Are streamers really that influential in driving vidya sales and trends?
Are streamers really that influential in driving vidya sales and trends?
I don't know why retards here get triggered by this. It's literally no different than spending a $1 million on a commercial during primetime
Yes, of course they are. Especially the ones that have audiences made up of impressionable 16 year olds like that manchild.
Good for him, I intentionally avoid e celebs but somehow this fucker even got my awareness. He must be doing his job right.
Yes, moreso than games journalist anyways. Streamers tend to attract people of similar tastes who enjoy the same games the streamers like, so if they play something new and different it creates word of mouth allowing them to spread vidya trends more than any other advertisement avenue.
Ask yourself, how do you learn about a new game? Surely not from a paid advertisement on TV or a website. It's most likely from word of mouth on forums like this one which the posters then learnt it from streamers.
They can help keep potential consumers aware of a product, which is why you still see Coca Cola ads fucking everywhere even though literally everyone everywhere is familiar with it, they're not reaching anyone new they're just maintaining the recognition of their brand.
As long as the product itself is actually good/desirable streamers can help spread awareness of that brand, games are a little different to soft drinks in that whether or not a game is liked by people is a lot more finicky than whether or not people like sugarwater.
Having said that, I do not give one shit about streamers, the only shit I watch on twitch are big game tournaments and autistic clusterfucks like the big yearly speedrun events.
There is a difference between seeing people playing shit they will actually enjoy and engage with, and wanting to see people scream and piss their pants at supposedly scary things that you wouldn't actually be interested in playing yourself. The people watching those videos aren't interested in the game, they're interested in the funny reactions of someone playing something that can generate a clickbaity title. Pewdiepie literally built his career on playing horror games and screaming rape at the top of his lungs.
There's also the issue that those spooky jumpscare games are ruined by watching a 20 minute video of someone's playtime cut down to their most overblown reactions to loud noises.
>comparing a linear singleplayer game to a multiplayer one
Whoever made this image is a real idiot.
>Good for him
I notice people say this shit COMPULSIVELY when they see sums of money trading hands.
The fuck do you care one way or the other, stupid? What is this?
Remember how many people buy games but then don't play them. Those are the same people that watch streamers.
The answer is yes because most casuals and children are high impressional NPCs who don't know enough about the genre to make their own decisions. The ironic thing is that most would probably agree with me despite the fact that like 70% of this board is composed of normalfag shit like classic wow, halo, apex legends, you name it.
/thread should have ended here. But sadly it will reach 500 replies, because nu-Yea Forums is nothing but a bunch of outrage seething pussies
yes, and I don't understand why people here are flipping out over this
other celebrities/entertainers get paid to push products all the time. you don't see people on Yea Forums screeching about Shaq advertising icy hot
you autist. "good for him" implies exactly that, that you don't give a shit and that it has nothing to do with you.
>Popular BAD :(
>Obscure good! :)
>Totally not an NPC by the way guys!!!
Anyone who considers themselves "superior" over others based on their taste in video games (you) is an idiot.
Ah thats why he suddenly stopped playing Apex. I thought for a second he actually liked it. I wonder how much Epic pays him to keep playing Fortnite.
Fuck off kotaku shills
More or less thanks for proving my point, instead of asking why shallow popular games might not stack up to the 'obscure' or 'old' you're instead throwing nonsequiturs at me and going with the most basic normalfag response.
Its actually kinda funny that people on Yea Forums, a board that used to be known for counterculture and not being casual, seems to only discuss the lowest common denominator games in mass. Due to the people going here shitposting any differing opinion and not wanting to go outside their comfort zone.
whoa... i totally thought this game was popular organically. how could this happen? ninja even said he liked the game without being paid for it
whoaaa who couldve expected this from EA the most desperate pathetic company in the industry?
yes and their iron grip on Yea Forums's actual video game discussion proves it
It exploded in popularity basically from launch, most of the work seemed to be done by reports of "TITANFALL DEVS MAKE F2P BATTLE-ROYALE, TITANFALL 3 NOT IN THE WORKS" and word of mouth from people that had actually tried the game saying "Actually this is pretty good".
>literally shilling
>"Good for him"
absolute state of Yea Forums
>Shitty article pic
>pointless question
i'm noticing a patern here
Superb bait
I can barely grasp my mind around it
Except that it's one guy versus a corporation of people getting payout split between multiple divisions.
damn youd out yourself as legit autism like that?
boy that litteral one example sure showed me, retard
Now look at this yo-yo that's the way you do it. You play the vidya on the twitch tv. That ain't workin thats the way you do it. Money for nothin and your games for free.
I think there's the giant issue that a huge portion of their fans don't actually play many games, they just gravitate towards Streamers because they create a more accessible atmosphere for these losers to exist in. They do regular 'shout-out' segments, they'll occasionally namedrop patreon backers or repeat donaters / viewers. The beta faggots that get involved with it are just using the Streamer and his fanbase as a surrogate for having any real-life friends and they get to inflate their self importance by becoming 'known' within that fanbase. Go look back at Angry Joe for example (back when he remotely mattered) and you'll find people on his comment section unironically saying things like "I'm a General in the Angry Joe Army, having over 50k posts on his subreddit"...these people aren't buying the games he reviews or even playing many games, they're just creating some artificial life for themselves in that persons sphere of influence.
Same is true for fans of Streamers.