What are some other upcoming games that will without a doubt be shit?
What are some other upcoming games that will without a doubt be shit?
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2/10 for the effort
Tell me which of the games in the image won't be shit and I'll tell you why you are wrong
Death Stranding
Sekiro takes the Cake
Beyond Good and Evil 2 is Ubisoft, get ready for more Far Cry with exorbitantly priced DLC. Automatic garbage.
Days Gone might be good, but I've seen gameplay where the developers didn't put any iron sights or optics on the guy's AR-15. That might be a problem. I'm tired of devs who don't know how guns work.
Sure thing.
Death Stranding
>made by one of the biggest hacks in the industry, Kojima. A guy who hasn't released anything good in over a decade and who is notorious for overspending and living out his westaboo hollywood dreams through hiring unnecessary actors
>all signs point to it once again having another convoluted-for-the-sake-of-it 3deep5u garbage story that makes no sense but will be analyzed to hell and back by one of the most rabid and moronic fanbases on the planet: kojimadrones
>already looks to be heavy on walking sim elements
>Days Gone
It's another zombie game. You walk around some countryside place in typical Sony movie game fashion. Then you get on some roof and a segment starts where you mow down 3000 zombies in a row with a minigun. Then back to cinematic experience, then back to mowing down zombies.
It's a fucking ZOMBIE game. How could anyone still be hyped for a zombie game in this day and age after having the industry vomit out hundreds of those in rapid succession is beyond me.
your newborn baby
>absolutely nothing like the original trailer
>looks more like "GTA but with punks and in the future"
>lady gaga will be in it (major cringe)
Whatever game your looking forward too
>what could have been
Tellme, oh great faggot OP, tell me why Fire Emblem will be shit without referencing the parts of the game I'm looking forward to.
>made by one of the biggest hacks in the industry
Stopped reading there
Have you seen it?
Hello Kojidrone. Don't forget to post another couple hundred of "OMG HE PLAYED US LIKE A FIDDLE XD" posts.
>have you seen it
I've fucking pre-ordered it, mate. Of course I've seen it.
Well I hope you'll enjoy your Gamecube game
keep on fighting those retards
Rage 2 might be fine. From what I have seen, the psycho lesbians are just enemies to kill, nothing wrong with that.
I don't bother with weebshit so I can't tell if those games are going to be good or not on their standards.
Con stranding, gta 2077 and Nigger and nigger 2 are shit for sure.
I'm still confused as to why they got rid of the art style of the first BGE. It made sense to have furries if they were cartoons, not if they're realistic. Jade better be the main character instead of Foxy Cleopatra. All those games are going to be bad, FF7 remake might as well be made by Tell Tale at this point because its going to be casualized streamline garbage Mash X to progress.
>Hello Kojidrone
Cringe, why are you even on a video game board if you hate video games
>If you don't think Kojima is amazing and a fucking God you hate video games!
You couldn't be a bigger dronetard if you TRIED
>this whole fucking post
it was over when the Witcher 2 or 3 released
CDPR is a normalfag company now
Absolutely based, obliterated those cybershit fans
they're just using "cyberpunk" as an excuse to have bionic augmentations and technological criminal activity
So name a game you like then
Sekiro. The next Fromsoft flop
Who will they beg to publish their next carbon copy game?
Any game I like? Sure, Terranigma.