Who does this type of character appeal to, exactly?

Who does this type of character appeal to, exactly?

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This user

This guy right here.

pedophiles, and people whos sexuality has developed wrong like an ingrown toenail

It's not pedopilia if it's not real.

Imagine looking at a swimsuit and thinking its sexual. Nice virtue signaling

how can i fix my wrongly developed sexuality

I'm all three of those things and this is ugly.

is she even 9 or below in that game?

Nobody wants your disgusting eggs

Is that Rorona's daughter?


Isn't this girl like 20-something? Not every girl has to be fat, there are women built like this in real life. Skinny and petite will always be superior to fatties. Oh I'm sorry, I mean "thicc" girls.

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my dick

Atelier games were only good in late 90s - early 00s.

Attached: atelier.jpg (2081x837, 423K)

Alchemy enthusiasts

Allow me to disagree, captain

You heard it, fellas


high impact sexual violence

Stop listening to normalfags

yeah this guy is right. listen to abnormal faggots.

People who admire beauty

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Whoever likes genki types since Meruru is one.

Wait, people like Meruru? I always thought she was the red headed stepchild of the Arland girls.

Meruru's a weird case of worst girl/supporting cast, but best actual game overall.

Girl in your image is not just skinny or petite, she legit looks eight years old.

Keep coping, pedo.

Attached: meruru salute.jpg (533x643, 364K)

Why are you so knowledgeable on what 8yo girls in bikinis look like, user?

not him, but based MOLOKONOMI taught me a lot about child anatomy