Games LITERALLY only you have played

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Other urls found in this thread:

Herdy Gerdy was based.
Idk what the fuck you’re thinking

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Holy shit why didn’t they make a sequel, guys?

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Everyone here adores this game so you’re more off base than OP

Everyone played this.

This thread is three games in and already fucking trash
I bet none of you have played this
The girl I had a crush on in high school gave this to me on my birthday because she had come over a few times and knew I had a wii
I played it only because of the sentiment around the gift
I probably should’ve taken the hint

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i remember in the movie the girl ant had the fattest ass i fapped to it a few time.

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Based and dare I say redpilled

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Since this thread always just turns into “obscure” normie nostalgia, I just wanna throw this game out there

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Apparently some people have played it, but no one had ever talked with me about the characters, worlds, progression tiers, the objectives, etc. So I'm inclined to doubt literally anyone but me has played it.

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When I was super into this game I cut a hole in a shoebox and hot glued a toilet paper roll at the end of it. Then wrapped it all with duct tape to make it look metallic. I ran around my yard pretending I was Glitch and that this was my machine gun arm

I was 14
I love and hate my parents for being supportive of it

downloaded it because it looked like one of those hilariously bad games but I actually got pretty into it

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I bought this and another game I was highly anticipating when it came out and it was an extremely disappointing birthday. This was hyped to shit and back in a few magazines and the game feels fucking unfinished.

I hated that game but played it anyway since I had nothing else to play at the time.

My first ps2 game, liked the art artstyle
This was a pretty popular descent clone, even got a remaster on pc

Almost liked this more than Unreal tournament

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Based antfucker

You could play it at McDonald’s so it’s a stretch to say only you played it

N anyone?

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I’ve played this game since I was like 10. When I bought a ps4 my FIRST purchase was N++
This is the only game that has stuck with me through my whole life

I win Yea Forums I have played the best unknown game

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I remember I used to play the original stolen version of N
I miss those days

Apparently this only sold like 50,000 copies. A really fun game.

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literally only me

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I played it long time ago and I agree that Anno 1701 is probably the most overlooked game in the series, mostly because it has this weird feel of being this transitional title between Anno 1503 and Anno 1404. The later one especial is seen as a clear improvement over 1701 and one of the best game in the series, so no wonder 1701 is so underrate.

I am playing it right now.

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They wre hired by Blizzard to make a Starcraft: Ghost game but it was never released, and thye eventually died.

Maybe because it wasn't popular (and maybe because the internet was shit back then) but I couldn't find anyone online.

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They were going to, there were plans. But it got canned

Probably a classic that I didn't know was a classic, but gonna post it anyway.

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I haven't seen anyone discuss this on Yea Forums in the 10 years I've been here. It's one of the few PS1 games that won't work on the PS2 as well and it has issues with most emulators.

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Metroid is almost as atmospheric as this game

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nah, used to play that at my grans whenever we visited. Thought i'd never see it mentioned again outside of my memory

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This game was sort of like Ratchet and Clank, shit was pretty damn fun.

All I remember about this game was the marketing all involving that chick.

How was the remake anyways?

I miss messing around with the espionage, demagogue, flattery, etc functions. It was fun to see how the computer players deal with their finances and react to crises.

My friend owned this, he fucking hated the game though. Seemed like a really complex puzzle game with dogshit combat.

Beehive Bedlam was great, and isn't obscure at all amongst late 90s/early 2000s sky users. There were tons of other decent sky games that disappeared much earlier, like 40 fathoms and the sokoban mole game that had you pushing veggies around.

This masterpiece. Was looking for something kind of obscure on steam, and its something to say the least.

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Frankly not a bad game. I had a lot of fun playing the fighting mini game with my cousin. I've heard the other games were way better than the show, curiously. I still own it too.

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Well, from what I know they added these option to Anno 1404 in Venice expansion.

I NEVER see people talk about this one. I almost beat it, I should go back one day.

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Not that obscure, it was popular enough to be one of the first PS2 classics on PS4

Played this because my stepdad seemed to love the show. Never watched it myself but I should, as well replay this.

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Used to play it loads when i was a kid. The scenario creator was endlessly customizable

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Am I crazy? I used to use some "GoDZ mIRC" client years ago which came with a fuckload of scripts and games.
Yet I can't find any reference to it online.

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Hmm thanks I'll look into it.

Dont remember much about it , apart from the fossil extracted was finicky as hell and I could never get past it

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This was pure fucking kino
I love following the dev on YouTube
Creeper world four looks amazing

Holy shit that game was bad

An actual piece of shit. Barely ran, confusing as fuck controls and systems and rather ugly to boot. Interesting premise though.

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>How was the remake anyways?
Haven't tried it, I only played the original when it was still new.
my guess is that it's not much more than a fix for modern os with widescreen support

I hate these threads because no one recommends actually getting any of these games.
I’ve got a steady job and a hell of a disposable income. I’d love to play some forgotten gems and get them with eBay. Not to sound like a boomer but I don’t has as fun with newer games, but I wish I could experience something on my ps2 or GameCube for the first time again

Monkey hero is decent if you want a generic 2d zelda clone. There are plenty of zelda-likes out these days but back on the ps1 it was a rarely-attempted formula. It's all ages so expect it to be light-hearted, but it has Sun Wukong imagery and got way lower reviews that it deserves.

I wanted to try this game as a kid badly, was it just babbys first stealth game or something else?

Any genre or other things you are looking for particular?

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My nigga


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blast corps was my fucking jam

These threads have always been dick waving contest of who has played the most obscure game imaginable, but you need to keep in mind that being obscure does not correlate with quality. At the same time nothing stops you from researching a game that tickles your fancy and see if it is worth your time. I enjoy these threads because I've found games I would never have heard about otherwise or I am reminded to try some games. This thread alone reminded me I have yet to play and since they are part of my backlog and they are both available for digital distribution too.

Herdy Gerdy is worth trying if you like puzzle/adventure games, it was made by Core design (tomb raider team)
It could be a frustrating game at times though, with awkward controls and camera so be vary

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Battle Realms

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It’s on absolutely every single “best n64 games” list

Holy shit I forgot this existed

Just bought 1404 on Steam. Will it be difficult to learn if the only other game in this series I've played is 1701?

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God I hated this repetitive trash game with a mediocre story at most.

it's pretty shit i can't really recommend it

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Kinda reminds me if Wind Waker crossed with Water World

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oops, forgot the cover

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Anybody? Flying around in a tank launching scud missiles.

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>Flying around
>in a tank
>launching scud missiles.

Holy fuck I didn't know it had a game. Is it good?

Is there any game that plays like?

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Flying around seemed to be only way of moving if you got enough equipment on.

I don't remember it but I like the Lupe and I have one as a stuffed animal that looks like the cover art

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>tfw soul
>tfw rynn will never get another game

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Not him. But the frame rate was God awful on ps2. It unplayable imo.

threadly reminder claudia black engaged in real life /ss/.

Played the demo, at the time I thought it was tied in with the Monkey TV show that showed on Channel 4 at 2 in the morning because I had no idea what Journey to the West actually was.

Tell me more.

I win

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was a good game

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imo these threads are actually about finding just one other person who remembers whatever game so you finally have the comfort of knowing that someone else in the world experienced it
but that's just me

basically she was sexually abused as a kid. when she got all milfy she fucked teens.
theres news articles about it but i cant be assed to list them to you now.

I quit literally during the very first battle

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I remember playing this game so much as a kid that I actually beat it. I remember it being really fun.

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Along with most other Neo Geo Pocket Color games, but ESPECIALLY this.

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This is it, I win. No one ever saw this game, played it or even heard about it. I'll send my paypal details over the mail to receive the monetary reward for playing the rarest game in this thread, thank you.

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I sincerely hope I'm the only one who had the displeasure of playing this POS game.

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People have probably played this and the first one but I never hear anyone talk about them

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my fucking niggas, i played at my grans too :) either of you play king tutti? im trying to find anything on the internet about it but i cant even get a shitty jpeg, i really just want to see it again it was my fave to play

Sorry mate, I still have this and it’s still shit

Dude this game had really cool highs but god fucking damn if it didn’t have some awful low points.
One of those games where you keep playing until one day you ask yourself why and you just put the controller down

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Absolute kino of a game
Bionicle is some of the comfiest underrated shit
Kinda sad it died from lasting longer than Faber intended and he ran out of ideas to shove in before his intended ending
All the way until after the deep sea shit is some of the best lore and toy design out there. Some serious amazing shit
Shame the reboot was god awful

You just activated my trap card

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What the fuck is this?
I remember playing Carmen Sandiego on my dad’s PC in the super early 2000. This looks like a totally different type of game though

the campaign is like a long tutorial, it's very easy to get into. Just note that the Venice expansion doesn't have the campaign itself, so start with vanilla 1404

That’s really depressing
Metal arms was a great fucking game with some good story writing and a cool ass world.
I always wanted to be glitch

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Isn't as fun as Final Fight Streetwise or Urban Chaos

Sorry for late reply
I really story driven adventure games where the player explores a like fantasy world.
Honestly shit like Herdy Gerdy or Jak and Daxter or Pokémon or Dark Souls even God of War or Spyro or whatever.
Normie tier, I know
I really love being immersed

I love games where the meta becomes using game breaking shit like that
At the same time I hate wavedashing
I guess I just don’t like competitive games?
But I love the meme tier shit of like the exploits you can do in BF4.
I miss playing GTA3, spawning a tank and anti grav and just pointing the canon behind and blasting away

Daily reminder that your Neopets haven’t been fed in a decade and that even if you don’t remember your password you can look up your account info and see them all

Gameplay wise it is alright rts, but it has damn great atmosphere.
The french comic this game was based on is also worth checking.

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Did this have Lola?

Absolutely agreed but I still get where the guy you replied to is coming from.
I’m the guy who posted the OP and the Metal Arms thing to knowing full well I’m not the only one, I just knew it’d be a good way to be able to talk to people about some slightly more obscure games I remember fondly. IMO these threads are pretty dang wholesome

I remember getting my older brother to help.
Fuck now this makes me want to play again it probably doesn’t hold up but I’ve got a PS collecting dust in the attic.
Thanks for inspiring me to play again :)

Played it, faggot
Only did a couple levels because it was a shit game but I sure as hell remember this layout

What is this, why does it look like a Pokémon clone, and is it worth emulating?

90% of the games posted are pure dog shit, hence why only a few people have ever actually played them.

Played it. It was OK. Looking back Jak 2 levels of try hard edgy
Nani the fuck is this?

Posting the most obscure game

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Only eldritch boomers will remember this

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It used to scare the absolute shit out of me despite nothing ever happening in it

Never seen anyone talk about it

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>music by Sum 41

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I played the second game. It was alright, but I didn't get too far.

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I remember watching my sister play this
I think it was just the atmosphere that was spooky

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Even though it has three ports not a lot of people seem to have played this game.

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>Same logo font as Baldur's Gate 1
This is throwing me

OP confirmed he was samefagging in order to bump.
I like these threads but this is sorta sad.

I played this. You couldn't play more than the first level if you didn't have a memory card so me and my brother just played the multiplayer

My mom didn’t like me playing this

How does this even work

What game is this?

It's on my backlog. Horror adventure games are peak comfy

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And the first game too.

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I used to play this before Baldur's Gate 2 was cool.

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I know people have played it but I never see anyone discuss it

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I always find these cape movie licensed games to be kinda sad because they try to add in more stuff from the comics to please fans but it all has to be in line with how the movie looked and did things and so it always kind of falls flat.
Except for the Iron Man game, that shit is legit a cool IM game despite it getting panned by critics

This game is the nuts

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Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Probably just because of how aggressive the cover looked when the characters look nothing like that in game. Plus even though there is guns no blood, only fluff.

It's a pokemon clone with machines and parts. The original had a crazy cartridge you could use phone signals and remotes to get more stuff. I have no idea if it holds up or not but I say check it out.

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Hahaha nope try again, both of those were some of my favorite games, as well as both of the Champions of Norrath games.

The Justice League one was ok. Still haven't played War in the North though.

It was all parts you could buy. I still play gta 3 all the time, grew up poorfag, worked doing yard work and shit saved up and bought a ps2 and gta 3 when I was 12 played the shit out of it , first video game I played. Using the flying tank to jump the bridges.

Call of Duty

What other movies deserve a racing game based on it?

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A lot of people I know (including myself) played the Dark Alliance games at the time. I know one dude who's played DA1 and thought it ruled but has never touched BG1 and 2

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It's on Steam and everything, yet I have never met anyone who has even heard of it.

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How about the suffering?


played it on a demo disc but don’t remember shit about it

I want to play the second game of this.

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Not that obscure but severely underrated

Man I loved this game

It was a real time strategy game, I don't remember much about it but I vaguely remember having to build a town and defend it/attack the enemies town and it was pretty easy to just cheese your way through every level

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Not the guy you replied to but I didn’t realize you could jump the bridges
When I was a kid the missions were too hard so I just spent years using cheats I printed out and put in the case and fucking around on the first island
Played it so much I could probably draw you a map of the thing 10+ years later.
(Didn’t realize I was fucking up my dad’s save files with the cheats. Kinda criminal that the game didn’t have an option to choose your save file at the start.)

Calling Duty: current battle boom the second

I feel like every one of us could do the GTA PS2 cheats from muscle memory

It’s a shooter franchise that’s been around for a bit.
Pretty active multiplayer

I played it. That stealth level can go suck a massive gromp cock.

I check it and despite some similarities I don't think it's the same font.

Is it worth get it? Pic related is one of my favorite obsure title and it is also horror adventure game.

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Could you upgrade your mon with the parts and shit?
Sounds comfy

I'm pretty sure the only difference is that the Black Moon Chronicles one is bolded.

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O O O O O O R1 L2 L1 ▲ O ▲

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This was quite based. And I loved how Maus was just 100 times better than anything in the game
>weights alot but because it has infinite space that doesnt matter and you still end up faster than most tanks while having a gun on every slot

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I remember reading about it on a Physics game website.

Holy shit I forgot about this

I played both. Not CoN though.

I’m about to save this thread with some of the best half-obscure video game suggestions y’all have ever seen.
I recommend you all at least look these two up on YouTube just to see what you’re missing out on.
They were really unique in gameplay and you guys aren’t gonna find any equivalent. These are experiences you’ll never play otherwise

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I made some shitty game in pure C++/SFML for a university project, that was the only one that literally I and no one else ever played (maybe the teaching assistants ran it for a few minutes to grade me though)

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You are all absolutely welcome

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>Games that literally only you played
>Posts a cult classic that almost anyone into Bionicle has played, even the sequel
>the reboot was god awful
It was just a pile of wasted potential, otherwise it was a 7/10.

I’ve played it, stop the dick waving

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Yeah you deck them and it changes attack properties but the first is more of a real pokemon clone. The second one is more of a JRPG with a party of shits you collect.

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I wonder if they still update it
Any of you guys remember a link to it?

Haven't played it but I remember reading PC Gamer's review.

I loved this game. Have you also played pic related?

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me and my dad used to play these kinda games together, good times

I've never seen this game mentioned before, was surprisingly fun

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Play Beyond Good and Evil if you haven't already

I own it, actually. But I never played too much of it.


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I can't recommend enough Project Eden, one of my favorite sci-fi puzzle games. The atmosphere is depressing, obscure and scary, it's like robocop but with bizarre mutants and difficulty and complex puzzles (if you are a tfw too inteligent you gonna love this game) despite all this the game have amazing mechanics but shitty graphics and dogshit combat together with cringy worthy dialogue scripts and VA. a easy 8/10 but a 5/10 for a ps2 game.

Modern Warfare 2

The game in which you learn captain crunch was firm yet kind dictator who ran an underground mining colony.

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Cancer of the Dick: Molestation Wars 2

Spider-Man 2 was peak honestly and introduced me to my favorite cape baddie Mysterio
Fuck the pizza missions though, Mr Aziz can slob my knob

I mother loved this game.

I played this game all the fucking time cause I thought I was missing something cause it was so short. I got it from a hotdog vendor from all places.

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Are we ever going witness Manhunt 3?

Did you have a favorite mon growing up?
Why was it your favorite?

This was great, still have it

I remember this. The free roam was pretty comfy, but I don't remember anything else

Isn’t that the Juno game with Green Goblin? If so, no fucking thanks

This game was great and I'm the only person I know who played it, it was almost like hitman with a squad of soldiers that you can switch between.
You had to manage your weapons and scavenge for supplies otherwise you could run out of ammunition to complete the mission.
This game made BMP APCs scary, they sound like an earthquake coming down the street and can kill you in a second if you are not careful.

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I remember when someone set up a tournament here and passed around the installer for this game.

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Probably not all that obscure but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it mentioned

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I liked the demo of this an awful not, but never ended up picking the game itself.

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My nigga

A guy who worked with my mum lent it to us. Pretty comfy game

>Juno game with Green Goblin
No idea what you're talking about but it seemed like game you'd like

You just made me feel like that guy from ratatouie or whatever where he flashes back to his childhood hard, legit forgot this game existed

>A guy who worked with my mum lent it to us
I assume he was one of her regular customers.

Must not have been that popular then

No idea what are you talking about.
You could also check MediEvil and its sequel I guess. Far from obscure but maybe you haven't played it.

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wow I completely forgot this existed
I have to scrounge around and see if I still have the cd somewhere

Best platformer

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Based af

played the shit out of this as a kid, could never beat the sumo nigga, had to get my dad to do it

I remember always confusing this game with pic related when I was trying to remember it

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this game was only popular because of its rarity, its like 300$ on ebay, torrented an iso and it was actually decent, repetitive asf tho

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Look into PS2 games only released in PAL region, there are hundreds of games that the us never got

He's referring to Beyond: Two Souls

I know that at least one of you has played this masterpiece.

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I've never seen this art before.

Also, Teepo did nothing wrong.

I have it and played it maybe one time. It's alright from what I recall.

Wish I could play this game again...

game's funny as fuck
>activate super mode
>this shit starts playing

Everyone fucking played this though the PS2 came with a demo disc with this on it

Was about to post this one.
I spent a stupid about of time playing this mini game simulator with an incredible character creator.

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It is Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, the sequel to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

Hot amazon sluts fighting demons. Many a fap was had.

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Some pretty deep feels in this thread but I got an obscure one for ya.

Based. Jones you fucking legend.

Attached: BREAKDOWN.jpg (220x314, 19K)

>Save up my paper route money and buy an N64 and Mario Kart.
>Mom's proud and offers to buy me another game.
>Pick Blast Corps because of the box art. Explosions! Fighting robots! Wow!
>Get home and start the game.
>It's about driving around in construction vehicles and breaking Legos.

First and only game I've ever returned.

I can't even find an HD cover of this god forsaken game

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Idek remember shit outside of some dungeon crawling

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This is one of the few game that I've gotten for free and I want a refund for.

Played the liveing fuck out of that game.... never beat it though.

I remember owning the first and second one, then this game came about combining them into one game.

it's a neat albeit really short game

I remember pre ordering this trash on xbox 360 and regretting it.

that game was basically EDF under the sea
Guy playing it is a tard but best boss fight

I once pirated a game, was something stupid while getting them en mass. Rockband Lady Gaga or something. Snapped the disk, not worth the dual layer.

>Sci-fi first person shooter
>Goofy fantasy point and click adventure

Pick three.

Attached: Eternam_Coverart.png (278x357, 245K)

speaking of Starcraft : Ghost
I actually played that at blizzcon that year, I bet i'm the only one in this thread that played it

i played this in computer class.

I remember playing this as a kid, but never beat it.

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If we do, it will utterly fucking suck.

It was way too underwhelming. I enjoyed it, but 1404 is superior

>still can't be emulated properly

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level 3 with the russian zombies is hardcore bullshit

Kinda cool game.

I remember this being marketed as fuck back in the day where i lived, but i never got it because the boxart scared the shit out of me.

I still have a copy in my hometown.

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Would give my left nut to see this remade

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I didn't play this, but one of my friends from my church group gave me his copy of Hellbender. It was decent.

Don't think I've ever saw this game posted in this kind of threads.

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hoooooly shit i remember reading about this in games magazines circa the year 2000 and thinking this looked INFCREDIBLE. Is it actually any good?

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My dad and I used to play this together on the old Gateway. Kickstarted my love for Point n' Clicks.

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I played it. It was kinda weird to have typical isometric rts set in space.

Want to replay this on emulator

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Swinging Ape got bought by Blizz after Ghost got canned.

God, I wish Cing didn't go belly up.

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Collection port of this and the sequel when.

I've never heard of anyone ever discussing 3D Movie Maker.

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I like the art style of the actual game now that I see it after only seeing the coverart in these threads like which makes it look like some kind of creepy horror-esque game.

dumbest lock picking puzzles of all time

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it's a small meme now

I had this game in my collection but I never played it.

Joels been playing it on and off

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My friend hated Summoner so much it's the only game he's ever sold.


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dan ball games
even has mobile versions now
pic related art from developer

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I ended up trying it out since it was on the Yea Forums wiki, reminded me of those old NES grand strategy games

A useless currency and an unit that heals itself so it's broken at point of never loosing.

I've yet to meet someone who has played it.
I'm not sure it was even published outside of Germany.

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I've never seen anyone else other than my brother talk about this game. We played this shit for days at a time as kids.

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Fucking loved this game. The later MO levels where you could play General Corrosive were the fucking shit.

it is but you got to have some sick 3d modeling skills to truly make it shine

I played the shit out of this with my former best friend on friday nights. Every week we would go and rent co-op/VS games and get pizza and play till 9pm.

Cool blog

i wonder if anyone could help me remember a game about flying dragons for the pc in the late 90's to the very early 2000's

Panzer Dragoon?

Drakan 1 and 2?

holy shit I remember this game


didn't know who else played this game, but it came free when i went to compusa back in the day to buy an HP pavillion xe783. i don't know why game critics gave this game a fucking 7.2/10 it was fucking atrocious

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I of the Dragon?
Flying Heroes?

Played the demo, I wanted to get the full game but never saw it in shops here. I was a big fan of the cartoon.

You're not the only one user, I remember Beehive Bedlam. Sky Games was surprisingly fun.

I was shit at RPGs as a kid so maybe I should get back into this

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yes i think it is flying heroes i just haven't seen it in ages so i couldn't think of what it was thanks for the help

This game ran one time and was amazing and I could never get it to work again as a kid.

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God Mode: Drakan Multiplayer

Shit was like Rune/enclave with aerial combat

I played it and it was rather good. Interesting setting.

Played it was pretty hard to find out where you needed to go.

that game is amazing get the fuck out of here

holy shit i remember this. and lego island 2

Wrong, fucker. I had this game on PS2. I remember it getting hard as balls during the scavenger missions but I loved going into the anthill to see it grow

It was pretty good even. Got me interested on diving games like Endless Ocean.

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I post this nearly every thread and only one user so far has played this game. I find it hard to believe this game is THAT unheard of.

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This. Fukken this.

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This was the best i remember cartoon shorts that you could watch on the disc the alien guy was favorite and that fucking panda annoyed the hell out of me

The first game was fucking awesome and the ending made my dumbass cry.

Never finished the second game. I got stuck at a part and gave up.

I know some people have played this but how many of you played it as a kid without knowing it was shit already?

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Is that Gareth Bale?

Probably not "only me" but it's still pretty underrated

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Lot of people played this.

These are some of the most played games on their system

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I played the first Bubsy on Genesis when I was a kid, thought it was dope. Bubsy II was when the troubles really began. That game sucked.

I actually liked this game as a kid. It was my first 3d platform and the game felt comfy. Never got past the first level

You are all like little babies. Watch THIS

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holy shit, I spent many hours in that. it had ren and stimpy models

kino I've never seen anyone talk about

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the soundtrack is low key fire imo

I only ever played the 2 player mode but I can't even remember anything from it.

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We will never get manhunt 3 and it makes me sad

Played the Dreamcast version, fun as well.

I never see anybody mention the Deer Avenger games, even in nostalgia threads. They made four of them, apparently.

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Guilty. I thought this game was the coolest shit for having a Snake Plissken costume.

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These are games that I'd always been aware of or seen in budget compilations but never actually played. There's a million games like that from the 90s/early 2000s on PC, it was a great time

lol I was actually considering posting this earlier but didn't think it was that obscure. really cool concept, I never did finish it. might be worth replaying

got the first one on a pc magazine software cd, it was shit

>Games you LITERALLY played on an R4 card

A flight simulator based off a forgettable movie. Bargain bin trash nobody would play.

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own this on dreamcast. the controls are trash

this games story was kino

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The model of the protagonist very much remind me of Raziel from the first Soul Reaver.

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I dunno if you're in the US or somewhere but this game was pretty fucking big in the UK for obvious reasons

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got ported to steam(1st game) playing 4players on GC was KINO

What kind of braindead retard would play this on GBA?

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No one but I have played this game, goddammit.

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Played it on iOS of all things

Oh shit and operation Neptune

only had the demo for it but it was insanely tight

I raise you

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This was God of War before God of War. I remember it looking mindblowing back in the day.

Controls sucked ass. Great intro though.

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I never beat it.

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>The PC's answer to the legend of zelda
>lego looking mother cucker about to bash you
>Skybox looks like evil shit is about to go down

Welp, after installing it I remembered one thing I disliked about this game. It uses an ATB style system with 3 segments (stronger attacks use more meter) but when ANYONE does any attack the game pauses for that entity to jump to whoever they're attacking, attack, and then jump back. Every time. During it the meters don't budge.

>You are all like little babies. Watch THIS
Ok, fag.
Try this one. Nobody else has played it.

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Played this, was a weird game for sure. I remember one of the hedz having some kind of german nazi sounding salute.

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Play the original if you ever do. The GC remake cut a shitload of content out of the first game in order to fit both games in one. One of the first RPGs for the the Dreamcast that I remember quite fondly.

The battle music always puts me on a nostalgia trip. They put a lot of love into it. There's a track for standard battle, getting ambushed and getting initiative (which is hype as fuck) that really set the mood for a battle when I was a kid.

Ambushed (Dire):
Initiative Advantage (Hype):

Attached: Chara.jpg (640x480, 127K)

I picked this up as a kid because I was really into RTS games and it looked like it had a nice flavor. Didn't really get into it much. My stepdad saw me play it once and got hooked. He literally still plays it to this day. Every single day.

It was fucking amazing too. Your loss, fags.

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played these

I actually went back and emulated this one as I used to love it, turns out the game was actually shit. what the fuck was that basketball minigame

this guy is my nigga, I was comming to post spectobes. I wish disney didn't own it so it could have a chance to come back

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Ok, easy enough.

Some obscure Japanese language arcade game which was a 2d side scroller in the same vein as Final Fight. The characters though were based on Journey to the West like Sun Wukong, Pgisy and such.

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Step aside niggers

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>Tfw no sequels ever

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Don't mind me, just using a based doggo to rip out crotches and throats.

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Someone needs to put Cheeko out of his misery

Fun multiplayer

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To this day I still have no idea how they were able to make multiple games off of such an unsuccessful franchise. Dead To Rights II is easily the best one.

Frosties games were pretty based

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Are you kidding me?
I have the fucking wooden collectors edition with the artbook.
Literally always had to take one small island where there was ONLY palace.
1701 also had the best combat in the series, fight me. FUCK YOUR DRONES
I am German btw

Attached: 519SRBIceTL._SX342_.jpg (342x306, 21K)

holy shit, that was the best shit game I had on pc back in the days

>the characters were based on Journey to the West
So you mean like every piece of Japanese media to ever exist now and forever in the future?

Color me shocked.

Because games grow on trees. Nobody makes them or tests them at all.

Learn what "literally" means you absolute fucking twat.

is this obscure?
ive never seen anyone talk about it
me and my mum played it together when i was like 13 or something shit was cash

Attached: 51rEvwVWPgL._AC_SX215_.jpg (215x309, 17K)

So your mum also played it?

You must feel so smart right now, but you're the dumbest motherfucker in the thread.

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played this, and the cartoon is great too

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This. Also
>Cyframe system that changes your moves depending on what parts you have equipped.
More games need stuff like that.

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Don't even think I played this for an hour, pretty sure I only got it since it was humble indie bundle filler

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What other games let you Power Bomb an alien clone of the President of the United States?

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Only one game comes to my mind and that is Wizkid. Literally no one else has never played this.

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Seems unlikely, you're here.

Perish you ignorant fools.

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My grandma got me this and I had no clue what the objective was amd didn't like it.
Played it only to not seem rude to my grandma

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I had a friend in high school who was convinced this was the greatest game of all time.

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I kinda liked backgrounds and battle music

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Maybe one or two people played Overblood, but I doubt anyone else played Overblood-2. I'm not even sure if I played it myself.

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I'm clickin', but I ain't figuring out more.

I've been downloading ps1 games and was looking for the name of this, I can remember playing the demo. Thanks user you've made my day slightly less shit.

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He was right.

Love this one, pretty solid jrpg

No, this was released before Space Jam

I think it was mostly because the fish people were either topless or you could get them topless.

The best SNES game and the best basketball game after NBA Street.

I wish dungeon crawlers were still popular.

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Have fun.

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She was censored in the US version, but could easily uncensor her with deleting a file.
EU version was uncensored.

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The original darksouls

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I have memories of this game barely remember it besides fishing and dying a lot though

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Multiplayer on this was good shit

Alter, warum?

The hell is this?!!
I vaguely remember the game where you have to pinch women with absurdly giant breasts, but I convinced myself that wasn't a real game, just my imagination or a fever dream.

Thanks. I now know it is a way different game with a half similar name.
I’m sorry I doubted the other guy, what he recommended seems super comfy

Stretch Panic user.

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Fuck off nitrorad

is this some sort of sheep porn game or something?

I think i had the fucking gbc game and never got past a certain level on that. Dont know where it went

could you swim underwater in this I think I remember a game that looks like this I used to play it round my sisters

True that’s why it’s popular and the rarity is half the reason I say I’m one of the only losers who torrented it.
Kinda super repetitive but I’ve never played a game like it and thus understanding the mechanics and learning them and 100% the game is something that’ll stick in my head for a bit

Halo Zero.

I emulated it for a bit.
Was honestly kinda impressed that they kept so much of the game. The 8-bit versions of the tracks were neat too.

Stretch Panic/Freak out.

A kind of boss gauntlet game but you would pinch women's boobs in side missions to earn points to unlock the bosses

Oh so it really existed. Maybe I'll try it with emulator

I remember jerking it to magazine ads for this

So what you’re telling me is that the OP tried really hard to unite folks through childhood favorites that'd get no limelight if he didn’t make an effort to put them in the spotlight?

I've never met one person who has played or heard of this game.

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Demonica was one of my first exposures to horror in a game.

get off Yea Forums matt


Why is this thread always just Sony shills trying to sell old games for old consoles? It’s like they’re a fucking stupid company

I bet 99% of you haven’t even heard of this game

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Didn’t realize that it did but desu idk how long you’ve been here. Get used to these threads and rise above them like the cool motherfucker you are m8

Character created is best part of game. Like spore

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got this gifted to me by my uncle, I vaguely remember it having branching paths

Already posted in this thread user.

Your mom sounds like she loves you. You should really send her a text or give her a call. I don’t think it’d be controversial to say that moms live for that sort of thing and you owe it to her. Made you the man you are.

I used to say Glover, but I actually saw people discuss it recently.

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I used to play the shit out of this, Yosemite Sam was op

Absolute gem of a series.

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Controls can be a bit awkward sometimes but once you get used to it its a really solid game. The art (especially the ingame models) is super solid, too bad the entire thing is rather short.

I loved this game.

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That's just bootleg Tintin

For me, It's Paraworld.

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The car one kinda sucked

The PS2 was amazing.

Completed that a couple of months ago, really charming game and it hit just about every note I could ask for from a wuxia rpg
Great soundtrack too. does a ton for the build up to the finale and the sword duet at the end

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This game was fucking amazing

Great game

Exact same with me. wtf was up with this game? It's probably for the best though, If I actually was able to finish this game instead of getting cut off at the peak I probably wouldn't have such fond memories of it today.

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Kessen II was my first koei RoTK game. DW's designs were a let down in comparison

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It was some DOS platformer about a badger with a bazooka, I think.


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I played it and then I played it on PSP

Fucking awesome game too. Had a sort of tower-defense vibe with the tanks and such you could move around to help take out enemies.

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But has anyone played the Wonderswan version?
I haven't, but I'm curious

that game was true kino

Set a comfy foundationto build upon
You take that back

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My mom used to play this game back in the day. Crazy shit to see someone else mention it.

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final boss

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Some of the puzzles are rock solid in this

Yeah the battles take ages but it speeds up a lot in the second half. Once you've got multiple summon cards, you combine character turns to cast big dick spells that one shot practically every mook in an encounter

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Was it only dragons?
Savage Skies was like fantasy Ace Combat (but a bit shit) and you flew all kinds of creatures in it


It's on PC, Summoner 2's the console exclusive one

Depression kino.

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no but it looks only slightly worse than the GBA version with worse music

One of the best combat systems I've ever seen in an RPG. I wish it caught on.

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only saw 1 mention of this here in the last 5 years and never seen anyone talk about the sequel (the PS2 one, not the korean phone game)

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>Scalie: The Video Game

The Ogre Battle/Tactics Ogre series is severely underrated but it's most certainly not "only I have played it"-core.
Plus, if you want to talk about the works of Yasumi Matsuno just go to /vr/.

literally everyone played this, wasn't it a launch title?

has rare ever attempted to do something with this or even just give it an hd update?

>What's up everybody, my name's Crit1kal. Today i'll be playing Modern PissShit 2, let's do this shit.

Is this Baroque? If it is, play the PS1/Saturn version instead, the PS2 remake is kinda shitty
That game is the closest thing to an experimental psychological horror rougelike

I literally don't think anyone else played this. Had it on those burned CD's full of games back in the day.

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im still looking to buy this today for dreamcast. dad and i used to play it when i was a kid