Who are the most obvious power bottoms in vidya?

Who are the most obvious power bottoms in vidya?

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my first vidya boner

Do you think he's a top or bottom?

Get back to resetera you twat

fuck off and kill yourself you fucking nigger we have been here longer than resetera exist you 2016 tourist


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Well this was a boner I wasn't expecting to have today.

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uuugh, pozz me daddy

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There's no way that's real...

That's fucking gross. People see fags like this and then assume all homos are like that. Only positive thing I'd want in my bf is a positive attitude

>disliking gay shit makes you a tourist

Bitch please.

>bitch please
reddit detected

>He doesn't spread the virus to all gay people.
What are you, some kind of heterosexual?

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sassy, loud-mouthed twink detected

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>Bitch please.
holy shit just go back

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No thank you, I only come here for the casual conversations.

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But I ship him as a top to pic related.

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They aren’t all like that? :^)

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