Reminder that you can pirate any Epic Games Store bought exclusives guilt-free since the devs already got an assured...

Reminder that you can pirate any Epic Games Store bought exclusives guilt-free since the devs already got an assured payout and sales would likely never actually hit the sales mark where the dev would start making more money

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Thanks to Epic's shit I've actually started pirating again.

That's exactly what I've been doing. Feels good knowing I don't have to support the devs since epic already pays them for me.

I don't need mental gymnastics to pirate, fag.

Reminder that you can pirate ANY PC game, even the ones on steam. People that pay for digital are fucking retarded.

Wtf I love DRM

How do you play online games though

What guilt? I pirate all games on DRMshit, which includes Steam.
Smart Steam Emulator.


Pretty sure this is more for people who buy to 'support the devs.' Devs aren't gonna see jack from people actually buying their game.

Writing more than five words to prove a point isn't "mental gymnastics," user. It's not that hard to grasp.

Good point. Why bother giving them money when sugar daddy Epic already did?

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You can pirate Steam games guilt free since its a anti-consumer DRM platform

>Smart Steam Emulator.
what is this sorcery?

>implying I have any guilt when pirating

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I pirate all western games anyways.

Why not just pirate all games user?

Do you even know what mental gymnastics mean? protip: Its not about word counts.

This. Epic is one of the most generous storefronts out there. They use their Fortnite money to cover your piracy

I never thought i would ever say it, however
Thank you, Epic

1. Physical for PC gaming disappeared ten years ago, except for a few Kickstarter projects.
2. If no one buys, no developer will have any reason to develop for PC, killing it as a gaming platform. So, buying games is necessary.
3. You can pirate because buyers exist.

>you can pirate guilt-free
Already did, but thanks.

It's a brand new age for pirates. Thank God for Epic.


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Which epic store exclusive should i pirate first

Penis Point