Show me a better video game company logo, I fucking dare you

Show me a better video game company logo, I fucking dare you

Attached: 57344A0F-D35F-4708-8E91-A43A7E3D5F59.png (604x508, 38K)

*ding ding*

Attached: 2gpygg.jpg (326x294, 34K)


Attached: what have god wought.png (604x508, 78K)

Attached: Neversoft-logo.png (922x369, 121K)

Why is a dog around eggs?

Why the FUCK does a dog have EGGS?

being a mammel they lay egg

wanted to play this as a kid

Attached: Traveller's_Tales_logo_(1995-2004).jpg (200x268, 69K)

>needing fancy graphics for a logo

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How does it get out of the nest without breaking the eggs?

Attached: surly emperor of the eggy way.jpg (400x889, 325K)



lol penis

Attached: Pandemiclogo.svg.png (220x332, 30K)

Attached: ul-fRom softwaRe.png (592x120, 4K)

weiners are meant to cover eggs in warmth, virgins

Yeah! They’re supposed to cover them in sperm

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Dogs don’t lay eggs.....

The one from Kojima looks pretty good.

it still hurts

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they shid them

That name is so fucking stupid
Like eyyy u from software... what software?? U fuking arughhhhh

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Not as bad as Thatgamecompany

Attached: thatgamecompany-logo-rectangle.jpg (600x395, 10K)

What? The HAL Laboratory logo is a dog?

All this time I thought it was a crab.

what game company?

it's tranny propaganda


Too bad the company is complete shit. Obviously Sakurai was the brains.

Looks like a dick with lots of pubes and fingers that hold the shaft.

Eeeks but it atleast sounds like they make games from sounds like they make stuff for windows or whatever
Like some shitty program that gives u ebin viruses that some Indian made

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It literally says they give live birth
Learn to read u retarded reaction pic poster

Attached: eggggg.png (947x821, 368K)


Attached: yes.png (872x261, 10K)

Yes it is true. Dogs lay eggs.

>they can become preeggs

maybe i'm just 'special' but all this time I thought it was some weird face. Like this is the first time I'm looking closely enough at it to see the dog and eggs.

H. H. Preggs

Imagine being this retarded.

Whats the chance the story behind this logo is they outsourced to a design company, and when they received this back they chose not to say anything for bear of being laughed at for not "getting art"

It's clearly a crab