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low-iq, low-effort post. back to
Please stop sending all your fucking shitposters to us, thank you. We have enough of them as is.
It's clearly labeled a simulation game, so it's ok
Fuck off Yea Forumsermin crossboarder, don't ever come back to Yea Forums again.
> tfw been waiting for this 2 months
Buying day one, lads
Orrite then, ol chap, carry on
It's most likely one of those bait-and-switch games where the person downloading it is expecting some fairly regular h-game but in reality the game is some creepy experience that actually bashes the player for being horny.
Ah, yes, because those are very common
I'm glad steam made it attractive to make proper english translations of some decent eroge
These fags have some nice upcoming games.
This one in particular is 10/10
>RPG Maker game
lmao looks like a VIolated Heroine knockoff.
Yea Forums is my home board and I've probably been on it longer than you've been on Yea Forums, eat a dick.
Well you know nothing about it, why even post.
Picked up.
Steam should use a Neural Network to anilyze if the giving image for a game is porn, just like that website.
If it's 70%+ chance of being porn they block the image. Not that hard. Of course, their algorithm should be made for hentai shit.
I know that it has jewish occult magic circles and that's all I need to know about your low budget rpg maker game.
>being this proud to be a superweeb
ew, I can smell you
I've played this, it's trash
>Hime cut
Thanks op. This is my fetish.
>this is okay but rapeday isn't
>Fuck off Yea Forumsermin crossboarder, don't ever come back to Yea Forums again.
he says, while crossboarding on Yea Forums
Steam asks how old you are before being able to see the game. And if they didn't do that they'd just have a setting in steam.
Because it doesn't have the wrongthink word "rape" in it.
so how long until every new Rance game gets a proper steam release?
>want to buy this game
>be afraid what your friends will think about you
Every fucking time ehhhh
Nice backdown.
It's just still pictures. Why the fuck would you buy it when you can get better pics for free on internet?
The thrill of unlocking them doe...
You have shit friends if they give two fuck about the kind of porn you're into,
I'm a collector
I'd fucking pay for that
It's not like I'm paying for this anyway.
Is there a way to develop and release a lewd or hentai game with out it being traced back to you. I have a lewd artist that is really good, and I have programming experience.
You actually have to tick " yes I want to see lewd shit in the catalog" to see these.
You get what you ask for.
I literally never saw that option
because you set your age into boomer
>No loli shit
This game wont be pulled out for not pandering to pedos. Great work, Gaben. We have finally purged them out of Steam. Now lets purge them out of the streets
Well you can't see anything in that picture, so their algorythm is technically correct.
You literally can't access adult rated stuff if you set your age below 18 yo. My account is set higher than that and it still asks for my age when I search for an adult game. I think you can manually turn that off in your settings so user is just dumb.
>Posting some chink virgin hentai shit
>Not posting chad's legit porn game
Shame on you
>posting whole screen's screenshot
some h-games censor themselves to appear for everyone, and them they have lewd-dlc that is hidden.
>oh no a porn game
Are you 'murricanes really THAT prude?
You don't have to buy/play it. But let it be available for those who want to.
Like there are people who do not want to play gory games, and yet they're still there.
Valves' own half-life series is a shooter with mutant stuff and blood and other fluids. Like that is okay but a naked human body not?
I thought that was her nipple but it seems to be her shoulder
>costs literally 50 cents
The fuck.
>this screencap
Pure cancer. Where is Facebook?
>3d goblina porngames