to get the last word in and to keep the thread bumped like he always does

I stand corrected. Although I've literally never seen a flamethrower or FR in multi on CE in the MCC. Guess it was dumb luck.

What the fuck is up with Halo:CE on PC? It's like your hand moves at 60fps but the world only moves at 30. It's so unnatural.

did modders add in 60fps animations to halo 1?

30 FPS animations

Yeah, Chimera mod

Chimera is a mod for Custom Edition that interpolates all animations to an uncapped framerate, CE looks kino on my 165Hz

I wish PC got physical releases, fuck paying for digital distribution

Because those are old and broken ports you fucking retard. Do you know how much work you need to do to get these running on modern OSses?

None? Outside of downloading Project Cartographer for Halo 2 they both run out of the box.

Halo 2 on PC is utterly shit, mouse acceleration, FOV issues that only get partially fixed with a mod. Why are you against a superior version of both games that would run out of the box without any tweaks or patchs coming to PC?

I never said I was.

it has remastered versions