Why do gamers consider a rape game as “free speech”?

Why do gamers consider a rape game as “free speech”?

Also, why do they always have an anime avatar?

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Theyre InCels

They’re incels, user. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They need to have sex.

They’re incels

just a bunch of pathetic incels

wtf why won't Walmart sell my loli torture doujins? I thought this was America.

It is

great thread op

they are involuntary celibates, user.
that means that they want to have the sex, but something outside of their control is keeping it away from them.
that something in this specific case is his brain :)

Also, why do these people not really understand what "free speech" actually means?

They're dealing with a private, non-governmental company. Why the FUCK do they have to let a game called "rape day", or any game for that matter, onto their store?

I mean they named their fucking game "Rape day". I hate censorship as much as anyone but it's the creators fault for naming it that

Sorry, freedom only exists in Nippon.

Land of the free. There's a reason why that expression is not used anymore when talking about America.


Hilarious that they think them not being able to have sex is someone else's fault. Exterior locus of control really fucks with how one views the world.

So they’re at fault for naming it Rape Day, but not developing a game about raping women?
Hoo boy, I think you have brain damage.

Yeah they're idiots that dont understand that a company is going to do what's best for the company. Letting a game called "rape day" can cause problems for them, im sure if it was called anything else it would have been fine

because it is free speech
rape on its own isn't enough to disqualify something from having artistic merit
now, do a ton of garbage movies, books, and other forms of media use rape for cheap shock value? absolutely
but they should be allowed to exist and subsequently ignored

that's marketing 101 user. There are a slew of games on steam right now that have rape in them. This one gets blown up specifically because the game is called rape day.

Dumbass it's not real
People can fantasize about things like this because it's a game. It's the same reason tags like rape exist in porn

Steam is a private market. Free speech isn't about enforcing your freedom on anybody and everybody. You can't go into my house and yell about whatever retarded shit you want to yell about, you can do it on the public pavement outside.

Dude said he's just going to sell the game on his website after this
So its still legal, just got a 'No thanks' from the big video game distribution platform

what compelled you to make these posts?
really, explain

Why can't I tell a privatively owned company what he can or cannot sell? Where is my freedom of speech?

i'm following the new counter counter counter culture.

guaranteed replies

Like everyone else in the thread said, the reason is incels. They don't know what free speech means.

They think free speech means a permission to attack and harass women, but when woman uses free speech they want it silenced.

Steam's mistake is letting smut onto the storefront at all. No one who was looking into these games was ever like "boy I wish I could play this on fucking steam." I have no beef with shit like Rapelay but I sure as shit have no desire to broadcast the fact I'm playing it to my friend's list. All it's done is open them up to silly controversies like this while not gaining anything at all.

There can still be a question about wether or not the market values or respects free speech, or how they express that value in their actions, even if no one's being legally wronged

It is, but it's bad free speech

Havesexposter is being pretty based today

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>smash character avatar

big ol yikes here from me lads

I don't think you understand how free speech works...

The game exists. It's out there, and it will be subsequently ignored. It existing and being distributed on STEAM does not infringe on the free speech of the game creator.

Are you people idiots?

>I don’t like it so it isn’t free speech!

Better question, why do they think Steam gives a fuck about free speech? They're a store. They carry products their customers want and don't carry products that turn off custers.

This is your mind when you are "educated" by youtube personalities

People who scream "muh freedom of speez" without supporting decentralization platform is a hypocrite and a fool.
Buy my bag.

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But where was the lie, tho?

>this is what weeaboos actually believe
There's a reason so much Jap media is set before they enter the workforce.

No I dont think that's the reason. Maybe some of them are incels but you see this shit in politics aswell

Oh yeah, fantasizing about raping people, just as normal as fantasizing about shooting up schools.
Braindead incel idiot.

Steam’s at fault for not having quality control.

They’re a private company. They don’t have to bow down to your psychopathic degenerate fantasies.

Wageslaves are slaves no matter the country

Poster to IP count looks about how I expected after reading this.

reminder that the most popular movie and book series with women in recent years is about rape and then more rape.

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>They’re a private company.
The hypocrisy of leftycucks like you who suddenly remember the benefits of a company's free-speech and capitalistic business lmao

Don't you wish we could put people in jail for the thoughts they have?

>call a game Rape Day, literally about raping women
>develop it with a sociopathic audience in mind
>literal who on twitter acts surprised when it gets pulled from a mainstream vidya platform
And now virtue signalling politicians and reset trannies are crying about this shovelware too, even after Valve removed it. Fuck I hate outrage bait.

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>free speech is forcing a company to sell your product on their private platform


Murder games are sociopathic as well then, you psychopath.

>comparing liberals to tankies

I never understood how you could have this degree of political illiteracy.

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To be fair, JP and US wageslaves are particulary fucked. Euros aren't nearly as bad.

t. seething incel

How are the Hobbit, Hunger games and Marvel books/movies about rape, incel?

You're an idiot who probably think violent video games cause people to be violent
Rape is a pretty common kink, for men and women.

I'm loving this push to demonize weebs and Japanese culture in general. Progressives are really making existence hard for all the anime loving trannies.

The women that read those books aren't really the ones that whine about games on Steam. Those women aren't really online at all except for like Facebook. Women bookfags unironically have their own subculture like gaymers do.

why do you keep trying to subvert us, gamingcirclejerk tranny?

>Private platform has a complete monopoly
>decide what you can say or don't say = thought policing
It's not retarded.

But they never banned it.
You can talk about it.
You are doing it now.
You proved yourself wrong with your image.

That's the fault of people choosing to join a handful of corporations and giving them all their personal data. Facebook isn't mandatory.

Explain how that is bad? How does forcing companies to sell things negatively impact anybody but billionaires?

While I get the point of the comic the reality is that this happens far more often the other way around. Feminist activist shutting down opinions they don't like.

can anyone explain to me how this game is attacking and harassing women? it's a video game, it's not real, how is it not free speech to make something like that?
before anyone answers: I have no dog in this race, I don't give two shits about the game, rape and snuff and torture and stuff are huge turnoffs for me, I'm just genuinely curious as to why there are so many leftists on this board happy about this? I also understand that Steam is a private company and they can refuse to sell any product they want

They can't have sex in real life so they develop sick rape fantasies

Everything is considered free speech nowadays. If someone hurt your feeling, just sperg out and call it free speech, tell them how illegal it is and how suppressed you feel, apparently this works perfectly in modern day america

Seething tranny.

Why do libtards keep trying to convince us that there is a difference between libtards, libcucks, leftists, and communists (there isn't)?

Nice revisionism, incel.

We're literally talking about it right now. He's free to sell the game as well.

Why the fuck do you wanna force a private company to sell your game?

Leftycucks are fucking retarded and weak ass bitches who can't face something they don't like.

What the fuck is going in this thread. Are resetrannies invading???

imagine being so out of touch with reality and gagging so hard on the marxist cock that you unironically think this comic is accurate

Anime profiles are woke tier. Smart people know that everyone who wants you to post your real face and name in the internet just want that information to atack you.

This is inverted. Lefties are the ones who do online witch hunts, resulting on more than insults, but people losing their jobs. That wouldn't happen if they used anime profiles btw.

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>exclusively on the liberal side of leftism
Okay list otherwise.

Middle pannel, lower right ... what kind of person sits on the side of the road with a laptop checking social media?

>I don't know what a monopoly is

And how the fuck is Steam deciding what we can and can not say? NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER

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cry, tranny

This site is the biggest proof of that. The people here are some seriously twisted individuals.

Yeah, the whole thing was a pointless exercise in making outrage bait. Got a fuckton of attention for no real reason too.

>They’re a private company. They don’t have to bow down to your psychopathic degenerate fantasies.
dear lord the fucking irony...you leftists have severe mental deficiencies

I dont think it's because it was a game about rape, I think it's just because it was named "rape day". People some sjw like op see it and will make posts/articles/tweets/etc about how valve support rape. If it was named anything else and still contained rape im sure it wouldnt have been removed

Because it's a freeze peach issue. If 50 Shades is allowed to exist and be massively popular, there should be no problem with a rape sim video game, there's no argument. It's purely censorship and attacking male sexuality.

>authoritarianism isn't bad as long as it affects only people richer than me

Back to North Korea with you communist faggot

>Why the fuck do you wanna force a private company to sell your game?
Why not? Why do you defend billionaires?

50 shades is tame as fuck.

You shouldn't sell a game that's just about rape. That's pretty simple.

imagine being so out of touch with reality and gagging so hard on the /pol/ indoctrinated cock that you unironically think this comic is inaccurate, mental.

oof xhir used the tranny meme folks


>all indicators point towards liberalism
>"f-f-fucking lefty..."
How did amerimutt zoomers become THIS fucking retarded?

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you'll never be a real woman

Yes, there is quite literally nothing wrong with fucking over the 1%. Normal people are more important than rich people. Steam should be forced to sell everything because it benefits normal people.

No, I'm just not terrified of anime and visual novels.

Feminists will literally doxx, harass, threaten, and try to get you fired from your job if you disagree with them. Don't pretend this comic reflects reality in any way shape or form.

but the cake
did you remember the cake?

Can everyone in this thread take their silly politics culture war to the appropriate place? All of you faggots are the cancer killing this entire site.

This piece of shit of a video game too

Put yourself into the place of an artist idiot. Steam is pretty much the only way to profit off your work so of course it's thought policing if they refuse to see your stuff for wrongthink.

Goddamn that K-ris guy is a mess. Trump supporting pedophile who likes rape games

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>store doesn't want to resell your stuff because it thinks it wouldn't go well with the customers

No one is stopping the game from being made or sold. Steam is preventing the game from being sold on their platform, however. And you literally have no cogent argument for why they should.

Rape day's creator can (and I believe they are) sell the game on their own website and that's perfectly fine.


never been to /pol/, try again discord tranny

Why is the removal of Rape Day a free speech violation, but the removal of the countless of other asset flips that has plagued the store for years on end, somehow not?

Rape in games is not bad. But Rape Day sure as fuck is. What a scam.

Sorry, I'm not afraid of femininity.

Rape day is allowed to exist. A private company however is choosing not to sell it themselves on their own platform.

Do you understand the difference? Just like a Christian bakery shouldn't be forced to bake gay cakes, steam shouldn't be forced to sell games they don't want to sell.

There's no intrinsic difference between rape and other forms of violence and it can be used as an effective plot device.

>uses black female emoji to pretend being someone else.
The alt-right crowd is a bunch of spineless cowards.

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Steam has decided that offering this product will hurt their sales more than it brings in. As a result, they will not put it on their virtual shelf.

Why do you think they should be forced to sell this game anyways? Would you also force Walmart to stock porn dvds?

Imagine paying for low effort renpy game with shitty models just to spite lefties.

Yeah, anyone who calls himself a “loli lover” or some shit in his twitter bio is mental af.

This image pissed off a lot of bottom feeders. Based.

doesn't twitter block free speech?

imagine making a comic to attack a group of people saying they do the thing that your group of people have actually been documented doing

then back to your subreddit gamingcirclejerk tranny

>all these hidden posts
Daily reminder that resetera trannies and roasties can be hidden completely with just three words in the filters, as they are basically parrots.

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Did the "have sex" thing start this very month or something? It's like it's everywhere all of a sudden.

kill yourselves commies cucks. You'll never be real women.

>I call myself a well educated free thinker and a vanguard of free speech!
>repeats phrases and /pol/drivel like an NPC

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>first ten posts are "lol incels"
Okay one of you degenerates do something about this plague.

leftists consider speech a form of violence therefore violently violating some roastie is a form of speech

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Steam is critical infrastructure, if extrapolated it becomes a human rights issue.

>Why do you think they should be forced to sell this game anyways?
Because normal people are more important than rich people.
>Would you also force Walmart to stock porn dvds?




If I used filters I'd probably filter everyone that says "roasties" too.

I really hope that most of you are merely pretending to be terribly retarded.

>No one is stopping the game from being made
Not being able to sell it on the biggest market for this medium is a strong argument against making the game in the first place though. Which is their goal. We know it is. There are commie deploatforming gangs roaming on the fucking internet.
Wake up.

>Steam is critical infrastructure
You can play video games for literally forever and never touch steam
> if extrapolated it becomes a human rights issue.

They picked a shitty name and failed marketing 101. It's like when Hatred was the first to push the envelope but still got a pass. I guarantee you if it was called "Active Shooter Simulator" or "Race genocider", it wouldn't have passed either.

The third one is redundant if you're filtering properly.

this is the fucking delusion of gamers

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I hate everyone who calls themselves a gamer. They are usually the ones who say something as dumb as the pic

Look when Yea Forums became altright I had to suffer through unironic racism and underaged shitters going muh liberals at everything.
So now that it's finally swinging back to the right side (The left) you'll have to suffer through same as I did.


>there should be no problem with a rape sim video game
Then rally behind an actual rape sim game, and not fucking Rape Day you fucks. There are tons of magnificent rape games, and yet you want fucking Rape Day to represent them all?

no there are many alternatives

But what about porn that have a rape scene? It's a game with sexual content

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>Steam is critical infrastructure

No it isn't.

Opposite day the cartoon.

how do you reconcile with your ideology being "corporations should do whatever they want except have too much money"

So... every store now has to sell anything you want them to, and should no longer have the ability to curate their offerings?

Sometimes I like to see just how dumb people can be

Weird, where I come from It is women and liberals the ones who shield themselves behind freedom of speech when they attack and mock whatever they see as an enemy or want yet get outraged and demand lynching when somebody does the same with the things they hold dear. Hell even the incel shit is a textbook case of such hypocrisy, calling a guy virgin as an insult is completely ok but calling a girl a slut is just a step before literal rape.

Time for a food analogy!

>Decide my poo can be consumed by people
>Decide to sell my poo at grocery stores
>For some reason, no grocery store wants to sell my literal human feces
>ARGHHHH MY RIGHTS! Why can't I force this company to sell my poop?!?!

Despite this. I'm still able to sell my poop DTC online on my website. The grocery stores are not preventing this, despite their unwillingness to stock my poop.

>I hate everyone who calls themselves a gamer.

why, because it triggers your gamingcirclejerk sensibilities?

>They are usually the ones who say something as dumb as the pic

how is it dumb? normal people do not feel the need to censor things

>lying and then repeats the same shit again and again
The absolute state of an NPC

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that it’s the only sane ideology that doesn’t involve bloodshed? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>suddenly private companies = GOOD
>walmart analogy even though it doesn't work
Deluded brainlet fucktard trannycommie

They are waiting for the govenrment to mandate them a hot 10/10 girlfriend who will take their virginity. Until it happens they will have to went somewhere.

But that's a byproduct of capitalism though?

You'll never be a real man, sheeple. Enjoy rich old white men controlling what you do with your life through propaganda and identity politics

...yes? What's the disadvantage?

>private companies shouldn't have the right to decide what they want to sell
Isn't it a free system where companies can sell whatever they want? Plus how is refusing to sell something restricting freedom of speech when you can still talk about said thing? There are still going to be other places to get the game anyway as well.
Do you faggots just look for reasons to screech "muh freedom of speech"? It's just another shitty shovelware title that Steam is littered with fuck me

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Very obvious bait, surprised these niggers fell for it.

You gave me a giggle, user

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You are free to do so, roastie.

Didn't know, thanks.

Yea Forums nowadays is basically unusable without those three filters, the shills came bombarding in the captain marvel defence, and now most threads are full of that crap. The moderation there is worse than here, no joke. With filters it went from nusable to great, and even on Yea Forums it makes a huge difference. Without then, I would be giving attention to the scum like many in this thread.

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>Burzum shirt
does Varg even have merch like that?

>Hundred of millions of death in the shortest amount of time in humanity's history
>no bloodshed
I'm sorry, what you deluded commie?

I mean I can do the same shit to you fags by filtering trannie and soi. You know for one calling some other group parrots you sure do like using an factually incorrect insult.

You still haven't explained how forcing everyone to sell everything is a bad thing for normal people. Where's the argument?

>online shaming is done by white dudebros only

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So what you're saying is nationalise valve?

>internet celebrities tweeting support for game about rape
>mfw those comments come back to bite them

If people are losing careers over old tweets what you think is gonna happen in a few years when they try to start new business ventures or make it real big?

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So anyone starting a retail business now needs virtually infinite starting capital, to ensure they have the gigantic floorspace and purchasing power required to deliver literally everything.
They also need to be able to comply with every regulation, no matter how specialized or dangerous the product
They also need to be able to wall off customers from adult products
They also cannot theme their store, or ensure the customer they only offer quality, because they have to stock every trash.

This sounds like a good plan to you fucknut morons?

>Commie scumbag actually believe this

cry some more gamingcirclejerk tranny, you will never subvert us

No, because twitter has nothing to do with free speech since they are a non-governmental company.

You can definitely buy shirts with that


> normal people

Cute Anomalocaris,man

Who gives a shit? None of this affects normal people. Why do you want billionaires to have more money?

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its not so much free speech as it is freedom of expression

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There's literally million of retail business. Stop comparing fucking Steam to them you ridiculous fat tranny commie deluded cuck.

what? what’s so communist about European social democracy?
fucking dumbass.

How would you like to be forced by the government to sell my literal crap. You now have to spend 2 hours every single day marketing and selling my literal shit.

The game is allowed to exist, it's not being censored by the government, the creator isn't arrested and prosecuted. A private company, Valve, doesn't want to host this game. Valve doesn't stand for anything, Valve doesn't care about freespeech you mongrel.

>no bloodshed

All the assassinated people who tried to get their countries out of the imperialist's grip says hi. As do all the people dying in the streets because of a lack of shelter and the preventable starvations.

Social democracy won't give you free money, loser.

Absolutely. Stop licking the boots, tranny

In the spirit of inclusiveness it's vitally important for individuals to have game experiences which allow them to express themselves in virtual space. Otherwise they become marginalized which can lead to violence, or more commonly self-harm. In particular telling a young man that rape is this great evil is a censure of maleness, where men are deliberately and maliciously cut off from a natural part of human sexuality.

No one's buying your pseudo centrist bullshit gb2 your safespace, faggit.

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>filtering like the pussiboy you are

I guess I was just considering official stuff for some reason. I had an unofficial Buckethead shirt but the graphic on it basically shredded off with normal wear. I just wear plain shirts now, it's cheaper anyways.

why do you think I’m a communist??
they asked if my ideology is just making sure the rich are more taxed than other people, and as I recall, that’s not communist at all.

You can try to fight it all you want that won't delay the inevitable.

This affects normal people who want to start a business, by making it pretty much impossible to start a business.
And when you've put all stores under strict state control and equalized all difference between them, you'll tell me I'm the commie?

This. Based. Using your real name on Twitter of all place is crazy

I don't sell things for a living so I don't have to do that. Where's the argument?

Not to mention, I myself as a costumer now have to walk through row upon row of literal shit before I get to the section that sell the single product I actually wanted to buy.

Want to buy a carton of milk? Its in row 526, after the rape games and the human breast milk.

>muh troll game isn't accepted on the biggest gaming platform
>huh, why wouldn't they host my homemade brap-porn on Netflix, fucking commies

No, your ideology is 100% commie is you support totalitarian censorship.

I was banned for using the word "Incel" ones. Looks like mods tried to fight back in the early stages, but now that the cancer has spread they've given up. Can't blame them, Yea Forums is easily one of the bottom 3 boards on Yea Forums.


>seething this hard at spooks

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Does anyone have that MPC effortpost explaining to trannies that they will never pass as a female? I can't find it, it's the one with the really ugly tranny who looks like Beetlejuice.

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There's enough alternative online stores. Much like those millions of retail stores, they have lower penetration, but they exist.

is this a false flag

>I don't sell things for a living so I don't have to do that.


Nope, you are not a normal person if you are rich. 99% of people do not care if you can't make billions of dollars. Free speech is more important than being a billionaire.

It gave me free healthcare, education, and guaranteed employment. That’s all I need, and clearly what everyone but you deserves.

if i didnt know better id assume that anime avatar, angry incel, rape advocate, pathetic gamers on twitter were part of some psy op. they probably are 2bh. but normies surely dont take their ilk seriously

but they do block free speech i'm not saying what they do is illegal just pointing out the fact the guy complaining about free speech being blocked is posting on twitter

You probably won't be as effective, as we aren't that repetitive. I don't use "trannie and soii" for example, I call then "mentally ill degenerates" and "weak faggots". But I could also use "homos with wigs" and the thousand filter variations for "cu.ck".

But from the other side of the specter, based from what I saw on Yea Forums, that is a thousand degrees worse than here, filtering only two words make the place go from dumpster fire to comfy, because you fags can't let go the impulse to include then.

This is nothing but cope. They know they can't atack our families or call or bosses. We are basically imune.

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I don't care for your political opinion tardy alt-kike. You are at heart a trigger addicted nigger who's resorting to stuff I would only find at gossip mags from my granny.

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People piggybacking on memes to sell shitty books to the right and left are the real winners of the culture war

have sex, incel

Free speech works all ways, not just one, if you stop talking because other people said "mean things" to you, then you're the one who's choosing not to talk, no one's literally forcing you to shut up or be punished by law if you don't, not the people using their right to free speech to tell you that you're wrong.

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so basically you tell us a private company should be forced to do something they dont want because it might hurt someone's feelings and you have the audacity to call other people commies?

There's right and wrong way of putting rape and violence in games:

Right: both men and women in game are potential victims for rape/violence and game clearly shows negative consequences of the crime.

Wrong: only women or specific minority are potential victims for rape/violence. Showing a specific group of people as a crime target without consequences counts as encouragement to discrimination/crimes and hate speech.

It's really funny how people who never cared about human rights refer to them when talking about an ugly troll visual novel not being allowed on Steam.

You will literally never have an argument. Why do you hate free speech?

You are a normal person when you start a retail business. Most retail businesses are pretty small. The owners aren't rich, and far far away from billionaires.

But you just put all of those out of business because there's no way for them to comply with those insane demands.

>have sex incel
>but nor rape under any circumstances
Make up your mind.

i dont know but rape game is not ok and vilified but your new mk you could tear a man face and thats glorified , never change western morality

Sorry can someone explain to me what free speech is?

>Looks like mods tried to fight back in the early stages,
Mods are fags and the fact that they tried to ban the word proves that they're nothing more than incels.

absolutely fucking SEETHING PinCel detected

Tell that to the MAGA people who have literally made an app to find safe spaces because they have finally figured out what microaggressions are and the impact they have on people.

Yep. Free speech is more important than your money.

The limits of society are tested by what extremes are allowed. Banning content is a free speech issue because it defines the limit.

Now why do you need this explained?

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>Another stupid analogy
You're a special kind of brainlet. Again, full on porn movies, as a business has plenty of places to profit from. Videogames don't, there's just Steam, even if you're called fucking Microsoft and have your own store there's still big insensitive to sell your stuff on someone else's platform.

Why do you force steam to repeat the speech of a third party? What about their free speech?

Add an 'i' after the first and it won't matter if it's plural.

you know, even ugly people can have consensual sex

>why do they always have an anime avatar?
Coz you opt to ignore those without "anime" avatar

>Sex = Rape
Retarded incel.

Stores aren't forced to carry products.

You know the answer. Loli addict weebs use "free speech" as a shield for their sicknesses. Sickos have used this trick for centuries. You find an altruistic phrase or slogan the majority likes, then incorporate it into your degeneracy.

It fools many idiots.

>But you just put all of those out of business because there's no way for them to comply with those insane demands.
Who gives a shit? Free speech is more important.

>but private company!!!!!
Stop this bullshit. You perfectly understand Steam's position here regarding every single game developer. You're not THIS retarded.

not that I don't defend Valve's rights to host whatever they want on their store, but it's a bit of a double standard to allow equally fucked up things to fly under the radar just because american/german/chinese sensitivity means they impose their views on the whole platform/world
I wholly support anyone being able to upload whatever games they want, if they suck then they'll fail and it's as simple as that
Not sure what valve's official statement on the content that goes on their store is, but I have a feeling it's some hippy dippy shit like "everyone come join the community!" but by that they mean only participate if it's things that wont cause facebook outrage

Free speech is actually incompatible with large centralised wealth. As is democracy. This is why restrictions on people with over certain amounts of wealth is where we should go desu.

Once you relinquish that potential disproportionate power you can rejoin politically active society.

>go to walmart
>demand to buy a lambo
>get told they don't stock that

I didn't ask for a diary entry.

You do know he can't see you, right?

LOL incels xD

>posting low res cellphone screenshots of reddit memes
You're a real free thinker ain't ya?

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its predominant in Yea Forums afaik and never saw anyone other than people leaking from there use it. since incel is too common even among normies, now its used to mock them.

>Videogames don't, there's just Steam, even
Epicfags btfo!

absolutely, tranny

Stop infringing on my free speech by not selling my videogames you capitalist asshole

>why do they always have an anime avatar?

anyone who posts in online forums, especially ones that are major social media platforms and have an anime picture is usually a derranged alt right incel, i hate to generalize, but it happens too often to not point out.

>murder = fun
Retarded psycho.


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t.deranged commie tranny

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The rights of the individual are more important than the rights of the collective. I absolutely don't give a shit if Steam makes less money, normal people are more important. What's the disadvantage to me?

>Videogames don't, there's just Steam

This is objectively false

With or without space?

Sorry, I don't know jack shit about coding.

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>anime avatar
The reddest of the flags

Only letting white males, above the age of 26, who are married with 2 or more children vote is where we should go. 95% of our problems would be solved overnight.

Are you mentally ill? It was in the store and is supposed to be removed because of offended people & politicians. The topic is removing strawberries because some faggot doesn't like them. Stop straw-manning bullshit

>normal people
>normal people
>normal people

wtf do you even mean when you say?

Because socially acceptable expression does not need the protection of free speech, ideas that go against the grain do. But "socially acceptable" is completely arbitrary and subject to change on a whim.

did i hit a soft spot? im a right leaning black male by the way.


>The rights of the individual are more important than the rights of the collective.
Which is why you shit on the rights of the individual Gabe Newell.
> I absolutely don't give a shit if Steam makes less money, normal people are more important.
>Also stop being such a commie you commie bastard

found the retard

Aaaaaand no argument. Why do you hate free speech?

How come Americans constantly demonstrate that they do not know what Free Speech even means. Free Speech doesn't mean you can say it do whatever you want in your everyday life it just means I can call the government shit and they can't fucking hang me. I don't know why people think free speech means they don't have to follow rules set in place at their job or any other shithole they frequent online or real. Yeah you should be allowed to go into your job and call everyone a nigger, but that doesn't mean your job shouldn't be able to fire you for that

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Correct. They are getting forced to not carry them and that's exactly the hot topic - whether they should follow demands to not carry them.

> The topic is removing strawberries because some faggot doesn't like them.
And I'd equally tell you to stop whining. That's capitalism, baby, you stock what's profitable and don't stock what's not. Go to the strawberry shop, fuckface.

why trannies cut their dicks and then kill themselves? Isn't that what they wanted? Or the problem is that after so much dilation they end up realizing that what they have isn't a real pussy but a literal wound constantly trying to heal itself?

People whose children will have to get a job.

Monopolistic entities that own a certain field (Google for searches, Wikipedia for information, Steam for games) should not be able to infringe on free speech. After a point the company becomes of public interest, where them choosing to censor or hide something from view effectively erases it from relevancy.

Change my mind.

>Only letting left wing basedboy white males, above the age of 26, who are married with 1 or more of their children
being Tyrone's should be allowed to vote is where we should go.
This is the only acceptable condition that I'd accept a whiteboi run society.
I'll fuck anything else up.

Why do you?

is steam somehow prevents this kind of games from being made? there're thousands of porn games that sell well despite never hitting steam store

Shut up, you lefty furry muslim tranny cuck. If I want to masturbate on a kindergarten yard, I should be bale to do that as part of my freedom of expression.

Unironically this.

Childless men should not be allowed to vote because they make life harder for people with children and cause decay for society.

why should these companies bend the knee to what america thinks is right?

Steam is not a monopoly

meanwhile it's based when your tranny cabal gets people fired for not liking obama, right?

Capitalism is not about whining about offensive and denying making money to companies. Fuck you and your baby tears.

What are Bing, DuckDuckGo, Startpage.com, etc?
Nigger what are books? Ever heard of Encyclopedia you ignorant motherfucker?
What are EpicStore, Origin, Uplay, GOG.com, and the shitload of different Brick&Mortar chains?

>"I advocate for apprehending people who haven't directly harmed another human being"
>"No I don't have proof that the slippery slope exists"

>"What do you mean that's unethical?! Why are anime avatars always being disgusting???!!!!!!"

You do know, that these "full on pron movies" have been around for ages, so they created an industry for themselves. Who stops the guy from creating a website to distribute his game, oh wait, that's exactly what's he is doing. And guess what, if his game is worth a damn, people are going to buy it, and maybe the dude will make another game and so on and so forth. Who stops YOU from creating a platform for troll porn games?

Also, another question, why should these stores, like Steam, accept any trash? They have freedom to host any content they like as long as it is legal. If I have store, that sells fucking dildos ffs, should I be forced to work with any dildo-manufacturer?

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This. Obama is more offensive than rape.

No, Gabe Newell is part of Valve Corporation, thus he is part of a collective and not an individual.

They do not block free speech. TWITTER HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH FREE SPEECH. Non-governmental companies have absolutely nothing to do with free speech.

Twitter stopping you from talking about pokemon, and deleting every tweet you make about pokemon is annoying. But none of it is infringing on your right to free speech.

It's like everyone forgot that the actual platforms for porn games are getchu and dlsite

Call me when they kick him out.
> Capitalism is not about whining about offensive and denying making money to companies.
No. capitalism is optimizing profits. If not carrying it is more profitable, not carrying it is the capitalist thing to do. Forcing it to be carried anyways is the commie thing, putting the store under state control
Go be a commie somewhere else.

>meanwhile it's based when your tranny cabal gets people fired for not liking obama,
Yes actually
Not liking Obama is a crime that should be punished severely.
Anyone who disagrees is a racist incel.

Im usually a person with pretty hardcore opinions that could cause problems in reallife, but a game called rape day? Wtf?
Keep that shit on porn sites where it belongs.

>posts the most overused meme, repeats the same opinions as major news outlets/big corporations and advocates censorship
>totally not an NPC
Nice kym filename btw.

meanwhile it's based when trump legally cannot block people on twitter because the courts ruled that it's a violation of free speech, right tranny?

you're misunderstanding me my dude but that's ok i'll forgive you

Those aren't monopolies. But even if they were the answer would to stop them from being monopolies not force them to sell/provide certain things

Why do the same people who are pro-tranny bully and tease me for having an anime avatar?

What's the difference?
Why am I not allowed to express myself on the internet?

Freedom of expression is being suppressed here, yes, the game is tasteless and probably shit, but it should be allowed to exist.

Because we are their largest consumer base and place of operation?

Steam is effectively a monopoly.

All irrelevant. It's like comparing your special snowflake corner store to Walmart.

Found what I was looking for.
>Or the problem is that after so much dilation they end up realizing that what they have isn't a real pussy but a literal wound constantly trying to heal itself?
Refer to this

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Why do you defend billionaires?


That's called "paranoia"

>i make my definitions to fit my agenda
it's 2019 cupcake. You don't talk on the street with people you talk online, the old laws are not up to the times and if a few corps can block your "free speech" you have none.

No that argument doesn't fucking work anymore since GoG guy got doxxed and fired from 2 jobs for making a tweet. They also tried to doxx a japanese video game producer from japan because they mistranslated a couple of lines from one of his video games. Then people tried to doxx THQnordic members for making an AMA on a site the twitter mob deemed undesirable.

As an outsider a place where you can burn online whoever the fuck you want regardless of their gender or political beliefs, you are absolutely fucking blind if you don't think there's a serious free speech problem going on in North America.

Why are these people not allowed to be happy if they haven't harmed anyone?

pretty sure india uses twitter the most but ok

You have it backwards. Valve isn't some nebolous entity that has swallowed up Gabe. Gabe owns Valve.

The only meaningful definition of sanity is the ability to distinguish reality and fantasy. You are insane, change my mind.

Why do gamers consider a murder game as “free speech”?

>im a right leaning black male by the way.
The self loathing is palpable. Very cringe.

explain why it shouldn't be sold? normal people don't feel the urge to censor things

It is sold.
On their website.

wow racist

You're acting like uplay, epic, origin, battlenet, gog, dlsite, getchu, etc all don't exist

>Why are these people not allowed to be happy if they haven't harmed anyone?
Why should we punish trannies for being mentally ill despite not hurting anyone but not do anything against mentally ill pedos?

Because now rape day will be unheard of and unseen by the general public. They have effectively used their influence to suppress a game from being seen.

What's with all the corporate cock sucking ITT? You DO know they aren't your friend, right?

Except corporations want to be treated as people. They shouldn't, because they are not people.

>muh free speech
valve is a private company, they can sell whatever they want on their store
they very fucking obviously dont want a game called "rape day" on the front page

>just focus on people forcing it to keep
>pls ignore the people that are forcing them to remove it
there are 2 groups you dishonest fuck and whether it's more profitable to kiss ass to the muh feelings group is highly questionable.

Why not? I'm not a dirty commie. I respect the rights of the people regardless of how jealous I am of their wealth.

Actually that's exactly what normal people do. They don't like to be known as "those rape game merchants"

Because it tarnishes the company’s reputation and public image...?
Does your brain even function?

There's rape in Game of Thrones, should that be outlawed too?

I really hate these retards that try to connect a game about rape to free speech, that's not what free speech is

Valve could have saved themselves a lot of trouble if they said they removed it under the troll clause, which the game so clearly was. Even a cursory glance at the """game""" made it obvious it was just trolling controversy bait.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the "maker" is the one who reported it and spread it around.

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On the grand scheme of things, they don't.

>normal people

Stop with this meaningless phrase. You don't even know yourself what you mean

Nothing was outlawed here. The guy is free to sell his game elsewhere.

>discord trannies pretending like they suddenly care about rights of private companies as if they wouldn't cry murder if Steam had deleted some shitty sjw game under the same reasoning
>/pol/ pretending like they suddenly care about free speech as if they wouldn't have defended Steam if he had deleted some shitty sjw game under the same reasoning
weird times

HBO should certainly be free to stop making GoT if they want to.
Rape Day is NOT outlawed. Its no longer being sold by a certain private company

>using filters for anything other than tripfags
>Not hiding stubs

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>ctrl+f "incel"
>24 results
Remember when shitposting actually took effort? This shit has gotten lazier than modern video game developers. It has been streamlined to mostly single words, like "seething" or "cope". Incel is just one more of those words that immediately discredit your post and make it obvious you're just shitposting.

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>normal people don't feel the urge to censor things
That's why like having drunkards exposing themselves and pissing out in public places? Or having youngsters screaming obscenities? Fucking idiot.

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>Because now rape day will be unheard of and unseen by the general public. They have effectively used their influence to suppress a game from being seen.
You mean like 99% of all games? They have no obligation to be their PR agency. If they want publicity, they can organize it themselves. Steam promotes games that are profitable to steam.
Corporations sure as shit don't want that, you fucking moron. Corporations are treated as people so you can drag them to court and they can't weasel out of lawsuits by passing around responsibility for fuckups between low-level employees.
No one's forcing them to remove it you fucking moron. They chose to, because it's more profitable.
That was true 10 years ago, but today it's no longer the case.

>Because it tarnishes the company’s reputation and public image...?
you are not the company so why are you deadset on stopping them from selling the game?

Because the freeze peach morons are severely autistic.

Are you retarded?

Answer my question, why do you want to attack people who haven't harmed anyone?

based radical centrist retard

it's only gotten lazier because it's gotten easier to bait niggers

imagine saying "freeze peach" unironically and wondering why you keep losing elections

But how else would you describe a person who needs to have sex but can't?

You could stop projecting for starters.



Twitter, for example, has become an ESSENTIAL part of public discourse today, by limiting speech there, it effectively influences thought to an unacceptable degree. Either break up any wildly successful news/media/social outlet, or take them under public interest laws.

>hurr durr why won't you smear yourself in shit like I did, fucking centrist

>Because now rape day will be unheard of and unseen by the general public.
Fuck off.
This controversy and them rejecting the game has done more to make the game heard than anything the developers could've done. They literally gave it free publicity.

I'm certainly more /pol/ than leftist but the people that are attacking steam for this are genuinely retarded and do more damage to any /pol/ cause than the left possibly could.

you haven't made a point there either, neither of those things should be censored

The only reason I agree with twitter having a free speech obligation is because they're used for official government communication these days.

What kind of mental gymnastics are you doing here?

You’re begging the question, dumbass.
I’m explaining why the company would remove a rape game from their store, not what I think of it.

not him but i'll answer your question pedodude
it's because i don't want to risk anyone being harmed by you so i'd rather you be dead

Freedom of speech is as much as a right as it is a principle. When you eurocucks say shit like this, you halve people's interest in voicing their opinions, as you basically allow others to harm their right of political freedom by damaging their livehood.

Even on countries like Brazil you can't be fired over political opinions without your boss having to pay you the monetary benefit "firing without fair cause" and depending on the interest of the guy fired be sued, while your country legitimizes those who in the first wrongthinking twitter post runs to other bosses. Wich country respects freedom of speech as a principle, user? The one that let harpies scare others into not voicing their opinions in public spaces, or the one that let then speak their minds with their rights guaranteed.

Eurocuck, I'm sorry, but your legal system is retarded, and closer to the middle age than many places. On that note, I give points to USA.

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They force the 1st amendment in malls. The same should be done to Twitter for example. Trannies are just mad that the entire internet would turn into /pol/ if free speech was enforced on the modern public space.

>No one's forcing them to remove it
Some brit politicians were talking already about making laws against that. And of course the general resetera outcry.

americans have a weird culture where everything related to sex is a big no no

not anymore. Certain fans and mainstream media complained and complained till the show was toned down and even George Martin said he was gonna be more careful from now on.
Also I remember the girl playing Sansa said something about having fun doing the rape scene because it was so fucked up or something and she got a lot of shit for it. She tried to fight it off at first by saying that it wasn't real but you probably already know the rest.

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Alt-right shit heads should be banned because they promote hatred towards people.

Porn doesn't harm anyone, it's good to have content that makes lonely people happy.

This place is for grown-ups.
Stay in reddit until you are above 18.

Explain how I have lived my entire life giving not a single fucking shit about twitter?
You choose to expose yourself to the medium.

>"Social media is a public space."
Supreme Court, 2017
>"There is -NO- hate speech exception in free speech and the first amendment."
Supreme court UNANIMOUSLY ruling in Matal v. Tam, June 19, 2017

You lefties are going to get your social media regulations and you're going to hate them more than anyone when shockingly, the first amendment still applies to government law.

Nobody is projecting Incel.

that's why valve sells postal 2, right tranny?

You won't be laughing anymore when we rise up.


Attached: gamersriseup.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

>Because now rape day will be unheard of and unseen by the general public.
This is correct.
>They have effectively used their influence to suppress a game from being seen.
This is incorrect. They're a public company deciding not to list something on their distribution network. That's it. They are not stopping development or advocating for stopping development or holding a gun to the developers head and threatening them to stop development. The developers are can still distribute their game another way. Please shut the fuck up and keep such ignorant thoughts to yourself.

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Yes you are. You're also seething.

Question for steam bros, i have three computers and i want to play some games with my friends in my house, can i have them all log in in the same account and play the same game at the same time or does steam forbid this?

Only because people complained. You can't complain for every "rape day" this sets a precedent.

>I love living in a lawless dystopic shithole
It's common in civilized countries to round up exhibitionists and other public shit disturbers.

>Some brit politicians were talking already about making laws against that.
So you agree that the laws do not exist, and the action was voluntary?
> And of course the general resetera outcry.
Please explain how this outcry can force valve to do anything. Do people get voting rights in corporate decisions when they're mad enough?

except valve had every intent to sell rape day until you and your libtard squad forced them to pull it, YOU want to remove it, not valve, now explain why you want to remove it

Finally, a reasonable post.
Nothing wrong with pornography involving consenting people.


freedom in art, freedom in society bootlicker

Postal 2 isn't jerk off material



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Fictional pictures and media can change how people view things, it's called propaganda. That's why there's laws against making media that targets crimes towards specific groups of people.

At first people think they can distinguish reality and crazy fantasy, but when the crazy fantasy becomes normalized it becomes real. This has happened dozens of times in history, for example nazi Germany, people thought it was crazy fantasy at first, then it became reality.


why do roastie feminist extremists continue to glorify islam and japanese culture, even tho theyre probably one of the few most chauvinistic countries out there ?

No they didn't. Rape Day never made it to sale and the guy complained about Valve taking too long to ok it.

So basically police just need excuses to arrest people for their job no matter how retarded their reasoning sounds.

>What's with all the corporate cock sucking ITT? You DO know they aren't your friend, right?
sure, but commie faggots like you are far worse than any corporation

why do you want to install cameras into everyone's home so that you can arrest people for deadnaming trannies in the privacy of their own homes?


fuck off, incel

You are the fringe of the fringe. You existing doesn't nullify the influence and power Twitter has over the public, far more than any elected official.

>The only meaningful definition of sanity is the ability to distinguish reality and fantasy.
What the fuck does that even mean?

thanks :)

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>If I don't suck some McDick that means I want to suck Government Dick!

How bout fuck you?

So i just create 2 accounts and family share or that won't work too?

>you have to act like a retard and mindlessly follow the mob mentality to be considered an adult here

>You can't complain for every "rape day" this sets a precedent.
Yes you can if anything the internet proved that there's no shortage of people who would complain.

No, all porn is ok unless someone is directly harmed in making it, i.e. 3DPD cp

I dont even know who is projecting what in tgis thread anymore?

Won't work either. Only one person can use the shared games at the time.

Steam forbid this. You could make then download the game and play offline, but only one could be online at the same time.

You could use family sharing for your friends to play online games as well, but family sharing is not "game lending" it is "library lending". While he is playing one of your games, you can only play his games. And there's also the problem of games both of you have: Since it is considered part of your library you won't be able to play it even if he have that game as well.

Have this one, my mentally ill degenerate foe.

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>atack our families or call or bosses
having an anime avatar means you have neither

let me know when there's a middle ground stance that doesn't involve thought-policing
because on one hand, I can't disagree with you, but on the other people need to be allowed to have their own thoughts and expressions or you wind up like america or china

>Porn doesn't harm anyone
Are you serious? Millions of women in the world are abused and forced to drugs and human trafficking shit because of porn.

I know, hence why I said consenting people.
Should’ve said consenting adults, but you get my point.


Sheeit, thanks guys.

Cmon. Companies constantly react if you make enough outcry. Even outside politics. There's been so much dumb shit because enough people cried.

Designated Discord Tranny shitting thread?

Racism, homophobia and transphobia has no place in today's society, it halts progress.

they're parroting normalfags / baiting trolls / actual socjus tards

Is this a meme or are people really upset a game called rape day isnt sold by steam?

Any sensible company would do the same thing. Would anybody be surprised if ford came out with a van called Rape van and no dealership would sell it?

Ofcourse a coperation wouldnt want to endorse a product about rape,loli,shota,or anything with a malicious sexual fetish.

But games about mass shooting of innocent people is fine.

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Doesn't harm humans

>discord tranny
look who's talking

How did you come to that conclusion? Are you genuine about that, or are you trolling?

>because of porn.
Prove it.

>Companies constantly react if you make enough outcry.
Yes, this is called a voluntary business decision. Companies decide that complying with demands is more profitable than not to. They are free not to, they just choose to make money.

I meant legal porn obviously, yes, I include lolicon in that definition.

Wow, a real life Discord Tranny

The sex industry is basically evil incarnate, user.

Keep seething, user. You can't hit me, as these anime girls are my shield.

The wokest of fellows use both VPNs and anime girls for everything. I have caused more twitter shitstorms than most of your videogame celebs, I had thousands of people crying "delet this" and "imma report u" to me, and absolutelly no harm was done to my livehood. My job is intact, my mommy is comfy. I'm basically untouchable.

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It's all manufactured outrage.

>disord tranny and incel over and over
How tiresome.

>a California state appeals court said a lower-court judge
Nothing to do the Supreme Court idiot

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lmao get the fuck out of here bootlicker, arguing in favor of the consumer is a core tenet of capitalism

First of all, it’s not speech. It’s freedom of expression.

Second of all, nobody is stopping them from making the game - a certain company is exercising their right to not have it sold on their store. The Steam store also doesn’t sell hardcore pornography. Is that infringing on “free speech”? McDonalds doesn’t sell the game either. Are they infringing on “free speech”? Does every single store need to sell every single product in existence?

Have sex

>being a twitter dramafag
>a weeb twitter dramafag at that
Sand off your fucking dickhead, fucker.

but it's based when your tranny bretheren have them, right tranny?

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Nobody cares about the game, it's what this move represents. Valve is cucking. If they delete this, what next?

>t. incel discord tranny

The entire world has moved towards progressivism you fucking retard /pol/cuck, just deal with it, nationalism and traditionalism isn't a plausible mindset anymore.

>Why do gamers consider a rape game as “free speech”?
I'd like to know what is it that you think should be protected by free speech laws.

>The Steam store also doesn’t sell hardcore pornography. Is that infringing on “free speech”? McDonalds doesn’t sell the game either. Are they infringing on “free speech”? Does every single store need to sell every single product in existence?

What would you know about sex, troon?

he said, as he tabbed back to his anime discord to jerk off to "traps"

lmao the delusion is rich

no one's forcing you to use your irl name and picture on twitter but that doesn't mean you have to associate with weeb faggotry

It's a redditor redflag word. It makes it easy to identify a redditscum mongol.

See you when the lights go down. Won't be long now.

>If I don't suck some McDick that means I want to suck Government Dick!
Yes? Was this supposed to be ironic? You cant legally force people to do what they dont want to without the government, and you want to allow the government to wield this power, so you are a statist commie cuck

>The entire world
Excuse me, are you talking about China? India? Or maybe Russia? Or do you mean one billion muslims in Middle East, Asia and North Africa? Or maybe you talk about Sub-Saharan Africa?

>discord tranny

Why is everyone making even somewhat shitty bait posts accused of this now? I haven't posted in a couple weeks before today; did something happen?

It's as much as choice as to breath. They have legally obliged to maximize profit. The question is merely whether the judgement of the outcry is correct. Too often it turns out the product suffers and people drop them because they listened to some dumb fucks.

The problem of the internet is every village idiot got an audience and they can't separate them from their real customers.

>"Car companies should be forced to put seatbelts in their cars so less people die"
Nah people are just more important than corporations.

Why are the people who search for shit like this to get upset about the same people who hate SJWs for looking for dumb shit to be offended over. You retards are two sides of the same coin.

>gee I sure hope that someone said something stupid online so that I can get ANGRY

Who the fuck are you to tell someone what their avatar should be?

Go fuck yourself.

In my country prostitutes are like 50 dollars, since pimping is forbbiden and they anounce on the internet. There's no such thing as involuntary celibates in here, only volcels with christian morals. I have fucked more 9/10 this year than you have in your whole life, and in the process helped many roasties pay for their college debts.

I'm a drawfag, I usually post my drawings there. Since I like to draw youtubbers and girls related in current events, 98% of the posting in there is pure unfiltered seething.

I do. Being a weeb is to trully reject western cancer. This is a society not worth helping.

Attached: Sanshi Pinshi.gif (500x278, 869K)

I hope your children become trannies. Assuming you'll have children, of course

>Shitholes that nobody cares about

>your tranny bretheren
like the traps you autistic weeb faggots jerk off to and use as avatars

have sex, incel

well at least he has enough sanity to simply jerk off to them instead of trying to become one, mr. balding tranny
talk about the delusion LMAO

keep seething incel

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>can anyone explain to me how this game is attacking and harassing women?
It's not, I don't know where you got this idea. It's a dumb troll game that was made for the purpose of generating shock, which is why it was removed and why people are ok with it being removed. I don't understand why there are still so many people who are defending the game.

It's literally just the classic, shit-tier mixture of what Yea Forums has always been. Hold the edgiest opinion for memery, autismo's take it seriously and fall for some tangible bait (in this case the free speech meme).

Then it's either small enough that it'll die off in 2-3 weeks later or big enough that it's actually a legitimate problem in other communities and something changes. I believe we are still in week one.

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It’s just a really shit tier dismissive buzzword insult. Just the latest in a long line. This one is particularly crap though because it is statistically highly unlikely that the person it is directed at is actually transgender. Insults only have hitting power if there is some element of truth to them.

trannies are congregating in discord to raid everywhere

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Wow, so this is what not having a life or future looks like.
In my genuine and honest opinion, you’re just about the most pathetic and insecure individual I have ever seen in this website.
May God have mercy on your parents for their shame of procreating you must be a horrifying large burden.

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>say good thing about trump in public
>lose job
>suprised that closed off communities emerge because of it
Logic was never a trannys strong suit.

How sheltered can you be? It's all over the internet, news, youtube etc. It's common knowledge that porn kills people.

In United States alone, every year hundreds of women die from injuries and suffocation caused by a porn filming and they don't even count the women who die from drugs given by porn industry.

>protecting the very real freedoms of consumers from scummy corporate practices


>My 8 year old needs to cut his penis off because he undressed a barbie

>one person says something
>"that's all of you!"

I had amateur or small-scale porn in mind, not the industry.

>made for the purpose of generating shock, which is why it was removed
False. According to Steam itself the game was removed because it harmed their brand. They removed it because of pressure from the media and that is it.

Once again, keep seething.

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>make video game thread
>10 replies, dies in a few minutes
>thread about some shitty troll game
>nearly 500 replies
end this board

Conversly trannies aren't incels. They're insane.

do you have any idea how free market works?
why would you buy a car without seat belts when there's another car brand that has seat belts?

Whoops, I must've clicked on for some reason, my bad. Oh wait no, why the fuck are you spreading your conspiracy theories here? PROVE IT.

Protip: corporations are largely made of people.

Any developer is free to make a game featuring rape or about rape. Any developer is also free to sell said game directly to consumers. Valve is not required to host nor sell said game on Steam.

>simply jerk off to them
that's basically step 1 on the road to degeneracy

talk about actual delusion, anyone who mocks weebs for their autism must be a tranny. there couldn't possibly be any other reason to find it cringe

These faggots all need Jesus. Both the neo-commies born in 1996 and reactionary "Christians" of the American right who started posting in 2016.

Amateurs kill too because they have even less safety standards than industry.

Oy vey, it's the free market goy.
Also, these trannies are extremely upset. It's fun to watch.

Daily reminder

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Orange man good

I mean they have to follow Supreme Court precedent but okay

>Music about rape
>Book about rape
>TV-show about rape
>Movie about rape
>Painting about rape.
>Video game about rape.

Valve should be free to choose what they sell in their market place

>Middle East
>rest of Asia
>irrelevant shitholes
>being racist toward literally every non-white country in the world
Seems like the absolute majority of the world isn't so progressive after all, eh tranny? What happened with "muh racism bad" stuff? Guess brown people aren't so cool when they don't want to cater to your faggotry, huh? Wau to expose yourself, racist tranny. You should honestly consider joining your /pol/tard buddies. Typical faux-progressive hypocrite, deep down you're all racist bigoted pieces of shit.

guess again, subhuman

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Lol you are literally arguing against established laws. Literally the only reason all cars have seatbelts is because the law forces them to. You know how your "free market" would work if this wasn't the case? 99% of cars wouldn't have them, because it would cost money. It's in your best interest as a company to save money by omitting them. And the few that would have them would jack up their prices, so your option is either die, or go broke. Turns out there's a reason we make laws to stop corporations from fucking over consumers.

oh yea i'm so seething because you choose to identify with something gay like anime

ok lol have fun

It's called nuance.
Also, why do you think they're complaining about rape culture?

>Yea Forums
>complains about Valves lack of quality control on Steam
>also Yea Forums
>complains that they didn’t allow this on the store

Google "reasons of human trafficking", uneducated american. Why do you think it exists?

Those other things don’t give you control over the rapist

>announcing a report
Good job newfaggot.

I have seen you use this image today like 4 times.
I am starting to think Yea Forums is like 10 no life niggers posting and arguing about nothing.
You, the schizos, the nigger who post his and with ps4 games.

>You are a lonely 42 year old man and the only sex you ever had was with Thai hookers

deepest lore

You do sound kinda mad, user. Passive agressive responses are a good indicator of that.

Can I recommend you some good tea to cool down your anus?

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his hand**

>Video game about rape.
It's literally a fucking CYOA porn game that looks worse than a fucking flash game.
People defending it as some sort of brave work about rape are deluding themselves and just being idiots.

To be fair, that's your average /int/ poster in a couple decades.

>throw together dogshit game in a day
>give it an edgy title
>create fake controversy so that it gets removed from steam
>this causes thousands of contrarians and wannabe ecelebs to buy your garbage heap of a game
It’s genius. Worked for Hatred and it’s working for this too.

>And the few that would have them would jack up their prices, so your option is either die, or go broke.
how and why would they do that when there's competition and they want to maximize their profits ?


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why is freedom of speech such a complicated concept to understand for some people, specially incels?

nah thats not accurate

>say good thing about trump
>say it again on social media
>people literally hunt and stalk you
>try to get you fired from job
>doesnt work until they group up to mass harass your work place
>gets fired so workplace doesnt have to deal with their shit anymore
>Trannies and SJWs get upset and point out about the closed off communities that are forming
>"lol trumpies cant handle the lack of safe spaces"

When trump leaves the office, its unironically going to become a bloodbath.

>things that never happened:the post

>run out of things to say
>le u mad
anime autists are STILL replying 30 mins later, comedy gold

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That's always true. On old forums just as much as on new platforms 80% of the posts / content is done by 20% of the users.

Reddit had a statistic that was even worse. It's kinda interesting if you're into marketing. A few paid faggots constantly manage to shill their shit to the top.

Looks like I'm one step away from cutting my dick off

That's the point, if you're spending money on putting seatbelts in your cars, you better raise the price so you make that money back. Do the people who want seatbelts have a choice? Not when you're the only company selling them.

>iq believing cunt

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playing videogames can also turn you into a tranny, I want this image updated with a 4th circle

>can piss on women and their tits
you're wrong

Don't see the problem here just Trump supporters getting what they deserve.

Fuck Epic and fuck Tencent.

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right? It's like Yea Forums isn't just 1 person.

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I was thinking about shilling my album on Yea Forums because of that.
Its no effort free eyes and getting like 100+ views REALLY counts when your average is 2

And!? Should GTA also be banned because it gives control over murderous robbers?

>Not when you're the only company selling them.
but who's stopping mc donalds from entering the car market and selling their cars cheaper than the monopolist?

This website spends way too much time complaining about niggers, trannys and SJWs, and not nearly enough time talking about the actual cancer killing human society like the Chinese and Islam.

This is a fucking anime forum. What the fuck are you doing here if you don't like anime you dumb fucking spastic retard?

This isnt Yea Forums nigger.

If the company doesn’t want to host it, sure.

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>killing good
>rape bad

Lots of people came here when anime was actually good back in the 2000s, and stayed on the non-anime boards even after anime went to shit around the mid 2010s.

>Killing bad
>Rape bad
Happy now?

there are not there is

>Yea Forums
>not about anime
hello faggot-chan gamerfags is that way

Yes. Your point?

For all of the thousands upon thousands of people who visit Yea Forums every day, the userbase itself isn't really as big as you'd think. A board like Yea Forums only has several hundred regular (as in, posts at least once a week) users.

They'd lose a lot of fucking money and probably quit a couple years later. Sometimes selling shit for cheap doesn't pay the bills.The Epic store takes less money than Steam, yet even they admitted it's not enough money to run the service. In fact pretty much every major internet company that sells a cheap service is in massive amounts of debt and barely makes a profit, that's why Netflix keeps raising its fees.

Yea Forums videogames
Moot is dead
Fuck you nigger.

But rape is good. What the fuck are you smoking?

its the same kind of shit
both are allowed or both shouldn't be allowed

is this an anime related board or thread? check again mongoloid

>b-but le anime website!!1

You haven't watched much anime in your life if you think it has changed radically in the past 40 years.

In reality? Regulations. The way the game works is first one to reach top closes the door behind him through regulatory capture. You simply ramp up the entry hurdle to kill off competition.

Certaintly works for low effort. That aside it's not impossible to shill yourself to the top of youtube. I've been following a few scammers who managed to do that consistently. Gotta figure out how to get my shit to the top

>when anime was actually good in the 2000's
00's anime was mostly garbage, it wasn't until like 2013 that it started to get good again when people realised how derivative literally everything was becoming

>i'm going to complain cars have wheels because bikes do

This tbhq

rape is so bad that given the choice between getting killed or raped most people would choose death. That's why we call them survivors those that go through rape.

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literally what

no because trump doesn't like it and i must oppose everything trump says

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Alright, creep. Let's hear your reasons why rape is good.

*grabs popcorn*

There's nothing new like ghost in the shell. Cyperpunk&Scifi exists but dumbed down in comparison. The closest i can think of is expelled from paradise. Manga might have something closer to it but no idea.

Because it should be. There are books about it, why not games, shit, theres movies too. How about if you dont like it just dont buy it or give it attention and let it die on its ass like it should, but no, I bet because of this "outrage" it actually sold way more than it wouldve and gave it relevance beyond its worth. This guy is probably laughing his ass off that his terrible looking CG story book literally named "rape day" is being talked about in parliament.

Steam shouldnt have ANY kind of porn games on its platform, there are places to make that stuff available, Steam has been shitting the bed of late with what it lets on its stores, so you get low quality hentai next to the Call of Duty. Get it together for fuck sake.

I actually want to see more stupid shit like this happen so Steam has some quality control. Just make a really shitty visual novel and name it something completely obsurd to create controversy around its name alone. Something like "child holocaust; and also rape simulator VR"