HD port when?

HD port when?

Attached: 66-GodHandJapan.png (422x600, 301K)

Other urls found in this thread:


nobody because nobody apart from autists on Yea Forums that wank over how le hard it is give a fucking shit about it

>nobody because nobody
Seems reasonable enough

hopefully with how well REmake 2 and DMC5 have sold they can dedicate more to HD/PC ports. God Hand, Haunting Ground and Breath of Fire need to come back.

Just emulate it on PC bro.

Game is not fit for the modern market. Hell, it wasnt even fit back in the crazy PS2 days when anything got greenlighted

Capcom would do better trying to resucitate other franchises like Onimusha

People on this board are not smart enough to tick a few options in an emulator, I don't even think this game needs any tweaks,


This game is absolute trash and Yea Forumscore

Just put Gene in the next capcom fighting game and I'll be happy

Maybe with a new Saitama costume?

>this meme again
fuck off with this elder god shit tier camera

I emulate it, but I'd still buy it again if it had a proper PC port, this is all basically free money for capcom.

kill yourself


I will never understand this complaint, GH's got one of the most intuitive consistent camera systems in the genre, it always points where you are looking, never moves or gets blocked by anything. If you fucked up it's impossible to blame it on the camera in any way because its behaviour is so simple, clear and consistent with no deviation ever. I prefer this to DMC3's mix of various angles, or the spazzy Bayonetta camera that seemingly can't keep up with the game's pace.


It's actually because shitters can't into tank controls but fail to even identify them as tank controls because of how stupid they are. So they just blame it on the camera.

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I do and it's good but it runs at 30 fps and has ps2 emu input lag, hardly optimal

This, the controls are very good and feels natural.

Yea probably also get surrounded and btfo by crowds because fighting multiple enemies is actually tough as it should be and you have no jump to get out of any bad situation you put yourself in

Doesn't the game tone down the AI whenever they're off screen? That's the impression I always got, plus there's a few crowd control moves. The camera angle shows you what's in front of you because it's not like you can punch behind yourself

I hate tank controls but in this game I don't have any problem with it for some reason. I'd say it's probably because of the camera that always follow Gene, in games like resident evil you have to always adapt to your character position while there it's always the same thing. I haven't played RE4 but it would probably feel similar I guess.

a lot of action games do that, yes. I think it was one of the marketing points of the first Bayonetta but 99% of the times I got hit was from enemies off-screen. DMC5 does this fantastically though.

>Doesn't the game tone down the AI whenever they're off screen?
It depends on the difficulty level you're in iirc. If you're on level 4, the AI offscreen will still try to get you by any means.

Yeah, it's why the radar exists and the game gives you a bunch of tools like boxes to throw and the taunt to divide and conquer. Everything in the game is ridiculously intuitive and ahead of it's time.

The real kicker is that there isn't even a game close to being like it. Remember Me had the ability to customize your combo flow but really that only counts in the most superficial way.

so you hate fixed camera, not tank controls.

You can wax on wax off all you like, but I'm still kicking your ass.

What the FUCK was her problem?

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No because I can play just fine REmake with the optional not-tank controls.

uh oh

Yes, level 1 enemies basically don't touch you when theyre offscreen, level 2 enemies rarely attack, level 3 enemies become less aggressive but still attack you and on level die they have more or less the same levels of aggression off screen requiring crowd control and good positioning. Theres some things you can do, the quick turn and you can also just use the roulette wheel mode to quickly turn around and exit it so you don't use up a move. Also soft lock makes you kinda use enemies as a pivot point so you can side dash around them to reposition yourself. Keeping enemies on screen is a big part of the skill in this game.

>Capcom would do better trying to resucitate other franchises like Onimusha

But they recently did a HD release of one of those.

It's just tank controls + fixed camera that gets me. But I just need to git gud really.

So you hate them together but can tolerate them by themselves, same case for me

It takes a bit of getting used to but once it hits you everything starts feeling fucking amazing. Don't give up user.

Is this a God Hand thread I see?

Claim your favorite Roulette Move before another user wastes it on a random thug!
though my favorite is Home Run God

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Yes. But with practice I would probably end up liking them.

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2D arcade beat 'em ups like Final Fight are like it. They don't have the custom combos and complex moveset but the idea of methodical combat with challenging enemies that try to surround you and abuse your weaknesses and require careful management is all there. So is aggroing limited numbers of enemies so you don't fight crowds, using weapons that enemies drop to your advantage, all that shit. They even have dynamic difficulty, albeit far less noticable.

DMC5 does it too well. Enemies have to freaking nudge it from the side just to take a shot at you. Ranged enemies are almost useless because of this.

>The real kicker is that there isn't even a game close to being like it.
Absolver let's you customize your entire moveset and you have distinct defense options on the right stick including God Hand dodves.

That game looked boring as fuck until I played it but it really is the closest thing we will ever get to a new God Hand and is really fun.



Based chain yanker, its got many uses

maybe one of these days...a new god hand. for now, it's still one of the funnest ps2 games

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God Hand always felt like the next evolution of belt scroller beat em ups. Like it's what could have been along side character action if IGN didn't fucking gimp it with that retarded ass review.

Still sexier than her tho

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We need to put Mikami in Capcom again and give him money for God Hand 2

Most people are like that with RE4, they'll whine about tank controls in 1 but then play 4 no problem even if it's the same thing. I think it's just that in RE4 there's more to turning what with the complex aiming and shit, and in God Hand a huge chunk of the movement is done with dodges so you don't even engage with the tank controls that much

wtf was that dialogue anyway? The game is funny as fuck tho and Olivia and Gene are the best

Sounds like you fucked up somewhere because the game has been playable at 60 fps for years now, even on hardware rendering. As for the input lag, I can't comment because I've never felt like there's a noticeable input lag in pcsx2 and this comes from someone who plays old fighting games on pcsx2.

but the camera is not fixed in RE4 like in RE1


Viewtiful Joe, God Hand and Okami are all miles better than anything Platinum have put out.

How? The game itself is locked at 30 fps even if it runs full speed in the emulator which it does for me so unless theres a hack I don't think you can make it run at 60

But in terms of usefulness It's has to be Typhoon kick.

There are few games I would kill to see HD re releases of. Hidden and Dangerous 2 and Giants: Citizen Kabuto are among them too.

it's also nice that it frees right stick to be like a second face button series you dodge with. the basic arsenal you're given is so massive the whole issue with camera should be just a minor nuisance at the very worst. not to mention downright overpowered cancel tricks like step back kick cancel spam.

60hz signal nigga


The OST is a hot mess, but I love it.

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Don't forget they get better moves as the levels increase. Level Die actually applies a global speed boost to every single action taken by every enemy, even bosses.

Yeah it and Urban Reign were very good modern takes on the genre that really kept the fundamental aspects. I don't think it's the review really, the genre was on its way out since it requires some time investment and learning to get a lot out of it. The average casual can just mash buttons in DMC, Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden and feel like they're doing cool moves without ever touching the harder difficulties that require mastery, with God Hand if you button mash you'll just feel like an asshole and get slapped around by enemies. Closest thing to the style now is sadly Souls games.

>Closest thing to the style now is sadly Souls games.
Goddamn that's depressing. Also I haven't heard of Urban Reign, is it worth playing?

Well yeah there are many differences and new moves is one of them, though it doesn't actually speed up the moves it just shortens the cooldown timers between enemy actions to make them feel more aggressive. They also gain resistance to getting staggered and launched which has massive gameplay implications

>50/50 SPLIT
>oh yet oh see mind~

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Yeah it's good but prepare to be really frustrated until you understand its mechanics better, especially as enemies start grabbing you and fucking you up. It's kind of a realistic take on melee combat so it can feel unfair

I think it's
>That list is too fucking long.


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I'll give it a try anyway, thanks. I'm assuming it can emulate on PCSX2 without much difficulty?

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god, venice is so much fun

Urban Reign is one of the only games i k ow where you can put in cheats to play co-op. Also the final boss, but not the actual final boss, one hits you if you arent careful. The tru final boss is some mgs level shit.

>C H A N C E

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>and Ninja Gaiden
You can't really mash in NG.


Might not be the best song, but it certainly has the best title.

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That explains why it's the least popular of those 3 then

for me it is youtube.com/watch?v=HGttsQjs268
just the sheer absurdity of the encounter and the silly music are one of the game defining moments. that and mad midget 5 who are like few areas later iirc.

Yeah there was a little bit of weirdness and random slowdown for me but for the most part its good

Nobody unironically thinks this

You have to always block and when you increase the difficulty level it becomes really hardcore. And in this game you can really complain about the camera. They're super great games though.

Attached: NG2.webm (900x506, 2.94M)

Do you really trust Capcom to convert it from 30fps to 60 without fucking up all of the frame data?

>make broad generalization about games
>hasn't even played the game
go fuck yourself falseflagger you cancerous losers ruin this board

NG's fucking awesome from what I played, gotta play more. I wasn't talking about higher difficulties though since those are only played by a small % of players, NSIC and DMD are decently challenging too and require actually learning the games not to mention scoring

This webm hurt my eyes.

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Even in normal, you can't mash at all in NG.

I have, just not nearly as much as DMC and Bayo

You have so much i-frames in NG that even this many explosives isn't that much of a big deal, but it's true NG2's MNM is fucked.

>You have so much i-frames in NG
Remove just one and it's impossible.

Simple but great.

Then don't say shit like "you can just mash unlike God Hand let me say Souls is closest now" reads like a typical false flag post. Try button mashing NGB on normal you won't beat it.

Thinks what exactly? Have you not seen how the average gaymer plays DMC and Bayonetta? Button mashing, item use, no understanding of any advanced mechanics, shit ranks/stone awards, the works. But because even button mashing nets you cool looking strings it keeps the mongs entertained. Try that in God Hand and the moves all feel disjointed and it generally feels like what it is - mindless mashing.

That's honestly my biggest problem with Ninja Gaiden. If I want to play on the higher difficulties I have to play a certain way to just not die.

>Have you not seen how the average gaymer plays DMC and Bayonetta?
The post talked about a third game. But it got already discussed enough and this is a God Hand thread, not a NG one.


w/e fag remove NG (why specify Black anyway? are the others more mashy) and the point still remains. And you don't understand what I meant by the souls comment, it's the closest to 2D beat 'em ups because it's slow paced, has very limited mobility and has a focus on keeping crowds in check and even then it's not really similar because you have fuckall crowd control moves and can only rely on heavy weapon arcs and movement

That's a good complain.

this, modern gamers eat shit exclusively

>why specify Black anyway
Why make claims about games and game series you have literally never even touched?

I have though just not black, can boot up the sigma games and 3 right now in fact

Probably outdated, but always worked

Attached: God Hand Emu.jpg (1692x1337, 1.41M)

>dude just run these hacks that fuck with the rendering and make the game look incorrect
literally cheaper to just get a PS2, install OPL, and load it off the hard drive.

Not outdated, pscx2 don't launch an update in ages.

I have a working ps2, and I know how to use OPL. But there's an important detail on it that you missed: CRT's are hard to find nowadays, and the original ps2 resolution is like 512x512, complete and total garbage for newer televisions.

Nowadays my ps2 is just for show, just like my Ps1. Emulating is easier and faster.

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or just buy the game. it goes for peanuts.

>Got to Elvis and gave up afte 25 tries in a row
>Now I have this stuck in my head

The PS3 emu version also works fine

>Not outdated, pscx2 don't launch an update in ages
Just download a development build you nitwit

In what way ? Genuinely curious.

>god hand remake with capcoms new engine
Ive never been more erect

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Which is better to emulate, PS2 or PS3 version?

PS2 since you can up the resolution

skybox is fucked for one. personally I dont see any other inconsistencies.

I'd literally bust the fattest nut to ever bust just for a HD PC port at stable 60FPS. My ejaculate would reach the heavens if we got a sequel. Doubly so if Elvis reincarnates and joins Gene and Olivia as the comic relief/best bro character.

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I managed to get it working but PCSX2 has never read my analog sticks so I could never actually play God Hand. I went through the padder plugins and everything, is using a wired Xbox 360 controller fucking it up?

Just so we're clear, I mean that the game itself runs at 30 fps even on an actual PS2, the framerate's locked. The emulator itself runs it at full speed and displays it as 60 fps. If the pic makes it run at 60 fps despite that then I must be doing something wrong since the same settings don't do anything

you know the fps pcsx2 reports is not the game frame rate right?


Now this is actual 60fps

The animations seem off

Yeah they do, those kicks look like they come out too slow. This is why an official 60 fps port would be great but it will never happen

>clover studios shut down years ago
>god hand is a super-niche game outside of Yea Forums, got terrible reviews (which unfortunately matters to publishers) and sold poorly
>capcom doesn't care about anything beyond their most normalfag-friendly mainstream titles anymore
never ever.

>skybox is fucked for one
Just looked on youtube, feels like there's a lot of wind.

PC players always tell you that FPS and HZ and stability is better than Resolution but then they do everything in their power to bump the res in emulated games before just using software for stability.

>Wanting GH
>When you could have a more beloved game that scored higher than it

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Level Die enemies spend 100% of their time trying to fuck your shit up regardless of where they are.

Doing my segmented speedrun made me really appreciate Typhoon Kick - I never bothered with it before but there are so many opportunies to one-shot enemies by knocking them off of ledges with it.

A god hand thread?
I love it!

*backwards dodge to keyboard*
Time for a little fun.

I'll dragonkick this dick in your mouth and chain yank your mother's pussy while having a deep talk with your depressed father

>install OPL, and load it off the hard drive.
Sound far more difficult than an emulator option for a worse result

It look like this guy's using another method. But we don't see him using any kick.

which is why they ALL must be forced to play it when capcom and mikami puts it on steam
it's the most requested after okami and killer7 and both of those are on steam now...

you're not fit for the modern market

those inbred bastards deleted the last god hand steam troll thread while we were all talking about god hand

It's a very niche game, it's probably not economically viable. You're better off emulating it, but you're probably a consolelard considering you're asking to buy it again.

would be a fun game if they fixed the healing system

It runs at 30 fps in his vid, guess he didn't realize it or something

What do you mean, no refills between levels or the rng item drops? Both are shit but whatever game's awesome despite that

healing system is fine

figures since console plebs have been indoctrinated by 30fps from birth

what things could mikami put in god hand 2?

Mike Kobe cameo

Attached: Box art.jpg (825x599, 203K)

co op mode god hand could be really fun

the rng item drops
Sometimes every single enemy and box you kick drops a fruit and the other times you go through the entire way to the next checkpoint with only a berry and inevitably die and have to start all over again

>it runs at 30 fps
what are you running it on? a Pentium 3? My core 2 duo runs it at full speed at 720p and the widescreen patch enabled. If not then you are probably a retard that doesn't know how to set it up

He may have recorded the game at 30fps.


>and make the game look incorrect
It doesn't, but
kill yourself

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Yeah, borrows that directly from Final Fight and it's a major pain in the ass especially with no health refills between levels. Clearing a level on the default lifebar is tough but reasonable even on hard but doing really long stretches between the few guaranteed health drops is just ridiculous. On the flipside the rng cards that drop suck dick too and can make bosses trivial if you get lucky robbing you of a sense of accomplishment.

Is there any differences between EU and NA versions ?

>is using a wired Xbox 360 controller fucking it up?
Probably, but I have never used wired controllers so I wouldn't know. Have you enabled xinput? Also try a wired controller if you have one

Attached: xinput.png (316x114, 4K)

50hz/60hz, though pal has toggleable pal60 mode if you have a proper tv for it.

>le hard
god hand is fucking easy once you get used to the camera, what's hard is beating it with style

KMS hard mode is legit hard though especially before you get your hands on the cheesy moves


Attached: god fucking dammit.gif (167x100, 284K)

So on emulator it doesn't change anything.
Found this comparison for US vs JAP versions.


kill yourself

There's no game that plays like this. No beat-em up or character action games fills the void.

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Nier is already emulatable on RPCS3. Don't know about Drakengard 3 tough.

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they're both playable on RPCS3

Daisy Cutter, purely for how it looks and sounds.

He's talking about the Xbox 360 version of Nier.

Drakengard 1 Remaster that makes the gameplay even more infuriating when?

I'm pretty sure I used xinput. I'll fuck around with it later, I'm sure I got a weird 3rd party controller lying around here somewhere.

Yeah... For that you either get an Xbox One for the retrocompatibility, or give up and get a X360.

Even tough X360 emulation was going way better since the hardware is less complicated, backwards compatibility in the One killed the interest. PS3 emulation surpassed it years ago.


Attached: 1521470066440.webm (640x360, 2.89M)

Yeah but you need a monster PC to run them, which I don't have. I would rather get a PC port

Not really, just like any emulator, a good CPU is enough.

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pc port when?
i really love this game

Fuck time to put my ps2 and play it again and again and over again for the 15 time.

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holy shit

>If you fucked up it's impossible to blame it on the camera in any way
>random attacks you from off screen

fuck me

So youve never even played it?

Not him but I own the game myself. God Hand is a good game and all but lets not lie and say this doesn't happen ever

Theres a radar. If you EVER get hit its your fault.

I remember seeing someone shitting themselves on Yea Forums when being told God Hand has tank controls.

does this game require analog buttons?

As someone newer to the game than others I'll keep that in mind. Thanks


You have the radar for that. See at 1:30 for an example. Also the AI only attack you from offscreen in level 3 or 4.
Those webm are taken from videos of this guy.

np friend

The only reason I'd want that is specifically so that there's more taunts.

Anyone that doesn't like the credits song is a scientifically proven faggot

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Is it hard? I played it in february of 2008 when I was 13 and I didn't think it was hard, and I was a kid back then.

the jap version is awesome as well. reminds me of older kamen rider openings

actually it's a parody of youtube.com/watch?v=SyRoF689VRE ahah. no wonder

The most soul crushing thing is that they basically confimred that Gene was the last character cut from MvC3. I can't find the article, but they wanted him in.
Double pain as he is an unlockable as a powerup in that one UMvC3 mode that no one plays.

he was replaced with okami which was a travesty.

And now even MvC is dead.

>don't activate God Hand
>don't use specials
>another one spawns

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Is Gene's hair color supposed to be silver or brown?

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hopefully soon so the ps2 version drops in price