He is going to be remembered as one of the worst things in the franchise, up there with DMC 2 and DmC

He is going to be remembered as one of the worst things in the franchise, up there with DMC 2 and DmC

Who thought this boring janky buttom mash gameplay was fun

I love being Nero or Dante
Playing as V makes me wanna stop playing and take a nap

Attached: DMC5_12-06-18.jpg (600x337, 38K)


playing as v is a nice change of pace, and makes me appreciate dante and neros fast and frenetic gameplay even more.

Little wanderer, hie thee home!

i hate him for a different reason
he had potential to be a fun character in the next game but LMAO HE'S VERGIL LMAO URIZEN'S VERGIL TOO EVERYONE'S VERGIL

Did you want them to ignore the obvious connection and treat it like it was a twist of any kind?

no I wanted V to be Mundus

But user they make it pretty clear that Urizen isnt really Vergil

that isn't a reason to hate him though, that's a reason to hate Vergil who has overtaken this franchise as some Gary Stu villain who is allowed to get away with everything thanks to overblown fan priority

Except V is fun, besides a good character. Seethe harder. Also and

Attached: DMC5_Super_V.png (1024x1024, 1.02M)

If he had been Mundus he still would've ended up becoming a bad guy again. You think he just turned good guy all of a sudden? Mundus would have used Dante and Nero to stop Urizen and get the fruit for himself.


What about not having the connection in the first place? Fuck off with Vergil already, they're ruining him by making him the Creator's Pet


I think you just suck at V
Nigga just press the DT button

Yes and that's what I hoped will happen.


V is there to help clarify a point to the player. The point being that taking control out of the players hands is a nightmare. In a game where you have to be stylish, and the game, not the player, controls how much style you can exude, you're dealing with a very frail, and very weak kind of gameplay. His entire reason for existing is to help accentuate the fact that Dante is exactly how action games should prioritize player interaction. Lots of games from Ninja Gaiden to Bayonetta remove player control in favor of doing really cool stuff on screen. It looks great when Bayonetta cuts an angel's head off in a brilliant thirty second cutscene, but I can't control any of it. It's lame. It robs the player of something virile, something meaty. Stuff that V lacks.

Griffon is best boy.

The gameplay isn't the best, but his character is good.

How can anyone like Vergil after all the stupid, selfish shit he's done? This stupid motherfucker almost ended the world TWICE, and almost helped Mundus end the world too. Like what the fuck, how does he keep being forgiven and treated as some tragic character?

Dumb as a bunch of rocks. Let’s not even bother with this guy, Yea Forums

>you're not allowed to like villains

Attached: 1552037090268.png (178x167, 2K)

Sounds like you need to git gud bro

your opinion, for me it's all trash

He was cool in DMC3. In 5 he's just a badly written character and he's not even a villain anymore.

>Lots of games from Ninja Gaiden to Bayonetta remove player control in favor of doing really cool stuff on screen
You forgot DMC3 and 4 being the worst offenders. It took me two playthrough to realize 5 has NO “cutscene Dante” moments at all, for any character, which is entirely refreshing.

He's the same white haired *slicks back hair* katana weeb people liked in 3.

>press DT button
>Gain SSS
Great character you got there capcom

How can a single person miss the point so fucking hard, is beyond me

V is literally harder than Dante and especially Nero in DMD.

You're being a woman again.

V plays like the Dragon's Dogma summoner they never made & I love it, stay mad faggot OP

My main problem with V is that he doesn't fucking take out the book when I want him to. Most of the time it's just a dropped input.

your opinion, for me it's all good
How's it feel playing on Devil Hunter, son?

>switch to Balrog
>mash Y
>switch to kick mode
Lmao imagine needing devil trigger for S rank, fucking YIKES my dude

He was my favourite part of the game, a shame what happens to him. Hope we see more of him in the future. Griffon and Shadow best boys.

On a side note, I think he was a Summoner character done extremely well, and I hope other developers take notice. The fact you have to be the one to execute, but you have to combo with your familiars is fantastic.

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To be fair to Vergil even he, okay his Human side , admits he fucked up hard. Now that he's not a slave or dying and got the duel he wanted/shit kicked out of him it looks like the lesson is finally starting to stick

Seems like you have to hold the button down to read

you have to hold the button

You gotta hold the trigger

he cute

Attached: naked v.jpg (765x1080, 157K)

Hold the button you dingus


>They made their game shit on purpose to prove a deep point about whohoo cuhrazy pizza game

Shut the fuck up

Oh, shut up. He's fun.

Attached: tameem ni gro.png (1032x774, 627K)

He's not shit, he's just different. He plays just like Hayanusa from Ninja Gaiden. You hold down a button to draw in essence, and do a combo that you have no control over for about fifteen seconds. It's humiliating and boring.

>How dare them try to do a different thing instead of 3 characters that pretty much play the same?
Reading OP wants me to get demon cancer and die.


I would say V should take Vergil's place in future DMC games where he is the non-canon extra playable character.

absolute truth

Attached: red-pills.jpg (1200x800, 805K)

>Shadow can be summoned mid air to instanly shred
>never in a situation to use it
I have a feeling at one point the summons weren't ment to stay out.

It's a hold until he draws the book. You can let go once it's out.

babbys should take naps when they are grumpy

>Mash Y

I didnt think Xbros still existed

That's Sin DT Dante, not V.

You know you can connect an Xbox controller on PC, right?

Attached: 1552518147808.jpg (2560x1440, 242K)

That's all three of them. Sin DT (which is called SIN Devil trigger for a reason... why?), V who can't control much of anything after it's set in motion, and Hayabusa, who hasn't had a game since NG3.

>not using the superior xbone controller on PC
Literally the only thing MS got right with their shitty console

Gonna be honest guys, V is literally my favorite character to play as in the entire series. While you can get away with spam to a degree, he does actually have a very high skill ceiling and a lot of tech that revolves more around positioning and timing, with a risk/reward element if you learn how to properly use his cane offensively. Compared to Nero where a vast majority of the mechanics involved with playing him are just hitting a button at the right time, I think he adds a very different style of play compared to Dante, who is my second favorite.

Him being Vergil doesn't make me angry, I don't think it's a shitty plot device or anything, but it makes me deeply sad, because I genuinely love playing him so much, and he'll never show up again in future installments. I'll never get to play a character like this in any other game, because brainlets hate him and he's merged back into a character that I also think is fun, but lacks what makes V my favorite entirely.

Now I know how those autists with 10k hours in 4 feel. That's gonna be me.

You can combo that with Griffon's swoop for a pretty good startup, and from what I've experienced, dodging to recall Shadow to your side, then warping and cane whacking an enemy for DT can let you resummon him midair to chain that too.

Attached: Vergils_tired_of_this_shit.jpg (394x464, 34K)

It's called Shin DT in the files.
No idea why they localized it as Sin in the western release, there's no sin involved, and Super DT, while a bit bland - is very descriptive of the form.

>Japanese lore is better than the western

I hadn't seen this in a long time.

Attached: c6rx51su.jpg (298x321, 49K)

I liked that part when Trish tells him she's not his mommy.

Enjoy your censored asses

I agree, it also kept shadows from being enemies again except for that one part. I would gladly trade V for more shadows and a griffon/nightmare boss.

It seems like they wanted to retain the STD acronym, without using weebspeak or straining too far from the original pronunciation. Not relevant anyway, since the form isn't actually even name dropped in the actual game.

In the spanish version they went with Real DT

It would've been cool if he turned into the creatures instead

this t b h, the only bad thing about V is that they made an entirely new playstyle for a character who can literally never return

But you have full control over Sin DT once all upgraded

One of Nero's kids will have his playstyle but improved and optimized. The other will be a straight brawler with two devil bringer arms.

Attached: 20190313180707_1.jpg (1600x900, 186K)

It makes me appreciate Dante, but it also made me want to stop playing on my second playthrough.

Not the game's fault you're a little bitch

gonna suck some dick to prove i'm not a bitch.

Do it user, believe in your dreams.

Stabbing yourself counts as a suicide attempt which is a sin

or just have 2 characters

They probably wanted to use the name Majin Devil Trigger again but 1. Nobody likes DMC2 2. Westerners don't know wtf Majin means outside of DBZ and 3. The literally translated name would be Devil Devil Trigger which doesn't work. But Sin Devil Trigger gets the point across and has a similar meaning to it.