Remember just because you like to be contrarian does not mean a popular game is bad

Remember just because you like to be contrarian does not mean a popular game is bad

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cute piggy I love u a lot

disgusting pig i hate u a lot

little piggy i am ambivalent to u a lot

Piggy stiffy uh

little piggy I am unequivocal to u a lot

something's wrong with your dog, dude

thanks pig friend!!

Why do piglets have to be so cute but grow up to be gremlins?

gas all piggies

>critique a game
>multiple canned replies of "shut up contrarian new good old bad"
name a hobby more kafkaesque than video games

Shut up pork chop

big piggies are cute too

the fuck are you talking about

Danes are so cute

I could do with some bacon now

You're fucking insane. There are more people on the internet eagerly chomping at the bit to desecrate a sacred cow than there are defenders of it.

Popular music is usually trash
What’s popular is usually easily discarded that’s why a pop hit song is considered old after like 2 years or same with a popular game the fad will die and move on to the next thing it doesn’t have a very long life span it’s just what’s being pushed at the time or whatever
Mostly always what’s popular is never good it’s just easy to take in but also just as easy to throw away

Adult pigs are cute too, boars are cute as well. All pigs are cute. Even pige is cute.

Popular Music has been regulated to government brainwashing tool.
Video games still have a fighting chance.

No It’s just what songs the major radio stations decide to blast 24/7 for the next month or so

Video games absolutely do not have a chance. The death of video games happened much faster than movies and music.


>Listening to the radio
Come on are you driving a car from the 80s or something?
True, since game companies refuse to stand still for 2 seconds.

Yeah, go ahead and keep jerking yourself off, bud. You're so much cooler than everyone because you don't play Call of Duty, man. Fortnite is for LOOOSERS!

>Listening to the radio
>Come on are you driving a car from the 80s or something?
Not that user, but what?

And just because a game might be popular doesn't mean someone is a contrarian for pointing out its flaws or not being a fanboy/girl about it.

Thing is, most footage of adult pigs shows them absolutely terrified and in shit conditions.
A happy pig is always cute.

Attached: BlanketPig.jpg (750x750, 61K)

>high marketing budget means game good

Why else would you be listening to the radio? Most cars nowadays have audio cables you can use your phone for or whatever.

not him but piggies are total bros

Reminder that just because an opinion does not conform to a popular view it doesn’t mean it’s automatically wrong.

If all the stations stink, sure. I listen to a few good stations or play music on my phone. I wouldn't dismiss the radio entirely though.

Wise words my dear piggo friend!

I think you're missing the point of this post, Yea Forums.

Yes, we already know that a popular mainstream game can be bad. This post isn't saying you can't criticize a popular game. The problem is that you guys shit on EVERY SINGLE popular game while pretending these terrible obscure games have "soul". You guys have a HUGE problem with being close-minded and having a kneejerk hatred towards anything new. That's why it's important to remind you guys that you're all contrarian fuckwads. It's to keep you faggots humble.

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I want to cuddle and eat that piggy.

Radio is filled with pointless talk shows and ads, it would be easier to cut through the bullshit and use your phone. I'm convinced the only reason radio still exists is because of old people.

You have the numbers to prove that, faggot?

But how else am I supposed to generate (You)'s if I don't post my unique contratiran opinion that goes against the flow?

wtf ?! I'm vegan now !

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It's called having eyes, moron. Try using them.

stop that retard pig

Thanks, baconboy.

>praise a game
>multiple canned replies of "shut up zoomer new bad old good"

The majority of people here only react to things that oppose their believes, so the ratio of people agreeing with the OP is always lower than the people shitting on him.
Thinking Yea Forums is one person is the biggest mistake one could make, especially now you can get every single echo you want if you know how to trigger it, atleast when it comes to games.
Want a comfy thread about a game you like? Shit on it in the OP but leave holes.
Monster Hunter threads even made a meme out of it.

Attached: 1548042808151.jpg (492x449, 48K)

Popular music (as in, music designed to be popular, not music that happened to become popular) was pretty good up until the 90s.

>pretending these terrible obscure games have "soul"
no one is pretending. you seem to fail to understand that while theres charming jank theres also absolute stinkers as well and those shit games dont usually get discussed.

I refuse to believe for a moment that any of you fuckers actually like Dwarf Fortress. It's a gatekeeping tool. You latch onto it and pretend that anyone who doesn't understand its garbage archaic design is an idiot.

well yeah that's a good point. I've been called a zoomer here just because I liked a video game and in the next thread few minutes later I'm told to fuck off boomer. I feel like what I post only dictates what flavor of shit I get thrown at me.

Remember: popular =/= good

I played it quite a lot around 2010-2013. it certainly deserves all the praise for its complexity but as a game it's mediocre. I lost my interest when I got good at it and my playstyle became standardized and sterile.

>piggies are total bros
Unless you have a seizure and fall in their pen. Then they just eat you.