why exactly do all women in video games have to be ugly now?
Why exactly do all women in video games have to be ugly now?
lady looks fine in-game nigger
Lady looks fine, ripe for demon cock.
Lady is the prettiest DMC and doesn't belong on that list.
Lady is pretty cute
>asian girl hot af
>white girl goblina
What did Capcom mean by this?
I want Sherry as my child bride and impregnate her soon as possible.
>All RE Engine models
Are you going to ignore Toobs or something? There are alot of beautiful female video game models elsewhere. Stop being a nigger.
lady was hot, the rest is ugly
Asians are better than white women, dur. Only beta orbiters and roasties will disagree.
It's clearly retarded leftist politics. They can't use the excuse of imperfect facial scanning technology, because males are always perfect recreations of whoever they're modelled after. See mass effect andromeda, male ryder looks exactly like the dude he's based off while female ryder looks absolutely nothing like jayde rossi. I guess it just isn't politically convenient for women to be attractive, and I'm disappointed that japs have started with this shit too
>why exactly do all women in video games have to be ugly now?
Shit engine.
Normalfags seething that their gf isn't as good
Roasties seething they can't be that good
Why do people pretend Claire is ugly
RE like DBZ is popular with spics and other shit countries. So they made claire an autistic goblin to appeal to low IQ 3rd world "fans"
Dios Mio....
Cherry is just a little girl. Little girls aren't your anime lolis, real little girl are ugly as shit
Claire is ok
Cherry's mom is old and her husband died
This is a corpse
Trish is ok
Lady is a tranny
Because you aren't attracted to real-life women
>Trish is ok
user, i think you might be gay
not him but she doesn't have a manly face at all. She looks more like a witch
Why? She's the prettiest on this pic by far
>Claire is ok
>Trish is ok
user, I...
how do some of you unironically think lady looks like a tranny?
Desperate super thristy "show bobs and vegana, baby" virgins seething cause you call their #45829waifu goblin
some angry young men who gather on Yea Forums have had their brains so broken by regressive sex fantasies they have rage discussions if the tits of their magical hentai mommy girlfriend are big ebough
I think you mean only the majority of Chads and over all normal guys (who by the way have actually lost their virginity to an attractive female) will accept white women are better.
I remember I new a kid in high school and I shall never forget his quote not until the day I die.
Him: "She's hot for an Asian"
Me: "But she's an Asian"
Him: "I said for an Asian"
japs are getting subverted into imitating western art styles
so they go with realism (limiting their creativity) instead of the old Go Batshit crazy anime bullshit that everybody loved
Ill admin that she looks a bit better in this pic, but look her up in any in game cutscene.
Pure cringe.
Are you retarded? The RE Engine models for males aren't any better. This shit was doomed to fail from the start.
Hit a nerve?
Lady looks like ezra miller with a wig
because capcom shills will defend it
I'll shill it just to piss you off. You're one whiny nigger.
Gooks seething
her boobs were originally small and they blew them up randomly in DMC4, then returned them back to normal in DMC5
wow amazing I can now experience every day london slags, instead of a fantasy hand crafted characters
wow what a time for video games, truly amazing
In what kind of utopic world do you live you nigget
only for west bait games, meanwhile eastern games are filled with hotties.
Have anyone made this already?
>virgin biotrash projects his fantasies about how alpha males think or behave
lmao write more
the tits are irrelevant, look at tHE FUCKING FACE
>just to piss you off.
I don't know what is a more pathetic reason, getting payed to shill for capcom, or actually dedicating your life to shitposting on the internet to "piss somebody off"
Yea Forumsros cant find women because theyre looking for subservient dommy mommies who are literally NPCs for their own story.
looking for: heterochromatic okaasan. able to breastfeed and tease. eyes larger than own balled fist is a must.
>that reply
Yeah I think I just did, pedro :^) You mad?
This is the most nonsensical image im not sure what you're trying to prove besides that you have autism
Say that to my face you bastard, Re engine is the best looking/performance engine ritgh now
Maybe it's just because your porn habits have given you such an extreme expectation of beauty you loner faggot
>best looking
Faces show otherwise. :)
And this pedro guy is living rent free in your head it seems.
you INCELS are just loney faggots who have never had contact with a REAL WOMAN! thats why you are all such seething pedos!
>that reply again
Desperate spicdefender is mad lmao
Keep eating shit shitskin
Smoking Sexy Style.
80% of people itt would freeze up and fumble if any of the adult women in would flirt with them irl lmao
begone roastie
I dont think youre shitposting, i just think these stupid images you make say absolutely nothing
Would that picture really fool anyone?
1st pic looks fucking atrocious though
well, guess I’m gay now...
nah they look great, you're just another faggot seething over his precious lost animefaces like the one in I bet you try to convince people that their obviously-from-a-videogame faces look "uncanny valley" and "disturbing" too
((wh*te)) female trash BTFO once again
These images are not meant to cure mentally ill people, or convince shills they should quit their jobs.
They are for normal people, to quickly at a glance see the fucking travesty that is happening.
that was the worst shot somebody managed to get of DMC4 lady
if you liked DMC5 lady it was never even a question.
My fucking g.f thinks she is fucking manly and nothing like the old lady, and she is a fucking female.
cope gooks
>implying asians don't get plastic surgery
Take a picture of yourself now, and then take another picture 25 years later and show everyone for comparison. After that, assume that a different person has to play the role of you in those two times in your life
>my gf thinks
your hand can't think
lady looked attrocious in 4
Being ugly is realistic and realism is what sells.
Dumb incel
Yeah i sure care about realism in a game with demons fighting eachother
worst part of all is when the real model is cutie but the 3D rendition is a goblina for some reason.
The closer you try to look like a real person the worse it looks when you mess something up. That's why stylized 3D art is generally safer unless you can get everything exactly right. The slightest mistake can make a character look like shit otherwise.
Americans ruined every thing for other western countries.
geezus fucking christ
Damn dude, i didnt know aging morphs your facial bone structure
DMCV Lady is uninspired and trash
Also RE2R Claire = ugly bootleg Zoey ripoff
Japan is an Eastern country retard
>demand proof that takes 25 years to produce
>I'm a sane person
Yeah, as I said, the images are not for you insane folk. It's for rational people.
epic, next youl tell me "your mom"
eh she is worse than DMC3 but at least she still resembles the lady from DMC3, an attempt was made. And bigger tits with age do make sense.
DMC5 lady though is terrible on all accounts.
I wouldn't call her ugly, but I wouldn't say she's that good-looking either. Pretty ordinary. Nice ass though.
worst part of all is when the real model is cutie but the 3D rendition is a goblina for some reason.
Finish reading something before you reply mongoloid
Yea Forums is literally the only place where I see people saying the tranny looking Lady is fine.
Capcom is experimenting with using models for face scanning to look more realistic.
Models tend to look "memorable" not always conventionally beautiful.
Thank god no game developer takes advice from this shithole
Yeah look at this mug, completely not memorable. So bad right?
go away, sensible person. We are discussing objective beauty here
Japs = SJW
protip if women and sjws piss you off stop talking and thinking about them. you'll be in a better mood.
Capcom has been corrupted by California is why, who hate attractive video game women.
Because Adadev would have none of his waifu being made "realistic".
>tend to look "memorable"
Except they don't. The only memorable thing about them is all the threads here. They are pretty fucking bland, average with extremely shitty outifts\designs. Nothing iconic or memorable to it.
most game developers would agree with us though. It's publishers that push a lot of these shit decisions that everybody hates.
He looks derpy as shit
Protip number 2: women feed on attention that's why they say and do infuriating things. if you dont give them any attention they die off.
Youre delusional pal
Youre delusional pal
Huh, that's nice to know. Too bad they replaced lady with a tryhard demi-tranny in 4.
He looks good and is memorable as fuck.
You're delusional pal
I'm still doing it everytime to piss you off. When Capcom comes out with their feedback survey, I'll tell them to keep using face scanning just so all the characters you like will keep getting ruined.
these are the women that Yea Forums sees with a chad on the street
they're not all ugly
Why are we pretending Lady looks bad again?
>why exactly do all women in video games have to be ugly NOW?
as in in recent times
>they're not all ugly
As in "if we look at all time"
Did you fail to read the post?
>non sjw
>that giant disgusting picture from Mass Effect's Jack
because western influence, there is a big push for ugliness these days.
>He looks good
his face is way too small for his head and his eyes are too close together
Who's the one between Tracer and Jade?
Jaw, chin and nose is an issue. I'm just relaying the message. I barely care.
Well, at least nuLady look waaaaaay better than one she was based on after all these years.
Who boy this is?
Fuck. I can't unsee it now.
>posting pre-sjw era games
Those couldn't be made today and you know it
Lady is a semen demon, though.
she has fetal alcohol syndrome
are you fucking blind?
Good thing video games are not RL.
Imperfect faces are more interesting than flawless plastic knifechin barbie dolls.
guys my mom wont dress up as Meruru-chan and rub the front of my diapers when i get a perfect round. wat do?
There’s no problem with any of those though.
I always thought that's the problem of realism in video games. The more devs try to make a super realism human being the more uncanny valley it turns out. While i think Lady looks ok, that super thin spider hair from Trish is triggering me
Did you just compare pokemon to humanoid characters?l
I disagree.
t.person who actually draw human portraits
>Because Adadev would have none of his waifu being made "realistic".
But she is "realistic", her face was scanned from some Jap/Brazilian hapa.
If you're into men, sure.
>muh flawless plastic knifechin barbie dolls
You are even worse than "goblin" posters. You fucking niggers jump from one extreme to another.
>can't extrapolate
Get out
>No picture of Ada
>Calling Claire ugly
>Criticizing the fucking child for not being sexy
Lady is the mommy gf that makes fun of you for having a jawline weaker than hers but is also secretly insecure and when she comes back and drops the strong woman act she needs mutual comforting and hugging that kind of just escalates into her lovingly giving you a handjob while stroking your hair and calling you a good boy
is there a store where i can get one of those, or
1.some of those games aren't THAT old,
2.all your examples are from capcom using the RE engine
3. Lady and Claire are fine
4. Did you forget Ada? or are you just ignoring it cause you're a contrarian faggot?
While the real human being that DMC3 lady was based on didn't age super well, you can still see it looks similar to what the younger version is here and if you compare both, then BOTH look better than THIS SHIT
Good thing these models are neither extreme which makes them appealing and memorable.
Problem is that the '''''''''''''''''''''''realistic''''''''''''''''''''''' meme has mainly been a thing for the last 4 or 5 years. No one is saying Western female characters before then are ugly.
Thing is that it's typically only female characters who have this problem. I say typically because Vergil exists.
"Realistic" doesn't mean realistic, user.
I bet she has insanely high standards.
>wahhh why aren't all my in game women super models
Jesus Christ, get laid.
>real little girl are ugly as shit
Clearly doesn’t spend a lot of time around little girls.
Isn't Lady in her early 40s in DMCV? I'm amazed she looks as decent as she does.
witcher 3 was 2015, the sjw cancer began earlier. though it can be argued that slavs aren't part of the west
Ada is love
Ada is life
>1.some of those games aren't THAT old,
Excuse me? EXCUSE ME?!
Beyond good an evil 1 ---- 2003
KOTOR 1 --- 2003
Prince of persia two thrones ---2005
big nose > boobs > ass
>aging morphs your facial bone structure
your bones can morph after years
have you heard of mewing?
To be fair, Trish always looked like a trap. That first pic isn't much better. It's a crime what they did to Lady though.
Ahem, big JEW nose
>Trish always looked like a trap
Unpopular opinion because waifufags but Trish has, on average, been hotter than Lady.
DMC4 is literally the only game where her face didn't look weird.
witcher was 2015,Nu lara? overwatch? HOTS? Elizabeth?. I said SOME you stupid fucking nigger no look who can't read
Not in 1 or 2. She's hotter in 4 though.
She's perfect and reminds me of an old school friend
>she has fetal alcohol syndrome
not really
sorry, forgot basketball exists
Games got more realistic.
She looked a bit off in 1 and 2 due to the graphics, but still wasn't ugly. And Lady wasn't that hot in 3 either, she just had the 'cuter' look that hooks waifufags. In 4 I'd say Trish edges out Lady. And then there's MvC3 where Trish looks great.
La Creatura....
More like Ladyboy, am I right bros?
>but Trish has, on average, been hotter than Lady.
Lady only looks bad in 4.
Again, graphics and certain angles/shots. 3 Lady doesn't look much better despite the better graphics. Keep in mind I'm talking about how they look in terms of graphics as well.
That thing looks so retarded and unrealistic, like a failed Oblivion avatar.
Don't know why RE2 doesn't get more hate for that ugly goblina.
i think DMC girls and Claire are pretty and would take them out for Pizza and Coke.
Because the game themself are pretty good, so we ignore the minor bad stuff
There is a dedicated horde of discord trannies\spics\facebook group or god knows what else.
RE threads is waifufagging and claireposting. Aids.
They are fine ya sperg
>Sherry grows up hot as fuck
>Claire is cute
>Annette is passable for her age
>el gobolina daughter
>Trish looks good
>Lady is sexy as fuck
I know you guys (gays) hate all the waifu faggotry that's been spammed but you are trying way too hard. Every time someone posts a picture of Claire or Lady outside of an RE or DMC thread, some seething autist comes in and writes an essay about how ugly he thinks they are
this stopped being funny literally a month ago
fuck off nigger.
its like day and night with trish
>>Trish looks good
>>Lady is sexy as fuck
>t. someone who's into men
These seething white incel threads make resetera look normal
t. resetera tranny furry subhuman
>fat as fuck
>no cankles
If this board was spamming pictures of Leon or Nero and saying "he is so perfect and cute" all day every day for weeks, heterosexuals would pretend they were ugly too
Lady, Claire and Ada are CUTE!
Trish, Sherry and Annette look like shit
The opposite, Yea Forums is literally the only place complaining about the looks of DMC5 characters.
Ah yes, forgot that nu4chan gets icky with haircuts.
Millennial sissies.
They are not ugly, just trying to go for a realistic look, the fact they're ugly its because they havent masteted technology to make someone look 100% real, i still like the old artstyle though
Lady looks like a 35 year old trying to be a teenage, it's fucking terrible.
>>No picture of Ada
and she doesn't need to be there
>>Calling Claire ugly
Claire's face is ok
Yea Forumsirgins do love their knife chins
This is what a real white person looks like. Capcom needs to take out these unrealistic fucking jawlines
Still cute
t. resetera tranny furry subhuman
I know it's a bait pic, but the bottom would be considered more universally attractive if you had a realistic version of it. Absolutely no one likes manjaws on women.
she's clearly huge from the photo i dont think she's trying to fool anyone
Well yeah, she's 40.
You are seriously complaining that Sherry isn't hot? Like compared to what exactly?
What the fuck are you on about? Sherry is a damn child you sick fuck.
Claire is hot.
Annette looks strange sure.
So does the other girl, looks like she is wearing a damn mask.
And both Lady and Trish looks great.
Faggot ass contrarian.
>Absolutely no one likes manjaws on women
This. Left unironically looks better and more feminine
t. Jawlets
>women look like women now
Probably Sarah (who is actually a Western character design)
I'm not even a pedo but I know how popular her SFM shit is, you see it on tons of hentai database sites
Agreed. Woman without manjaws look sexy
That's the chin, not jawline.
Tenda seething that white women look like men lmao
>SEETHING manjawed monstrosity detected
It's okay honey, they have surgeries for that now. You can still be pretty like all the other girls.
>literal autists post meme pics about chins in jaw discussion
You can't make it up.
Downvote resetera trannies.
Trish has a more demonic look to her in 4, which I enjoy very much.
I disagree. Like fats are attracted to fat, strongjaws are into strongjaws.
She's plump but she takes care of herself, you can tell by her legs/ankles. Now you can wish someone said the same about you.
Also this isn't game related.
Why are Yea Forumsirgins calling others incels?
Have you millennial creatures finally adopted a substitute for "cuck"?
Just like how Olivia Munn looked way better after she slimmed her jawline with plastic surgery, right
The left's chin is almost an inch and a half away from where it is on the right.
because it's accurate and the truth hurts. Like calling eachother autists
She looks so much better naturally.
>you, all
>Yea Forumsirgins
Everytime. You do realize your post REEKS of insecurity, lone disgusting virgin, right?
>Downvote resetera trannies.
What the fuck does downvote even mean?
Do you just put together random words you read here?
Olivia Munn never had a strong man jaw, probably cause shes half asian which is why shes so god tier. she just had a shity plastic surgeon
>like a 35 year old trying to be a teenage
literally Dante. Still people like him for that.
Both of them are so fucked up , that's why they became close friends.
Epic. Would you prefer "dislike", facebook out of touch redneck?
based sigismund poster
Wait, so you were unironically suggesting that we should "downvote" trannies?
Get the fuck out of here and to your subreddit, you stupid redditor.
when you guys are all being faggots I call you Yea Forumsirgins too because I don't want to be lumped in with all the retarded opinions being posted around me
Are you implying asians don't have wide aws, when Korea specializes in surgery to shave jaws?
based 2016 election tourist
Yea Forums took the South Kore*n pill
>he doesn't get it
Ah yes, nu4chan's buzzword for "I have no argument".
Sherry is just a little girl who has been hiding under the police station for a week surviving on what she could find. She's like Newt from Aliens
You do realize this image has been proven fake countless times correct? Anyways Koreans typically have moon face which is not a strong jaw but just wide facial features.
Lady facemodel is pretty cute tbqhwyf
Sarah is way younger than Sherry though. Wait, i dont know if that makes it worse. Its pretty fucked that a normal site like pornhub would host that shit, imaginary or not.
Am I supposed to see anything wrong with her on the bottom right pic? Or her nose?
That render is unflattering but she's still hot.
>he doesn't know about "downvote"
You could really see the "i have seen some shit this week" in Sherry's face in this scene.
>real little girl are ugly as shit
Ok not stepping on cheesy pizzas here but IRL little girls the few times I interacted with them I just found them cute as fuck and needed to be protected from all the evil in this world, not in a sexual way or anything, I just wanted to see them happy
A reddit feature.
Go back there.
Considering what was possible even before that gen i have to believe that western devs really do just slap some shit together and say "yep. Thats a character done. Looks believable to me"
>These images are not meant to cure mentally ill people, or convince shills they should quit their jobs.
>They are for normal people, to quickly at a glance see the fucking travesty that is happening.
Son, you are not the sane normal one here.
>unironically liking racemixed mongrels
Let me guess, you are an American.
Mixing features is disgusting.
Even more when it comes to whites since it always results in a severe downgrade.
Needs stronger, more defined eyebrows.
Nico's blonde costume looks weird for the same reason
Yet all the normie friends I have shown these images to have said the same thing "Wow that charter doesn't look like the original at all"
I don't think you have any friends.
Oh wow, anecdotical evidence that you could have made up on the spot, we are done for.
Who the fuck speaks like this?
She looks better after the surgery. Deal with it, Kim Choi Park. Most natural women look like shit.
t. ugly slav
She's over 40, isn't she?
t. Jorge Manuel Parker
and you call trannys mentally ill.
I don't care what you think? You realize that right?
>Oh wow, anecdotical evidence that you could have made up on the spot, we are done for.
Which is as legit ass all the defense you have been mounting for these ugly characters.
But I suppose that doesn't count when you do it right?
>Who the fuck speaks like this?
You have never done a "hmmmmmmmmmmm?" in real life?
>Incels can't handle realistic looking women
They're not even unatttractive. It's not a fucking feminist conspiracy.
I bet that mongrel is 100 times better looking than you (even after she fucked her face up). Seeth harder /pol/ roastie.
>there's people that actually thinks DMC 4 Lady looks good
real life women can be anime too
Congratulations, you described the entire DMC cast, save Nero (and, technically, Trish).
Bruh what, Claire looks good, and the pic of the mayors daughter is shopped.
You haven't played enough video games user.
>b-b-but ur ugly
Funny, that's exactly what roastie would say.
Thankfully, most people are smarter than you, so lets just mock the minority.
>I don't care what you think? You realize that right?
So when you were trying to change my mind earlier, that was because you didn't care?
I prefer the blue haired emo.
She looks more like a Disney character than an anime character.
>So when you were trying to change my mind earlier,
Wrong >These images are not meant to cure mentally ill people, or convince shills they should quit their jobs.
>They are for normal people, to quickly at a glance see the fucking travesty that is happening.
>Which is as legit ass all the defense you have been mounting for these ugly characters.
Not really.
>You have never done a "hmmmmmmmmmmm?" in real life?
Who the fuck uses irl mannerisms in online speak?
It's fucking autistic.
Do you also type shit like *cocks head*?
>women with strong jaws are more attrac-
Can't have everything look like an anime moe blob
>Not really.
What an argument.
>Who the fuck uses irl mannerisms in online speak?
You apparently. I just used a combination of letters to convey a sound effect done in real life, yet apparently you got triggered by it.
>Yea Forums unironically thinks this is ugly
>user at work
>Coworkers: "Oh great, he's coming over this way. Fuck"
>user: "Look at these two pictures of this videogame girl. Didn't they ruin her face?"
>Coworker: Uh, yeah! Totally, user! They made her very different"
>user: "Just as I thought. So ugly." *leaves*
>Coworkers: "Thank god he's gone"
Can we just kill all trannies ITT?
Capcom is really going all in on the western pandering.
>What an argument.
Hey, my friends thought it was a great argument.
>You apparently.
No, you did.
And it's often done exclusively by Twitter newfags or Tumblrinas.
But then:
>Yet all the normie friends I have shown these images to have said the same thing "Wow that charter doesn't look like the original at all"
This is unrealistic animu doll Ada from RE
>anything that's not a perfect toy doll anime uguu waifu is ugly
is this what being trapped in your room all day online does to the brain
Cute but ive seen way more anime looking girls on my trip to Tokyo.
but where is the big manjaw?! Are you a fucking incel?!
Face scan sickness
if she were in a videogame I guarantee could find angles and lighting to make her look ugly
I thought after the business man Inafune left Capcom would stop chasing western trends but not only have they not stopped but now its affecting the artstyle of their games.
That's the thing, that would be considered a manjaw by Yea Forums
>animu doll
it's funny because she's brazillian
Because these guys are fags
Trannies are just mad because they will never look like a real woman, they can only wish to look good as Lady
i will never understand why there's a big japanese community in that monkey infested country
>portrays Chinese-American
Wtf I want to fuck Ezra Miller now??
Lots of business ties
classic beauty
Yeah, there's a ton of oddly white brazilians.
japs fucking loves brazillians because of football and ayrton senna. when i travelled to japan i could hear the panties dropping when i talked portuguese
thats really attractive, shame all the incels here will screech that it's unrealistic and that their low standards from fucking traps is what counts for true feminine faces
Because those games all trend towards photorealism and most people in real life are ugly.
Makes sense to me. As far as average looks go in real life.
Brazilians of mostly Portuguese ancestry>Americans
Look at that schnozzle wow
this person looks very damaged, but also looks like they would be okay with taking a cock down their throat until the point of passing out
Has Ada actually ever been confirmed Asian American? Reminder that Ada is not really a real name after all.
They aren't ugly when Japanese devs make them though, like Nico or the RE2 chicks.
I mean they might be ugly compared to your average cute anime waifus but their "uglliness" works as their charm in a way.
"It's OK when Japan does it" isn't a meme.
The Japanese goblinas aren't ugly in the way the Western ones are.
I heard someone say that in the early 20th century a lot of japanese settled in Brazil for work reasons.
Dunno why specifically Brazil.
Why do they all look depressed, though.
what the fuck even the chick on the left is way more attractive fucking god damn you must be trolling
>that cro-magnon profile on the mayor's daughter
From wiki
>"Ada, a Chinese-American woman with a strangely mysterious air about her." (どこかミステリアスな雰囲気を漂わせている、中国系アメリカ人女性エイダ。?)
idk the source but also
> BIOHAZARD 2 PROLOGUE OF TERRORS, Character File, Ada Wong, pg.11.
I know about that RE3 ending
She kinda looks like The Major here. Her design suddenly grew on me a lot.
Do you need a few more buzzwords user?
Why did they give her such a beak?
She's got a great body though, would still bang
Because they live in Brazil.
I'd be depressed too if I lived in Favelaland.
It's just Capcom being incompetent and lazy.
They looked at the only close up of the model from RE2, they saw the nose which was made of two triangles, and assumed it was a gigantic nose.
She has cute feet.
So she looks more "unique" or "memorable". Or just a shitty face scan lol
Most women where i live in the states have long beaks like that. Its a normal thing, not a big deal really.
Capcom has always loved big schnozzes on their girls
Devs mistaking ugly and mediocre for equality, to make up for perceived excesses of the past. And Japanese devs misreading the Western market based on those other devs.
Meanwhile, at least we have CDPR, but they're not perfect and it's not good to rely on one company to turn the tide.
is this "gg later dudes" girl?
Just like Miranda in Mass Effect - take a hot model and fuck the face up somehow by turning it into rubber and plastic.
I bet Yea Forums would shit on Heather if SH3 came out today
Some random instagram slut who got posted around here.
She deleted her instagram, tho.
Where the fuck do you live because I need to avoid it. Lower midwest here and our women are generally mediocre to ugly, but not the face as much as being fat slobs.
>See Rumer Willis on the street.
>Decide to talk to her , maybe get a selfie here.
You could at least study the history of the country you’re trying to mock
stop pretending you think her model is hot faggot, everyone can tell you'd much rather suck off Leon than either of them and are just sick of seeing people posting Claire's face
Like pottery
Jill's nose is actually adorable though. It's the only time they got it right.
She has kinda slanted eyes, she might actually be half japanese.
Desu, I always thought she was ugly, especially when compared to other SH girls.
Nip devs are in with Abe in the Million Nip Plan, this is just another strategy.
>Nip devs are in with Abe in the Million Nip Plan
What's that about?
What a blind retard
he doesn't actually live in America, he's in some third world shithole like Romania trying to rip on Americans for not being "racially pure" like his mongoloid ass
She cute
Sherry cunny.
A over my mouth and nose.
>Claire and Annette
>10yo little girl
Can you still be considered a weeaboo when you're part Jap?
She's much better looking than she is ingame.
>I heard
Read a history book nigger
perfect, isn't she
I love how you conveniently post this mid cutscene le cute face ignoring the fact that literally 2 seconds later she looks bad
She was born in Brazil, has brazilian customs and acts like the average monkey, she’s a weeaboo denying her own culture
But asian women are the last resort of betas.
Holy shit is she ugly lol. I’m being to think it’s American spics posting this bitch becuase she looks like their mystery meat ghetto trash crush.
>brazilian culture
So, she should be selling drugs and shooting people in a favela?
All of these characters look fine in motion. Something about RE engine realistic face scans looks goofy in stills, but both of these games look excellent.
This project going into the right direction
>when a newfag is so new he thinks waifufags are part of a conspiracy theory
Can we please ban everyone who hasn't been to Yea Forums before 2008?
god i wish that were me
>picture of people in motion looks ugly
Not him but you are just seething
Long noses and strong jawlines are typical anglo shit. I live in North Florida for fucksake.
Who the fuck is this triggered by asian women?
People who do not like racemixing propaganda.
Beauty is subjective you goddamn monkey.
Trish was always an uggo, Lady is cute.
god damn she looked more like a demon than the actual demons in dmc4
Incredible how your knowledge of a country’s history extends only to shitposts on the news
t. buttblaster clairenigger
Look at this epic 40 y.o. oldfag down there folks. I know the truth hurts discord tranny. No one likes goblins
I see your work is proceeding nicely james
no you don't. Only in areas of Italy and Israel will you find "most women" have noses that huge
She looks gorgeous you mongrel
It's not getting triggered, it's just a well known fact. Go to Asia and see the young asian girls with white men two decades older than them.
Why the anger, zoom zoom?
Did your favourite streamer ignore your donation message?
I have never seen anybody care about a white guy dating an Asian girl in real life except some bitter white roastie. You have an entire board for that shit.
I know right, DMC5 is just fucking disgusting.
Epic projection. Holy shit how mad you are subhuman clairenigger this is hilarious
No, I will call out racemixing propaganda where I see it.
With any race.
Using a MAC-11 is a terrible choice imo
>much better
You sure about that?
Look at this /pol/ (who only agreed with /pol/shit after taking miles of black dick and getting left behind with the niglet) roastie cry so much about Asians. Just do yourself a favor and hang yourself with your floppy roastie flaps.
I just have better taste then you, cope.
>waifufags are in Yea Forums
>sperg out
Why, zoomer?
And why are you so obsessed with the word "epic"?
Hello embarrassing samefagging cancer LMAO.
Speak for yourselves
>those Sherry sfms
This bitch always has the same retarded look on her face. How do they get it right with Leon and Ada but roll a gutterball on Goblin Redfield?
Delusional and desperate
Damn, you sound really mad.
you can always take it too far
imo Lady isn't TOO far
But it's damn near close otherwise there wouldnt be so many people saying what they say about it
you don't understand how annoying it is to be a gay man and have everyone shoving pictures of videogame women down your throat all day telling you how they think they are """"cute""""
>clairenigger still pushes his epic le zoomer agenda
Just keep posting your saved collection of zoomer wojaks I won't read your shit :)
You will because you are mad as fuck.
Then stop being gay, or kill yourself.
Fuck you
just because this pretty woman looks like a pretty man who already looks like a pretty woman doesn't make her not a pretty woman dummy
Imagine being over 30 and saving this monster shilling shit. Grow up manchild, kek.
You S’wit
What kind of propaganda is an asian dev setting up a white male asian female romance with Leon and Ada? How does that make any sense?
that a nice slampig. it the type of chick you bag until someone found out
Stop being a faggot
You mad, bro?
How's that 13 years internet veteran Yea Forums experience goin?
Japan is dealing with historically low birth rates and it's one of the things their Prime Minister is trying to deal with by supporting and promoting sex and having kids.
Young nips being perma virgins is fucking their country and making japanese women look good in media is clearly a way to make them horny.
Does Lady show her feet in V?
>What kind of propaganda is an asian dev setting up a white male asian female romance
the best kind
I love this attempt newfags do at trying to imply being a newfag is good.
Here's your video games bro...
Not even once
Stupid quads, now I have to listen
Ada is Chinese not Japanese, moron
Sure Capcom really got told how to write Resident Evil games by the Japanese Goverment you stupid nigger
One that's pretty much the same as all those black and white couples on western propaganda: cancer.
Two nukes clearly weren't enough to send them a proper message.
kys faggot
>he keeps and keeps angrily replying
>monster shilling shit
Poor zoomer can't even form coherent thoughts.
You can see them very briefly from a distance at one point. We do get a nice closeup of Trish's feet though.
>he's actually getting increasingly mad at being called a newfag
Oh no no no.
>roastie invites Japan to live rent free in her herpes infected brain
At least claire and vergil have some kind of semblance to their actors, but trish? Holy shit, trish... what the fuck is that?
You're both fucking stupid.
>not you
>doesn't push oldfag meme anymore
confirmed mad and newfag lol
Imagine thinking anyone who doesn't find asian girls attractive is a woman. On Yea Forums/v/.
But you are.
The moment I called you a newfag you started seething.
Zoom zoom.
I love this thread! Can I and my discord friends (trannies) join?
Also - newfag
- retard
- based
Not bad
Even more impressive considering the era
t. butthurted first worlder
That looks like my screenshot, nice.
>when amerimutt "whites" are in a race to see which gender racemixes the most
Dante and Trish's kid looks like THAT?!
t. incel
Because Americans like their women to look like blockhead,Jew mutts.
>lol no
I think the actual problem is that the RE Engine's face capture tech is shit. Claire's face model is cute as fuck but it just has trouble reading her face and made her mouth way wider than it actually is.
Claire looks spooky as fuck whenever she smiles.
because you're a socially inept virgin whose perceptions have been warped by years of watching japanese cartoons designed to appeal to people just like you so if anything doesn't fit your impossibly high standards of beauty you consider them ugly
Ah yes, Twitter gibberish, that's where you came from when you found out Yea Forums back during the 2016 elections, right zoom?
relatively new tech i guess
zoey from RE7 for instance looks fucking terrifying from some angles
>he doesn't get it
Are we already at that stage?
That's sad, zoom.
It could be worse. At leaat RE2 has Ada. Look at the female faces in MK11 if you want true ugliness.
I don't even know anymore. One minute gaming had good looking exciting characters, the next fags shill to defend these ugly characters.
There it is
Stop samefagging dumb trannies ffs.
>Does Lady show her feet in V?
I like to think in-game trish's face does NOT catch the shadows well
just like henry cavill's face always makes him look like villain which made him a questionable choice for supa man
You don't even know the meaning of "samefagging".
Seriously, has there ever been anyone in the history of Yea Forums who got this mad over being called a newfag?
It's pathetic, zoomer.
trish is the only one i really have a problem with. jesus fuck
based brosnanposter
Be honest, just how big is your manjaw? Can you at least hide it from your pics with the right angles and filters? Or will you be booking a trip to South Korea to get your surgery soon?
damn I wish that seat was my face
that's a 2d drawing. are you retarded? kek
>le sigh "OH what could have beeeeen" :(
combination of lighting in video games being bad plus devs seemigly not doing additional checks to ensure that the model matches the person they are taking snaps of.
I like RE Engine feet
Top : looks normal enough.
Middle : whatta fck are those creatures.
Bottom : Hot as fuck !
>devs seemigly not doing additional checks to ensure that the model matches the person they are taking snaps of.
the modification is definitely intentional
Not a woman
She's fine, kinda cute
Ugly, but she's just a random nerd scientist
Looks meh but just a DLC character anyway
Yikes, that's not flattering at all
She's damn fine
Okay there big boy It's almost post limit I'll tell ya. From like 300th post when this thread was already doomed with shitposting and 0 video game related shit I just started fun shitposting as "several people".
Here goes you an epic "oldfag" (which is I will tell you a laughable claim) with unironic butthurt and desire to reply because of how mad you are.
Almost half of the posts above yours were from me. Glad that you at least figured that out because by the end of it it couldn't be more obvious.
And thanks for the show newfriend it was funny I'm out. You still have quite a ways to go.
Ada is the only one who survived the apocalypse
>I was only pretending to be retarded
lmao seething zoomer.
Trish and Annette both have really weird, narrow noses. If they fixed Trish's nose she would be pretty hot
Holy shit this thread has so much projecting. Beauty is not "objective"
This is what a manjaw looks like, jawlets
it shows that concept artists have taste, its just the big wigs that make the decision to make characters ugly with facescanning and zero touch up to actually create a good looking character.
also take you le and go back to redd.it.
>RE2 women look fine in-game whilst the DmC2 uggers are always fucking disgusting
DMCucks BTFO, kill yourselves already.
god damn I hope EA sells its soul and borrows the RE engine in some way for the sims 5
>mfw as games are becoming more realistic and so does women + uncanny valley = more threads like this will get spammed
Based Adafag producer
annette looks fine
>every opinion I don’t like is posted by a roastie!
NuAnnette looks like shit
i'd smash the HUWHITE chick. the chink looks unhuman
Body scanning rules
How to waste money and risky operations so you can look worse
oh lord
Take it easy chang, lol.
Im not saying she looks beautiful, but she doesn't look bizarre like, say the mayor's daughter or Claire at certain (many) angles and lighting
her cheek bones are asa akira-tier ruined
It was real all along...
literally looks like a boy, 3d lady is hot
Not a chink buddy, sorry to burst your bubble.
>that looks like a boy
but THIS looks like a good looking woman
But they don't?
It feels like the in game models have wider faces and much uglier noses and expressions.
>muh roasties
You know the drill tits or GTFO
Actually, she was a very good looking women even before the k-popification.
>t. wh*te roastie
>witcher 3 was 2015, the sjw cancer began earlier.
witcher is made in polan, eastern europe literally despises SJWs .
When there was mere rumor about netflix making ciri black , entire polish internet literally exploded with rage for weeks , it was like someone threatened to take away their potatoes
yeeeeees, end the white race
Fuck off, OP. Stop making this thread.
>it's real
What kind of discussion could even go on in there?
blame white roasties
how do i play this?
it's for dumbasses to go to to ask shit like "Gurlfriend ain't had period for a while does that me she pregant?"
>if you don't like asian girls you're a white woman
I hate this new era where if you don't like thing = other thing seething
pwing incels and republicans
Asian women are patrician taste.
It's for dumbasses who bought the roastie meme.
Because this place is filled with faggots in denial and they secretly want to see trannies everywhere. So whenever feminine features aren't exaggerated (like what is done in anime because anime artists are so bad at their job that they can't properly distinguish genders when depicting them) they automatically see a man. Because they want to.
Ay caramba
No one is saying that you have to like them. It's just that most white men don't care about who other white men fuck. Only roasties get triggered by that pairing, from my experience.
>he finds lady pretty, he must be a woman
I'm not a faggot in denial. I'm openly bi. I like trannies, but I don't need them to have horse faces. justhorsedicks
I really like Lady's lips
> this pretty woman
stop shitposting please
Not him, but sterotypically, that combo is usually the type where the white man had to resort to asian girls because only they would fuck him. Just like how black men paired with white women is usually the type where the woman is a fat 40 year old.
>It's just that most white men don't care about who other white men fuck
how can one so simply ignore all the BLACKEd posting and /pol/ angst?
Claire looks very feminine though and people are always shitting on her here. Just nobody calls her a man
>tfw no Azn gf
She looks more like fuckbuddy material to me.
Pathetic loser i hope you hang along with them
That's why I said men. White men do care about who white women fuck. But if their bro goes sexpatting in some SE Asian shithole, absolutely no one cares.
It's possible. But the question is why do you care? Are betas not allowed to enjoy themselves?
Maybe if you faggots ever leave your basement and stop jerking off to loli porn and weebgames.
Thats just one Hapa guy.
Looks better than that Chronicles shit.
When you ask that question you need to realise you're on Yea Forums. You'll get called a retard for anything. And if you get called that, the person isn't automatically a woman.
>Calling someone a faggot when he is the one that wants to fuck men in dresses with wigs
cute goblin
ugly nice
soi chad
Congratulations on making the worst fucking thread on Yea Forums(nel) op. What’s next for your shitpost career?
I'm sure he'll make this thread again tomorrow, you know how things work here.
>DMCucks still shitposting
Stay in your containment threads jerking off over Nico La Goblina please