Digimon > Pokemon
Digimon > Pokemon
Never played Digimon but it looks cool
I feel the power!
It's called...wreckin' the whole place!
and this is why Digimon failed
Is there a fanbase more insecure than Digimon fans?
Digimon evolution would be cool if it wasn't 100% arbitrary and completely changed every single game. Imagine if you boot up Pokemon shield and your Charmeleon evolves into Blastoise.
The 2 lines of Renamon evolutions are just recollors.
digimon cyber sleuth was the first digimon i played and it was amazing
>multiple things evolve into the same digimon
Digital monsters retard, they can do whatever they're programmed to.
Digimon has such a better premise because of this, Pokemon is awkward and clunky because of it's limited world and adherence to "real creatures living in a real world".
so just let everything evolve into anything.
>It's more complex, therefore it's good!
>One MUST be better than the other!
Fuck off.
Melee fans, WoW diehards, FFXV fans, Sony fans...
haven't seen a digimon thread in a little bit cuz it's already dead, wouldn't call em insecure, maybe delusional, but not in the insecure way.
the digimon evolution line is way bigger than that, its pretty much a web that connects all digimon to eachother, which makes sense since unlike pokemon they are fictional ones and zeros, so through the code mutations of digivolutions they can turn into pretty much anything
I've never played Digimon. Is there anything that carries over between the evolutions? Is there any reason to follow some bizarre evolution path?
>Still getting games, manga and anime to this day
Keep seething pokeshitter
Why does this apply to every other game and genre, but the Nintendo one gets a pass?
Better than Pokemon's shitty system where you know exactly what you're going to get and the only variety is determined by RNG stats.
Not that guy but it doesn't. The best example are modern AAA games that have complex upgrade system, levels and different shit but are inferior to simpler action games that focus on core systems.
video games don't have soul's
You only know what you're going to get if you look it up, and there's more variety in any Pokemon game as they dont go full retard and remove monsters between games.
Also no shitty fucking recolors.
Depends on the game. In many of them, you can get moves or things like that from other stages. Though it's not always guaranteed that whatever you turn into will be able to use said moves. Stats can be another thing, like maybe it gets a boost in certain stats via becoming a certain stage and carries them over to the next.
the thing about digimon is that there's no "canon" evolution path
every piece of digimon media has new evolution connections/gets rid of old ones, though generally speaking digimon that make obvious sense to evolve to or from each other stay somewhat consistent, and digimon that were designed to evolve into each other (like Agumon into Greymon) always have that option
Show me the web.
Why do Americans like arguing over kids games like Pokemon or Digimon?
Your childhood was over a long ago so get back to reality and have a life.
Just because there's technically more Pokemon obtainable at some point in the game doesn't mean there's more variety. In reality, many Pokemon games have fewer than 200 Pokemon you can get throughout the main story, many of which are evolutions. Therein lies the problem, with such linear evolution paths that means you're going to have severely limited CHOICES. Once you choose a Pokemon to be on your team that's it, it will never be anything else than what it is destined to become. And there aren't many to choose from if you're counting evolutionary lines as singular things. Digimon has no such problem, you can go down any number of branching evolution trees as you see fit. Sometimes you can even go back and pick a different path for fun.
For what line
Any, I just want to see an interesting example
Here's an example web, though this doesn't even cover half of the things these Digimon are able to digivolve into.
Only the game with artificially restricted pokedexes have that issue. Thats like two games.
I'm playing Black2 right now and I've already seen over 350 Pokemon after the fifth badge only. And there's still trading on top.
And the limitations on evolutions are just fine. They're great even. They give them a lasting appeal instead of being some throwaway design you wont spend any time with like in SMT or a generic blob with samey abilities like the DQM monsters.
They actually stand out that way with their own specific abilities, types, moves and ways they evolve. All that while actually being cohesive.
>Your childhood was over a long ago so get back to reality and have a life.
I'm a 26 year old NEET, my childhood ends the day I die.
Renamon is my waifu
And yet only a couple of those look mildly decent
>Renamon is Rookie form
>Gatomon is Champion form
Absolute nonsense
It doesnt though.
But Digimon stand out as well, you're simply not familiar with them. Fans recognize hundreds of them. This makes the branching digivolution trees thrilling, because you might suddenly discover whatever you were raising can digivolve into something you love. Or it can produce the Pokemon effect where you raise something you're unfamiliar with and end up loving it.
Personally, I think the evolution limitations are exactly what's holding Pokemon back. Rather than just creating a bunch of cool monsters you can collect and raise, they're limited by the need to make pre-evolutions that are basically the same design but worse, and nobody will care about them because they're weak. This wastes unimaginable amounts of development time, especially now that they have to give the things fully animated models.
>digimon > pokemon
>posts an image that shows the exact reason why digimon is NOT better than pokemon
D > P, Digimon had prettier waifus than Pokemon.
He is my HUSBANDU>
>im to retarded to handle a simple concept it has to many paths waahh
Literal baby
Meanwhile on the rest of Yea Forums
I enjoyed both shows. Digimon's anime was vastly superior, however Pokemon games obviously mopped the floor with Digimon games.
I wana see the husbandus
Worth getting on PS4?
>im to retarded to handle a simple concept it has to many paths waahh
You think that this is how people see it?
I'll tell you a few reasons why it's shit
>several monsters can turn in to the same monsters
>literal recolors and "le evil variants"
>"""evolutions""" are not permanent
I assure you, it's got nothing to do with it being "complicated"
also, calling someone a baby while simultaneously writing shit like "RENAMON IS MY HUSBANDU" really shows how intelligent you are
Digimon dont stand out because they dont have a definitive form. Same with SMT demons or DQM monsters. They're all exchangeable throwaway designs. I played all those series and I dont even think they're bad.
And thats nonsense. The evolutionary lines make perfect sense when it comes to gameplay balance.
early on you face the lower forms, midgame the medium ones and lategame the big ones. it shows progression for both your party and your rival. also shows that you actually get into harder territories.
it allows you to keep your Pokemon relevant for a longer amount of time without tossing it because it evolves with the story progression.
if you could just get a charizard at level 1 it would suck ass. If you could only have butterfrees early on it would suck too.
And despite this "limitation" every pokemon game adds way more monsters than Digimon. What you call limitation is what keeps Pokemon king of the genre.
Yes and no.
While Pokemon is definitely a game series I love and enjoy, I find that the game I look back on with the most fondness is Digimon World 1. RE:Digitized and Next Order just... Didn't recapture that initial feeling. Next Order came close, though.
My husbandu
Digimon has few really good designs that I love, but also lots of trash that look like a 13-year old edgy kid was tasked with designing a killer monster that needs to imitate humans. Pokemon has all around much better designs, as it doesn't have as many miss designs as Digimon, but neither does it have as good heights or design. Stuff like WarGreymon and Kabuterimon were the first things that showed me my love of big armors and bugs.
>WRPG babbs in the current day and age with fucking Bethesda as their face
they dont even exist on Yea Forums anymore lmao.
>not having a furry husbandu
Pffft seems like ur obviously not the smart one
Cool. Are those contained in that web? Some other user mentioned any digimon can evolve into another
Expect the picture is missing a lot of mons from it also it goes further than that there are more types of evelutions like dna and armour
they all end up evolving into some mish mash of metallic parts and weapons and none are memorable
Few are memorable, some because they're actually good and some because they're there to appeal to waifu/husbandofags who run the digimon fandom.
The rest of Yea Forums is gay
Pokemon only remains king due to being the first to enter games. Recent Pokemon games have been complete trash, it's just riding on brand recognition at this point.
> user still thinks Digimon lines are complex for no reason.
> Don't understand V-Peta
Pokemon would not benefit from Evolution trees because it's not meant to be a simulation to even the level Digimon is. Your Pokemon won't die if you forget to feed it, while a Digimon will turn in to a green slug if you neglect it.
That's not necessarily true, but not necessarily wrong either. Technically speaking, Digimon can become all sorts of things in the right conditions. But in most cases they're limited to certain lines that are commonly associated with them, such as how the Agumon line commonly digivolves into lizard-like or fire-related Digimon.
Frankly, I forgot most Pokemon designs after a certain point. People talk about how amazing they are, but honestly they don't sway me strongly one way or another.
I'm not too attached to a chunk of Digimon design either, but I do appreciate the bold lines and shadows in the older Bandai art, as well as the attempts to tell a story purely through each character design. Like how explicitly evil digimon have similar markings, some digimon having elements of other Digimon, etc.
What would happen to my digimon if I forget to fuck her?
>JRPG shitter still pretending his animu games aren't total shit.
Post a WRPG from the past decade retard
There's legitimately very few people besides Americans that still argue about this
It's similar to old Nintendo/Sega babs that still think there's a Mario v. Sonic rivalry
>all these "wah, my Digimon evolve into anything" autists
>don't even know that Digimon evolution is 100% reversible so it quite literally doesn't matter outside of trial and errorying into any final stage you want 100% of the time
>Digimon evolution is 100% reversible
that's precisely what makes it garbage
I want to have ssssssssssex with renamon.
Devloving is a key part of the game
I know
>max aplitude is 39
>next evelution requires 40
Have to devolve back to the prior form
>lvl 1 again
>have to re-level up to Elvove back to where I was
>back to lvl 1
>finally get back to 40 and can now digievolve
:/ dna sliding for certain moves is just sooo :(
>The digidestined traveled to the digiworld and met digimon and used their digivices to make them digivolve into digimon
Never gets old for some reason
>has never played the games
Is there a digimon equivalent of pokemon mystery dungeon?
>Best voices in dubs are VAs from popular western shows
Every time.
I want to hug Lunamon!
Of course fans of one side remember their side better while forgetting the other. It's up to the preference of the person. Imo most Pokemons designs fit together a lot better in sense of style, which makes them more memorable, than Digimon designs which cover a lot more different bases, but that's just me.
user, you don't understand.
E V E R Y T H I N G is connected. The evolution web is literally too huge to format outside of looking at what individuals are *recorded* to have done
>Of course fans of one side remember their side better while forgetting the other.
I've played WAY more Pokemon games than Digimon ones. I don't say this as someone who's picked a side, I'm just going by what I see and like of the two franchise's designs.
I do agree that Pokemon designs mesh together much better and give a better sense of setting. But I do still enjoy the rough, erratic, and at times surreal Digimon designs, even with their obsession with Dinosaurs.
>not having your digimon in a small, cute, portable form suddenly burst out into a gigantic beast the moment the battle starts
>not having all that compressed stats in a tiny, compressed form in the games because you deevolved, having the cutemons actually useful, unlike Pokémon
objectively cooler than Pokémon
>having 99% of all Pokémon being useless postgame including your favorite because Gamefreak practically promotes Smogon outside of casual play, an entire problem Digimon will never have simply due to how it's designed
I want to see Coronamon! used
Play world
Chiaki J. Konaka needs to do another digimon series
Tri is shit
I mean Bubsy still keeps getting games, does that mean he's a massive success?
Yokai Watch
literally Pokémon fans
Compared to anything you'll ever make or do.
Personally I don't know why there are so many Poke vs Digi threads now. Despite being apparently flawed, the Digi games seem interesting and I dig the designs and concept. If /vr/ is anything to go by, a Digimon thread on its own can live for a good time without trolling.