Yfw there won't be a kino game for you cuz developers are lazy

>yfw there won't be a kino game for you cuz developers are lazy

Attached: Alien - Xenomorph by Robert Wilson IV (Regular).jpg (800x1063, 250K)

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what about isolation ?

Contra was good.

It's not what I want

then you aren't a true Alien fan?

The game was highly praised as a the best alien game period.

I need to have something to make me feel like the alien. None of those game do it.

god i want to fuck a xenomorph

Uh yes I am a true fan, it may work with most people but not me.

you got low standards like them.

ok tell me what you would expect from a GOOD alien game in your opinion?

what are you looking for out of an alien game?

Low standards? Games a gem.

let me guess: your counter point would be about the piss poor A.I? or the story?

I want a long game where you play as the alien only and reek havoc and given tons of stuff to do, not just from one objective to the next. And I want many different ways you can sabotage, slaughter, and take over or what ever. I want to feel like the alien and feel powerful in it. It needs high quality maps, environments and a different direction of story.

>there will never be a good avp game again

You see.... I did like AVP, but that part where you play as the alien was what I cared about, that was a tiny morsel, I want to feel full, feel alive.

Maybe in the game you get to choose what type of alien you are and even have different skins and unlockable content, the cutscenes so eerily and cleverly shot to make you feel like an apex predator.

ss13 colonial marines

Based edgy retard

God damn why haven't they thought of this shit sooner?!?! RAAAWWRRRR
Let me live as a badass!!

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You know your head looks like a dildo

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Is it big enough for you?


i want a xeno boi to fuck me

>Every game since avp2 has been fucking horrendous
>You will never play glorious 100man Battle royale arma3 avp
>4 25 man teams
>Each with their own unique vehicles
>Alien morphology, berserkers, runners, carriers, eggs, queen evolution
>Synth upgrades
>Human weapon caches
>Predator stat upgrades from kills/trophies

>Get more gay hide and seek in the closet zoomer Friday night at freddies shit games


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have you played Prototype user?
if you just wanna be an edgy darkmonster, that's pretty much it.

It's not the same... It'll never be the same...

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If only there was people that would hear my cries for satisfying experiencing of a wondrous and yet treacherous beast while at the same time being more than just simply competent, I want talent.

>No natural selection 2 rip off in Aliens universe.

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We need to get more people in on this, we need people to care about this idea. So that way I can fulfill my dream of living a second life as a xeno. Oh please God, hear me!

I don't simply want only violence or some mature themes either, no, no no no no noway hozay, I want this game to be brutal.

- you can have sex with the alien queen

I want that in there too.

some ideas for some of the beginning :

>You're on a derelict crashed ship

>You're scrapping food

>You bring some to your relatives and the queen
>you get to pick what you look like and enter your name like in Dark Souls
>You find out a ship outside is landing else where with some weyland yutani peeps
And there are other stuff that could easily start off the game, and even a ton of stuff that could lead from there, but you get it.

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>people talk about having sex with the aliens
Do you think they even have like human compatible genitals?

Plus it was about Ripley's daughter. EXPANDING THE LORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMGWTF!11ISITINCANON?!

There are ways...

>tfw underground tunnel building a hive

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Alien life cycle was awful online, you just had to pray the marines/predators team mates would fuck up or spend literally half the match waiting to ambush someone at the right spot, and turn into a drone made of glass anyway

does it matter

That's in a tight 3 hallway system. An open br map wouldn't have that problem.

I thought that his head was a dick, like Mara in SMT

Also if the aliens died, they could be reborn by a queen alien. With dead players rehatching out of laid eggs.

Dryhumping is boring.

what about the mouth?

I'm sure they have butts too.

It was a good Alien piece, but a horrible video game.
If I was looking for immersive interactive entertainment or something I'd go straight to Alien: Isolation VR mod, but alas I wanted a video game and got a walking simulator filled to the brim with repetitive "minigames".

>>Obsidian's Alien RPG got cancelled
never ever

Still AvP 2010 was alright and Isolation was a good creepathon. Gearbox's Colonial Marines can get fucked though, Randy a shit..

Oh shit almost forgot Wayforward's gem Aliens: Infestation

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>Alien zombie BRish
>lots of marines drop on planet
>work together to do stuff on an open explorable colony
>pve alien warriors trying to kill them
>killed marine players become alien players
>pve hazards increase as time goes on
Might be nice to try but I see people bitching about "I don't want to play the other side" and fucking it up for others. Also, multiplayer content only lasts so long. Singleplayer is more ageless.

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When I say immersive though I'm talking about this type of shit : youtube.com/watch?v=3YTIMGmZUr4

>marine pushing off a xenomorph
I know it's gameplay sense but man, if it doesn't make them seem like bitches. Also, while the Obsidian game had some wonky concept art, the idea of playing as an android in more story-focused environment is really good. I hope they utilize it one day.

I really liked that one smut story that implied that the queen mates with available host species, which would sorta open the possibilities for more varied and believable species compatibility.

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this is how I want it to look when I kill some humans. mmmmm yummmyyy

What is it with Alien attracting edgy autists?

You don't get it... I didn't make this thread for autists, I wanted to make a powerhouse FULL OF AUTISM to attract not your simple average ordinary autists, for you see user... I crave it... Join us, as we decent into madness.

We must have seething hungry extraordinary autism in this here thread.
I won't accept anything less! We must get creative, we must delve into our hearts dark desires.

Rad as fuck. I need that BR :O

>l4d3 cancelled
>Nosgoth cancelled
>No place to get my 25 dmg godly pounce boner

Who was that guy who shilled Evolve and ERPs as his fat xenomorph queen fursona? Are you him?


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No this is just a fan of xenos and me wanting to BECOME ONE OF THEM and rip the flesh apart in a genuinely badass game enveloping you in its breathtaking environments.

Yes, this is beautiful. We must take inspiration off the good stuffs.

Imma finna watch that show.

I have much better standards than that wretch user, we will prove that this thread cares more of quality.

lots of action
lots of story
lots of gameplay
and lots of possibilities

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Anyone a writerfag in here?
Let's see what you're made of!
Make all of us proud!

and I want none of you giving plebian-tier content either.

The alien franchise deserves better than these shit developers, I want my money's worth... Fuck.

Isolation was a good alien game.


I thought it was alright too, but anons here want more out of this.

Alien did get a good game, he was in AvP 2010

its on purpose, every art piece from that artist looks sexual in some way

Men of culture as well... Good.

It was ok, but being an alien in a lengthy game would be cooler.

post pics of alien queen


Why is it not attacking?

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You know what would make the xeno game even more cool, would be giving it VR and hooked up to a PC.

Avp was utter fucking garbage that gimped the alien to a handicapped down syndrome baby

He was still fun to play. Predator was the biggest offender of bad design.

For the consolefags we should wait for the PS5 to come out, but release it to PC first though.

Who would make a good director for it?

Guillermo Del Toro is one idea.

>tfw there will never be a good AVP game ever.
sad shit...

Maybe there can be different factions/tribes like having black aliens and red ones.

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Jeri game when

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I'd play the shit out of that.

I need a smoke too, be right, after that Imma talk more on these xenos.

>alien game
>full campaign where you start by taking over a facility before predators come and you need to escape
>gameplay has autistic levels of simulation
>everything persistent
>game is basically an infestation simulator
>infinite mode gives you procedurally generated facilities to take over once you have had your fun

Yes. They are called facehuggers. They just happen to be a separate bioform rather then part of the xeno's body.

But no, seriously, they are literally rape demons in their original concept, and their entire design is sexual imagery. I swear I remember reading about cut/planned scenes with Lambert in the original movie as well, but that might have just been speculation. At the very least, the original concept probably had something it could use, even if it had to make a suitable hole.

Unironically this.

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>There will never be a remake of AvP2 with modern engine, graphics, and mechanics.

getting shot, lit on fire, and blown up by your teammate simulator

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We almost had a kino rpg


Another glorious day in the corps!

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>this remade to the same grade as RE2
After getting a Total War Warhammer and now the first 3 Halos on PC this is my next dream.



Give this game a name.


>tfw the Alien franchise is dead

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>that part where you play as the alien was what I cared about, that was a tiny morsel, I want to feel full, feel alive.

I can relate to this, playing as the alien stalking soldiers from the ceiling and going through vents was kino as fuck.

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a game set in the world of Giger' sick fantasies

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What about the bonus situation

fuck off pleb

Great minds.... tend to think alike.

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Oh dear... Namco wont like that we're using their names...

Well, aliens with female bodies are kinda sexier than regular women

>last half decent ayylium game that isn't stealth focussed was AvP 2010

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idk maybe concepts from them wouldn't be a bad thing.

what if isolation had bit more aliens in it. Hard to kill aliens, low supplies and noise attracting more of them would be the best.

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this but unironically

That would at least be a little more interesting...
Not to mention we could add a little more ground work with how the environment is done.

Giger, what the fuck?

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hawt stuff

That was Kingdom Hearts 3 for me man, well to some extent

Even after Prometheus and Covenant, it's more alive than it was after Resurrection. It's kinda shitty how good Prometheus and Covenant could've been if they just didn't go full retard with the screenplay.

Why do Alien heads look so mechanical?

nvm I got a name for it :

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the biomechanical parts is their anatomy, don't ask me why though.

So Aliens but good. But not Alien


I kinda like this music, maybe something like that could be in the game.