Link runs away to some far away land instead of marrying the fish princess

>link runs away to some far away land instead of marrying the fish princess
good call.

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t. Speedplayer

Nobody except Zelda remembered him after he went back to his own timeline

Giving Ruto those breast flaps has got to be some of the worst design changes I've ever seen.

Subliminal bestiality thread

They should have just given them clothes. Even the Goron at their most naked still wear fundoshi

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Imagine the smell

>tfw no fish wife
Ruto is top tier.mipha is even higher tier

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>Even the Goron at their most naked still wear fundoshi
Not in the OoT / MM they didn't.
This whole dressing non-humans thing started only after N64 era.

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This is the only problem with Ruto. Fish smell fucking disgusting.

Missing the true waifu, the Bombchu bowling girl

This gets less charming every time you post it.

Fresh fish doesn’t have that smell

It doesn't matter if there's something fishy going on downstairs if her whole body smells like that.

That "art" is fucking disgusting.

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It's not really meant for you, but for people who haven't seen it before.
Naturally, there's going to be some redundancy. And I can see why that would be a little obnoxious.

But it's not like I'm selling anything, y'know?

Impa is a little manfaced but that's how she looks in OoT.

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Zora girls are best

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She's gone. It would be nice to see him hook up with her brother, though.

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>I hang out inside the whale for fun lol

That really bothered me as a kid


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Would be nice to see Link riding him in a slightly different way.

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Why do the Zoras even have Jabu Jabu in the first place? What purpose does he serve?

How did they get away with her? It wasn't just that she was noot but that she had started fish puberty too. Some Nintendo dev sat there working on her model and said "she needs little fish tits. Because she is becoming a fish woman"

He poops in the water supply, it goes through King Zora's buttcrack, and then everyone in Hyrule drinks it.

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Hrs a gaurdian deity

Ganondof in his quest for the stones:
>Fucking condemns The Great Deku Tree to death
>put monsters and blocked off Dodongo's Cavern to fucking STARVE ALL THE GORONS TO DEATH
>...I dunno, just poisons the Zora's retarded pet Whale.

Why did Ganondorf not give a fuck and let the Zoras go relatively lightly compared to everyone else?

No no no you got it all wrong.
>piss water for the hylians and gerudo
>asscrack water gets absorbed by kokiri forest/lost woods
>all ends up in lake hylia where the scientist guy is researching its "special" properties

He was essentially their god if I remember correctly. Weren't they all too demoralized to do anything?

I've never seen it before and it's shit

>Killing their religion
Wow Ganondorf you sure let those Zora off easy.

>he wouldn't fuck ruto's egg laying slit

Religion is a joke

Why do you fucking fetishists feel the need to show everyone what a degenerate loser you are?

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Free will is a myth?

Life is a joke, laugh with us

Probably the plan was to murder jabujabu and then collect the stone from its corpse. Remember we still don't know who wrote the letter so there's a good chance ganondorf knew about ruto and her feeding routine. Also he would've killed all the zoras in the adult section if they'd have stayed frozen any longer.

I rather lose that than die due to hunger.

Fuck off yaoishitters

Clearly you've never been a Buddhist/Hindu/[Probaby every religion ever] monk.

We're all pawns controlled by something greater

Post more fish cunny

Fuck off Zoomer

I dunno, I think they may be barashitters.

Korok seeds. The DNA of the soul.

Ya ha ha!

Why didn't we ever see any Gerudo soldiers and former castle guards fighting for Ganondorf in OOT?

How 'bout some official art.

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I think most of the Gerudos just didn't give a shit about Ganondorf or his plans since he didn't give a shit about them in return. Even when they capture you, it's not for Ganondorf's sake, it is because you invaded their home.

Is it wrong that I like big poofy pants like that?

Fuck off senechal stop sending dragons to my village

realistically if people's interpretation of Ganondorf's words in WW were true then Gerudo Fortress would be abandoned and Hyrule Castle and Castle Town would be draped in Gerudo heraldry and populated by Gerudo with Link having to fight them to get to Dorf. The thing is if that happened then Nabooru would look like she puts her morals above the well being of her people and Ganondorf would look more sympathetic

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Does she have 4 eyes?

It was standard harem attire for a reason

That would've been a much better way to write the story. Too bad they didn't go with that.

it's never explained why he didn't give a shit about them and valued the company of monsters more than the company of his people. How about saying Dorf wanted to be Hylian but was never accepted by them so he allied with monsters to destroy them and allowing them to rampage through Hyrule was the price he paid for their allegiance

Ganondorf in WW expressed regret precisely because he stopped giving a shit about his own people. The original reason he did all this shit was to help the Gerudos get out of the harsh desert, but his lust for power and control warped him into the fucking King of Evil who basically did bad shit for lulz.

>WW reveals Ganondorf's prime motivation for invading Hyrule and obtaining the Triforce was jealousy over Hylians living in way better living conditions than his own people
>OoT shows he doesn't give a flying fuck about his tribe once he finally got ultimate power and either leaves them in their desert or brainwashes them into his Iron Knuckle army as fodder
>there's still dumbasses out there who think Ganondorf actually wasn't that evil because he gave a teary-eyed speech right before trying to murder a bunch of children and making Hyrule a hellhole again.

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Fuck off retard

Literally Arthas

His regret was that he didn't get what he wanted or rather his enjoyment, if you can call that shithole he turned Castle Town into enjoyment, was cut short

Did Ganondorf in OoT just not know or care about Kakariko Village? He basically left that untouched for seven years since Bongo Bongo never even messed with the town itself, all it did was pimpslap Shiek and then piss off into the Temple.

Seems like ol' ganny loves terror above all else. Keep in mind the game tells us that he wanted to genocide the gorons not to get rid of them, but to serve as a warning to all those who would challenge his might. Probably also the reason he gives power to bootlickers like Ingo instead of just squashing everyone he happens to come across.

He really seems to fucking hate the Gorons for some reason. Only race he tried to outright genocide in both parts of the game.

They're one of Din's favoured, and they're a lot better off than the Gerudo in Ganondorf's eyes.
That's my interpretation, anyway.

Maybe something about retarded beady-eyed fucks just rubs him the wrong way.

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Nice taste

Gorons are great, fuck you.

they're not really better off they're just better adapted to the harsh land they live in. Gerudo are pretty much competing for the same things as the Hylians but refuse to become vassals leading to conflict

Childhood is hating the water temple
Adulthood is realizing that the water temple is actually the most well designed dungeon in the game

Gorons can straight up eat their environment.
Death Mountain is a veritable land of plenty for Gorons.
Gerudo are stuck in a shitty desert.

>she also needs to talk about her fish virginity being given to Link
>her succulent, deliciously umami fish virginity is her most precious gift to give to our hero

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But he and ruto make their vows before he skips time.

Damn right it is.

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Fresh fish still make your hands smell. They ain't gonna get much fresher than literally pulled out of the ocean with my own hands.

Well all of zoras domain also froze over, I'm not quite sure what made that happen though.

perhaps BotW Gerudo have finally adapted to their land or tamed it since they seem to have infinite water and grow and cook food that negates the bad aspects of being in the desert. Not to mention all the accessories if it wasn't for Sandstorms the desert would basically be an Oasis for them

Considering they moved from the Valley into the Desert, they probably did.
Also helps that the sandstorms are less inhospitable and less haunted.
I do miss poes.

there is the theory that they were driven deeper into the desert after Ganondorf sullied their name and they slowly built relations with Hyrule back up like in Four Swords Adventure

Nabooru's spirit sage powers or Twinrova's defeat might have rid the desert of ghosts

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Are there any official timeline for all the games?

BotW officially shat all over the timeline and confirmed that Nintendo no longer gives a shit about it

Kind of, but even they are questionable at best. They obviously didn't have a timeline in mind when they made the game.

Zelda's timeline has always been a fucking joke and I have no idea while people care about that shit.

Didn't they in Four Swords Adventures just instantly kick out Ganondorf's reincarnation because they were all tired of his bullshit?

>no longer gives a shit about it
They never did, they just threw something together because fans were begging for it after the fact.

there was always enough to infer some connections, while nintendy liked to play games and make it unclear.

according to the BotW Master work or Zelda Encyclopedia there hasn't been a Gerudo male since Ganondorf whether that's Ganondorf the 1st or the 2nd is never specified. Either way it contradicts the game itself since the Gerudo msle is mentioned by Rhondson and it seems strange she'd know of them if it's been over 10,000 years since the last one

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The other side of that coin is the twin witches role in all of this.

She probably has a dick.

>go play in a whale
>accidentally get digested
>kingdom in a frenzy
>case never solved
Wow just like Maddie McCann

Which Podesta are you, again?

Because there were obvious connections between games in the past together with some dumb contradictions to keep anyone speculating on their toes. Nowadays they don't care a lick.

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>she hasn't updated her webcomic since like july
>thought she had died or something
>check in one day, still no update, but realize her twitter is still updating

So did she just get tired of this or what?

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ran out of ideas/jokes maybe

He returned from Termina to be Hyrule's local hero, and knocked Ruto up.

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Impressive egg sacks.

Post poofy pants

Is OoT Link the chaddest Link?
>defeated both Ganondorf and Majora's Mask. Saved two different worlds
>timelines will split depending of his actions, whether he succeeds or not
>might have knocked literally anyone (main contenders are Zelda, Malon and Ruto).
>many girls want him. Zelda, Ruto, Malon, Nabooru, Saria, Cremia and Romani
>becomes a Knight and later a super powerful undead force entity
>has his own seperate dimension in Twillight Princess
>can create clones without the need of the Picori Sword or the Four Sword
>has the Fierce Deity Mask which gives him the power of a Dark God

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Haha who would want to be abducted by delicious brown wheyfus and used as a breeding stud haha that would be weird

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The animates series Link is the chaddest. It isn't even remotely close.

Link gets sent back to before he met Zelda in OOT's ending

Despite all that he still got the shit end of the stick.
>probably doesn't find Navi
>complains that he had no one to pass his skills down to, most likely didn't have kids
>not properly remembered for his sacrifices and struggles in either the kid or adult timeline until centuries later
>all three timelines basically result in him not being able to finish Dorf properly

Does it ever say that? All I remember is him being sent back to childhood, not specifically when. I imagine he got spat out at the same point he left, after getting all three stones. He would use the help of the three races to testify against Ganondorf.

Neither outcome matters. Either Link has rescued Ruto, or he re-rescues Ruto from Jabu after he returns.

he did have descendents tho. They simply didn't inherited his Hero's Spirit.

when he gets sent back he approaches Zelda the same way he did when they first met, except this time he has the mark of the Triforce on his hand to prove his story

Never heard of a callback?

Not him, but this is all but confirmed in the Hyrule Historia.

yeah dude I'm sure Zelda is going to send Link back to after the king had been killed by Ganon

The OOT ending leaves it vague, and it really doesn't matter one way or the other.
MM shows that Link and Zelda were friends, up until he leaves to find Navi.
TP shows that OOT Link was a hero around Hyrule. He leaves his bow with the Gorons and his clothing in the Zora royal grave.

It was a different time.

Maybe the king raped her

Our mithocondria will have the last laugh.

You can actually bum rush dark link if you just avoid Z-targeting him

Isn't TP Link his descendent tho? If I recall it correcly, Hero's Shade recognizes him as his "child"