Kyrie wat do, am family man now

>Kyrie wat do, am family man now
>just b urself
>thanks Kyrie, what I needed to hear

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Other urls found in this thread:


You mean

Remember when people thought Vergil actually gave a shit about Nero when DMC 4 came out? Man it was funny seeing their husbando act like a deadbeat shit head father that didn't even know that the tadpole that swam out of his dick decades ago grew up.



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>that boomer talk with Dante
>"Guess you were young too once"
11/10 moment

On a similar note has Dante ever really cared about saving the world? Like yeah he's responsible for stopping the end of days a whole bunch of times but it always feels like a secondary objective between wanting to have some bro fights with Vergil or mentor Nero.

I'll make you submit...father.

I wonder if Kyrie enjoyed that surprise

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>Vergil hates Sparda for not being there for him
>winds up being an absentee dad himself

Kino. At least he didn’t have twins with Nero’s THOT mom

I remember when people actually thought that maybe Vergil's lust for power had to do with Nero and his wife but it turns out Nero just fell out of some random whore he stuck his dick in once. Vergil will be an eternal boomer that'll never move on from the day his mommy died.

I think he treats everything as a way to unwind.
You don't really feel that much pressure from him calling it a "gig".

>Crying about credo by the very end of the game

i found that part to be really wierd and him activating his DT beacuse of that.

He’s a detective. Sometimes solving the case involves saving the world. Gotta get that money

It's never been a point. It was more about revenge in 1 but he always did what was fair. He hated when Mundus killed Griffon. He tried to stop Vergil in 3 because he found himself responsible if the Underworld was unleashed upon the world.

He pretends to not care that much about it but he does like humans enough to save it whenever things get bad enough. He chose to work in the demon hunting business after all so he'll at least wait until someone hires him for it so that he can pay utilities.

>missing the point this hard when he literally spells it out

>He chose to work in the demon hunting business after all
In 1 he says that it's because sooner or later this will get him close to the demon who wrecked his family.

>later this will get him close to the demon who wrecked his family.
And he stayed in it even after beating the shit out of Mundus.

The end of anime clearly shows he is a depressed guy with nothing else to do.

I like how Vergil just ripped Yamato from Nero and then goes "Oh wait, he was my son all this time?"

As that hollow, corrupted husk he probably barely could think for himself. He was way more like Urizen than V at that point.

According to some backstory, Dante does some jobs for free if he feels the clients need the money more. Like a village that's been torn spart by demons and needs the money to rebuild. He's no stranger to altruism.

I mean, in DMC2, he took on a job for a story. That he never bothered to listen to.

>Until then Vergil probably thought Nero was Dante's son
That's hilarious in its own way. He probably couldn't imagine a punk like that being his offspring.

They probably couldn't get a good model for her and didn't want to ruin her like Lady.

He probably didn't even think about this. Just found some ex-Order guy who had Yamato on him.

Lady is not ruined in the slightest

Hips are too perfect

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They made Lady hotter if anything.

This is how a Chad handles his problems.
He literally just needs to be told to b himself, and he'll go
>Holy shit, how could I lose the sight of that?
Kyrie probably couldn't put the phone back in the place because she was too horny to stand straight.

I want to suffocate on her Christmas Cake buttocks.

back to discord tranny

Where did all the other stuff the Devil Bringer had absorbed go? The whole arm turns into Yamato.

>when Dante stabs himself with Rebellion, he faces the family painting
>fuses himself with the legacy of his father and his own old powers to form the legendary weapon for himself
>when Vergil stabs himself with Yamato, he faces away from it
>becomes the thing his father was fighting for his entire life

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Strong jaws are a sign of good skull development, they're not gendered.


i get it but credo was an asshole and had no love for nero. maybe if we saw them bond more, i would buy it.

He was a kid and is still emotional, he probably remembers Kyrie's mourning over him over anything else really.

>had no love for nero
Credo was fed up with Order propaganda and tried to atone in last seconds of his life.
Ironically he got stabbed with the very same Yamato Nero is stabbed in the final battle and stabs Vergil with.

Credo raised Nero.

im glad, now her model cant get ripped and we wont see any new sfm porn of her fucking dogs.
kyrie is too pure for that filth

Yeah I remember when the theory was that Virgil needed more power in order to protect Nero and Nero's mother, and that the tragedy of DMC3 is that he ended up trapped in Hell and Nero grew up just like him, without a mother and father, despite his intentions.
Then it turned out he just wanted to beat Dante and didn't even know he had a son lmao

>the human side falls towards the paiting
>the demon side creates a towering shadow covering the paiting and the human side

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This is so odd to believe lol. How many people are running around with white hair and demon powers?

I mean if he doesn't remember it it's kind of weird to assume for him to be a father, especially with Dante around.

still tried to arrest and maybe even kill nero at one point but turned on the order only when they went after his sister.

When you think about it, sort of makes sense that he had no idea that he had a kid. Someone so obsessed about making sure he had enough power to protect himself/things he cared about wouldn't have a family until he was sure he had enough power to protect it.

>notices your demon bulge
OwO what power is this?

He remembers banging that girl for sure, when Dante tells him Nero's his kid he realizes immediately. By basic logic the kid can either be his or Dante's, and he's the same age as the time gap of probably one of the few if only sexual encounters Vergil had, and he's from the same

Credo did care about Nero, he begrudgingly was ready to be his brother in law even though he was extremely protective of his sister. He was just hard on him because he wanted him to be as good of a man as he could for Kyrie.

He probably figures Nero was Dante's kid
V says he's of the Sparda bloodline a few times so he at least knows they're related

Yeah, he realizes AFTER Dante told him.
He doesn't go "You don't need to remind me" or something like that. I think he's too proud to play dumb. He just forgot.

What if he simply didn't know what would DTin inside do?

how the fuck do i beat urizen early? even on human the crystal takes a massive amount of damage, i can't figure out a reliable way to deal with the tentacles, and when he gets bored he just starts spamming time stop and fireballs.

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fully upgraded charge shots on the shield then go ham with DT

Get upgrades, remember to rev between swings and maybe use gerbra for air mobility

how that phone even worked? they were up in the atmosphere and those ones work with cords

I believe it

He left her with five fingers and came back with twenty. Pretty big surprise.

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Don't be afraid to lame it out and use guns and DT, the main problem I have is that I try too hard to do fancy shit when I'm in front of him and end up eating his blows because of it.

Also rev that shit, Max-acting is easy on a stationary enemy.

It didn't.
Nero suffocated in the first Qlipoth blood stream he entered.
It was all in his head.

how long is that gonna take? i went nuclear on him with tomboy for like a minute straight and it wasn't half the crystal's health

my nero is maxed except for the ex taunt and i have all blue and purple orbs

The one inside the tree also worked.

Man he can fondle her all over before he even unzips his Devil Trigger.

>Quadri-weilding Sweet Surrenders

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>and had no love for nero
Credo raised Nero and is the closest thing to a parent he has ever had. Nero literally lives in Credo's house.


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>Vergil is a pottery nerd
>Vergil's whole life is pottery

im new to the dmc series and I'm confused. how did sparda manage to fuck a woman to have dante and virgil? I feel like that would have just ended in her getting ripped in half by demon dick or something.

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He sealed his power inside Force Edge and left it in demon world.

Demons can have human like forms, i mean there are pictures and stuff of Sparda looking human.

Sparda can change to look like a human as well.

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I actually wonder whether Dante and Vergil even continue ageing after DMC5.
We know that Sparda lived for 2k years before sealing away his power. Now this power is fused with Dante.
And Vergil has been buffed to around the same level.

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Is Nero DT currently the single strongest thing in DMC now?

They should have never aged to begin with logically speaking but yes especially now it makes no sense how they could age

No, those are Sin Trigger forms.
Nero is certainly stronger than pre-DMC5 Dante and Vergil though. If he will inherit Yamato one day he will probably achieve his own Sin Trigger too.

>Further diluted demon blood
Nero just inherited a chunk of Vergil's excess autismpower that leaked out of his balls. Nero's DT is the gay twink of DTs.

SinDTs are stronger
Autism bros got surprised by Nero's appearance and deactivated their transformations, and got BTFO

Nero stopped both sin triggers with 1 hand though. What's Dante's hardest boss is a victory lap for DT Nero.

Someone still didn't catch the "human blood powers demons up" memo?
Further generations won't be weaker in the slightest. They will just have new bizarro powers.

>We know that Sparda lived for 2k years before sealing away his power.
He lived for 2k years after sealing away his powers.

>nero triple wields yamato red queen and DSD in his DT

Keep in mind he only did this and managed it a) because he came out of fucking nowhere and surprised the two and b) they had been beating the shit out of each other already. One day Nero might be stronger but Dante and Virgil have way more experience and power ups under their belt.

>with 1 hand
4 hands
>victory lap for DT Nero.
Because he's not nearly as aggressive, doesn't have hyperarmor during DT and you get infinite DT

How do I git gud? I can fight Vergil just fine up until he transforms, then he destroys my ass. Had similar problems fighting against the demon bird when he goes charge mode

She was one heck of a woman

sounds stupid, there is currently zero proof that nero's DT is weaker than their sin forms. All you presented is the possibility that they weren't full power.

There is a precedent for this thanks to DMC3. A tired Dante and Vergil are significantly weaker than they are at full strength, so much so even a normal ass human and can take on BOTH of them and another human all at once.

He used the fabled Judgement Nut

There's all the proof in gameplay. Sin DT is an I Win button, Nero DT is just a regular DT with added attacks.

Big ol' gash

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Arkham isn't a normal ass human

the monocle fucking kills me

>Fapping rapidly at a woman and teleporting semen directly into her womb
The most efficient way of procreation.

>normal ass human

I don’t even remember Sparda being in 4, how fucking forgettable was that shitty game?

This is film-school level shit
This is why video games will never be art

That's great but you are still completely speculating on their top power level and automatically assuming its greater than Nero's, Arkham also wasn't just 'some regular guy'.

He was a costume for Dante

Pretty sure it was just a costume

He wasn't, it was just a costume

It's OK when Itsuno does it

I'd rather base power levels on cutscenes thanks, otherwise you can spend all day saying V is actually the strongest because he just blows up the arena constantly.

That's like saying that Arkham is stronger than Dante and Vergil cause he stopped both in the Vergil 2 fight.

Until further proof was presented, yeah, that's how it works. My point is shit is inconclusive and immediately going 'Nah nero still weaker' is stupid.

I dunno, Vergil and Dante knocked him the fuck back just by punching him in their human form with the back of their hand. If he really wanted to stop them it didn't look that it took too much effort for them

The better part was when Dante gives him shit about it mid-fight and Vergil just says he doesn’t care about his son. After the fight it turns out he didn’t even realize who his son was, so the whole “I don’t care” thing was just him being a dick on reflex


Either that, or Nero has a brother somewhere that Vergil's disowned.

I want to see Sparda in DMC5 graphics

yfw he looks like Ron Pearlman


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He spent an entire month being tilted over that comment.

An entire month.

Double Deadweight

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Those hips are for bearing Sparda blood

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was that mentioned in 4 or in some light novel?

You guys think that since Griffon, Shadow and Nightmare are already fought that We could get a real V boss battle in Bloody Palace?

>Vergil hates Sparda for not being there for him
Think you mixed up shit there.
That's Dante. Not Vergil. Vergil has admiration for his father. Well... his father's might, but you get the point. Vergil wants to be like his daddy too much. His entire life comes down to "If my father could do it, then I should be able to do it too."
It's Dante that doesn't give a piss about his dad.

>Vergil hates Sparda for not being there for him
That's Dante!
Vergil never once blamed his father for it. Vergil only ever blamed himself and his lack of strength. Dante is the one that blamed his father and to some extent, even his brother for his mother's death.

lol what a salty motherfucker

>Nero beating the shit out of Vergil to get acknowledged
Vergil is probably proud of his little deadweight after the fight. Probably doing some mental gymnastics to make Nero knocking out Dante his win.
>If my offspring beats Dante using POWER he got from me, then its actually my win

Father? He don’t have no dagnabbit father. He just don’t like you, thas all.

I can actually see that being his thought process, coupled with him trying to make Dante have a kid just so that Nero can beat them up too

>trying to S rank mission 20 on DH
>4994 style points
Just fucking kill me

Now that I think about it, why was there any debate at all that Nero was Vergil’s son when he has the same white hair and similar facial aesthetics, but most importantly, when Nero weilds Yamato? Why was their any debate when Nero was the heir to Vergil’s signature sword?

>Vergil goading 20-something Nero into picking a fight with Dante's 5 year old little shrimp.

>My son means nothing to me..

Vergin deserved it and more though


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Alot of people argued about it earlier on when he was new but shut the hell up by the time that pachinko of him swinging yamato around had a vergil mirror with him doing the same movements

Yes I know Dante used it also but Nero’s devil Trigger was based around it.

>Urizen = your reason
How does this work in Jap language?

This, people forget that his office has no utilities and that he's constantly broke

Nips aren't brainlets.jpg and therefore they connect Urizen with fucking William Blake instead. Which is a shit story was aiming for.

>fujos ship Nero with Dante
>Nero is heavily implied to be Vergil's son throughout the game
>mental gymnastics ensue
Nearly all controversy about why two people are/are not related is down to shipperfags. What was staggering is how they didn't embrace it when they took to Dante and Vergil bumming each other like dung beetles to shit when DMC3 rolled around.
oh my gawd daily reminder to like comment and subscribe

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nice tranny

And the money he does make is stolen from him by Lady and Trish. I'm not kidding, those two go out and buy shit and charge it to Dante's business so he's basically in a huge as debt that's why I love how he finally got one up on them by giving the deed to Morrison ahead of time.

As for why Nero doesn't have to deal with that, he owns his own branch of the business, Dante gave him the sign you see on the side of Nico's van and since he lives in fortune it means he doesn't have to worry about Lady and Trish's harpy ways bleeding into his paycheck even if he sometimes does jobs for free too.

I wonder if Nero got the credit for taking down the quilport and demons in redgroove the army saw him enter the city at the beginning and at the end of the game he's leaving it

Considering he takes selfies with the military guys, its no secret he's in town. I doubt demon hunters are something the government isn't aware of.

this webm is so cute

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Why is DMC2, 3, and 5 all modern day shit for normal people. But DMC4 is generic ornate final fantasy bullshit?

>That's MY boy that beat you, Dante! Where's your boy?

Nero lives in a place that's either Jonestown or Vatican City. It's the center of the Sparda cult and militant knights.

What do you think it'd look like?

That tends to be when an entire city is religious, everything gets ornate.

Vergil isn't trying to kill him like Dante and he clearly likes Nero to some degree.
This is on top of him being tired out.

>What's the matter Nero, too afraid to clash with your enemy?
>I guess you really are dead weight after all

Some suplemental material, won't remember which one, Nero was adopted by Kyrie's family and raised by them

Fortuna was an isolated historical town and it's pop basically lived to worship Sparda, meanwhile the rest of the world has been pretty much oblivious to demons and magical stuff until recently, so it developed similarly to real world western societies.

No way fag

>Discussing power levels in DMC thread
>Discussing power levels in a series that thrives on "power from the heart" and cheesy stuff like that
You're all morons

Just beat DMD and do it on heaven or hell later

Did it on SoS a couple nights ago. Buster breaker ultimate helps a lot, charge your gun during the busters, make sure to grab him when he's flying at you in jet engine mode and really abuse max acts if possible.

You can't ignore the basics. You don't need to reinvent the wheel for effective storytelling.

When demons were referring to Nero as a human, was that because of his appearance or was his demonic power only in the Devil Bringer at the time?

A lot of people didn't think Vergil had the opportunity to have a kid, considering he got lost in hell when he was like, nineteen.

Member when people were bitching about Nero? Now he is probably fan favorite.

>cavaliere tries to run away and buff with lighting
>gets roasted with double Kalina Ann laser for 1/4 of his HP and stunned to boot

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Don't be afraid to play it a little safer when Vergil DTs. Trickster can easily avoid his attacks and going for close dodges can build up your DT for a counteract. Only Royal Guard if you feel comfortable with timing it to his Judgment Cut timings. Also remember that most of his attacks come in 3s.

Dante Vergil and Nero all appear human user. Demons all look like monsters. Even Cerberus in 3 was surprised "you are not human are you!?"

Mostly on appearance, with his demonic arm gone it became less obvious that he had demonic blood. Chances are his demonic power wasn't even strong enough to be detected by most demons.

Appearance. Cerberus thought Dante was human, too.

That's because he grew up and got some moments rivalling the best Dante ones.
In 5 he's essentially a more level-headed DMC3 Dante with a fun shitposting sidekick.

>on DMD it does like 1/30th of his hp
>once he gets low enough he also has a decent chance of teleporting out then faking out the lightning and instead teleporting right into you

That makes infinitely more sense, punwork notwithstanding, because literally everything V says (ouside of casual conversation) is a fucking William Blake quote, and his book of poetry is literally just the Proverbs Of Hell.

That's wonderful, he's too easy on sons of sparda still.

Dante also hadn't fully awakened to his demonic power yet. If anything, he had less of it than Nero did at his age. Granted Nero had lost his demon arm, so it's up in the air at that point.

How will the people and governments in the DMCverse react to the fact that demons are real?

I was always fine with nero, the KYRIE thing is way overblown because hes only like that for 2.5 missions around the halfway point and the very last mission
I think most complaints stemmed from people seeing him as a replacement to Dante rather than an addition.

thats why you're a bitter and sad person user, get help

Ok so in term of playable characters complexity
V is baby mode for easy SSS
Nero is average
And Dante is “holy fuck”

Playing through human after SoS to get all the collectibles and the achievement that ability does half their hp. God damn.

This is the fourth time something akin to this has happened.
>DMC3 temen ni gru erupts with demons
>DMC2 demons all the fuck over dumary including tanks and helicopters and entire fucking buildings that got infested
>DMC4 staged fortuna demonic invasion by the order of the sword huh
>DMC5 demon vampire tree

Appearance, but Malphas called Nero human even though she knew he was related to Sparda. How? Fuck if i know
My best guess is that powerful demons can sense demonic power within humans, but still wouldn't explain how she knew Nero was specifically related to Sparda

Back to sucking dick, faggot.

I didn’t touch the DMC reboot, does that play any role in the story here? Is it retcon

People in the DMC universe seem to have a pat knowledge of demons and even dependent on their location. Like people who are in more modern locations have forgotten about demons while people like the Vie de Marli Clan mentioned in DMC2 often deal with them.

The government will most likely put in contingencies to deal with such phenomenon. Even seeking out help from devil hunters. The Order of the Sword may have been the only active anti-demon force before they grew over-ambitious and got their shit kicked in.

Literally no role.
Though there are like three jokey references to DmC.

Opposite for me.
Dante is the easiest to play since you can do whatever whenever, and DSD makes him even easier because it lets him attack through other actions.
Nero is marginally harder (except his easy-modo grappling hook) because you have to time two separate sets of trigger pulls perfectly at different intervals after attacks, and also his breaker magazine is consumable meaning it’s constantly fucking with your playstyle.
V is a multitasking nightmare shitshow and I can never seem to figure out what the fuck my button presses are doing because I’m trying to watch the position of 3 different characters in relation to various enemies, and half of his skills are “randomized auto-attacks”.

DmC reboot is 100% useless

>how she knew Nero was specifically related to Sparda
beowulf could smell dante's relation to sparda

Because she’s pregnant

The reboot never had anything to do with the continuity anyway, hence “reboot”.

Stylistically it takes quite a bit from it, but the narrative it completely ignores.


He is part human, so she probably figured that that human half was more important. Don't forget that a lot of demons don't get that human blood doesn't weaken demonic power. Hell, they beat you over the head with the fact more so in this game than in any other that human blood fuels demons.

The real question is whether or not he loves his father
We know he respects Sparda's legacy and he loves his Woozy and Rebellion, but if Bugdad ever came back, would Dante give him a warm welcome?

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Mostly agree. V is super weird to me in that he's both really awkward and unruly to play but somehow still the easiest to get high ranks with.
Nero with his devil bringer is a lot easier but if you are actually swapping around with devil breakers the complexity can be pretty deep, at least compared to 4. I like him.
Dante's DSD definitely does make things a lot easier, but I think if you were to use one of the other swords instead it would revert. Sucks that all his normal abilities for rebellion and sparda are stuck on that weapon only. I'd really like to go back to them but it just feels like you're losing options.

Who cares? Why are you withering faggots so concerned about a supporting character that adds nothing to this damn story?

if you check the skills listing for V you can see exactly what each one is, he's functionally the same as the other two where he has a stinger, high time, etc. but they're just bound to familiars rather than yourself
you can reposition shadow by sidestepping (although this will make him jump in the direction you are dashing so it will take a second to get him to run to the enemy targeted) and reposition griffon by backstepping or double jumping, or just do his lockon+back attack

in terms of ease of SSS ranks it also goes V>Dante>Nero

One of the reports in 5 mentions that practically everyone knows about sparda but considers it a fairy tale

Technically all that Rebellion/DSS don’t have is Drive/Overdrive, IIRC.

It’s stupid dumb retarded that they don’t, since the charge binding isn’t being used for anything on them as I recall, but there you go.

I imagine Dante and Vergil would both want to clock him for not being there for their mother/them

The real question is how would he react to Trish,especially if he learned Mundus made her?

We are the grandsons of sparda and within each of us flows 1/4th his blood.... but more importantly his soul!

And my soul is telling me to stop you.

Well cousin, it seems our souls are at odds. I need more power.

And we're supposed to be friends

Friends, right

I’m aware. The problem is using the power-up on his familiars also makes them auto attack.

And it gets confusing for me because you’re watching the panther, right, trying to determine whether the High Time equivalent is gonna catch the enemy you want to catch, and setting up your follow-up, and you’re NOT watching cane-boy as some enemy lumbers toward him. You can watch him instead but if you don’t use your joint dodges to keep the panther safe and maintain proper stunlock, then the PANTHER dies instead.

I understand, conceptually, how V is supposed to be played, it’s just not something I can grasp intuitively. I don’t like 90% of my actions not having any effect on what my actual hitbox-possessing character model is doing spatially.

is Driver/Overdrive even in the game?


Back to forward input with DSD

You can use bringer knuckle to flurry punch while surfing on Punchline. You can also use it to quick-punch close-by enemies while Tomboy is in Aim Mode.

Because characters having babies is fun

it's only bad cuz the cat can't position for shit

if his first attack would teleport him right in front of the target V would be perfect

and no, his stinger isn't good enough for that

also, in a perfect world Nightmare wouldn't be a golem but the actual Nightmare from the first game, with the lasers, homing missiles and shit

who came up with a dumb golem that just smacks around people, it's lame

Pictured: Nero with RQ pointed at some 5 year old with a wooden rebellion

3: Demons didn't leave the tower, those few that did went after Dante specifically. For a normal civilian a weird thing erupted and then fisappeared a few hours later, that's it.
1: Mallet Island is disconnected from the rest of the world
2: Vie de Marli is an island disconnected from the rest of the world
4: Same. 5 years after the accident and the outside world still doesn't know what happened in Fortuna

Even in the anime you never had a huge demon attack, it was always self contained and with only a few people in the know. 5 is the first time the entire world knew of a demon invasion, Red Grave was fucked for an entire month and tens of thousands if not millions of people died. That's why that guy in the radio at the beginning of the game says "They're demons! I saw them with my own eyes!". This shit's new for mankind.

>Start Son of Sparda mode
>game queues up Dante footage for the cameo system
>it’s my username, even though I haven’t even gotten that far on SOS yet.

It just occurred to me I have no fucking idea how cameo works at a codebase level because very, VERY obviously not just a recording of player actions.

oh god that weapon's too much

>18 years of Helm Breaker
>always jump + attack
>now let's put it on jump + back + attack
you don't fuck with one's muscle memory like that, Itsuno-san

Nero being sniffing that all day

It shouldn’t be too much of a muscle memory leap if only because that’s exactly how Nero’s air combos work. It requires a little bit of relearning, especially since Nero’s used to be forward+Y until this game, but it’s not like it’s all that inconsistent.

>SoS prologue
>run up the Urizen's door
>see Dante in Majin form, spamming Sin Stinger
>it's actually me
oh well

I hope they havent held a wedding
just want to hear uncle dante mock dead weight boi.

>they swap helm breaker input
>but decide cavalier helm breaker should be traditional input
I dont like needless change but if they are going to change atleast make it consistent

Must be nice to imagine something you will never have.

My best guess is that it keeps record of your move usage frequency and just replicates that when using your own cameo

Why? DMC’s weapon inputs have never been consistent. Balrog’s kick launcher is forward+Y. Nero’s air stinger is back-forward+Y. It’s always that kind of stupid shit.

I kind of assumed it recorded specific strings of actions against given enemies, and used pathfinding AI to put you AT those enemies, but that wouldn’t explain traversal and evasion.

>surprise pregnancy

Neros air stinger was unique
I dont like balrog compared to beowulf/gilgamesh either because how the moveset is seperated by the input

So has anyone figured out how to use cheat engine or hook mods to apply Void’s Infinite Breakers option to the rest of the game?

temen ni gru was fucking massive. it disappearing after a few hours is even more disconcerting. it was like 50x taller than anything else in the city and it leveled everything around it. even if no one some grim reaper looking motherfuckers creeping around, people would have to assume there was some strange shit afoot.

There was also a giant flying whale around it

Itsuno just took good idea from it, then throw the rest is into the trash bin

What? Cavaliere helmbreaker is like forward+triangle

that's what he means, now helm breaker for swords is all back+triangle and only cavaliere has the original input

you sound like a faggot

Given the game keeps tabs on the stuff you found in each level it must use it to replicate your traversal of the level

But original input is just triangle in the air?

You know I would be pretty salty if my dad said something like that to me. I'm assuming that Nero considers Dante as something like a father figure but I don't think I would even remember that after a few days let alone a month.

Imagine going on a stinky adventure with some retard boomers instead of just staying at home and plowing into that all day.

>No Kyrie model in DMC5
God dammit I wanted to get some DMC5 Nero and Kyrie porn

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I meant traversal between enemies in a combat scenario.

If all it remembers is my specific actions against each enemy, how does it track how I got from one enemy to the next? The enemy behaviors aren’t fixed. Even discounting the fact that enemies die at different rates on different difficulties, there’s shit like Mission 13 where you share the arena itself with cameo data and attack the same group of enemies, meaning my actions can totally fuck up cameo behavior if I knock the enemy away.

It’s a really weird, ill-defined system. So much of it would have to be automated I sort of wonder what the point would even be of including it at all, instead of just using AI control.

>God dammit I wanted to get some DMC5 Nero and Kyrie porn
You would have got dog porn either way, stop deluding yourself.

>that faggot V crashes the game
>game is pitch black

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I'm happy not to have that many issues with directx12
I had a few cutscenes out of sync, but only because I was alt-tabbing out during some loading screens, they're fine if I don't do that
I did try out 11 but the game kept crashing during V's first fight against those nobodies near the DSS

come to think of it, Nero had every reason to suspect Dante WAS his father before the Vergil reveal. So much of DMC5's story is about the shit that isn't said.

>Even in the anime you never had a huge demon attack
It did but it ended in hours because the end boss was only early game boss tier at best.

Don't forget it only affect the city that Dante is in too, people there probably thought "shit, is someone raising the tower again or something?!"

DMC 5 is truly awful, fuck the crapcom shills

>The only father figure in his life calls him a deadweight
>Then he finds out his actual dad was responsible for all the shit he and Dante went through
>Then his dad tells him that he's got nothing to do with all of this and doesn't even acknowledge him
All in all he did take it well in the end, surprised he didn't go full angst, but that's probably thanks to Kyrie's pep talk before the final fight.

>It’s a really weird, ill-defined system. So much of it would have to be automated I sort of wonder what the point would even be of including it at all, instead of just using AI control.
Yeah, it might be some sort of modular AI, where some behaviours were set by the devs, while others are left open to be spiced up by the players data. Might be one of th reasons BP is being released later, they are letting the system just collect tons of data to use on the players during BP, now that i think about it, if they put the playable charatetrs as bosses in the BP it will probably use player data on it
>Facing against donguri's cameo on BP

he killed kyrie and copes with the memory

Hi Michael, still butthurt over Resident Evil 2 Remake?

Yeah, Nero's character arc wasn't great. It would have been so easy to fix, too, have V and Nero chat a little about how they missed out on having a proper family in the earlier missions - adds at least some build to up to the arc, and gives more motivation for Nero to save V(ergil)

Vergil literally killed an entire city, and they just pretend he isn’t as bad as Stalin

Kyrie really ungas my bunga

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>Vergil walking down the streets of Fortuna
>Hears a women talking to her friend about how her power got cut out during a storm
>Literally only hears the word Power and gets motivated

That's how Nero was born

Urizen did that, literally Vergil with the absence of morality
In DMC3 Vergil erected the Temen-ni-gru in the middle of a city but since you don't ever see any other civilians the casualties are just speculated
Also he got trapped in hell and turned into Moondust's butt buddy for years so he's payed a pretty heavy toll already

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He'd have to kill off several other cities first to be as bad as Stalin.

When Nero said "I am not letting you die", was he talking about Vergil? I'm Nero's head is Dante so strong he would have rekt Vergil for the third time up there?

I see nothing wrong with it, unironically.

Forgive and forget.

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Did they really have to use him as the face?

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it's in the game's gallery

Lmaoing at you

But Urizen was just the alias V gave him. Vergil willingly gave his humanity up to become him.

>When Nero said "I am not letting you die", was he talking about Vergil?
I think he was talking about both Dante and Vergil, since they're both his family and least one of them are going to die if they continue to fight

Who are you quoting?

Did you notice that during the scene when he stabs himself with the yamoto that vergils left arm lights up?
He gave his right arm to a whore.
Meanwhile dante never gave a drop of sperm to the two whores that followed him.
Vergil lacked the virgin power that dante had.
And probably most of normalfag Yea Forums does too.
Unvirgins might aswell kill themselves in the glory and power that is virgin.

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It's funny how Nero's potty mouth is nearly as bad as Donte's yet it's actually completely in character for Nero and doesn't feel like its trying to be edgy.

The banter between Nero and Vergil in the final fight is great.

>All this dumbass who call Dante a virgin
He's fucked before he did it alot under this Tony Redgrave name. He just isn't down with clingy bitches looking for a man for life like Lucia, Patty, Lady and Trish.

vergil goes so easy on Nero though. He doesn't DT half as often or as long and on SOS uses less moves than he does vs. dante

you don't have infinite DT in son of Sparda and its still easy

>>fuses himself with the legacy of his father and his own old powers to form the legendary weapon for himself
>Sparda also divided himself into three swords, his soul, will and power
>Rebellion embraces his demon soul to end the demon king, Yamato his will to split their worlds and Sparda is self explaining
Explains the swords powers in DMC5 and why Yamato can open and close the way between these realms. I wonder if he died of demon aids like V had because he also made himself something close to a human.

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>most of the game takes place on June 15
>Father's Day this year will be on June 16

How do I get super characters? By beating it on SoS?


V says straight its only after he was seprated from his demon side that he realized the gravity of his sins and that he needed to stop his demon side from blowing up the Earth. I.e. he woke up to justice.

>Dante has the best escape tools with normal dodge and jump but also dash, air dash and blink, and also has guard and parry ala sf3 third strike
>Nero only gets dash and air dash with gerbera and has a poor man's "blink" with snatch
>V only has dodge and even that depends on his minions, so if they die you're fucked. Great thing is that he is invulnerable when is riding nightmare

Are you fucking serious. I unlock that after SoS right? Fuck....

If you wanna skip, you can kill Urizen in the prologue on SoS and it will unlock DMD.

Nero had fun with Nico, though. If you know what I mean.

>"This has nothing to do with you. Stand down."
>"Nothing to do with me, this has everything to do with me!"
>"It's past your bedtime."
>"Take me seriously now?"
>"Feeling accepting yet?"
>"Of your existence or your strength?"
>"Both you fuckin'n asshole!"
>"You existence!"
>"Oh hell no! Here, now it's your turn!"
>"You dropped this!"
>"Relying on numbers won't do you any good!"
>Almost tearfully, "You fool"

Attached: FUCKYOU.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

But seriously, that is pretty weird, isn't it? Like, why hasn't Dante at least been hinted at having sex with either Lady or Trish. Vergil fucked a woman and had a son, Nero has Kyrie but for some reason the creator seems fucking autistic to have two thots around Dante and he shows no interest in either one.

I assume this is the case, he became incomplete and crumbled at some point after living a long-ass life.
He only seems to be in his forties at best.
Pretty cool if from now on Dante and Vergil will stop physically changing too for a few thousand years since they've both claimed incredible demon powers.

>yfw you can actually set Void enemies to go into DT mode if you go into it after finishing a DMD mission
Huh. And where I was thinking that there was no way to change the enemy difficulty parameters in Void mode.

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I don't have all abilities for the characters yet, so I think I need to go through SoS or DmD will fuck my ass...

Dante knows he's the only person in the world who can stop the demons. He alone has the responsibility to save the world that's the only reason he does it, because if he doesn't it's the end of the world.
That's why at the end of 5 he's OK to be trapped in the underworld because the human world has Nero now

One looks like his mom and Lady gets the NWF treatment

Nah, it's not nearly as bad as Donte and ain't trying to be tryhardy to boot. Everything he says he says on emotions and while trying to preserve the lives of two people.

Daily reminder that Yea Forums has the mentality that "Fuck you" from nero is ok.
But "Fuck you" from DmC dante is bad.

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I wonder how many people who get worked up over this shit have daddy issues that they are projecting on the story here.

>Just accidentally found out with Nero you can summon magic punches when pressing devil bringer as your sword swing
>You can press 3 button each attack, and maybe 4 if you're doing a directional attack

Does anyone else do this or do you ignore it ? This shit is hurting my hands, holy shit

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DSS does have drive and overdrive

Who would have thought that a different character saying a thing in a different context would have a different response?

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>people kept fighting in here before the launch, with the team "Urizen is Vergil" against the team "V is Vergil"
>turns out both were right

At least those who said the bird was Vergil were BTFO.

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Dante seems like the type that's way too free-spirited to get into a relationship.

Anyone else find it weird that Vergil thanked Nero as if he knew who he was but then it comes to mission 20 and it's all "Nero is my son?" but also during the fight with Dante there's that exchange
"You tore off your own son's arm for this?"
"My son means nothing to me"
It's like they never decided if they wanted Vergil to know or not

Daddy issues are seen as okay when you are a man.

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>Nero just learned that he has a father who abandoned him and then tells him that it's none of his concern and to go away
>Emotionally charged response of FUCK YOU

>Donte just says it every 5 minutes for no reason

To quote a character you like so much. "Fuck you".

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You remember me from the guys who went from dota to regular wc3 back in the day and couldn't micro their armies for shit.

Because it's in character for Nero. He did in DMC 4

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Because Nero isn't spewing off FUCK YOUs like running water trying too hard to be edgy, it's a legitimate conclusion to come to after finding out your deadbeat dad is such an asshole

Nero is all about the Tekken fingers

>"You tore off your own son's arm for this?"
>"My son means nothing to me"
It might boil down to the japanese being shit at english or bad translations, so it was something different originally, like "You tore the kid's arm for this?"

>disappears when the kids grow big enough

>"If father did this, so will I"

I think the 'thank you' there was for helping him get to bottom of the tree instead of making him 'rest'. It's like when you help an old woman cross the road.


>When a man has daddy issues it makes them angry and lash out at society
>When a woman has daddy issues it makes them angry and lash out at society
Hmm, really makes ya think

Nero from the get-go was a potty mouth punk. Dante wasn't.

eva was an umbra witch, they handle demonic dicks on regular basis

there's also the scene where v tells trish what's up and later dante just knows everything like he was there

and then even later trish acts like she just showed up for the first time and has no clue what's happening

Take the medicine the doctor gave you to make you feel happier, user.

t. Neglected son with his own deadbeat father

Why would you use the buster breaker when you have Nero's normal buster?

>Donte just says it every 5 minutes for no reason
But he doesn't. You should really try playing the game. It's not as good as a Japanese game but it may very well be the best western action game ever. The soundtrack is fucking great as well.


If it wasn't for Kamiya, Dante would already be with Lady. Itsuno don't want to get them together because he respects Kamiya and doesn't want to hurt his mommy issues feelings. Hopefully the new director sort things out

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V thanked Nero because of him he was able to reach Urizen and save himself, it doesn't have to do with him being his son.

That exchange between them you quoted is when he finds out. He acts all cool with the I don't care about my son, then a few minutes later it actually clicks for him hence the sudden "Nero's my son?!" At the start of the curscene.

Your mistake was not realizing that Vergil is an autist.

it does a shitload more damage than the devil bringer. especially the breakage

Itsuno already BTFO Kamiya by making a better game the same way Hashimoto BTFO Kamiya by making a better Bayonetta. Kamiya is just a washed up virgin. No one should care about his wishes.

>I like your style, Nero. There's just one thing.

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>Still easy replies
Too easy.

Don't fool yourselves, the answer is obviously fujoshis. There's a strong fjoshi fandom of DMC in Japan. If Nero wasn't already debuted with a gf, he would be untouchable as well.

Dante is smarter than he lets on, he knows what Yamato can do and he probably realized who V was long before anyone else. There's a even in particular when he's first defeated by Urizen and Urizen is reflected in his pupil and he wakes up and V is reflected in his pupil that's supposed to clue you in that he already knows.

>>Facing against donguri's cameo on BP
I always wanted to fight a boss dante that actually behaved like him

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Since when it stopped fujos from sodomizing things

He have reasons to be foul mouthed, he just do it when under hard emotions.

Donte was distant and cursed just for the fun of it, like a kid.

Not only was it in character for Nero but he's also already done it 5 years before DmC.
He's also not Dante.

Still doesn't make sense that he responded with "I don't care about my son" instead of "What son?". Unless he really was so focused that he didn't even think about what was being said, and even then they emphase the 'son' hard.

How does that work when Vergil now canonically has had sex and sired a son and Nero has a girlfriend? Who the fuck are they gonna pair Dante with without it being weird?

still doesn't explain why trish is surprised to hear vergil is back since v sat there and told her who he is

Explain the slurm worm scene.

>Nero's optimal gameplay now uses all four shoulder buttons at all times on top of devil breakers and directional inputs
Well people can't complain about his lack of complexity anymore

>Went straight from DH to SoS
>Going straight from SoS to DMD
I'm fucking hyped lads. I'm in love with this game.

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V. Also, Dante is often portrayed as the true faggot corrupting Nero.

Fujos are too powerful, unfortunatelly , you need to trow then a bone if you want sales in japan. Games like Yakuza and DMC have more female fans in japan then males, since the males are consuming anime trash. Kiryu is also a canonical virgin because of fujos.

She's surprised to hear Vergil is back as in V and Urizen somehow reunited.

>Fuck you

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just like you spent a life mad at videogames

It's using your Devil Hunter footage.

>Donte: *puts up middle finger* "FUCK YOU"
>cringe and bluepilled

>Nero: *puts up middle finger* "FUCK YOU"
>based and redpilled

But the bird was born from Vergil
So technically

That's correct.

At his heart, Nero is a crass whiner.

Nero's not Dante.

Dante knows it's vergil since he sees urizen. That's why he calls Nero a deadweight(as he really has no power to defeat vergil in any form). I mean, it's his twin brother, he can "sense" him.

unironically this.

No, you see one is just giving the middle finger and screaming profanities. The other is giving the middle finger and screaming profanities because of daddy issues. Two completely different things.

It's a gross demon and they are trying to highlight its grotesqueness by making it spew verbal bile.
C'mon guys, try a bit harder. This isn't brain science. The fact that you even care about action game writing / stories and simply don't skip all the cutscenes is in itself a worrying thing to me in the first place.

>keep using Payline when I want to use Split

I’m getting used to it, but it’s taking a while.

DMC5 Nero is just Capcom trying to see whether or not the West actually hated Donte as a character or if they didn't like that is was Dante who was given that personality. I'm sure at this point Capcom wishes they turned back time and told Ninja Theory to name the protagonist "Nero" instead.

It's the context that matters, retard.

canon according to Itsuno and Capcom, they will make a sequel with ninja theory if they are up for it, on a separate dimension of DMC12345

>V says blast when killing demons
Bros it was right in front of us the entire time

you can uncheck moves in the customize screen

>Genuine comment against DMC 5
>The only rebutal its fanbase can muster is a bunch of attacks of the person making the point
>Can't actully disprove it

And it could've been Nero's DMC1 to this game. Based retards.

this but unironically

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You can? Thank god time to get rid of that fucking quick movement with shadow
That shit makes exploring levels with V a fucking nightmare

Nero's fuck you is justified.

Would be sick if they got Combichrist on board to make the OST again.

Am I crazy or is the camera just 4 directional? It’s pretty weird

Instant replies.
What a deadweight fanbase.

>Genuine comment
>not an attack
also anyway how is this an attack

>Can't actully disprove it
That's because you can't disprove an opinion you assblasted faggot

When you say something stupid about how "Video games will never be art" when only stupid faggots parrot that shit your comment becomes shit and your opinion stays shit.

thanks doc

I see you user.

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The replies are attacking him for posting that, not what he said, just the poster, because they can't counter his argument
You brainlet

One is in the middle of a fight against his dead beat father to prove his worth, he is under extreme emotional distress. The other is just a faggot fooling around with a giant maggot that poops mountain dew.

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>line of red orb breakables
>they're all just far enough from each to trigger the shadow surf
>overshoot every one of them
i know this pain

again, how is this an attack and not a counterargument

I never said that was an attack are you actually retarded. The replies were

>But he doesn't let out FUCK YOU'S constantly
>Get's shown otherwise
>Why do you even care?
For the record I don't even hate DmC as a standalone game but Donte is just obnoxiousand I really wish they actually made an attempt to give him quips outside of just swearing and being overall edgy. They made a decent one in the Vorgil DLC about public transport but that's about it really.

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You realize that you can ride into rorbs to break them right

Sure DmC was a new storyline, but it "didn't follow" orginal dante.
Therefore if dante acts not like existing dante then I must hate it.

How is dante still in debt and unable to pay for electricity after saving the world so many times, unless the pizza cost a million each, morrison is definitely a cheap ass nigger since the power went out after a month and few weeks

>The reason why Dante is struggling to pay bills is because he is too good at his job
Poor guy, they should leave a portal to hell open just because.

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>Demon Vergil goes through the same ritual to become demon king as Mundus
>Human Vergil uses DMC1 bosses who worked under Mundus

If the fights are canon like that, then that means that Vergil got soft for Family reunion, but still wanted to see what Nero can actually do.
Means that Vergil isn't the completly bad guy anymore.
Killing a few millions is okay.

DMC3 was before he had a shop
DMC1 wasn't a job he was payed for
DMC4 wasn't a job he was payed for
DMC2 wasn't a job at all he just wanted more info on Sparda

it really hurts when your role model calls you worthless

>mercs don't want him doing normal merc stuff because they believe he's cursed and bad
>he's stuck at Devil May Cry
he could always apply for a job as a pizza taster, while his brother applies for tower construction

dante has a crippling heroin addiction. his demon blood keeps him from overdosing so he just keeps blowing all his money on it

My favorite gotta be:
>Aren't you too old for opening portals?

>DMC4 wasn't a job he was payed for
he was commissioned by lady so i assume there was some cut of it he got

All the money was used to pay for what was wrecked in Fortuna.

reduction of debt and thats it

>making a better Bayonetta

That won't happen tho.
Dante makes all dem girls run away.

Men however are thirsty for him. I mean, he sexually confuses me
All women I know are more into donte.. for some reason

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Lady in 5 is cute as fuck nigger

The DMC4 art book straight out says Nero is Virgil's son

women have absolutely awful taste in men, it is known

>>that faggot V crashes the game

People who did that were retards and wrong anyway

>Not wanting to play Turbo Mode, before turbo mode releases ;^)

I'm gonna say it

>Dante's summoned swords can keep enemies stunlocked enough to safely pull off Overdrive or kalina ann charged attacks

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>if I beat Nero then I beat you Dante!
>sure whatever
Got to love Vergil’s autism

>DMC on console

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At that point the situation has already de-escalated enough for him to go back from "we will murder each other" to usual chuuni shenanigans, it was fucking great.

If viewtiful Joe is canon Dante is fucking lady

Arent hack and slash games like DMC made for console?

Because Donte and the game think it is the end all be all of comebacks and say it a lot of the time to try and be cool. Nero did it because he found out the root cause of all the shit in his life was his dad, the same one who cut off his arm, and just told him his existence didn't matter. One is a game trying to be edgy and cool the other is a character having a legitimate burst of emotions.

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Or playing with naked Lady 15 hours after she becomes a playable character.

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Donte and Nero crossover when

Are halfbreeds immune to STDs?

try to do this shit while in DT
you can add spamming gun for summoned sword or holding it for the charge shot PLUS devil breaker if you want to use breakage
it's less important than exceed, i'd suggest incorporating it in combos for stationary enemies you need to wail on

For the controller maybe, but no games should be made just for consoles, its holding everyone back

Didnt Dante have a Donte skin in DMC5? or did i see that wrong somewhere?

>fucking dead, that's what, another point in my favor

Both Dante and Vergil achieved Sin Devil Trigger

That was MvCI. And going by how much better it looks compared to true Dante, it probably was mean to be his default.

Fuck you that scene was ludp as hell

only in SFM

It helps no one to be reductive

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Are there any pics of Kyrie ?

No because she has no model

It's like when I call you nigger.

Here's you Kyrie bro

Attached: kyrie facemodel.jpg (750x744, 93K)

>tadpole that swam out of his dick decades ago grew up
Laughed harder than I should've.

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Yeah, that's pretty spot on.

Isnt DMC 5 on PS 60 FPS?

she was important in 4 so naturally some are upset about her non-existence in 5. don't care about it personally.

As opposed to based PC gaming which is just making games for the current meme genre? All of which suck great amounts of ass?

People dont care about her character, they just wanted to see her hot pixel body.

> all four shoulder buttons
Am I missing something? Why would you be holding L1 constantly?

She wasn't a character in 4, she was a thing Nero yelled while crying a lot.

you want to put his gun on L1 so that you can charge it to max at all times

Fuck I spent the entire game laughing at the fucker being upset about this.


There's a colour scheme in 4:SE and I think in 5 too.

Is there a way to charge Nero's gun with L1 and then let go of the button without shooting? Same question for Dante's guns.

I have it in R2. Exceed on L2, Lock on R1. What's the fourth option on shoulder buttons? His bringer? I have that mapped to square. His DT is mapped to L1 for me.

yeah, she has a nice ass but zero character. nico was an improvement.

in terms of character:

Taunt and let go.

While holding the charge, taunt (maybe just air taunt? that's what I always use) or rainbow and let go during the animation and it won't shoot. Maybe some other things, but those are what I always use.

You can let go of the button while you're in another animation like swinging your sword or using your devil breakers for Nero, not sure about Dante

>I need wank material: The post
Pornhub is just a click away, user. You don't need to torture yourself by limiting it to vidya

At least PC meme genres are still games and not feminist movies.

>she was important in 4 so naturally some are upset about her non-existence in 5
In the same way that Stella/Luna was important in FFXV no doubt

jump, do the air taunt and release the shoot button, he can only do that with the normal charge, the blue one doesn't work, and I don't think Dante can do the same, but gunslinger charges ebony and ivory automatically.

>Tfw vergil stole my kills in the credits part and he "won"

>donte is bad
right on

How many generations can Sparda's blood survive getting more and more mixed with humans? Will Nero's son/grandson be worth a damn at killing demons?

Bloody Palace aint so bloody, just a mountain of demon corpses that's all

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This. The demure damsel in distress trope is a classic one that makes the hero more heroic and sympathetic, but outside of that she is nothing and any user wanting to see her is doing so for the most carnal of reasons.

>had 4 weapons equipped
>credits dont let you see shit
>cant change dante weapons in mission 19 cause its fucking nero
>last part of the game is vergil shitting on me
wtf capcom

One drop rule nigga

Is there a cutscene change if you beat him early or does the game just pretend you lost?

Demon genes dont dissipate. But the more a demon is human, the more powerfull he is.

There's a very brief cutscene and you unlock the next difficulty early

>sees woman
Get outta here you insecure sperg.

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You literally see him being given money from Lady what are you niggas talking about? It's one small roll of bills that he complains about and she says it's because of all the damage to the city

It's funny how DmC apologists didn't played the game, Donte is such an odd character, outside boss battles, he's a generic guy and was nice with Kat, Vergil and that old demon, and he's just a edgy piece of shit talking to the bosses.

>But the more a demon is human, the more powerfull he is.
Is this a well known fact? I feel like there had to have been more examples of human/demon offspring than just Sparda

Thats a man sir, sorry that you cant tell between a man and a womans features from all that tranny porn

Putting aside the fact that they're totally different characters and therefore totally different standards
>Donte says it at the drop of a hat as some generic meanspirited insult to random people
>Nero says it to his father who abandoned him, cut off his arm, and has almost genocided the world at the climax of the story.
If the context goes over your head, I'm not sure what else to tell you.

Well, the whole theory behind the Qlipthoth fruit is that demons get powered up by human blood. I assume there's less half breeds because not many demons are both the right body type and don't consider humans inferior to fuck them

So what are Dante and Vergil gonna do in hell?

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Well, Itsuno is very inspirated by Dragon Ball, and that's how it works on Saiyans. Gohan is canonically stronger than Goku, but he's a beta

Fight demons, fight each other, repeat

>not charging the saviour and his cult chruch the bill
>oh lets bill that guy who litterally saves us from death

Learn all the shit that daddy did
become even more overpowered
and then go back to the human world to apply for a position as burger flipper, with the extensive experience they've had killing demons and each other

alternatively, learn smithing with Gilgamesh and/or collect Devil Arms to sell to buyers

Does said cutscene end the game or does it carry on? I ask as having to just eat the loss on replays once you're maxed out sounds boring.

How did Capcom make it so that being showered in red orbs from either killing enemies or finding a secret red orb stash feels so satisfying?

There's just something about the sound of red orbs being absorbed into you that's just so good.

>collect Devil Arms to sell to buyers
That's a terrible business move since Devil Arms never sell, which means Dante will absolutely do it

Dante's not a virgin, when he was Tony he laid some pipe

would be sad if it wasn't, my computer is dogshit and sustained 60 no problem, with one dip every 30-60 minutes when it starts to chug for a second or two. Might just be the crack or that faggot V.

It's treated as an ''end', in that you get a style rank for the mission and unlock the next difficulties etc., but iirc you can move onto the next mission afterwards

got any proofs friendo?

Just finished the game, man am i so fucking shit at this. Devil Hunter Vergil assraped me so hard because i kept restarting, refusing to use gold orbs. I used one anyway after he killed me with 5% health left. Fuck this shit. I'm too scared to try SoS, gonna try practicing some Nero in the void, i'm total garbage with him, can't exceed to save my life.

Some dude here told me to rever to 399.24 drivers and it stopped crashing

Is there a way to see if you've been rated stylish? I just got gold orb rewards there for being rated by other players but I'm wondering if you can actually see how many times in total you've been rated.

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>What do you mean you won't buy it? Aw c'mon it's a yo-yo that shoots out fire? Isn't that cool?
>Foolishness, Dante. I know what a man like him wants. A man like him wants power. Which is exactly why he should buy this demonic frisbee that shoots out laser beams that turns people into blocks of burning ice.

how the fuck can a normal woman be into Donte, that's repulsive
Dante all the way,every day

Go to the mission screen from the main menu, if there's a thumbs up next to the mission you got rated stylish

You know, after learning about the history associated with the name "Nero" for the good of all that is holy let's hope nobody is stupid enough to endanger Kyrie. You think Nero has a temper now, if she or anyone he cares about dies it'll be the end of days. Holy shit.

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You nees to learn to dodge instead of learning combos in the void. That wont do you any good.

Mission Select

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You can also use Round Trips

Not him but this is how I thought it works too but I've been rated as stylish multiple times yet there's not even one thumbs up in my mission list

>burns a city while dancing the meme dance

Good point, i wish you could fight multiple enemies in the void.

Trish brought them the Sparda for next to no reason and that's the only reason things got as bad as they did. It's like giving Bin Laden the nuclear codes to infiltrate his cabal while you're already sending your top guys to storm the place

>shitskin modelling aryan waifu

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This scene was adorable though.

>going into DT as Nero cancels out Rag Time breakage

There is no way this is intentional.

it's not acounterargument, it's a bait to anger people. Good job I guess, judging by the replies

I blew all my gold orbs there to get some practice and restarting to beat him honest. Also found out reloading the save doesn't bring back your orbs, had to beat him with no continues. Managed to get the guard timing down for everything but his long ground combo pretty consistently.

Yeah agreed. For combos just let it flow once you have a basic understanding of whats fun to use. Im at the Cerberus doghead boss and getting my shit kicked in in SoS cuz I'm going too hard and not respecting the moves of my opponent enough to dodge.

I want to climb into a Qlipoth stream, it looks nice

The lock-on is so fucking broken in this game, holy shit. Why does it point me to an enemy on the other side of the fucking arena when I'm trying to hit dudes 2 feet away from me? As soon as I let go R1 for a split second, shit gets out whack.
I don't remember things being this bad in the other games, and you can't choose lock-on types this time around. I hope we have an update, or at least mod to try to fix the issue.

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what settings from the menu can safely reduce without any significant impact on visual quality, I know that I don't need everything on ultra to look almost the same

So damage wise, if you had to choose between using EX rev or pressing the devil arm punch after each swing, which is better? Also taking into account mistimed pressed of devil punch during swings can make you devil grab instead of swing. Is it worth it to go for it each time or just on specific hits with slow swings? Or is the damage not worth the risk?

Just trying to figure out which does more and is worth the effort on Nero.


Ambient occlusion

It fufills my blood and suffocation fetishes both at onces

Ayo hol up

Whats this now

Man they went all out with dmd this time huh?

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> what the hell is this?

A broken version of Bloody Palace since it's not supposed to come out until next month

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I disliked it :)

Yeah but it was so contrived. a pay phone in the air work and Nero just happens to land beside it? No problem with Kyrie basically telling Nero in the nicest way that he doesn't need her to tell him what to do she was like that in the novels and four. I wish we'd of seen her meet Dante and confront him about that "Dead weight" comment just to see if she would get mad at him for making her boyfriend sad

I have everything on medium except for mesh quality which is high, and volumetric lighting on low. SSAO and other things like that I just left on default (variable I believe). The only issues you might notice is when the camera gets up close during a cutscene.

He was doing it for Dante, not Vergil.

>mfw parrying Cavaliere Angelo for the first time


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Why did Itsuno lie to us about crew cut being relevant?

I did that and had shit performance before updating to the latest drivers.

Exceed / max act is better overall for the style points, if you can consistenly hit devil punch it does do significally more damage

devil may cry was better without nero
there i said it

What the fuck nigga no
He's a demon hunter

Crew cut is mundus there is a secret cutscene that reveals this if you beat vergil with only the pasta breaker

Bayonetta 2 is fucked.

he lied about a lot of things, remember how certian levels were going to have secret weapons usable only there?

Exceed off normal attacks to use upgraded specials and Knuckle off specials to prevent knockback

Thanks for your shitty opinion, have a nice day!

Devil punch really outdamages exceed? Goddamn alrighty then. Ive been doing pretty much nothing but that since i got it so glad to know it wasnt time wasted. Although i will probably mess up YY, YYYY every single time with punching cuz that shit is fast.

There's almost too much shit to press when you're Nero

Set the memory buffer off in options

I wish there was a boss rush mode...

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He narrates DMC history, he is important

DLC 3 is crewcut campaign, plays like RE2

Is it true that by not taking any damage at all in a mission, you can get a 2.2X score modifier on your ending rank?

In other words, can you get like As and Bs in combat but still get an overall S rank?


user, people cream themselves over similar stuff in Marvel movies
It's not something genius, it's just a cool moment when you notice it

Huh? Isn't that video silent?

>exceeding Red Queen
>coloring/charging Blue Rose
>throwing devil knuckles
>charging your breaker
>locking on
>all at the same time

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Why the fuck do Japs make pure waifus have zero personality? Meanwhile every girl that's actually got some charm is a confirmed slut.

Yeah, DESU i feel like DMC 5 is a bit unfinished, stuff like content and minor things in the library