Yeah, I'm thinking WOW kino is back on the menu

Yeah, I'm thinking WOW kino is back on the menu.

Attached: wowi.jpg (1918x1008, 173K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Too bad the gameplay is 100% shit grindy skinnerbox retard shit.

a well designed cutscene isnt enough to save this game.


you just KNOW


stop making this thread you retarded chimp. the gameplay sucks, the story sucks and that cutscene sucks.

Who's this big guy?

this is just mists of pandaria 2

People still play this game?

seriously, it's fucking FIFTEEN years old

Yeah no.


What do you know?

When will BVLLs join Alliance?

Built for the BBC (Big Baine Cock)

Is WOW still a thing? Why?


All the other mmos are dogshit

If only, user.


hes crashing the horde with no survivors


>murders Horde soldiers and tries to ruin Sylvanas' plans when the Horde are weeks away from losing the war
>we're meant to sympathize with him
Fuck Baine. Roast beef when?

When are they going to make MMOs fun? What's the point of playing this when co-op looters like Monster Hunter and Borderlands exist and you can mod the latter them to make it harder, have a more preferable balance, new content, or less grindy. I don't see the appeal of MMOs when the devs always force fetch quests and small group dungeons. Raids can be fun, but getting there requires days of powerleveling braindead mobs and (usually) quests. Fuck even Skyrim Together sounds like it will be way better than the modern MMO.

The plot is fucking retarded.
>"Hurr we want to write a war story with a """morally grey""" warchief"
>Proceed to make the entire horde turncoat and suck alliance dick because of muh honour
>Alliance gets to kill the zandalari king so that his strong daughter can take over meanwhile horde gets to fight mekkatorque only for him to be saved by a fucking flying drone
Christie Goldie is a fucking hack beyond hacks

The only thing kino about Battle for Azeroth is the Uninstall button.

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god they're really removing factions next expansion aren't they

Where are the well designed cutscenes?

>more awful writing and voice acting from Blizzard

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>meeting at Theramore's ruins
>"IS HE THE BOMB NOW?!" with retarded magic-attack response making the situation cartoony as fuck
>sappy comment fixes everything
>dagger on back of belt centered in camera shot for obvious foreshadowing
>"The Horde has a sickness..." implying Derek being raised and brainwashed is the step too far after a thousand civilians were burned alive after surrendering months ago
Imagine having taste so shit that you could ever call this kino. It's not even a good cutscene by this expansion's standards.

>cinematics and complicated narratives
this is the gay normie shit that killed wow, you zoomer faggot

Where though?

These look like something madcatlady would make

fucking this
horde attempt to kill the gnome or jaina and they both escape?! who approved this shit

They both look like they were made by amateurs like Bioware. I started laughing at the god awful animations when Nathanos "shot" Zelling.

Yes. Now we can all worship God-King Anduin.


It has always been the case.
It was even worst during TBC/WOTLK since they ruined every great arc started during the RTS.
But it's more blatant here since they are releasing a shit tone of cutscenes.

more to come.

Classic is back on the menu boys

The same you always loved until you suddenly hated it because of reasons. It's always been bad. You changed.

I really hate that brief pause every character in every nuwow cutscene takes when they're about to say something.

>Jaina and Sylvanas are still alive

I bet you bargain with Bwonsamdi you fuck

shut the fuck up retard
horde has been catered to since TBC

No thanks

I know you are baiting, but the writers always cave in to alliance tears, simply because alliance players are never, EVER happy with the story.

>Well, welcome aboard!
Thank god Jaina finally did man up and became stronger than she was ever before!

A million alliance kiddies clapped and opened their mouths when she said that.

>that lip synch of Sylvanas
I could swear those looked better on older models

what isn't a skinner box these days?

No one will care who he is as long as he's a pacifist.

After the cutscene they keep talking and they make it clear he's not allowed to go home, he could still be a threat. The implication is he's going to find Calia and the other holy undead guy.

>Baine and Saurfang are unapologetic traitors
>still no quest to kill them where they stand
Fuck Blizzard and fuck alliance sympathizers

>Metzen again

Attached: 1551526125035.gif (500x375, 237K)

so was classic
WoW was always about grinding
classic was even worse
the only thing that consistently got worse was the comunity
MoP was better than Classic

Don't worry. Derek is not a sleeper agent. He carries a dagger for no real reason. Jaina, her brothers and mother will all survive and have happy endings.

Attached: vzxcvxzcv.png (788x1080, 496K)

Have sex, incel.

That wasn't what Baine meant about "a sickness" he's literally talking about Sylvanas. She's killing the Horde by being a massive retard. Baine hasn't approved of basically anything she's done since the star of the war.

>The fucking panda, skyhorn, etrigg, rexxar and rohkan just let this happen
Go fuck yourself Golden, no one believes this isn't SoO 2.0 just because you're stringing it out.

Bwonsamdi isn't evil, the newest Vol'jin stuff should make the obvious.


>MoP was better than Classic

delete your post retard

In what way? I'm genuinely curious. I always hear "X was favored" but no actual proof given. Please provide, user.

>holy undead guy.


Man, undead and light are two completely opposite thing. The light is anti-undead by nature, and vice versa.
This fucking lore is so retarded.

wow that was a good scene with absolutely no story, no reason, no anything, wow is an empty husk at this point

>1 million players are active

>She's killing the Horde by being a massive retard.
On the contrary, the horde is in better shape than ever. We haven't kicked this much ass and balls since Garrosh was warchief.

who gives a shit what baine approves of, dumb retard cow would suck anduin's dick if he asked

player character actually present in these cutscenes when?

There was a DK who used the light in vanilla.

WoW was never kino. FFXIV on the other hand...

>better shape than ever
>When they've lost pretty much every encounter since the tree burning
>When their missions get bamboozled by Alliance "trickery"
>When their allies are getting slaughtered left and right, with the vampire-elves getting wiped out and King Big Dick getting tossed
>When the entire faction is prone to infighting as Sylvanas does shit the Lich King who you know, a good chunk of them landed on the shores of Northrend to kill, was doing.
Right now the only leaders that seem to directly support Sylvanas, without any actual plans to stab her in the back at any stage or "wait and see" is the Mag'har orc, who seems rather retarded to begin with. a shittier game than WoW.

>nu-wow for weaboos
no thanks

Like 99.99% of the leadership gives a shit what Baine approves of, which you kind of gather when they all see him get arrested and go "I am not okay with that. Baine's got a point."

and yet the alliance is still losing the war lol

>actually caring about "the war"
top pleb

The horde had to defeat Ghuun by themselves lore wise, the tides will turn when alliance get fucked by Azshara's coming.

He consciously had his faith but he wasn't infused with it. It's strange, there's a voidwalker in WoD that's infused with Fel which is unstable and prone to exploding; so they've established mixing opposing powers doesn't work well. Maybe Calia is the bomb.

>here is a list why the horde is fucked
>actually, the horde is winning.
>uuuuhh who cares about the war lol?
Back to the forums crying about warmode, allykid.

BFA is going to be better than classic wow in lore and gameplay.

Maybe, but it won't last. Ever Sylvanas own Forsaken are starting to doubt her now.

The Stockholm syndrome is real.

No, the Alliance are having the upper hand now, but Anduin think it's wrong to finish the Horde while they are mourning and recovering after the battle of Daz'alor.

Fucking how when factions are going to be dissolved and we all worship God-King Anduin and his Queen Baine

>missing the point
It's not about win or lose, whichever side blizz decides is going to win, it's completely arbitrary, what matters is how we get there, and it looks fucking stupid.

Daily reminder that the WoW (and Warcraft) plot has always been terrible with very few bright spots. Also MoP was the best expansion and if you hate it because it made WoW too "silly" you shouldn't play video games.

>that godawful lip-syncing and general awkward body language

You and I know that alliance will win, the writing is on the wall and we don't want our main customers leaving now, do we?

He used holy magic too. It wasn't just a mental thing.

The alliance can never win as long as Anduin leads the alliance, only a return to status quo

>You and I know that alliance will win
>still caring about "the war"

Alliance is going to win by having factions dissolved

>When all your women will now be fucking orcs and tauren

Blame the majority of the alliance players for this because they want to be the good guys with honor. The rest of the alliance are Garithos RPers who claim they want to destroy the horde while staying in goldshire with pvp off masturbating.

Never going to happen as long as WoW exists.

Wait so are the tauren joining the alliance now? What the fuck

Based and repilled, Throne of Thunder was the best raid in WoW history and Lei Shen should've been the big bad of MoP

No you dumb bastard.


the ultimate alliance dream

>never gonna happen
Get hyped for Siege of Stormwind in 8.3 where we defeat Anduin, but backstab Sylvanas who is the final boss.

And then we get the glorious cinematic where Anduin and the new Warchief Saurfang shake hands and dissolve factions.

It'll be consensual now, or at least the women won't claim it was rape to save face.

my lord, I bet the people who enjoy this and wrote this enjoy GoT

NEVER going to happen.

First one to talk gets to stay on my ship

>assassinate someone
>not exploding the whole city again with mana bombs implanted into his cold. dead flesh

fucking idiots, that's not bane it's a bait by sylvanas

You get what I'm saying

>Jaina is perfectly fine after her boss fight no injuries whatsoever
>Baine show once again courtesy and "honor" toward the alliance after their attack and showing they could be deceptive and honorless as Sylvanas was
>this is fine because muh honor
>mfw people are fine with this
Golden is a hack and people eating up her shit are even worse

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They actually aren't, infact the Horde leaders indicate that they're not doing so hot.

>horde warchief gets cutoff from interacting with a race similar to his in legion because alliance cried
>but we get a whole zone for the 2 tree hippies leaders and you're forced to tag with them even as horde

>Fight Gayduin
What is e gonna do?
Ride my dick to death ?

japanese games

The funny thing is fat pandas and chinese culture memes aside MoP was really dark. There was themes of genocide, betrayal, the whole Not-Game-of-Thrones-Wall thing with the insect swarms and the casual loss of life. The reveal that the pandas torture anyone they suspect of getting Sha'd. Oh and both sides immediately ruining the lives of peaceful villagers and dragging them into their war. In contrast the expansion ABOUT the battle for azeroth seems like it has very little war and the effects of war.

From what I understand the Lght isn't denied to them, just very painful to use. This isn't what Calia is, though. They've gone to lengths to point out she's something new; what it means, I don't know, but I suspect it will be stupid.

She needs to be bred by a black alpha male ASAP.

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It bothered me that the female elf leader whose name I can't remember spends the entire zone threatening you as Horde. Like, holy shit I'm fucking helping you right now why are you still threatening people?

Basically this, I guess one way to sum it up is being able to harness the power of poison while not being immune to the poison yourself and with each poison power you use you get poisoned yourself.

Wow died for me when blizz started to 'balance' PvP around 3v3 and made healers immortal, it got boring really quick and BFA is pinnacle of this shit

wow doesnt have niggers though

They have orcs, no?

Casual shitter scrubs detected

what was the point of that cutscene?
To show off what an abrasive cunt Jaina has become?

t. honorless backstabbing twat

Orcs are inspired from German barbarians

>Abrasive cunt
In what fucking way? She straight up thanks Baine at the end, she was just wary because they brought her dead brother back to life, probably as a trap, which they even fucking confirm was the original intention. Of course she's going to be mad Baine brought the sickly corpse of her family to her, looking like the leader of the faction she's at war with.

these animations are so damn ugly jesus christ


They killed all the lore that they could already and they fucking raped every single one of their characters to fit the """"""""""story telling""""""""" , just compare vanilla sylvanas to the current sylvanas, at this point they are just making shit up as they go.

i love jaina

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The point was to once again remind the players that muh honor and alliance = good, dead elf = bad and that they should stop complaining and jump into blizzard's railroaded grade school level moral story

Who said that classic wasn't shit?
Modern WoW is shit, Classic was shit.
WoW was only ever good during MoP

fuck, guess I have to fap to jaina cumguzzling,png again

What a fucking boring cutscene, this couldve been done as a quest event, are they trying to be GoT or some shit?

>we have forgot what truly matters


lady jaina soimoore

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Imagine inserting your pp there lol.

> the Horde is one again the evil final boss

Fuck, at this points is just better if the alliance just commits genocide on them. Its not even funny how shitty they treat them in the story department.

And to think people cried about Blizzard favoritism with the Horde...