Shit that annoys you in game

>shit that annoys you in game
When skinny dudes are shown shooting longbows

Attached: ripped.jpg (970x545, 245K)

Other urls found in this thread: draw weight

when it has minorities or women in it


why would having white people in a game annoy you?

when rpg characters start flirting with me because i did a quest



>implying skinny men can't pull longbows

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Only in a historically inaccurate context though imho

When women are shown shooting longbows.

based gare
dont attract the autists on this board to his channel please

When they put niggers and homosexuals in games

stupid discordtranny

skinny girls maybe, but dudes? Dunno, maybe elves, but they pretty athletic.

>skinny dude that weighs nothing does pull ups
>"Woooooooow, pull ups are easy lmao."

he might not be ripped but he's definitely not skinny, are you a retard by chance


he is old and bold.

You seem like you know a thing or two about pull ups.

>fat fuck that weighs so much he can't even lift his fat arms in the air
>gets butthurt that normal people can do multiple pushups and are having fun doing it

maybe if you guys stepped foot inside a gym for once in your pathetic lives you would understand what ripped is

i see the strength but that isn't ripped by any means

this but unironically

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Ripped means low bodyfat you dumb faggot

>bows are dex only

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>bows being dex weapons
>swords weighing 20lbs
>armor making you super slow

what the fuck are you going on about
nobody called him ripped in the first place, you mentioned it



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>shit that annoys you
When the game has any skinny dudes at all.

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>no one called him ripped

it's in the filename you troglodyte

that isn't ripped, there would be more definition if ripped

>mfw Yea Forums knows nothing about body fat percentages nor fitness
yeah this guy is strong for his age but that isn't ripped by any means lmao, kys yourselves

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show body or gtfo

english longbowmen have the broadest shoulders of any human recorded.
Yeah, they're pretty fucking ripped dude.

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>nobody called him ripped in the first place
the file name and the fact he's drawing a longbow implies OP is baiting but wtv not the /fit/fag

Of course Yea Forums doesn't know shit about fitness, everyone here is either skinnyfat or a lardass

This is a ripped old man, the OP image isn't ripped. Kill yourself.

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Stop LARPing as a /fit/izen you fucking newfag lanklet

>Bows being associated with DEX or AGI instead of STR as they should be
>WOMEN utilizing bows (Come to think of it this is the only thing D3 did right by giving the female demon hunter crossbows which don't require massive upper body strength)
>Spears and polearms in general being utterly useless when in reality they are the most lethal melee weapons

I can't remember any game that did polearms right (except the Total War series), they're first and foremost always portrayed as REALLY SLOW, when that's not true in reality if you've handled a spear you know it's a lightning quick weapon.

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that's an aestheticfag homo who couldn't wipe his own ass

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>implying those cantaloupe lats are gained from pull-ups alone

If you can't do pull-ups you're weak, period. 340lb strongmen can do pull-ups, 250lb weakmen can't.


>I'm a lanklet twig
>therefore everyone is
I doubt you could even bench past 100 lbs, squat past 100 lbs, or ruck at a 20 minute pace with 20 lbs you sack of shit.

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how come MMA niggers are either built like brick shithouses or lean as fuck, but never like bodybuilders?

how come you're a fat fuck

Oh and also FUCKING CHAINMAIL. There's no such a thing as CHAIN-MAIL it is simply called "maille". The term chainmail comes from the erroneous association of the world "mail" with armor in general (which is how the english language can posess such abortions as "PLATE-MAIL"). Mail is a material made from interlinked rings which are NOT chains, they are rings specifically made to be linked together into the material known as "maille". The correct words to use are: Mail shirt, mail leggings, mail hauberk etc. Plate armor, breastplate, are also OK. Saying "Platemail" or "Chainmail" gets you sent straight to the gas chambers.

cope harder homo

why so mad, skinnyturds?

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Shouldn't they always be lean because speed an weight classes?

I'm by now more annoyed by realism fags pointing this fact out everytime they get a chance

scale mail is peak aesthetic

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means low bodyfat along with visible muscle

Ugghh, these plebs know nothing of the English Longbow (ELB). An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.
I happen to be an expert, as I've watched several five-minute clips taken from inaccurate, sensationalistic American documentaries about historical weapons. I have also partaken in hours of debate on the subject on various Japanime Image Boards.
Don't get me started on Katana VS Longsword. I am very opinionated about that aswell.

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the bigger ones are all truckmode

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Good to know. Thanks user.

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Based autist.

get a grip nerd, nobody cares

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>gameplay gets interrupted and control is yanked away from player so that the character's actions would fit the screenplay

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I kind of agree in this case because the armor is made from both scales and mail. So "scale-mail armor" would be an acceptable term to use.

>mfw I can't do pullups or pushups because muh shoulders
it's not fair. My shoulders sound like when you peddle a bike backwards

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>If you kill him, you'll be just like him
Especially if this is used right after murdering dozens of people to get to the guy

My pb on bench is 120kg and squat 220kg
Please keep flexing online like anybody gives a shit lankyboi

>tfw 142lbs @ 9.2% bodyfat

>japanese game
>character that complains about how weak people are and how they should all die and let the strong rule over them
>while being a manlet twink
this happens way more often then you'd expect

their only cons are all the noise they'd produce and upwards strikes killing you 100% of the time.

No, that's just some steroid addict faggot.

Go back to /fit/ and stay there, homo child.

Go away Chang.


Damn, he's pretty big yet still lean, his 6-pack are visible. Truly what peak performance looks like.

Shut up racist your kind will soon hang.

The worst victim of the gains goblin. Poor little soul.

What's the draw weight of longbow?
I'm skelly as fuck 180cm/60kg but i managed to draw a 70lbs compound bow while my normie friend can't.
I doubt longbow has bigger draw weight than 70lbs

go away you stupid faggot

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you have to go back

dude canon wise the amazons are thiccc and tall larzuk even asks if are "your kind" all big and amazon bows are composite bows

and D2 did do polearms and spears right

I will as soon you and your ilk die crying.

Actual physical disability or just super weak shoulders? draw weight

everybody is racist, dum-dum.
go suck your antifa buddies off in some crack den.

Traditional english longbows have draw weights well in excess of 100 lbs. Not only that, but a compound bow is easier to draw and much easier to hold drawn than a bow without the pulley system. Are you trolling?

t. amateur bowyer

>everybody is racist, dum-dum.
Keep deluding yourself.
It will make the moment where we finally hang you even sweeter.

When teenagers hold high military ranks, and non uniform uniforms for that matter.
guess I just don't like anime and it's tropes
your definition of skinny is pretty broad my dude

I like the spears in Assassins Creed Oddysey

lmao sure thing coldsteel

>guess I just don't like anime and it's tropes
Fuck off Yea Forums

the left absolutely CANNOT meme

they can't even take a joke what do you expect

>everybody who disagrees with me is a leftist
As expected from a Alt-right baby.

>using outdated ideologue "culture war" terms
go away dude


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They have the worst moveset in the game by far

You're being baited, stupid retards. Baiting easily triggered people was always one of the most popular pastimes here. It's why everyone was being edgy all the time. But you newfags actually took it seriously and now you're the butt of the joke.

skinny guys can be strong but they end up broad

You're part of the normalfag cancer that's killing this board.

nah your joke just fell flat, and you're an idiot everybody is sick of.

I have longbow.
I'm skinny.
No problem using it.

>merely pretending

They always felt like the strongest weapon to me, because of how much reach they have and how fast the attacks are.

No i'm not trolling i'm amateur
I know its easier to hold compound bow drawn but if the draw weight is for example 70 lbs on compound and classical bow they both requires the same strength to draw. Energy isn't coming from nowhere.

I didn't know longbows are that hard motherfuckers

how heavy?

Longbows require strength but a lot of it is down to posture and the muscle groups you use. If you put your full body into drawing like you're supposed to you don't need to be ripped. If anything being ripped other than your back/shoulders shows you have poor form.

>Implying I'm him
Everyone can see how easily baited you are

The irony.

When you have multiple weapons to swap to on the fly but only one is shown at a time so you wind up pulling the other one from hammerspace all the damn time


ah fuck man I wanted to discuss classic Colin McRae Rally games but I never watched pretty cure so they range banned me.
I ain't stopping anyone I'm just not partaking in most of it.

I feel like every thread on Yea Forums is some overdone play where there's always some retard playing as the "woke liberal" and another retard playing as the "woke alt right" that goes into this endless choreographed shitflinging for no reason. I must be getting too old for this board or everyone is going insane.

>I-i'm not him guys!
Keep embarrassing yourself retard.

you should see Brock now that's he's off the juice in anticipation of the UFC, dude is a titty monster

You keep embarrassing yourself, retard. You're the reason you'll only see more and more people pretending to be blatant SJWs.

Kid protagonists. I hated it when I was a kid and I still hate it.

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You don't need to be hulk to use a longbow retard. You need strength but it's useless to be huge.

>Charachters fight against a powerful enemy
>Is a fight you are supposed to lose, enemy is clearly stronger/has a gimmick that makes it invincible
>Come back 1-2 days later in story, perhaps even hours later
>Win same fight despite no apparent reason that the charachters became stronger
On a larger scale it also annoys me whenever normal humans are capable of defeating strong enemies for no apparent reasons
>Crono and the gang vs Lavos
>The party of FF XII against Vayne
>The party of FF VI against Kefka
>Crono and the gang vs two golems
>Nero vs Urizen(let me get this straight, Dante+Lady+Trish+Nero without devil breaker are weaker than Nero with devil breaker?)

you are the problem, moron.

>>Nero vs Urizen(let me get this straight, Dante+Lady+Trish+Nero without devil breaker are weaker than Nero with devil breaker?)
Nero loses to Urizen each time idk what your talking about

>Ripped means low bodyfat
Get out of your house and go lift you DYEL nigger

Nero is able to go past Urizen's defense in their second round while the whole team didnt even manage to do that together at the beggining of the game. I rationalize this as Urizen is still sitting on his throne when Nero gets there.


Who told you that?

The longbow I used.

are you retarded?

I agree, fellow gamer. Let us talk about all the women we've harassed lately.

Ripped means low bodyfat.

a 1.75m man that weighs 55 kg and is sub 10%bf isnt ripped.he would be ripped if he weighed 75 kg minimum at that low body fat.


No, u
Draw weight is draw weight no matter on what bow
Compound is only easier to hold drawn

Unironically based.

>and D2 did do polearms and spears right
there was practically no difference between a polearm and a club in that game though

no, it's a max, the entire power curve is different and you can't exert as much force at every angle


Have sex incels

Based and redpilled.

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>crossbows dont require massive upper body strength

Guess how i know you've never shot a crossbow (excluding modern compound crossbows)

>anything set in something vaguely medieval europe ish
>bow wielder is heroic but crossbow wielder is a cowardly wimp
Us anglo descended sorts really did keep some of our ye olde english mentalities.

so fucking based

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Bros I.. I can not tell you how ffff, how ff-f-f-f, I'm sorry God in Heaven but I gotta drop the f-bomb for this one *sign of the cross*.

>shitty writer/artist/developer is aware of the whole 'bows take strength to wield' thing.
>thinks to rectify this
>depicts his archer character as a hulk-like mass of muscle
It's all about specific muscle groups you dopes.

The more you know..

Pulling back 60lbs of draw weight isn't impossible for skinny guys. It's just hard to hold it for more than 45 seconds. Sure you can argue that there are some that have 80 or more but very view people can draw those at all.

Who cares?

If you take even a cursory interests in actual ancient military customs and equipment then most fantasy instantly becomes ruined for you.

Here's a fun tidbit: Studded leather armour was literally made up by the creators of D&D.

Pretty sure it was made up by Victorian historians instead

Fucking based

malnourished (by modern standards) middle ages guys weighting 60kg could do it.


based + red-pilled

>using outdated ideologue "culture war" terms
You're right, anyone that cries about leftists should be banned since nobody cries about rightists until the first one shows up

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Epic Reddit meme bro haha rise up amirite? Now say the n word!!!


>old man character is absurdly muscular to the point it would take years of roid abuse to get there, especially in his age

a true gamer



Name 5 WRPG that's not POE 1 that does this or your mother dies in her sleep.

this. 4channel stands proudly with HER against homophobia, pedophobia and sexism.

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Can you people please stop condoning racist behavior?

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>villain talks smack the whole game about the strong ruling over the weak
>oh what a coincidence the villain is really strong, he would TOTALLY be saying the same shit if he were weak, uh huh, totally
>he acts like a petty bitch if you beat him and prove yourself stronger

I'm sure it happens, but I want more of these kinds of villains to accept defeat gracefully.

are you retarded?

really good thread guys

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When reality stops showing me that my racism is justified - sure.

>When reality stops showing me that my racism is justified
But reality never justified your racism?
And no your delusions don't count as reality.

>be overpowered god hero
>get ambushed by a bunch of lowlife bandits
>kill all of them in a second except for one dude
>he doesn't get scared or run away and still wants to fight you anyway

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I love this man

Shut up whitey.

babies are naturally racist. You're more likely to be friends with people genetically similar to you.
This doesn't justify genocide, so you don't have to deny reality.

Says the defeatist faggot. I was a fat 200lb manlet and worked my way up to pull ups. you just complain because you're so fat and lazy that you decided that you never could. kill yourself.

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>be trash mob bandits
>see a duo of adventurers all decked out in demonic armor and weapons
>attack them anyway
>friends get slaughtered in two seconds
>instead of hitting you one of them spat fire at you
>you almost die instantly anyway
>die like the stupid fucking asshole I am


>disgaea trash mobs
>can see levels IN-UNIVERSE
>everyone knows what the levels mean
>level 10 mobs against level 500 party
>they still try to win

>You're more likely to be friends with people genetically similar to you.
Doesn't mean a single thing.
>babies are naturally racist
Racist fantasy.

Babies also naturally shit their pants and put everything they can pick up with their hands into their mouths. They aren't exactly bristling with intelligence and wisdom.

>babies are naturally racist. You're more likely to be friends with people genetically similar to you.
Even if those things were true you're only pointing to the existence of bias instead of justifying it.

The left claims of colour blindness are delusions, how can you justify that

Once I hit 55 Imma do roids and bang barely legal trannies.

For me it's just women and only when they are poorly done (Naughty Dogs characters). I didn't mind Kassandra in Ass Creed t b h.

>Once I hit 55 Imma do roids and bang barely legal trannies.

By the time your 50 trap technology will have come further so these trannys might actually be pretty good looking. Not a bad plan user.

Forcing wamens & POC into media is creating these kind of behaviors, go tell thoese woke developer to stop and in time people wont do it

Ok user, you try rock climbing. Then we'll see how easy it is.

Thanks, maybe we could pig roast a tranner and talk about old videogames together in a couple years user.

>Forcing wamens & POC into media is creating these kind of behaviors,
Except nobody is being forced anywhere. Faggots like yourself are just now crying about seeing blacks and women in games when they've been there for years.

One can only hope.

It's not that hard because most of the time your weight is on your legs which are designed to carry your weight. And yes, I have done rock climbing. You are rarely pulling yourself up using nothing but your arms, it's more like climbing a difficult ladder.

your doing it wrong

Explain BF5? Explain Morrison? Since when replacing genders and race or even chaging the story has "been there for years" and that 2 example are just from games, i dont have to give you a list of movies to explain myself. You must be brainlet.

>Doesn't mean a single thing.
It means you have a subconscious in-group preference.
I'm not concerned with justifying racism.
I'm merely arguing against a fantasy world where racism has no basis in reality, therefore racists are only racist out of pure spiteful evil. It's not an accurate description of reality, even if it plays to your ideological bias

excessive muscle slows you down with no benefit


>i dont have to give you a list of movies to explain myself.
Maybe because you don't actually have any arguments?
>Explain BF5? Explain Morrison?
Yea Forums getting triggered at the existence of blacks and women like the norm.
There isn't anything special here to explain about them.

>It means you have a subconscious in-group preference.
>people prefer their family over friends!
>What a shock!
This doesn't even count as racism you dumb ass just bias which doesn't mean a thing anymore because most people nowadays can talk to and interact with a member of the opposite race just fine without any problems.

draw weight is ~135 lbs; draw weight for actual engagements was ~185 lbs

and you had to be able to do that shit dozens of times, quickly and accurately, without tiring

longbowmen's skeletons were literally permanently deformed from using the longbow

go sit on an arrow, you soi fuck

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That guy isn't skinny yiu retard

>The opposite race
lost lmao
Anyways, what, "counts as racism?" Are you using the funny munny privilege+power definition where you can't be racist against whites?

You seem to be the one with no arguments side stepping the examples,
Ocean 8
The new spiderman game
Dmc morrison
calling it triggered, it is infact clear forced replacement that would cause a kind reactions. Seems your woke brain cant handle any facts,

>I'm merely arguing against a fantasy world where racism has no basis in reality
But you haven't shown that it has a basis in reality.

Spider man movie non animated one

>Anyways, what, "counts as racism?"
>racists don't even know what racism is
The absolute state of racists

>when it has minorities
>or women
but incelpilled

>t.that stupid retard that dodges arguments and facts
Why are you still here? your discord tranny group needs you