Hollow Knight

I finally opened the black egg temple and I can read my game percentage: 83%.

I'm still absolute shit at this game, but boy do I love it!

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Git gud

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First for sawblades

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I thought it looked exceptional art-wise, and I felt no requirement to grind, simply because the maze-like design forced me to accumulate stuff anyway before I finally found the next place to go. Even the combat was pretty snappy and fun.

I think the true substantial problem with it is that it is not much more than we were playing 20+ years ago. If you've played all the classic slashers and platformers, this is just one more with a nice modern design. That's it. I suspect all the people overhyping it and playing it day-in, day-out are casuals who never played all the classics already. It's surely one of the good or even great games in this style, but that style was done to death, decades ago.

I hope Silksong being shit won't retroactively ruin HK for me

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I am in my 30s and never liked Super Metroid.

I played hollow knight and loved it

Decadents can't appreciate things while they are at the peak and prime, they wait until a genre is decaying, niche, and subterranean.


Stop shilling this trash


>Stop shilling this trash
I'm not paid

Post your godhome

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a thread for a AAA game (made by hundreds of professionals who have devoted their entire lives to gaming) died for this (made by a few hobbyists in Australia).


Is not thaaat good desu

Name a good AAA game from the last 10 years

What a low bar. We had REmake 2 and Ace Combat 7 this January alone.

The faggots who praise this game have never really played any other metroidvania before. They got it because "hurr durr 2D dark souls" and thats it. They think it's the best metroidvania ever and yet they've never actually beaten symphony of the night or super metroid.

>One Literally called remake
>one Literally 7 times the same game
Telling about how AAA is creatively bankrupt

The difference is, and I know this might be too subtle for an indie shitter salivating over Silksong, when a AAA does a sequel or remake often it is a substantial addition to the original game, as in the case of those too.

But If you really want a completely new IP: Vanquish.


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>hurr durr haven't played prehistoric metrovania

I bet you think Rogue Legacy is bad too

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For the record, I bought salt and sanctuary because “hurr durr, 2D dark souls”
I got HK because it seemed similar and I like bugs

>and I like bugs

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