I love killing nazis

I love killing nazis.

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>looks like typical aryan

Killing commies is better

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That guy
>is Jew
>has muscles

all colectivists should be removed

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My wife has some nice fat breasts, good for nurturing our children.

Wow, a violent jewish extremist, who would've imagined!

>basically the ideal ubermensch
>hates nazis

Mee too blowjob

This, and make them pay for the gas bill

They love the retroactively turn characters in to Yids. They that with Krieger in Archer as well.


Why didn't they draw him as a kike? Why the dishonesty?

this, we need to band together and fight the- oh


But what if the child consents tho

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Centrist fencesitter

Indeed he did, but then he turned into a pussy and started calling everyone a Nazi that was white

umm sweety, silence is violence

Everybody does. Even nazis love killing other nazis


Wolfenstein would be better if the lead was a Woody Allen or Larry David type

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>Wolfenstein : new colossus

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Can you be confident that every German soldier you kill is a National Socialist?

They practiced conscription you know

>Centrist fencesitter

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Of course you can. Just like you can be confident that every poor Russian farmer getting frozen to death in Finland is a Marx fanatic.

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Jews are the most vengeful people on the planet.

Why do you keep making this thread?

They're bad when they're separate.

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If you're right-wing and you complain about people wanting to kill or hurt nazis then you might as well call yourself a nazi.

The nazis are the closest thing to a centrist here, retard.

this post was made by nazbol gang

Ah yes, what a fine Jewish specimen he is.

And roids too

Well yeah. Killing them is fun.



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user, ancaps are not centrists. No by any measure.

>this game still cause such crazy butthurt amongst /pol/ tourists on Yea Forums

he's not wrong

Who are you quoting?

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Nazis are like the demons in DOOM: you can butcher them all you want and not feel guilty about it. Fuck yeah.

Why does grandma look so confused?

That's obviously a dude.

Fuck yeah I love murdering those germ-NAHZEEE subhumans. Worthless lump of flesh roaming the earth trying to steal my liberties! Isra-... ~MERICA NUMBER ONE BABY! PUNCH NAZEE :punch:

go back to int, I know who you are

Nobody should enjoy the act of murder.

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>White critics reviews made her a star
>"Fuck white critics yo"


>nordic aren't master race, I'll kill all you nazi bastards for saying otherwise
>looks like nordic warrior god despite being jew
Detecting some distinctly liberal cognitive dissonance.

Nah, nords have squashed pug faces. He's pure West Baltid phenotype.

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How is it cringe, you hate Nazis too, right?

Life is too short to hate, user. Embrace taoism

>nazis bad

hello, reddit


how's your day been so far?

Not bad. I played with my cockroach pet, I think it's getting bigger.

roaches don't got anything on centichads

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poor white critics, so eager to please but still white

Daily reminder that Germans, Mongolians, Turks, and Jews all came from Central Asia 3000 years ago and are not Europeans.

Baltics are one of the most unremarkable rapebaby zones of Europe. They have no worthwhile culture there. Basically what you want to say is Slav, which is what Blascowiz is.

Europe didn't born until Roman Empire fall, how the fuck are they not europeans?

>Europe didn’t born until Roman Empire fall

Learn to speak English retarf

All predominantly fair people are descended from the same, whether Nordic, Germanic, Slavic, Celtic.


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European history goes back many millennia, and any German revival faggotry LARPing was just a sign of Europe’s degeneration

>Germans, Nordics, Celts and Slavs

Kek. Learn your history and biology. Celts and Slavs are the most native euros, with scandis being second after migrating from Greenland, and Germans are the least native as they are Central Asians that mixed with the Slavs/Scandis.

>i love killing minorities
pretty based

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BJ loved killing Germans.

Seriously now. What the fuck is wrong with germans? All they ever do is to fuck it up for everyone.

Have an overwhelmingly strong sense of "how things ought to be". Overrides their capacity to think

Chad Thundercock was Jewish

It's their nature.

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Greek or Rome were just the pillars of Europe but not actually Europe.
Like Europe is the cradle of America but America isn't Europe

Wrong. Everything that came after is not Europe.

>Rainbow hair, surgically, removed penis, facial piercings, tats, bumsex, blm, muh minorities good
>Grey/black uniforms bad

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Lefties are fucking psychos

>Europe is the cradle of America but America is not Europe
This logic basically says that everything after Romans and Greeks was not European. Which would be correct.

you make a good point

Nazis are pretty insane, I agree.

somebody went to Prager U

You can argue about how many people one side or the other killed over the course of WWII all day long but at the end of the day we'd have a safer, saner, and less deranged world if Hitler had won.

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thats only like your opinion

>everything is reducible to economics
>everyone acts individually
Sorry, bruh, reality disagrees with your meme ideology.

t. jew

t. incel stormfag

Not him but "incel" has nothing to do with politics and only outs you as a /r9k/ nigger

t. incel

Why the fuck the bibary logic of /pol/tards jumps to conclusion that someone who dislikes nazis is a communist
Every fucking thread is the same fucking shit

Lel, the tranny is on repeat

he didn't call anyone a comunist you sperg

>a fucking polack
>doesn't kill nazis, jews and commies equally

Fuck BJ, he's not polish.

Tbf, commies made more war crimes and killed more people than nazis. They just didn't aimed to the jews