With DMC5 coming out pretty good maybe it's time to talk about one of the elephants in the room for Capcom: fighting...

With DMC5 coming out pretty good maybe it's time to talk about one of the elephants in the room for Capcom: fighting games. Do you think they should still make them or maybe take a break?

Attached: SF.jpg (360x360, 45K)

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We need Power Stone 3.

Make a good SF, it feels empty without one

I just get the impression current Capcom isn't able to make good fighting games, which is why I suggest for them to take a break.

>Do you think they should still make them or maybe take a break?
They do not have a choice at this point.

Revive Darkstalkers Are Not Dead and don't let it be shit

The problem is that they can't guarantee it won't be shit. Why would anyone want them to revive something like Darkstalkers only to see it turning out bad and lacking in many aspects compared to older titles?

Sometimes it's fine for things to stay dead, instead of reviving them only to become a shadow of their past selves.

I miss Darkstalkers but I don't trust Capcom to make a new one properly either.

If they "take a break", it's like admitting defeat to other fighters.

One things for certain, Capcom needs to fire the person who has a manboner for Spencer being in MVC

That's fine. It means that they'll give that money to more deserving projects that aren't fighting games, and considering they currently can't make good ones that's for the better.

If only they could take a break, but instead we'll have to see an ad-filled and f2p street fighter 6

No fighting that isn't Smash, MK or Dragonball is going to make money anyway

I don't care. Only thing that matters now is that Itsuno gets to make DD2.

I would love if their redemption arc included Breath of Fire, but I know that's asking for too much.

SF needs to rethink this weird ugly 3D track they're on and go to hand drawn.

bamco's are doing alright: T7 - 3 mil, SC6 - 2 mil. not as much compared to the ones you mentioned, but still decent numbers on par with SFV and IJ2. only lesser-known fighters like GG and unist sell under 1 mil. genre is healthy


Take a break, reshuffle the entire fighting games division and get a good few years to polish a fightan than try to bruteforce another SFV.
They're on good track right now, but with RPG games and i'd think if Capcom is wise after the last failure they'll bank on the current wave first.

Just take a break. I don't want another Infinite.

It's just that SF goes in the opposite direction of most good games Capcom have made right now. It should go back to 2D with quality sprite work & detailed environments: SF never needed the 3D look and was better without.
About the game itself, it's pretty clear that the whole operation to " Make games more casuals so the playerbase can be more sustainable " doesn't work because some people are that fucking lazy, and good players will still body them regardless, so just go back to a faster, more skill intensive game

The tourneyfag genre is extremely saturated. We need more goofy party games like Smash.

>"Make games more casuals so the playerbase can be more sustainable" doesn't work because some people are that fucking lazy, and good players will still body them regardless
100% this. You can make the game as easy as you like but if it's still 1vs1 and not luck based then scrubs want no part of it. Might as well keep things fun for the people who actually want to play.

Attached: vlad.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Street Fighter wrote the book every other fighting game took pages from, show some respect.

Fighting games are a meme. Just let them die.

>It's just that SF goes in the opposite direction of most good games Capcom have made right now
> It should go back to 2D with quality sprite work
How is that in the same direction as their current successful games? If SF6 was all sprites then the general public would think it is some cheap side project and not a big new entry.

Big budget fighters will never go back to 2D, at best there only way it could happen is if new tech made it way quicker. But even then they wouldn't as selling costumes would be impossible


sure. I play sfv every day.

This, in the end its just guessing
>muh educated guess

ASSFAGGOTS wish they were as competitively viable and exciting to watch as fighting games.
>chink clicks
>clicks some more

Fuck you scrub, go play Overwatch or whatever you fags play nowadays

They need to take a long break

well that guy is gone. he worked on the spiderman game after mvci

I don't want to see a new Darkstalkers game without sprite art, or at least whatever you call what ArcSys did with Guilty Gear Xrd. Realistic 3D models just wouldn't work with the kind of animation and design that series is known for, and I get the feeling anything that Capcom makes in the next few years is going to use the RE engine.

felicia, hsien ko, morrigan and jedah animated just fine in mvc.
mvci venom also looks really good, and while not a darkstalker he's a shapeshifter that would fit right in.

the real issue is that nobody cares about darkstalkers gameplay. the games are stupid.

I don't think SF6 is coming any time soon. SFV AE was meant to be a relaunch along with new arcade machines, but it doesn't seem to have done much for sales or player numbers. Entrant numbers have still gone down each year, SF4 did a good job at usually growing each year and currently T7 is managing to do the same. MvCi was also meant to be big, remember the leaked esports pitch? They clearly intended at least one of these games carrying them for a few years.

So a new SF would be a rush job, they didn't expect to need it so soon. Rushing is how we got in this mess in the first place, especially cause the division needs a complete overhaul.

Give DarkStalkers and Power Stone to someone else, and never make another fighting game again

I think they should bring back rival schools / project justice.

sfv is doing absolutely fine right now. biggest game in the fgc and numbers are still bigger than sf4 was.
arcade launched today in japan and cpt season starts tomorrow and we'll most likely get a character announcement and s4.5 patch.

but they still wont release a new sf until next gen. there is no point.

yeah if they want like ten sales worldwide like fexl got.

It's their own fault for destroying their own franchise. I'd rather have them take a break to realize their mistakes then to have them rush out SFVI and have it be absolute garbage.

Giving a series to another developer is a surefire way of killing it.

>sfv is doing absolutely fine right now.
Entrant numbers keep dropping, the peak for the S4 launch was about 2k less than S3's. It has been on a consistent downwards trend, just started higher than everyone else. Can't even retain 2,000 player average like Tekken does. At best AE sales were around 700k, game can't even cross the 3 million mark when 2 million was the goal of the first 3 months.

>still bigger than sf4 was.
It only just beat out SF4's evo numbers by giving away free t-shirts. The game lost 2,500 entrants in a year and has never recovered from that. SF4 only ever gained entrants. I would actually quite like to see data for other events cause EVO is pretty much the only one that has it dating back to the SF4 days, all we really have is more recent stuff that shows SFV constantly dropping.

>arcade launched today in japan
Which unsurprisingly has the same netcode issues. It also launched with no new special features outside of switching how ranking works. You aren't going to get some amazing surprise, it is Decapre 2.0 at best

trying too hard lmao

They should make a fighting games collection to test the water and see which franchises still hold up, or they could make a hyper fighter with Capcom characters only and tell Marvel so go suck dicks. SF6 is already being made at this point, but it will be a next gen game

That's exactly what they did with IV outsourcing it to Dimps and it ended up being the second biggest selling title in the series.

They didnt give it to dimps it was co-developed with dimps

I'm right there with you my man, only thing missing is Itsuno