I love Souls games, but I have money only for one console. Should I buy Xbox One X or PS4 Pro?

I love Souls games, but I have money only for one console. Should I buy Xbox One X or PS4 Pro?

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sekiro is on ps4 you fucking dumbass

You can play Sekiro on Ps4

PS4 Pro has the better exclusives but the X plays games in native 4k.

Honestly, the difference in visual fidelity is astounding.

Why do fags keep pushing this unfunny meme?

Wait for the PS5 to get the inevitable Bloodborne: Enhanced Edition

Then why was Sekiro shown at Xbox e3?

buy a pc you fucking homo

Is this bait?

Attached: 1534769118724.jpg (208x251, 7K)

Same reason DMC5 was shown there too

this is bait, but they showed a shit ton of multiplats you retard

Attached: 23456789965432464.jpg (1000x1333, 511K)

why does this image trigger me so much

do i just hate black people?

its just multiplat
shown at microshit e3 =/= xone exsclusive
you fucking brainlet

Sekrio isn't a Souls game nor does it play anything like them

No one thats not absolutely mental should be buying a Xbox. Its either save money and get a pc, get a PS4 if you want to be somewhat of a normal player and get a switch if you don't care about graphics and like portability

myabe you have PC for multiplats? not like this poor nigger

Nah, it's because it's on Yea Forums so you along with everyone else supposed to hate it for the sheer fact that it is bait

>Blooborne shown at Sony E3 = Sony Exclusive
>Sekiro shown at MS E3 = not exclusive


Attached: nick-young-confused-face-300x256-nqlyaa.jpg (800x450, 18K)

You probably just hate being baited so often with this type of shit.

just google sekiro......
you even have gameplays on ps4pro you fucking brainlet
someone please screencap this

Yes, but to what?


You people are actually more cancerous than the people who bait. They wouldn't even exist without you dumb fucks. You aren't even aware of how fucking stupid you are.

>both links 404
nice try
inb4 i was pretending to be retarded

shitty bait, quit being such a worthless faggot

>>both links 404
Do you live in China?

>retard defend retard

Why has this "Sekiro is an Xbone exclusive" meme just started today? Fuck off

you are chink or what?

Upgrade you GPU and enjoy the game at 60fps.
Consoles don't have that.

Attached: images (69).jpg (663x462, 26K)

Both can be played on PC.
But if you're going for a console I can't recommend the pro its legitimate garbage and is not with the extra $100 or so over a base ps4. Either get a base ps4 or get an xbox one x.
