Hey backers, thanks for the money and fuck you

>hey backers, thanks for the money and fuck you

Attached: $$$.png (1129x133, 22K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Paying for shit on kikestarters is retarded but what game


Literally WHO

nice context you newfag

Gollop has just destroyed whatever good will he had with the TBT community. No one is going to buy whatever future games he's planning on making next. A niche game like that relies on a dedicated core playerbase and he will soon realize that the said playerbase now hates his guts.

Phoenix Point, a kickstarted Xcom game by the creator of the original Xcom. They signed an exclusivity deal with Epic, cucking backers/preorders out of their promised gog/steam keys.

Oh wow fucking scumbags

who cares

Another one literal who moneyhatted by commies, woo hoo

Isn't that lawsuit worthy?

Presumably people who preordered/backed the game and got cucked.

This... although, fuck people who support kickstarter games


I wonder if he knows what charge backs are.

depends if the law considers them donations or not. If they're donations the "customers" are basically fucked.

how much did they actually pay for them to be in the black? or is it some weird hollywood style accounting that I am not aware of?

And I really, really, hate the chinese.

It must be a lot. They claim it is enough to keep them operating in the black for years, even if everyone gets refunded.

We don't know and they can't say, but we do know that it was the devs that approached Epic from the AMA they did yesterday.

The actually pursued and asked for the deal, it wasn't made to them and they accepted.

why is it that hard for pc players these days to download a launcher?

Well that just makes me hate them as well because groveling for chinks is disgusting.

>supporting a kikestarter in [Current year]
Lmao, day one pirate it is

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>selling everything down the river for the Chinese

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They dropped the kickstarter Linux promise a few months back and now you can't get it on steam?

Fucking retards.

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Because China owns a big part of that launcher and China is not to be trusted. Look up what they are doing in Australia it's fucking scary


At least $2 million

they said they approached them for publishing, not the godfather offer

of course how true that statement is is unknown

>it was the devs that approached Epic
>The actually pursued and asked for the deal, it wasn't made to them and they accepted
Fuck Gollop, what a fucking faggot

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I wish I paid for this just so I could refund. This has to be illegal. Accepting a bribe to deliver the opposite of what you promised.

>crowdfunding anything ever

goddam you zoomers are fucking retarded.

good, fucking retards paying into kickstarter

So its treason then

Kek imagine hating on a business company who is literally in the business to make money. Of course they would go with the best deal (in this case, epic). And why would they pay backers back? That only puts them at great risk of failure, as of now they're already in the green without having released anything, lmao.
Guess the people raging here are the same people hating on pirates and being all high and mighty about ethical consumption and whatnot.
When talking about money, take your ethics and stick them in your asses, or else someone else will do it for you. Get it through your thick naive sheltered skulls, and never pay for air again.


Also notice how crowdfunding (scams) are almost exclusively white people the world over?

Noone in china buys into this shit. Noone in south america. Definitely no niggers in Africa.
Not even the wealthy japanese neets do this shit.

It is only whites. This is our empathy and downfall.

Why don't they give the backers Epic store keys instead at least?

>implying Yea Forums didn't jerk of kickstarters to no end and screamed "SCARED PUBLISHER SHILL" at anyone pointing out the flaws and drawbacks

The fact that you even have to ask that question informs the answer. These people complaining have an agenda that in no way involves their passion for video games, if any passion they ever possessed. While I know lots of people who hate, to an extreme degree, having to use multiple clients to play multiple games, this latest fit has gone too far, and is too nonsensical in context. They aren't merely upset that they would have to use some new client to download a game, they're upset the new client even exists. They're upset that the company who made the new client exists. I don't know exactly why, but that is the state of things here, and I sure as fuck don't trust the very same people complaining to be honest with sharing their motivations, it's obvious to me that obfuscation is their game.


3 points have been added to your social credit score


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I think valve and blizzard has colluded and payed people off the attack epic (who did nothing wrong so far). it's the only thing that makes sense, you know the enemy of my enemy is friend and all...

>Look up what they are doing in Australia it's fucking scary

>I sure as fuck don't trust the very same people complaining to be honest with sharing their motivations,
Here's my motivation
call me paranoid if you want

I presume they will


come on man this is ridiculous, I'm from China and we can say TIANANMEN SQUARE MASSACRE and nothing h


Attached: AHEM.webm (300x400, 2.39M)

>Why is it that hard to take a corporate dick in your mouth?

Because I'm not about to download some horrendous fucking bloatware that gets failing grades from every major security rating service and spams your inbox with their own junk mail, just to support scummy ass business practices liking buying out their competitions supply. Why would I be inconvenienced to give myself the privilege of an inferior service?

yes I am implying that. You zoomers are not Yea Forums you are neo Yea Forums cancer that brings that shit.


you're never going to get anywhere trying to sue someone over video games, even if they are obviously breaking the law

wouldnt they be considered investors tho, they are backing a company with money just like an investor

obv if something fails an investor is fucked but this is gonna be a finished released item right?

this should easily be something for a court to rule on, they are fucking investors over from a change they didnt give any notice aboot

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Political bullshit. It’s always political bullshit.

People just hate 3rd party exclusivity, especially on an open platform like PC and especially especially when prior promises were made that you can choose to get your game key on your client of choice. I don't see what's so weird about that.

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Its ok bros there will be still Codex/CPY version

Based AMA participator

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>yes I am implying that.
Hello newfag, I bet you think Yea Forums didn't defend $chafer as well claiming he was only held back by evil publishers and his experience with masterpieces would now be realized.

what game?

ah so basically the same thing that Qatar and Saudi are doing in Europe...
thanks user, yet another reason to hate China.

modded gta 4

>fig earned over 750 grand
>epic store bribe is 1 million dollars for indies

So 1 million dollars for indies, but how much is Borderlands 3 going to get paid?

>ever donating money to something, especially a game
A fool and his money are soon parted. Being a leech and only spending your money on primary needs is the 4 digit IQ play.

lurk more

Fuck off Chankoro


Stop being new please, Yea Forums sucked kickstarter dick to no end when it was the new hotness.

Can you guys give me a tl;dr. I'm planning on moving to europe and I'm not aware of what exactly you guys are talking about.


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that's what they'll do, then keys for DLC as it comes out, then after a year, keys for the game + dlc will be given out to Steam and GoG users

digging that newfag hole deeper my friend, just accept that you were wrong, there is less degredation in that than what you are doing now.

>The actually pursued and asked for the deal, it wasn't made to them and they accepted.
Is this some long con April Dumbass prank?

Attached: ourguy.jpg (480x360, 9K)

China is slowly buying strategic facilities across the world, like ports, mine companies, etc, they plan to control the world commerce by 2050.

>devs fucking lying about your ability to get a chargeback
>as if these smallfry fag codemonkeys can deny a credit card company
>being this slimy

I encourage all of you to chargeback and spread the word about doing it to others. Fuck this shitty behavior and fuck China.

Japs and other wealthy East Asians are too busy blowing all their shekels on gacha scams, everyone else is too poor

Honestly, backing anything on Kickstarter is retarded. There are no real safeguards to you getting the return you intended. Wait until a finished product is in front of you then make a decsion whether to buy it.
I'm actually kind of glad that Kickstarter is a thing because it gave us a second coming of the cRPG genre, but I'll never be one of these mad dipshits that throws their money in the hat.

i'm not gonna charge back because i didn't support it on kikestarter in the first place

they also say that the game is launcher-independent, so you can download the game via launcher, delete launcher, then keep playing, so easy piracy is all but confirmed at this point

I sure wonder who could be behing these posts

Charge backs affect the customer as well

>cucking backers/preorders out of their promised gog/steam keys.
they're still getting them
plus they'll get a year worth of DLC free

>>they're still getting them
A year after launch

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Sure. A year after the game's release.

they're still getting them

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lmao kickstartercucks

no, they are getting epic keys, not gog or steam. and epic is a Chinese Trojan.
it's like I sell you a car but later you discover the car will only work after I remove your balls

Ah I see. They already control commerce in africa so it makes sense, but it's not nessasarily chinese. For example Tencent is owned by a south african white guy. The parent company which he is the founder of, Naspers, owns most of Tencent and controls it Tencent was chinese founded, but bought out by the south african. So basically it's not that china own everything, the people who own these chinese founded companies own everything and it's usually the rich billionaires.
>tfw a south african own most of the epic games store.

Kickstarter is viewed as donations. Reward incentives from the developer are considered gifts, so they dont even have to deliver on that

>T-Tencent totally isn't run by the CCP, we swear
Nice try, Chang

Don't worry, anons. I won't bend to the Chinsects. Expect more snake tiddies in XCOM 3.

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>posts this after these two
lmaoing at your life


Technically, Tencent is owned by a South Africa company, who control most of the mine operations in Africa, which probably has connections to CCP behind the scenes.

They probably do have a big say in what happens but definitely not the final say. Look it up yourself, it is controlled by Naspers. Which is not chinese owned.

I said nothing wrong
stay mad

Dog bless you Jake
>The X-com chad
>the Phoenix point cancer victim

Attached: xcom bravo.png (1118x737, 249K)

they will get epic keys at release and steam/gog keys one year later plus 1year of free dlc

and they can get refunds if they want

This is precision scamming at it's finest, bros.

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So for real Epic has
>made underhanded deals with publishers to buy away games already promised on steam and GOG while not contributing to actual development in anyway
>has absolutely barren features compared to every other launcher
>is only being shipped by devs because of that 90% cut

I don’t get how anyone can support the Epic Store with this in mind. It’s basically trying to be forced on you for no benefit.

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Fuck you Solomon. You made XCOM 2 a chore to play somehow.


dude 1 free game every 2 weeks!

Oh and the devs response to the Epic Store being barren was “fuck gamers entitled babies”

Do they get Steam/GOG keys on release? If not then the kickstarter was falsely advertised.

>b-but they can get refunds
Thanks for the three year interest free loan, cucks!

user, that's not funny. Don't joke about that.

Read the thread faggoto

One that repeats like Soul Calibur across the kickstarter-verse.

It's inevitable dude.


I've mentioned in these threads before, the reason the devs jump ship is never for some altruistic movement to get developers paid more. It's a pure self serving issue of tap the money pile and be a first adopter before Epic inevitably fucks their devs and margins for profit. It's the same logic as how Chinese publishers who usually are owned by Tencent handle marketing sponsorships, they throw enough money at you till you wonder if they even make a profit. They'll throw thousands of dollars at you just for a five minute video. When you're a developer and they throw a number that basically means you don't have to worry about marketing, sales or any success you've made your money you jump. This will have a large affect on post game dev support or even quality control leading up to a games release since a lot of incentive will be pulled (aka what happens to AAA games that make their money up front). And Tencent/Epic are all companies beholden to investors and heavily business focused, not exactly a small group of benevolent "For the Gamer" types. They'll take losses and keep doing stuff like this till they eventually cut a large pie or take a win in the market and once they do any benefits they promised will be "readjusted" after profit reevaluations. It's all about winning the long game and who's willing to turn mutinous first for the most reward.

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Thanks for the interest-free loans! ;)
We made it as hard as possible to get a refund by the way.

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wow even Reddit is openly talking about pirating this shit


>They'll take losses and keep doing stuff like this till they eventually cut a large pie or take a win in the market and once they do any benefits they promised will be "readjusted" after profit reevaluations. It's all about winning the long game and who's willing to turn mutinous first for the most reward.
I completely agree. Expect the 88/12 revenue split to be "readjusted" if Epic dethrones Steam.

Don't forget that Epic didn't even approach them, they approached epic.

China allowing an outsider to own one of their biggest companies? No frigging way.

Can you name one example of anything video games ever being prosecuted for false advertising. There's an obvious court bias.

It's money treated like a gift by the law. You could try to take it to court and be the landmark crowdfunding case but it would be expensive enough you'd ironically have to crowdfund the case. Maybe you win. Enjoy your $25 check I guess.

Oh boy 1 free game of a choice of 5 games.

>Gollop goes from a turn-based strategy legend to a slimy Jew in one week

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>oh no, now I have to download a new launcher to play my game
>what’s that, the cost, you say
>zero dollars
>why yes. I am a petty asshole who can’t just download a second launcher and must whine worse than a transgender at a straight club

fuck off chinaman, this is steam lands

Go away, Zhao

I'm not installing a Chinese botnet on par with EA's Origin when it first released. Eat my ass, Hwong.

Unsecure accounts. No two factor. Been hacked. Not trysting the Chinese to just take your account because they only care about results, not how its done, which includes just blatantly breaking the law. Take your pick.

As Phoenix Point was backed via Fig and not Kickstarter, there are people who paid to become investors in the game and get royalties for sales. Those people could potentially have a case, however they are supposedly getting compensated for whatever Epic paid so they might not bother.

bugmen bad
nosemen good

Typical chink attitude to not understand the problem of breaking an agreement. I hate doing business with those insectoid fucks.

>own a pizza shop
>you paid for your pizza already
>almost finished making it
>some real rich guy comes in and offers me twice the price of the pizza I'm almost finished making for you
>sell it to him instead because I got more money for the same amount of work
>still offer to sell you a pizza but it will take a little longer to come out
>you get mad and demand a refund
>give it to you, I dont care, I already got more money than I would have anyway
>you get mad and boycott my store
>rich guy still comes back and buys my pizzas anyway
>dont give a shit about you or your boycott

another launcher means another account, another linking personal info, another time you might have to deal with shitty costumoer support, another chance of dealing with issues that wont be resolved, another chance at failure in the long run

hmmm i wonder why people like to stick to a product that just works and is reliable

Attached: oh well.jpg (1245x702, 76K)

but it's apt

>Yea Forums is one person
>Yea Forums doesn't literally say the opposite of what it believes for the sake of shitposting and getting retards to do stupid things
Please guess why things look terrible on this board except for early morning threads.

>a business company who is literally in the business to make money
They're in the business of businessing?

Daily reminder to pirate every game and let other losers pay for you

kinda sad that THAT'S the best they could do.

Goddamn, you pc babies are the equivalent of the snowflake left. Truly, the onions was in the motherboard all along.

wat? xcom 2 is great, though perhaps mot WotC, I haven't played that.

+ competition is good

- we get a console style exclusive war

Personally I'm happy with steam. It's only gaming journalists that complain about the abundance of trash games and titles like "rape day" that have no chance of getting past greenlight anyway.

What I'm wondering is how Epic is able to throw so much money around to bribe all these developers. It's at least 1-2 million a piece, this shit isn't cheap. They'll go bankrupt if they continue like this.


>mass reply
>political comment
>ignoring what's said
Your bait sucks and its too early for this. Here's a (You) while I shower.

Attached: 1550477597741.gif (320x240, 863K)

Thread theme: youtu.be/0XxYwWg7F8I

I sure wish I had a launcher for every dev and publisher out there.
Anyone with me, pcbros?


More like they finished your pizza and put it in the freezer for a year. The claim that it still counts as receiving the product even though they literally will not give you what you paid for is absurd.

You buy gas for your car and they put it on hold for a year? Oh, OK, I "own" the gas, but how am I supposed to get to work if I can't have it? It's false advertising and effectively just a scam. Wow, you sold me the rights to a product that you will not physically give to me. I'm sure that will hold up in court just fine, especially considering they advertised something else. This is not a case of fine print in the contract, they unironically decided not to ship the product people bought.

>rich guy still comes back and buys my pizzas anyway

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Why wouldn't that tard just pseudo-release it on steam/gog in an unbuyable state so he could still give everyone promised a steam or gog key, sort of how everyone who preordered metro still got it on steam

>food analogy

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Donations solicited via a lie are definitely things you can sue for. Especially if it's well stated. Not only that but misrepresentation to solicit donations is potentially fraud and is not just actionable via a lawsuit but is probably something that could be prosecuted.


i dont game on my pc so this launcher doesnt effect me, but im smart enough to know the flaws of such a thing

only fools cant see both sides of the coin

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When ask on the AMA he said that the deal he did with Epic prohibits doing this.

Ok then the follow up question is why would he make such a dumb fuck deal when he already has previous commitments that conflict with that?

I can answer that for him.


Im not as fervent in my hate for another launcher but I dont like how Epic operates, buying out exclusivity of 3rd party games but having them advertised on your competitions platforms for months until the last second when you scoop them up is scumbag as fuck. Valves games are on Steam exclusively because they made those games, same for Blizzard and the likes of Overwatch and WoW. This precedent of "we will just buy the rights out from under everyone else at the last minute" is not really something I want to see mimic'ed. Its advertising a game on competitions stores, but the game is being sold in your shop only. Its high tier scum bullshit and Epic(tencent) have been nickle and diming their way to the top like this for ages, even before their games store. They have their own "itunes" in china and buy out artists from other labels and make their music exclusive to their store too, but only after having said artists names plastered all over other platforms for ages, for free advertising and publicity in your competitions turf.
Its all very dirty feeling and I just rather not partake in it and support it.

China is just the new America. I'm really excited for old America to bomb them.

>here's you money back faggot, feels good not to have to invest my own money into my future profits

>No real safeguards
Lying to get donations is literally fraud. It's not a legal practice. People can go to jail doing that.

Look it up yourself if you don't believe me, it's one little google away friendo.

What game

There is literally no major flaw to this.

Epic has shitty account security, my account has already been fucked once despite me only using it once.


One day when the Chinese have large enough populations in the West, the queen will send a signal to the hivemind and every yellow chink bastard will turn on their neighbours while elite Crispr Guangdong SEAL forces storm the coastlines with reverse engineered American weapons.

Phoenix Point, a game by Julian Gollop

It's not that, the game was suppose to be released DRM-free on GOG. Now it will only be with DRM.

in this case they didn't lie, though, you still get your steam and gog keys.
they never said when.

im sorry to hear aboot your brain injury

shame its not something that you can get better from like the common cold

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>Literally ASLEEP

>undo these changes or i'm gonna be real mad!
lol, how pathetic

Epic will never dethrone steam. A lot of people are hating what Epic is doing with thier store. Only shills and deluded people see what they do as something right.

>m-muh epic is a Chinese Trojan.
More like American Trojan.

Attached: American Spyware with 1776 fake genders.jpg (1698x1036, 358K)

they knew everything but still did it and for what? Game's dead on arrival now and their reputation forever tarnished just for a few chink bucks.

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I don't think you understand what trojan means.

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Thought it might be, thanks user.

are they upboating him or whiteknighting for gollup

Can't wait for Microsoft to put the Gears of War collection on steam after halo. Also imagine being so Jewish you censor and protect China, gook moot sucks day Chinese dick.

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Yeah, it's (You) American incarnation.

Attached: United Faggots of Soddom Gomorrah.jpg (2000x1253, 267K)

Tim Sweendle is 80% chink

Fortnite money and the chink government will keep them going for years

76 was going to for false advertising with that bag shit.

No, Phoenix Point was through Fig, Tim Schafer's crowdfunding program. The way the system is set up there the people who own the project can do whatever they want with the money they get.

This. If this keeps up it's only a matter of time until the other stores follow and adopt scummier policies themselves

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According to the dev Epic paid them enough money that if all of their kickstarters refunded theyd still profit. Epic literally taking a loss to try and get exclusives on their shitty 10 games """"store""""

Just torrent it then.

>Tencent 40%
Three red flags in a single image

You are implying that I wasn't going to to begin with.

I'm looking forward to GoW on Steam, too. But I'm sorry Chinese doesn't have the cringed buttcensor like "The West" did on DMC5 Trish. Also the son-in-law of your precious US president is literally Jewish. :^)

Nah, there is already one biggest red flag.
>California, US.

>10 games """"store""""
they should rename themselves to Tengames, a Tencent subsidiary

>introduce platform wars to pc
>hurr durr why would anyone be upset about that

Neck yourself

>why yes I'd love to willingly install chink spyware that eats my cpu and always has to be running so i can play indie games

Buzzwords the post

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>>rich guy still comes back and buys my pizzas anyway
Would you like to know where your analogy fell flat?

just copy all features from PP already

or at least remove fucking pods goddamn fuck shit they're the worst design decision in the entire game

good one

Attached: hehehee.jpg (313x473, 14K)

It has been said multiple times that even if every backer refunded, the game would still make profit. So it's not just a few chink bucks.

But yeah, if they ever decide to make another game, Tencent better pay them again. Because their reputation is fucked beyond repair.

>interest-free loans
man I'm such a brainlet. I never even thought about it that way but it is so true.

It's not that bad, I'll just wait a year to get it on GoG. I've waited a lot longer than that for a game before and I'm voting with my wallet not to support Tencent/Epic.

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It's a guarenteed sales agreement. If they make less than the number of sales in the contract then epic pays them the difference

more like
>pre order a product at Walmart
>always pick up your stuff at the local Walmart
>product (*in part*) picks up more preorders due to being easy to get at Walmart, great customer service and spacious parking lot, etc.
>Also available at No Frills
>Last minute some guy with a Yard Sale who lives in the boonies pays millions of dollars to product maker for exclusivity.
>Now have to drive down a dirt road to some bumfuck nowhere town to pick up your product, also the guy doesn't sell anything else you want like if you went to Walmart, could have picked up some toilet paper or soap that you needed.
>Also the guy is chinese and doesn't offer refunds

We dont want to download a software owned by the government of an autocracy

>and of you faggots defending bug people and their spyware launcher
Here's a cross thread post you pieces of shit, get educated

not being a spineless cuck doesn't mean you don't have passion for videogames
people like you are the reason consoles charge for online play
'b-but you get free games' yeah get I get games I already bought or games I have no interest in buying, what an amazing deal

To be fair he hasn't made a good game since what, Rebelstar Tactical Command on the GBA?

This is maximum kikery, astaghfirullah

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not exactly. One of the predict climate change models is basically an ice age, china is preparing for that by buying up strategic resources in africa so they can ship shit hope to china and not starve to death. That is their defacto-state policy. However, they also have a plan-b which is being pushed on an individual chinese billionare-and-all-their-friends level which is to spend their ill-gotten commie money made from the blood sweat and tears of their citizens and 'invest' it in over seas businesses/properties/resources just in case their people get pissy and revolt so they can basically launder all their ill-gotten gains and go live a life of ease and comforting outside the reaches of their angry population. China is not ever going to be a true world power, they spend more money on internal police forces than actual military.

Steam is just as bad as Epic, you should be pirating to begin with because fuck paying for digital distribution. Perfect opportunity to start demanding DRM free physical releases but you drones are too busy praising le (((gaben)))

I'm fine with thieving pirating PCJew scum getting a taste of their own medicine lol.

>throws chair through the stain glass window because no black people on the wall

Then it would actually be ethical to pirate it. No loss to the dev.

Fucking hell

>rich guy comes back and buys more pizza

except that isn't how chinese companies opperate. These developers taking the deal for 'more money' are going to get majorly fucked over 1-5 years from now. Go check out the drama in the lightnovel/webnovel scene. Google qiddan. The epic store is chinese business deals 101. Give foreigners a little more money than usual upfront, then fuck them majorly with the fine print and turn them into your literal bitch with iron clad contracts that they didnt bother to read carefully and even if they did it doesnt matter because chinese courts almost never ever side with foreigners when you attempt to sue them. In china, the reason tencent is so successful is because they held a defacto monopoly on distribution, and they ended up taking on average 80-90% of the money from their publishers. That's probably their end-game for western distribution as well.

>Be able to get your money back

Attached: hand 3.png (726x417, 358K)

At this point once a game is released on the Tencent store I simply won’t buy it, period. All 12 or whatever games on that store front are pirate or skip. If it comes to Steam a year down the line I still won’t buy it.


how will chinks jew developers outside of china?


Why would Blizzard be on Valves side? Blizzard still have a hateboner for Valve over Dota2 and it's Epic with the backing of the Industry as a whole versus Valve.

THIS. I'm done with this exclusivity bullshit, any dev that goes along with it will never see a penny from me.

>is treated like a 0% APR creditor
>would bend again

It's the guys who went to Epic with the XCOM like game.

>Chinaman posts a bunch of false information
Wow that sure blew the fuck out of the OP despite it being ABSOLUTE bullshit you fucking retard.
Go back to Tienanmen Square

>With a 2 month delay and you have to use their shady 3 party service


Backercucks won't learn

Attached: true.webm (416x250, 129K)

They didn't just go to Epic looking for a deal, they then told their backers that even if every single one of them got a refund it wouldn't matter to them because Epic gave them so much money. Let's see how that works out for them now that they've told their diehard fans to fuck off because they don't matter. They better hope Epic offers them another moneyhat for their next niche TBS game now that they've pissed off everyone that would have bought it.

and they better hope PP does not underperform on the Epic Tengames store, otherwise there won't be another moneyhat

>mmmmm I love DRM please take away my games if I say any wrongthink!

Congrats, you're the exact same problem that I have with steam. You idiots can't even begin to compare with GOG or piracy. What are you offering me? Literally "piracy is a service problem".

>who did nothing wrong so far
t. chinese bugman

Pretty easy to backcharge, just tell them the merchant isn't selling you what he advertised and that you don't feel comfortable giving info to the third party refund service offered by the guy who cheated you. Granted the seller will blacklist you but if you're at the point where you're backcharging you're probably not going to buy from them again.

rent free, gweilo

>the best deal
How is pissing off you diehard fans and selling on a less popular platfirm the best deal? the more they make per purchase wont make up for the amount they would get if they just put it on steam or even both platforms

Fuck Spike Lee.

I hate him too but I liked Do the Right Thing

They are doing the same in SA, though in a smaller scale. Yankees still dominate aroung here nonetheless.

>Epic with the backing of the Industry as a whole

Attached: 1528239211519.gif (426x240, 3.46M)


I hated it. The movie was shot without a script and it shows. Spike Lee at his best is slightly above mediocre.

I'm just going to pirate it now
I was going to back it a little closer to release to get a GOG key, but fuck that noise

I guess he means le epic bloggers

Even if people's complaints about epic's launcher were overreacting, it doesn't matter. The customer is ALWAYS right, and you bend to their whim whether you think they have a valid point or not. If at any point you try to argue that the customer should reconsider, you've become nothing but a sleezy, disgusting corporate shill.

Attached: 1545583464_25ELF1O.gif (310x467, 2.38M)

I don't think people signed simply up to freeze their money for indeterminate time when they backed the project

And basically every game developer and publisher worth mentioning have been evacuating Steam in fucking droves the last few months. Steam is going to be dead within a year and no amount of seething will save it.

you're trying too hard

>steam no longer has a monopoly
>no this isn't good enough, they need to be murdered so only epic can remain

so much for the "free market".

>And basically every game developer and publisher worth mentioning have been evacuating Steam in fucking droves the last few month
Like who? The only one I can think of is Bethesda and they have their own launcher now

Attached: 1537637170152.jpg (900x1051, 492K)

lol, this thread is literally about a company that bolted from Steam, and only Steamcels are angry about it.

oh no no no

How the fuck is making less money from MORE people a worse deal than making more money from nobody

>just conform guyse
>install 300 different apps for each game
>so what if they all spy on you
>just conform

Attached: 221321321321321.png (600x600, 129K)

So it's the Oculus Rift over again.
Take money from hopeful enthusiasts to make a special thing for them, and use it to market yourself to the big money investors that the Kickstarter's whole fucking purpose was to skip around.

Better analogy:
>order a pizza
>rich guy comes in and pays the pizzeria not to give it to you unless you let him look through your phone


Attached: 1548730616386.png (186x320, 105K)

nice job gollop

>tfw that money will run out in a few years and he’ll be broke with a fan base that hates him

Attached: 2D72C441-3068-447E-A540-89A614640B99.jpg (419x492, 34K)

>Making this only about steam
>When it was promised drm free on gog too
As always chink shills are incredibly easy to spot

How? I called my bank and charged it back with no penalties.

Where did the lefty faggots touch you?

I thought it worked but to each their own.

I do think he's a hack though

Attached: 1509304979287.png (635x737, 100K)

>it's another reddit-tier outrage thread

Steamcels are the one crying about one of thousands of devs mass evacuating Steam. GoG fans are nonexistent enough to not really hear from.

>we didn't make this decision lightly
yeah okay, how does that make it better? it's still a shitty decision that will fuck their reputation forever

>Still making this about steam when we have screenshots on this thread proving you wrong
I hope your social credit doesn't suffer for posting on Yea Forums, chang.

tiananmen square massacre

only one to blame is you

Epic are fucking scumbags.

huh thats where all the stuck up assholes go in NC

Who gives a shit?
I'll be pirating it no matter where it releases.

>Epic store is literally unacessable in certain countries, including ironically China
>the Devs have no solution for their chinese backers except "just wait a year for steam i guess"

Attached: 1471811561165.jpg (442x304, 31K)

Yeah, but the customer base is white beta males They would never fight a company, they only live to suck their cocks.

>paying some developer so he could buy a game that you are going to buy later
Kek so thats the power of the pcmr?

haha based
fuck people who funds kikestarters and makes epic hated even more
absolutely fucking based

>chinese backers
all 4 of them?

Attached: cry cry.gif (500x220, 978K)

wtf are you talking about idiot
it's about a transaction which includes money and something in return doesn't matter video games or not

based chink

>a literally who indie cuckstarter abandons steam after taking a bribe

NOOO it was suppose to be on OUR forced drm botnet platform, not theirs.




Attached: Steambabbies.png (1768x1362, 335K)

americans are butthurt they are losing to china in economic war. entertainment is one of last markets they still dominate.

Attached: 1551675356030.jpg (540x529, 35K)


>tranny trying to fit in


Attached: OH NO NO NO.jpg (960x540, 73K)

They are mad because they can't play the game on Steam, a 3rd party exclusive store that sells your data.

these people deserve a bullet
lets see if the epic money they got help when they are dead
and maybe hunt their families too, their kids etc
lets see if chink money buys those back
violence to make an example of them is the only way

Attached: chin_kee.jpg (350x351, 44K)

This is your average VaIvedrone

I already did. I dont wanna download another one, and another one, and yet another one.

I dont give that much of a shit about games for this.

I don't get this mem

>a kickstarted X inspired game by the creator of X game
It's like retards never learn.

Go back.

Attached: ResetEra invades 4chan.png (1713x989, 197K)

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官 黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 新疆維吾爾自治h區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 東突厥斯坦




At first I was not going to buy the game because it was on Steam, but now that I don't have to use Steam I will get it.

Attached: 1491049219433.jpg (600x600, 106K)

The amount of money steam steals on sales is obscene, but keep on shilling for that fat jew gaben you retards

God I hate nu-Yea Forums

Reminder that Tim Sweeney is a massive hypocrite.

Attached: fuck off tim.png (626x1161, 430K)

nice try le epic shill

The only people defending Epic are nu-Yea Forums.

wtf I love Steam now

Attached: Steam 4.png (661x683, 283K)

Halo MCC coming to Steam. Fuck Epic Games and Free Tibet.

So their investigation must have found nothing wrong.

This post proves otherwise

Attached: zoomer.png (300x168, 6K)

Free zero interest loan
Sucker born every minute, why I'd never trust my money on crowdfunding.

fucking based

It was originally also supposed to release on GoG, chink.

Attached: Chinaman getting a taste of freedom.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)

It's severely lacking in security, the exe checks through my browsers and some of my dll files, and the launcher itself is slow as fuck.
Also, it will never have mods, only opt-in reviews, no forums, no nothing. It's barely even a launcher, it's a fucking paywall

They've been in trouble again and again for breaking basic consumer rights.

Attached: Steam 3.png (1062x310, 36K)

>Bureaucracy working that fast
Where the fuck are you from?

Peak leddit zoomer right here

I'm fucking European and the prices Epic has over here is insane. They try to go as low as they can in the US, and max out in all other countries

>Lol we didn't need your funding get dabbed on xD
If it weren't the fact people give away their money too easily I'd be 100% livid at the faggot but knowing dumbasses never learn I can only be disappointed the same as a judge sees a Juvenile appear in court again.

Attached: 1540320184868.jpg (872x685, 94K)

The OT is boomer core.

remember when PC users was not retarded and could mod games themselves?
>no forums
Ahh yeah how can we survive without a forum that is just filled with Chink/Russian spam and 90% posts in foreign languages.

Based and liberty pilled.

Why would that matter, he can retire on the Epic payout. like not even 10% of that backing is going to refund/chargeback.

It's amazing that one of the things Valve actually went all the way to the supreme court to fight against was having to provide a fucking contact phone number. Seriously, fuck Valve.

Why does that post keep getting jannied?

>Accepting a bribe
It's worse than that, they approached Epic for a payout. Epic is the lesser evil here, they didn't tempt them.

Chinese made jokes and memes about Xi looking like winnie the pooh when he walks and the thin skin bastards outright banned him the same regard as the square massacre and great leap forward fuck ups

What you have going on here is a cuck mindset.
The Epic Games Store is objectively inferior on literally on fronts, except for the companies who publish there. Even if it weren't so, the company is pushing anti-consumer tactics (i.e, that the customer is ALWAYS wrong), and the company behind it and their investors are shady as fuck (which reflects in the launcher itself, because it checks through my computer's files and sends it back to them)

I remember when people said the same thing about the new Metro game, and still it sold MUCH more than any of their other games.

None actually uses Steam anymore, it's just Chinks and third worlders. Just look at the top played games on Steam, 90% of the playerbase on those games are chinks and third worlders.

Attached: Steam userbase.jpg (1280x1232, 193K)

The copy pasta technically qualifies as spam.

Now this is EPIC.

Attached: Epic.png (930x480, 498K)

Give me the exact number of sales for Metro on the Epic Store then

Gookmoot is on CCP's payroll

People supporting Epic got ensnared the same way people got fucked over by Brexit. Completely overblow the negatives of the current situation to a bunch of retards who don't know how good they have it, then convince them that change, any change, is the way to go. Even if that change looks shittier in every measurable way to any reasonable person.

Why? All that matters is that it sold much more than any other Metro game even tho VaIvecucks said it would flop.

>t. Xi

That's half-true. They reached Epic just for publishing the game on their platform. It was Epic who then offered the exclusivity deal. Of course they could be lying out of their asses, they don't really have a reason to speak the truth.

Epic has worse fucking security than the Bethesda launcher.

Yeah, it flopped on PC, most likely. But the Metro series is may more mainstream now than people like to admit, so it probably sold a lot on consoles.

What dumbasses, they could have preserved most of their reputation if they had just given their backers Steam/GOG keys as planned and have new purchases be through EGS.

In other words, you're talking out your ass.

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Steam literally had one of the biggest data leaks in history.

Attached: Steam hacked.png (673x431, 43K)

>cucking backers/preorders out of their promised gog/steam keys.

I can't stand the epic vs steam bullshit but that's actually pretty fucked up.

>Kek imagine hating on a business company who is literally in the business to make money
Business doesn't work that way, user. You can ramp up supply all you want, but if the demand goes away all you have left is worthless surplus. And this isn't even a physical product that can be reused, it's a computer program.

>n-no it didn't sell good at all it was all consoles!
the COPE

Exactly, fuck these guys. The fact they pretty much said "oh well we get paid anyways" is fucking hilarious. Ok they won't mind their shit getting pirated.

>it flopped on PC

>complain about anti-consumer practices
>proceed to defend one of the most blatantly anti-consumer practices ever conceived, even above the awful garbage like loot boxes, season passes, and cosmetic shops
>a practice that can encourage a spiraling situation where no publisher/developer can be trusted anymore because you can’t even reliably predict where a game is going to release in the first year of its life
>a practice that can result in Steam, GOG, and other services pulling these kinds of moves or moves against this that will affect developers and consumers alike, whereas previously exclusivity came because of where users were engaged most or because a publisher had created its own platform to market its games on
You know why I despise Epic? It’s because the longer they keep pulling this stunt, the more likely it’s going to make bad things happen that will make us wish they had just gone back to shilling Fortnite instead of trying to run the PC industry. I do not care about them on the sheet premise of being a different client/DRM competing with Steam. I don’t even care if chinks run them. But I am not for a single moment going to accept the “well I think Valve has done some pretty anti-consumer things, so it’s okay to let Epic do this excuse.” I won’t even accept the “well Epic has to grow somehow, right” excuse. Epic is not waiting for the consumer to decide whether the EGS client is better. It’s trying to force the consumer to pick a side.
And for all this fanfare about their client, it is lackluster compared to not just Steam but other clients, even after having the ability to pick out the best things other clients use. Not to mention atrocious security.
So what is there to defend here? You talk about “well maybe Valve will do stuff now,” but do you really want Valve to have to implement a countermeasure to Epic Games’ tactics that will harm the consumer and developers?

epic falseflag my dude, when can i expect the kotaku article "THE GAMERS ARE AT IT AGAIN, DEATH THREATS TOWARDS LITERALLY WHO GAME DEVELOPER"

they also said they approached epic first for exclusivity. its not completely epic's fault. developer is greedy jerk.

Honestly Epic store probably won't be around that long unless they actually do start pulling big numbers away from steam.


But this is how VaIvecucks think, just see

>pirate it
>publisher sees no money
>doesn't fund any more games of the dev
>but it was totally ethical because my money wouldn't have gone to the devs anyway.
It kinda would have gone. Not directly, of course. But a sale still translates.

>company makes more money than Valve
>Steam is pretty much dead outside of f2p games and Chink games
>"d-don't worry it will die soon"

Attached: Epic 2.png (1004x782, 838K)

Maybe you should post some statistics then, because it's outselling Last Light in physical copies, not digitally from what I'm seeing. And I'm pretty sure PC gamers barely buy physical.

It was removed from the most popular PC storefront, which is most definitely a hit to their sales. Show me some stats, because I'll keep assuming it underperformed due to the insane backlash it received.

I'm actually gonna check that up with my lawyer. I fucking pledged 200 bucks

Fuck chinks

Is it that hard for epic (and steam for that matter) to let me launch games without using their shitty ass launcher?

How much of the "chaina baad" is either some retarded trump supporters or CIA trolls?

I'm not an epic shill or anything but I don't really blame them. They are just trying to compete, it's the devs who are selling out to exclusivity. Pulling the gog keys is the worst part about it to me. Gog is one of the only market (might be the only on at this point) that actually lets you own your games. You can make copies of gog games and give them to your buddies. It's extremely consumer friendly.

>Steam is pretty much dead outside of f2p games and Chink games
They're getting all the important Halo games.

You don't have to american to dislike a rival world power.

And they fixed it. Every launcher has had a bad security leak, uPlay and Origin had really bad ones a while back. Russians used to try and hack Steam accounts a lot. BUT THEY FIXED IT.


>company makes more money than Valve

Doesn't mean much, what are their annual expenses?

I'm not American and China is bad. It's bad for the world. They do not respect copyright, patent laws and international laws.

>>Steam is pretty much dead outside of f2p games and Chink games
Do you have a source on your claims? And no, Fortnite numbers don’t count if they’re multi-platform.

user I live in fucking Southeast Asia and the local english-speaking Chinese where I live hate the mainland Chinese from China.

People are going full retard with their "we NEED to dethrone Steam" rhetoric. They're willing to leave everything in ashes just because.


Attached: basedandredpilled.png (600x665, 347K)

>Russians used to try and hack Steam accounts a lot. BUT THEY FIXED IT.

phishing passwords from retards is not hacking

>ask company to add launcher to your game
>company counter-offers to be exclusive to their launcher
>sure why not
>some fags are mad

Anyone who paid for this is probably an autist, so what's the issue?

Dota 2 and PubG is 90% played by chinks and the rest is Russians and third worlders.
CS is just Russians and third worlders.
Warframe, Teamfortress and PoE is f2p

Attached: Top played.png (763x631, 107K)

Respectable rules.

probably none of them considering not wanting china anywhere near you is smart

My neighbor is from Taiwan and I'm pretty sure he actually wants to gas the Chinese. The way he talks about them actually makes them sound scary as fuck and pretty brutal.

China is about as close as you can get to objectively bad.

Weaponized autism can be a huge problem.

No. There's laws and regulations on how (and how many before going public) a company can get investors, to avoid scams, and proper companies are overseen by the SEC.
It's why kickstarter calls them "backers" and not "investors". It's all in the agreements one agrees to when first signing up for kickstarter, and backing a project.
Depending on exactly what the kickstarter project promises it might fall within certain criteria of fraud on a state level (there's 50 of them so complete crapshoot), if they fail to deliver, but it's otherwise considered a donation, a non tax deductible one.

Steam had the 30'th biggest data leak in history, over 35m users got their information like credit card numbers leaked.
Are you actually trying to defend this bullshit?

Attached: Steam 6.png (1258x41, 3K)

How many of chaina bad troupe actually boycott china made products?

China is a large county with five quite different people there. A Chinaman hating the chinese is not the same as a Czech hating czechs.

dont they get cut from microtransactions? fortnite is f2p too but made 3 billion dollar profit last year.

>In this new update —delivered last Friday night, after the closing bell —Valve CEO Gabe Newell wrote that the company has still “found no evidence that the intruders took information from [the Steam] database,” but that it “recently … learned that it is probable that the intruders obtained a copy of a backup file with information about Steam transactions between 2004 and 2008,” and that the backup file contained “user names, email addresses, encrypted billing addresses and encrypted credit card information.” (The one upside: It reportedly didn’t include Steam passwords.)

Did you really? What an idiot.

Holy shit Anons this is getting a bit too scummy for me.

>It wasnt Epic that approached them, they did it
>They literally planned it all way ahead, even going so far as tellin epic to pay them enough to cover all refunds
>They did it for only 2 Millions, which is literally nothing
>All while """promising""" that the game will come to steam and GoG

Just how scummy do you have to be to do something like this? That's Media coverage worthy.This isnt Epics fault, the devs are the problem

Attached: 48408062_1285793008253437_3020297285461344256_o.jpg (1080x1100, 40K)

Which Chinese are the best Chinese and which are the worst?

Have you ever meet the Chinese? They are locusts in human form.

>backing shit on kikestarter
hopefully this shit happens more often so these stupid goyim stop backing vaporware with their shekels

>posts a f2p moba

no shit what do you expect

>8 years have since passed
>Steam security measures have beefed up since then
>Epic’s security still trash
Is this all you’ve got, Epic shill?

>That's Media coverage worthy
Why are Steam cucks this retarded? You are complaining that a game won't be available on your DRM forced platform that sells your information instead of the other forced DRM platform.

>This isnt Epics fault, the devs are the problem

It's because they are greedy faggots. Epic probably would have been better off telling them to fuck off honestly.


Because le epic gaben xD. Milennials were a mistake, zoomers are small time compared to these autists

What about gog? They also fucked us over. I'm not blaming epic but it's still a dick move by the devs.

Alright now post that time that Epic store got hacked and information leaked to everyone.

D-d-durrrr Epic good me good goym I vote for yang and get social score :)

It's mostly just Steambabbies crying that they won't be able to play it on their botnet and sells their information.

Are you saying fortnite isn't infested by third worlders too?

>>They did it for only 2 Millions, which is literally nothing

what? 2 million is a lot for video game development.

I wouldn't know. I can't tell them apart, you'd need a China enthusiast to do that. And a China enthusiast doesn't do the "China bad" thing.

No chinks allowed here

Attached: Untitled.jpg (744x622, 109K)

>And a China enthusiast doesn't do the "China bad" thing.


>Defending Epic
Back to ResetEra.

Wouldn't China exist as the very antithesis of the world liberal civilians want to create?

Attached: 1552355456239.gif (255x191, 1.9M)

2 millions is barely anything for video developement except maybe for some 2D shit

its not even good program to use. no review system, no search function and no refunds. it lacks on every department compared to glorious steam.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (949x1069, 199K)

How do I avoid aging like that?

Attached: 1552515424044.jpg (575x486, 67K)

Until they get something like steam workshop I'm not bothering with their shit.

Honestly can't feel bad for anyone who gives away their money not even for an unfinished product, but for a fucking product that doesn't exist, on a platform where the receiver of the money has NO legal responsibility to deliver ANYTHING.
Even paying for finished games isn't safe anymore with all the forced updates.

Attached: AhRl6BC3spA.jpg (1280x1440, 1.12M)

>glorious steam.
Could it be more obvious that you are a paid shill?

no, you're just thinking of AAA games that spend 30 mil just in marketing. 2 mil is a lot of AA and indie game studios, which is what this is. they got funded to make the game with 700k.

No. Especially if they return the money on demand, as they seem to.

>Government controls big businesses and forces censorship
>Constant surveillance forces you to be a good goy
>Cities are huge megalopolises and you won't see a field unless you really try
Seems like the Western cosmopolitan's dream.

>confusing liberals with socialists

>I don't know how to look up corporative information so ill just meme
Lazy brainlet

>gollop's phoenix point nu-com ripoff
>not the chad OX-COM modding scene

Does anyone find it weird that it's general lefties that support it?

Smash capitalism but also download the program aggressively trying to take over the market.

>If we had to refund 100% of currently pre-orders, we'd still be in the black
Jesus fucking Christ, how much did Epic pay them?

there's plenty of cases of costumers having won against video game companies
stop living under your stupid rock

How long until China gets nuked to kickstart the end of the world

Attached: 1537205876210.png (367x587, 432K)

How is that our fat cuck Jim Sterling hasn't made a video out of this yet?

is it because he is an Epic shill?

Probably over $10 million American.

He made something related to the epic store and yes

>one of the most blatantly anti-consumer practices ever conceived
Which is?

>is it because he is an Epic shill?
I'm assuming this is a rhetorical question.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: 02123751803152.jpg (768x432, 226K)

Something like that, yeah. And it's fucking peanuts to Epic.

fuck scumbags that are riding the waves of good will until the shore runs dry and turns into a wasteland of mutual hatred and mistrust.

>I am curious why do you people have a problem with that

Is Randy retarded?
Brain damaged?
Consumers like to have a choice what is so fucking hard to understand here?

c o p e

Not only will i Pirate this game, I live near Box Creek Wilderness. I'm going to poach from the forest Epic is trying to preserve. I suggest all North Carolina bros do the same.

Attached: 1552365207718.png (500x374, 255K)

Yes, he made a video last week shitting on Steam and praising Epic. He took the bribe like all other journalists and many

And how would it be more of a choice to be forced to use Steam instead of Epic store?


that would be the case if the project has died and the company/team went bankrupt / ran out of money.
If the project actually rolls out into a market for sell, whilst simultaneously not fulfilling its obligations to people who paid their money for a copy - that looks like blatant fraud that can be successfully tried.

Epic Store deals are a win-win for devs with low/no real morals. You get a fat as fuck stack of cash while at the same time getting to climb onto your high horse and take the moral high ground by pretending you give a fuck about "Fighting muh ebil steam monopoly/giving consumers more choice." to earn yourself lots of social media brownie points with all the people who are either in on the facade with you or who are stupid enough to actually believe your bullshit.
I earnestly do not believe that 99% of the devs that have done this actually think their reasons are good or pro-consumer or whatever their chosen line is, it's just a convenient, defensible excuse that provides a pretty good shield against people pointing out that you're just chasing money.

>What dumbasses, they could have preserved most of their reputation if they had just given their backers Steam/GOG keys as planned and have new purchases be through EGS.
Ebin Tengames supposedly didn't agree to that
does them no good, think about it
they want to leech off the diehard playerbase that already bought


Epic had a far bigger one in 2017 Chink shill

Nobody says they should release it on Steam only

The original promise was GOG/Steam. And nobody uses Origin for anything outside of Battlefield just like nobody uses Uplay for anything but Steam installs of Ubisoft titles.

If they announced Epic Game Store as an additional option nobody would have complained but now it's either "Accept this or wait a year for the original promise"

>How dare this journalist have other opinion than my own! Clearly he must be bribed

>they want to leech off the diehard playerbase that already bought
But they don't get a single cent from those who already bought.

Another Epic thread another faggot that has to handwave away gog because it breaks the narative.

Fucking roach.

Pity he did it by taking money from kids in a gambling game.

So we will live to see the time when game developers don't need gamers to buy their games. That's what developers have long been asking for and finally Epic gives it to them.

>mfw some aussie faggot on a discord server was defending them
and he a raging leftist too, how embarrassing

Attached: 1549990988898.png (300x300, 32K)

It's because their goal is not sales at all. All they want is people to download the client. They will brag that whatever backers don't refund are sales they've made to continue projecting their false image that the store isn't a complete failure. But their ultimate aim is to get their botnet cryptominer client on every PC they possibly can. The exclusives, the free game giveaways. All of it just to try and bait retards into giving them the only thing they want out of this. Your data, set up a cyber spy network across the United States and other Western countries, and an infinite supply of bitcoins.

Only the PvE mode that nobody plays has gambling.
I know that VaIvecucks are uninformed about shit they sperg but holy crap.

What's more funny is that it is Valve that is pretty much responsible for the whole lootbox shit in the first place.

>Giving money to a Kickstarter
>Giving up over the retail value of a game
Oh no no no

Attached: 1545238128802.gif (200x150, 1.65M)

nigga they want paying clients to install their storefront and come back, all they got is millions of free accounts

They get all that juicy big data from mining your system.
You think they give away free games out of the goodness of their heart?


I don't fund games on principle. Still, this is one of the few games I'm looking forward to this year but if it's not on Steam I'm gonna pirate it. Already have all my games there, not gonna bother with several different clients.

explain? glass colour?

>mining your system
You do realize you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, right?

i mean, they are stagnating in terms of userbase growth, but it would take them years to fall throught that height to critical fiscal situation (i.e. they have several years to roll out another exclusive to win the hearts of users once more).

Besides, it would take them nothing to lure back the abandoned users, since they already have the attached value in a form of a decade old library full of games.

Attached: steam concurrent users.png (1370x670, 156K)

>conviently omitted mighty no. 9

The absolute least they could've done was still give the backers their promised keys.
Metro did that.

No. It's not based in first principles, or economics. It's social control. There are lots of people who will sell out every principle they have for more social control, and this happens in all political orientations.


It's an expression,
I don't mean literal bitcoin mining if that's what you thought.
I know English is your second language wang chung, but try and keep up.

>mining your system = selling data you outright give them
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

APC is sunken into the ground with default animation instead of wheel turned and gun raised, half-asses HDR lightning, breaking intended look of most levels, people don't blink unless specifically scripted to so do, a typo in one line of code no one bothered to fix. Buggy now uses the Jalopy physics, which was not built for hl2 coast maps, making the train close escape almost impossible. Lots of misc bugs, EP2 shiny vortigaunt models, EP2 cartoony blood and particles that don't really fit with hl2 grime, etc.

here, have an internet

Attached: 15474863288520.jpg (418x600, 45K)

if they are fucking journalist they should be giving facts not opinions
they should be unbiased

Friendly reminder to never download the Epic client, it is packed with spyware, malware, and bitcoin miners. Don't destroy your computer over nothing.

>Your data, set up a cyber spy network across the United States and other Western countries, and an infinite supply of bitcoins.
No matter how many times you spewing such baseless tin-foiled bullshit like mindless bot, it still won't make it true.

Btw, Steam, Windows, android, apple...etc are always collecting your data as well.

ugh, its like official update?

Either he's bribed or even more retarded than previously thought. Regardless of which it is, Epic is garbage that nobody should support.

The growth is nearly only chinks that started to use Steam after PuBG was released toh.

>By installing this launcher you accept out terms
>Thanks for "giving" us access sucker

Ching chong Hong Kong egg fo yung.

chinks have money, you know

How am I supposed to play the free games they give me, then?

>like mindless bot

Spotted the non-English speaking Chink. This proves him right without a shadow of a doubt.

>spyware, malware, and bitcoin miners
I have downloaded and installed Epic Store, and nothing you mentioned above have ever appeared on it. Fuck off faggot.
Nevertheless, that doesn't mean I like what Epic did with this exclusive shit.

So now they have the money and your info. Wow.

any actual details on what exactly is being logged and where the shit is stored / sent, and not just baseless third party Chinese whispers re-tweets?

>Gollop has just destroyed whatever good will he had with the TBT community. No one is going to buy whatever future games he's planning on making next. A niche game like that relies on a dedicated core playerbase and he will soon realize that the said playerbase now hates his guts.

He won't care because he's laughing all the way to the bank.

You don't. Don't fall into their trap like an idiot. Unless you want your GPU to burn out from mining in a month.

Based and capitalpilled.

Unironically epic is the worst cancer to come to pc in recent memory.
at least it creates a good list of never buy games/developers/publishers

The Chinese government itself. Tencent is owned and controlled by their government.

I'll explain without being a douchebag.

I use Steam for modern games, keeping my library all on one platform and allowing me to easily access them without having to start separate launchers each day to update said launcher and games, which makes things a lot more convenient for me - There's not as much downtime waiting for updates to download, there's no wait time for me to hop into a game I may not have played for a few months, etc. All because everything I want to play is available through Steam. In some cases, the games I want to play on Steam are also available on other platforms as well, which may be great for other people, but I like to keep all my shit in one place for the previous issues I just listed.

I also use GoG, but mostly for older games because they do a great job getting 90's/early 00's games running on modern hardware with no fuss, which is sadly something Steam still has not managed to do too well. (Last I checked, JK1 and X-Wing Alliance are still a shitshow on Steam, but easy to start up and play via the GoG installers.)

I don't see any issue with a game being on multiple platforms/launchers. There are plenty of Steam games that are also on Origin, and vice-versa. But platform/launcher exclusivity is fucking stupid, and really a shit move.

He'll never sell a copy of this game and now his reputation is so destroyed that he'll never sell any other games he tries to make either. Any developer at his company with any sense would find a new job right now before they get blacklisted by other employers for being part of this. The names of all involved will become sales poison to other devs.

Worst cancer in gaming period. Not even EA, Activision-Blizzard, Bethesda, and Ubisoft are doing anything this bad.

ownership != actual spyware
Has anybody actually tested the client on what kind of data it leaks and if it's possible to block it?
Come back when there're more actual data on your case.

>Steam has tons and tons of exclusive titles that forced you to download Steam and agree to their ToS that allows them to sell your data
>none bats an eye
>Epic store has 1 or 2 exclusive games
>Steam cucks lose their mind.

Attached: 1459906292656.jpg (987x951, 510K)

The client uses up all your RAM and CPU once installed. That's proof enough.

Yes, mindless bots, (You). Retards like you keep spamming same bullshits over and over again is exactly like what mindless bots do. Spambot is not uncommon on Yea Forums at all, there is even a rule against it.

Btw, Yea Forums is also collecting users's data anonymously, you wouldn't honestly retarded enough to believe nobody will know where are you from(or do) just because you shitpost on Yea Forums anonymously, right? Idiot.

they were the first of the bunch. For some new players Epic might become a first one, for some it can never be one (and some just don't give a shit and run a dozen of proprietary clients on background, because who cares outside of this place)

it's not

Kickstarters have no obligations to anyone. they can do whatever the fuck they want with your money.

>The client uses up all your RAM and CPU once installed
Nope, it doesn't happen on me, sorry.

All Chinese IP's

>It's another "lol kikestarter amirite" thread

Attached: Kickstarter.jpg (1596x3202, 1.97M)

a bit overdramatic, aren't you? i'm sure the animators, modelers, concept artists, etc aren't going to be "blacklisted" as they have no control over the game's distribution.

Kinda ballsy to be able to outdo EA, of all companies, on beeing shithead

>steam has exclusive titles

could you point out the ones that steam paid the developer to put it on their store and only their store?

Valve games don't count since that is understandable and I wouldn't complain if Epic only puts their games on their store since afterall they did make it.

I pledged $1000, but you can get a refund via some shady website. Feels good to be able to buy a bunch of shit at once.

Whatever you say, honky bot:^)

I don't give a shit what launcher they're on.

Exceptions do not excuse the majority, faggot.

>pledging 1,000 to a kickstarter

good for you getting your money back, but sheesh

It doesn't matter WHY the devs exclusively have their titles on Steam or Epic, the fact remains that they are exclusive to Steam and forces me to download it so they can sell my data.


What the actual fuck user

None of the steam "exclusives" have been paid off to be there.
Any game published on steam can be selled on any other storefront or even on a devs own page.
Steam is a market nexus and a bigass storefront, wich atracts "exclusives" on its own

Attached: 1544700737830.jpg (939x1646, 859K)

guess what fucktard, I paid for several of these games when they were released like a non-retard while retards risked their money for some gay cosmetic horseshit or a 10% discount

>/xcg/ keeps hyping up PP
>lulz if u arent gud at based FIRAXIS XCOM Phoenix Point will be good
>post my cheevos, /xcg/ spazzes out more but still hypes up Phoenix Point
>tell them it's the same nuCOM garbage and it'll be trash
I am so glad I got out of bed to see this post. I am gonna mosey right on over to /vg/ to see the fallout. I bet my dick is gonna twitch a bit. This is gonna be a good day.

Attached: giphy.gif (366x229, 971K)

they can try to, but there's legal system that offers the grounds to contest active companies desire to extort funds off consumers for promise, then delivering the promised product on market, but without fulfilling the promise to people who explicitly paid money for the delivered product that's factually available on the market. At the very least they will have to be obligated to offer a discount that partially covers the cost of the product development,if the initial funds weren't enough to cover it.

They do if they know it's wrong and stick around anyway. That's guilt by association and collusion. They literally scammed and lied to their backers and then took a corrupt payout from a Chinese company trying to bait people into downloading a botnet cryptominer. Do you think people are going to want to buy other games when they find out these same sort of people are involved? You see how much of a grudge can be held against individuals on this board and in general. Other employers know this and would not want their games and brand reputation tarnished by such names.

you are wrong though, they released gameplay demos and it plays completely differently from nucom

git gud kiddo

But it does fucking matter.
Steam did not shackle games to their laucher (except valve owned ones, i guess) devs DECIDED ON THEIR OWN to go to steam. There is a big fucking difference between that and signing an exclusivity contract with a launcher

I really hope Epic gives this game for free like all the other games. I was planning on buying no matter the platform but this gives me hope

It doesn't play like UFO Defense and the geoscape isn't playable yet. Or at least it wasn't when I last checked.

Attached: gotgudlongago.png (1025x651, 127K)

>Steam did not shackle games to their laucher
How do you know that? Why do you think the new resident evil game is only released on Steam? They obviously bribe people behind the scenes.

>still trying to spam this completely false argument

Steam has no exclusives and never has besides Half-Life, Counter Strike, Dota, Team Fortress 2, and Left 4 Dead which they all made themselves. They aren't a monopoly when every other dev chose to be there of their own volition without being bribed. Stop lying.

Actually it does matter, dipshit.
Also, if you can buy the game on GOG, then you have literally nothing to complain about.

Fucking ace, I hope the majority of them do it. It wont effect the company but then again unlike a lot of shills on Yea Forums say public perception does make or break companies. If articles started popping up in support of backers and how they're doing charge backs against Gallop then yes, shit might actually happen. As much as people on here love to say
and love to lick their corporate oligarch boots you do have rights and you can exercise your abilities to fight back. You might not accomplish much but if a lot of people do it, and attention is gained then yes you can change things.

Fuck Epic for bringing in the concept of exclusives to PC as a platform. Its the most cancerous thing ever.