Girl joins the guild

>girl joins the guild
>guild disbands a month later due to drama
Every FUCKING time they fuck it up. Why the fuck are WoW players such thirsty idiots?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Women are the devil's gateway.

that's pretty much any game
don't blame women for that shit, blame the men that enable them.

post the source before the thread 404s

I don't see how it's the woman's fault men are pigs.

>woman joins
>men fuck it up
>women bad

Pandora's Box, mang.

My point still stands.

>Why the fuck are WoW players such thirsty idiots?
If they weren't like that they wouldn't be playing.


had that happen before in WoW
or i leave because guild is shit(or new management) and they disband within a month anyways
lucky i only spent 2 years playing, quit in like 2011 or 2012

Woman is the devil's temptation, and the devil is very cunning. Read the Bible.

Had a raid leader who turned out to be a 14 year old girl from Sweden back in WotLK

She was literally the best raid leader I've ever had
Guild freaked the fucked out and tried to dox her because some of them "wouldn't listen to a stupid little girl"

It is entirely within each individual male's power to disregard the female or to not give them any special treatment

And men want to enter through the gateway and into the devil's realm
>yfw men are literally Doomguys

It's not even a meme, happened to my guild in wotlk

it really doesn't

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Where is Thom Yorke?

That's the game, a woman's greatest joy is manipulating men and playing them off each other. Destroying their relationships and ruining peoples lives, the damnable succubus of the female sex is disgusting indeed.

any woman who plays video games, especially wow, has some sort of societal weakness or mental illness
she’s literally only there to infiltrate you for attention and prey on neets, don’t blame the weak neets (in their nature) for the maliciousness of mentally ill women

>filename says her name is Louvre
>plugging Lovure into goggle just gives you a glass pyramid

Of course it's not a meme. I had one fat girl sending nudes of her saggy tits to officers so that she could raid back in TBC

The Bible was right all along, anons. But you didn't listen.

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Making shit music

It's okay as long as she's autistic.

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You are the only constant

>joining a guild in the first place

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...are you like, actually retarded?
you absolute moron
you dumb fucking nigger
you literal retard
the louvre is where she is, it's an art museum
it's the most famous in the world



Remember: Eve ate the apple, but Adam was dumb enough to eat it with her.

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Hitman DLC?

No, weak men deserve to be manipulated and tortured because men are not supposed to be weak.
Then again, if you are weak you are not worthy of the label "man".
Maybe that's why people nowadays refer each other as "males" instead of "men".

How about...
Both genders are shit

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How can men disregard women when women were specially made to deceive mankind? How can a fish disregard an anglerfish bait?

get a load of this tranny

This there are people of both genders that are trash humans just like there are trash people of every skin colour or race

Shut the fuck up you dumb cunt.

Show your tits or gtfo.

tfw was in a guild where older woman was guild leader and was like a mommy for all of us

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No, i'm a man, it's just there's nothing I despise more than betas, they are barely people.

because we are more than our natural directives. be better

Actually a tranny wouldn’t say that because they are to busy trying to be labeled as one

In FFXIV it’s actually the other way around. Trannies cause all the problems in guilds/free companies while women pretty often just stay silent and play the fucking game

By not making excuses and understanding that your mind is the only thing you have complete control over.

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Non virgins easily can.

I agree with you there but that is why weak men play WoW, it’s an alternative world where those weaknesses do not exist and they can express some shred of power/masculinity/achievement
But anywhere weak men are sociopathic and mentally ill women also flock to because that’s where their prey source accumulates and they can get white knighted. I don’t think any man deserves to be manipulated and tortured by them per se

My guild was the best times I had in WoW.

We were the best on our server and had a hostile rivalry with another guild that was always right behind us, but they could never beat us so we could act smug about it.
Our GM/Raid Leader was a guy who talked about how much he hates his ex-wife all the time, our main tank was a godly tauren warrior with a heart defect, we had a female tauren MILF guild mommy, a japanese woman who played a shaman that almost never spoke but was always extremely kind to everyone, a redneck who was always drunk and some other autists - but the guild slowly died and fell apart because of people quitting since the game got shittier.

I fucking miss those times and I wish I could go back even for just one day.

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People deserve to pay for their weakness.
Just like how women get raped.

Still waiting for the day /vg/ gets on the news because a tranny/mentally ill from the general killed himself

do you have any idea how easy it is to pretend to be a girl

No you're not. Your existence is dictated and controlled by natural directives.

>things that didnt happen

>In a dungeon with a healer (WHM) in FFXIV
>They're god tier and actually using Benediction with perfect timing
>They're a mana management god and spam Holy non-stop during pulls
>Chad tier timing standing in overlapping AoE markers and getting a Holy stun off before they get hit 3-5 times and die
>Friend invites them to the discord
>They decline and say they're a shy tranny

A woman joined my old guild and was pretty much fine for the years I played with them. However, I found out she's a cougar who goes through young men rapidly which is pretty funny because she's a teacher. I didn't out her because I liked the guild. They are sitting on a landmine though.

Imagine unironically playing MMOs.
Imagine unironically playing a genre that sacrifices gameplay, graphics, storytelling, everything, just to have a high player count.
Imagine playing a genre composed mostly of games that requiere a monthly fee.
Imagine unironically playing a genre that pretty much pioneered the concept of farming and grinding.

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Well you are either an Indian or Honduran gentleman or mentally ill/socially handicapped yourself, so with that I will end this discussion because I talk to none of the above

>pretend to be a girl in wow
>able to put on a passing female voice
>join a guild
>play up my fake girl persona and watch as the guild starts to destabilize
>tear the guild apart after they get stuck on some boss
>once its been destroyed I move on to the next guild
>thirsty lads follow me along sometimes and others keep communicating with me afterwards

Its been good for ERP though. Its nice to know people to go to when you need to itch that one specific fetish. If BFA wasn't so bad, I would keep doing this because its rather fun.

>girl joins guild
>which is weird because i'm not in a guild
>wonder how i got in a guild

It did.
She wasn't a guild leader or even officer. She was just one of the best fucking raid leaders.
MMOs weren't always filled with retards user

This is what an NPC tells himself to continue being stupid.

>How can a fish disregard an anglerfish bait?
They do that a lot, only the dumb ones bite.

>implying dying a virgin is not based
>wanting semen demons to use you and your essence for their own gain and pleasure
Enjoy being used like a good cuck.

>user got so buttblasted that a 14 year old girl could manage a group better than the limp dicked user who dives into a mob fight, pulls aggro like crazy, yells at the healer when he cant heal past the stupidity, and blames everyone else
just like the good old days

>girl joins social circle
>hooks up with one of the guys
>3 weeks later guy gets cucked by somebody else from the same group
>entire social circle falls apart and nobody talks to each other ever again
i've seen this shit happen way too many times

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You're one of those people who think humans minds are the same way animals are, and we all just act impulsively, aren't you?

I swear I had some sort of sixth sense back then
shit like Guilds and Clans always felt like circlejerks

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When did Yea Forums go from witty, self aware weirdos to stereotypical insecure virgins?

Great rebuttal, meme spouting retard.

This is how you learn not to fall for someone before you find out if they're crazy/neurotic or not.

if eating and fucking were all we did then you wouldn't be communicating with me right now via modern technology

A human is a varied being.
Be it female or male, it doesn't matter.
You can group them, but never generalize them.

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>dude, i'm just an animal
Don't worry, I also agree that you are not above a pet dog.

when old Yea Forums grew up and the next generation took it's place.

just because you are a literal retard incapable of rational thought, doesn't mean everyone else is

Humans are part of animal kingdom and your butthurt won't ever change this fact.

Yeah, maybe it's time to leave this shithole, this new generation is boring as fuck and it seems as if they all have the exact same personality.

I had a guild leader and MT who was a 20 year old girl, and she never caused any drama.

She sent nudes to a few of us though. She was a chubby Asian, probably a 4/10 overall.

But I can and I do.

>Humans are part of animal kingdom

>letting females in the first place

Successful bait, kids better take notes

where would you even go user

now you can jerk off before OP's stupid thread dies

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Don't say that please, I was only making a joke and it looked like I made him mad.

I had one of these too, some teenager dyke who played WoW 24/7, no idea if she had parents or school or anything because I don't remember her ever not being on.

We are not, our intelligence let us break off the path and become civilized. It's both a pro and a con, obviously seeing as we're now in the process of making earth uninhabitable just so that we don't have to live like those animals.

If we are animals, then how come everything about us puts us apart from the rest of earths animals? How come we are the only ones who can operate at this level, while all the rest still live in nature as beasts?

mine didn't, but the age group for my guild was married boomers and the girl was a married boomer (not to anyone in the guild, mind you)
as usual, boomers > zoomers

Probably american sized

>tfw no guild mom

So do it. You have your own freedom to think the way you want, as everyone do and has their own either unique or influenced way of thinking.

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my thread isnt stupid you dumb nigger

Daily reminder that in this situation the problem is with the men

Nah she was honestly pretty cute, femme even but something about her face just screamed "dyke"

>invent an insane fable about talking snakes in an effort to blame women for men's flaws
>the world's most stupid men lap it up and believe it as fact


>being this uncultured

Adielgrech on insta

>How come we are the only ones who can operate at this level, while all the rest still live in nature as beasts?
God gave us dominion over the beasts of the earth
It's pretty dumb. We have it every day. Yeah woman are terrible for guilds, because you have a bunch of lonely shut in men who can't handle their dicks. Also, most of this shit happened when you were fucking teenagers, and therefore even more incapable of handling your dicks.

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roastie gettin toasty

dont shit on op

>all the butthurt roasties in this thread
Like pottery

Not a guild, but we have a group where we play various games.
We have a girl there, but I think she's autistic.
She's 23, lives with her parents, plays vidya all day, mostly doesn't talk save for giving tips, although she gets extremely angry when we play alone and we are paired with randos who suck, but I've learned how to calm her down.

I remember when we were playing Siege once, and we got paired with this arab sounding guy who spoke in really broken english.
Throughout the match she didn't say anything, but I could hear her breathing get heavier and heavier, and when the dude inevitably fucked up the last round, causing us to lose the match, she shouted at him through the mic

the thirst is real, don’t blame the women for men acting like retards, if you don’t like this spergery then get a new hobby.
>joining social circles on platforms filled with desperate incel faggots

Join a Pserver or wait for classic. Caveat is that the rest is on you to meet people who aren't shitters.

>God gave us dominion over the beasts of the earth
And as such, we are not part of the animal kingdom.

It's a metaphor. Adam and Eve were both led astray by the serpent. AKA the Dick. Eve was led to sin by the dick. Adam was led to sin by the dick.

>insane fable
>The bible is a collection of the best most important stories told about mankind and its behavior
The bible is literally just about humans and every word of it is true unless you take metaphors word by word.

Don't forget Muslim. Though they aren't mutually exclusive

>She's 23, lives with her parents, plays vidya all day, mostly doesn't talk save for giving tips, although she gets extremely angry when we play alone and we are paired with randos who suck
That's like 80% of people from Yea Forums who play WoW. 95% of the ones who frequent the /vg/ generals.

>saying that teenage boys are thirsty fucks is being butthurt

Don't bring Richard into this.

Fucking kek. Top lass.

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No, i'm from Norway, but why would your nationality have to do with despising weakness?
It should be despised by everyone, it's not a positive trait, it's like being dumb.

Can't beat the dick user. Not the dick.

Based MOMMY asian rl

Can you stop spamming this story you made up?

>She was a chubby Asian, probably a 4/10 overall.
That's 99% of asians.
The other 1% are porn actresses.

>falling for the women meme


I have only ever heard of this happening in wow, no other MMO seems to have this issue

>She sent nudes to a few of us though.
That is causing drama, because someone will be crushing on her and get all butthurt about her being a slut, thinking she's cheating on him even though they aren't going out, and that shit spirals into huge e-girl drama.

Fuck off bokudev

Did you play other MMOs? Because this is even worse in games like FFXIV.

That's the nature of being a geek starved for girlfriend. There's a correlation between the time SJWs started appearing in droves and when the general world populace started gaining internet access thanks to smartphones

seen it happen tons in fucking oldschool runescape of all the games

are these an example of khazar milkers?

>tfw not even as a retarded teenager was I retarded enough to send people in WoW nudes
Good riddance

You've never met a khazar, have you?

>joining a guild
>not going solo
Why do you play online games if you play them on easy mode?

lmao, shed get raped after 10 minutes on the battlefield maybe even before she makes it to syria,

>Female gamers

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So what's the solution
The kind of guy who falls for a girl in WoW isn't getting laid IRL so how do you stop him from thinking with his cock

protip: you are the brown, not the black

Does she look afghanistani to you?

Every time I've been in a guild that a girl joined she ended up being the guild mom and gave every one potions and food

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I quit wow over an event like this in wotlk after playing since classic. Been planning on qutting for a while, but this pushed me over the edge.

>Had been in the same guild for years
>Guild leader was always a bro and we ranked pretty high in pvp
>We mostly raided though and were hyped for icc
>About a week before its launch, the guild leader decided to drag his "girlfriend" into the guild
>No one had a problem with this
>Not even a week in and he places her on a pedestal and constantly brags about it
>Forces us to give the best gear to her during raids
>We finally get to ICC and this girl is still undergeared as a healer
>Carrying her through instances was hard enough
>ICC 10 regular becomes impossible because the tank keeps dieing and she somehow manages to pull aggro through some of the simplest shit
>People begin speaking up about it saying she cant heal
>Guild leader says give her a chance
>A week goes by and we cant even clear festerfuck because of her failing to follow simple instructions
>People begin leaving in droves
>Some people were kicked from the guild
>Guild was disbanded after a good few years of hardwork in not even two weeks because the guild leader was whipped
>It wasnt even an irl gf

Men are truly the problem.

>starbucks shirt

I find that hard to believe, that games like 30% female.

These things are so disturbing.

t. normalfaggot

That would imply close quarters combat is a thing in modern warfare outside of special forces.
Plus, you can also kill plenty of muslims just with a computer and a joystick.

>no crusty Hitachi in sight

What a shame about the average face, that body is NICE

that's because you were in shitty social guilds not good enough for progression

Nigga there's a reason groups are brotherhoods and not brother&sisterhoods through history.
If women weren't accepted, it was for a more meaningful reason than "lol vagina" sexism.

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>do no trash food
That's right though.
You want food rotting in your room?

the problem is twofold
obviously that girl and people like her are problems because they play the game for attention and can't actually pull their weight
the people who enable people like that are even worse, though, because without them, they'd be treated fairly like any other guild member (e.g. told they're shit and eventually benched or kicked).

i can't help but be drawn to them
theres so much going on in them

>you can also kill plenty of muslims just with a computer and a joystick.
That's honestly pretty crazy if you think about it. You can watch people on camera and then kill them, sitting in some container a thousand miles away getting McDonald's for lunch.

Men are literally hardwired to give women special treatment

It's odd that you'd write those two next to each other yet fail to see why it makes sense.

Was it because the men were doin buttstuff

1. The guy has to have been with a least 2 women throughout his life before he stops giving a shit
2. Don't accept women into the guild
3. Kick those guys out of the guild before infighting starts happening

god i love cute catgirls

People understimate how impersonal war is nowadays.

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>that games like 30% female.
If you count trannies.

i was mainly implying she would get raped by her own soldiers cuz autistic people are easy to manipulate

>not pretending to be a girl for free stuff

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That and also because it's in our very nature as men to compete for females, you can't fight it
Where there's competition, there's no brotherhood.

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and yet the thing (or a major thing) that separates us from animals is that we can recognize instinct and subdue it in service of greater purpose

Because your average guild lacks any kind of actually leadership or structure. Most guildleaders, being betas themselves, tend to run the guild like nannies or secretaries that just keep track of shit. I've been in several guilds with plenty of females and no one ever caused that kind of problem.

I was even in a guild once that have a girl that was a low tier Yea Forums attention whore back in the day (only posted softcore stuff) and another girl that acted as her handler/mom. If you ever saw Tenchi, they had the buddy dynamic of Mihoshi and Kiyoni, where the former would do things and the latter would get aggravated and react and everyone would laugh and have a good time. The guild was also ran by a flamboyant gay guy that who was exceptional good at motivating people into doing activities together.

How do you make a good guild if a) the majority of players are dick-controlled nerds and b) there's a correlation between gitting gud and being a virgin nerd?

I'll say it again, girls should be on a separate Internet.

women got raped during and after wars throughout most of history.
It's a global pastime, because surprise-surprise, women have no place on battlefields

Post more tits

>waste a fucking missile on two people when you have a group behind them

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Nobody said it was wrong

Man that really does seem like vidya. You probably don't even feel anything.
Like back when war meant cutting the other lad's head off before he cuts off yours, you were probably kinda bummed about it occasionally but this looks fun.

if I downed an enemy combatant and it just happened to be female, I would mos def rape her tbqh

I mean, I'd rather be raped than killed honestly, I don't think guys have it much better on the battlefield. Its an all around shit place to be.

im not a mgtow fag but it seems like many of the most important or influential men in history ended up forsaking or not being interested in women, if you cant defy your nature and control your cock youre less of a man and more of an animal.

>killing people looks like fun
>it's just like vidya
you got MKUltra'd hard, son

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Seems dangerous to let your guard down for two minutes user

Is this like where someone posts that image of an inflatable pool with a european power strip in it and everyone goes >Americans

>social media pages deleted

most people would. Tough shit on women, but it all balances out considering society favours them heavily when it comes to employment and judicial systems.

not him, i more or less agree with you
it's not necessarily about forsaking women, it's about not letting your instincts control your decisions

how do I get a loving gf?

I mean, yeah I assume that is the whole point of it, making it seem harmless and fun.
But since the killing has to be done by someone, why not do it in a way that keeps his psyche intact? I'm not sure if there's data but I'd like to compare the PTSD or suicide rate of drone fags with front line grunts.

Yeah and war is becoming rarer and less gruesome so (western) women got it pretty good in all sorts of ways desu. Not complainin'

Newton and Tesla were notorious prudes.
They died virgins IIRC

if i knew i wouldnt be here desu

People who aren't slaves to their lesser instincts get shit done, yes.

No need for MK ultra here
Killing people actually feel good, it's hardwired in our brains

Hence why people who killed feel changed, they got a taste and now they crave more

this is why I'm not even looking forward to classic

dronefags an hero more often than zogbots.
Much like air traffic controllers.

I know, hence "back when".

Who cares about the face. Not like you see it during the majority of sexual positions.

youre right, i agree with you. its elevating yourself above your base desires. so many men are so desperate for even the lowest female attention. i was an autist and stayed a virgin into my 20s because i unironically wanted to save it for someone special and it worked better than i could have possibly imagined because now i have a girl who felt exactly the same, loves me for who i am and we've only had sex with each other.

get help you lunatic

when a man get a girl the first thing your friends ask is, how does she look like?
when a woman get a man the first thing her friends ask is, what the fuck does that nigga do?
Women don't care about you for who you are but for what you can do for them.
-redpilled Chris Rock

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Judge Holden pls go

No shit? Got a source?

It's not even a matter of not having a girlfriend, it's knowing when to put your instincts and emotions aside.
That's what makes you human.

lmao that obvious fake ass shit

If men are more than animals, then so are women. They know how to use our wiring to their advantage and can be really subtle about it. A woman is powerful for different reasons than a man.
Whores parading their tits around are the lowest tier and they're still effective for their audience. The biggest disadvantage a woman can have is being ugly and unfuckable or, very rarely, ignorant of how men function.
These are all things you would know if you ever had a gf.

It's real.
It's a PKK assault on Turkish military.

I still believe in pure one true love

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yeah they get really depressed

Easier said than done.
It's easy if you're surrounded by males(or nobody, you fucking loser) all day, but introduce some females in your environment and you'll see how it gets to your brain.

>tfw i worry i might enjoy killing sometimes
>tfw like violence a little too much
i'm sure i'd change my tune if i had to deal with real shit and stab someone to death or bash their head in

you are fucked

I mean he's kinda right. We're a violent bunch. For all generations except the last two we've been at war with ourselves. We invented shit like scaphism and the blood eagle. We love killing shit.

females have no effect on me whatsoever i just see meat, i can enjoy them sexually but thats clearly such a primal part of me i can ignore it

those impotent power fantasies wane as you grow up.
Try watching those mexican cartel vids and not wince. Then you have a problem.

ignore this jaded faggot
plenty of people believe in it and have it

most people don't.
Hence why soldiers are often violent poorfags with nothing to lose.

I'm a grill so I can't say but I'm pretty sure the easiest way to get over that is exposure. Like how boyswho have sisters are generally more chill around girls because they don't put em on a pedestal and know we're boring or dumb or disgusting at least as much as they are.

Do Americans really make pyramids of glass?

i mean, i have a job, i work with females, some of them are pretty hot too. i've been in guilds with females were people were mature enough to handle it too, although i've also been in ones were people weren't mature enough to handle it.
i probably wouldn't have been mature enough to handle it in my teens, but now? dealing with women is part of my every day life, if anything it's far easier now because i'm used to it.

Straight people are dumb as shit.

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its not mindless killing that i like the idea, its more the idea of doing it in some sort of "righteous" way i guess. i dont like seeing people die in videos like that though.

It can happen, but just remember, the first girl you fall in love with is the only one you'll ever truly love.
You might find another girlfriend, but every now and then you'll remember the first one.

Not him but I can watch them no problem but I don't think I got a problem or anything, just got exposed to a lot of gore on Yea Forums a couple years back.

Thirsty betas are the lowest of the low desu.

These days yes, like I said. But for most of human history most men participated in warfare.

easy there Freud

not really. For every 1 guy that doesn't care there's 19 who want to impress you because they're unironic incels.

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nothing lower desu

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>tfw you despise women
>tfw you love your gf very much
Cognitive dissonance is powerful.

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killing is only righteous when you target a specific group that's proven detrimental to society time after time

Hold on something ain't right


in this rare case its not the woman's fault. men have to take personal responsibility for their pathetic behavior

How cucked can you be to group with a bunch of losers so you can beat a game?

>hate niggers
>like the guy who drives me to work
No dissonance, just because their culture and general stance on most things is shit doesn't mean some individuals can't be a'ight

nah i would never hurt anyone for having different ideas but if someone broke into my house or something i might just turn into some berserking idiot and get myself killed or kill them.
killing in self defense or defense of the truly innocent is righteous, if someone was trying to rape your mom and your smashed their head into pulp it would be righteous

You go into MC alone? Gee user you must be so good at this game

i've gotten with chicks from tinder that were uglier than that. mostly because they had huge tits or let it be known from the jump that had low self esteem and high sex drive

>tfw been described as handsome 8/10
>asocial shut-in with no friends
>last relationship ended in 2012
>last sex was with some rando in 2015
I just want a footfag gf

Just remember that the "one true love" doesn't mean the first. Sometimes you have to go through hell just to get to heaven.

Detrimental can be subjective. Jews have done more good than harm to humanity but /pol/ can't stop reeing about them. Meanwhile shit like mexican cartels or the church of scientology goes unpunished.

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What the fuck, that looks like a 40 year old.

Honestly user I think the self defense fantasy is pretty common. I have that occasionally but I'm pretty sure if I actually had to shoot Ahmed trying to run off with my laptop and he'd bleed all over my carpet coughing up his lungs, I'd be proper bummed out.

this desu. being around women as non sexual entities and seeing how banal they can be helps.

imagine actually believing this

thats pathetic to me but to each his own, i doubt you care what people think if thats what you do but thats a guy fyi


nigga wut?

Good luck user, proper footfag girls are super rare. I know just one and she's a dykefag

The best.

She's a leaf, so no. As far as I can tell not jewish.

yeah i think about that too, like you'd see what you've done, see them dead or dying and have to live with it. you'd have to think that you fucking erased that person, who was alive just like you. you erased them from existence.

>first love was pic related from middle school
>we meet again last year
nigga why

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I know. All my exes thought it was weird, so I didn't bother.

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im afraid this is true, I got two sisters and I'm 98% sure having to smell used tampons from the bathroom wastebasket is what made me a faggot

fuck off incel

That's too bad.
I have one sister and we still do shit like watching movies while cuddling.

its eggman

Yeah especially if it's for something inconsequential. Like if he comes at me and it's getting raep and killed or I shoot him, fair enough. But if I kill some dude just cause he wanted to sell my laptop for crack, well damn. Kinda seems disproportionate. Like I'm not making excuses for thieving negroes but if I panic and shoot one who's unarmed and just wants to get in and out, I'd feel shitty about it.

>the post misogynists don't want you to see

>played with plenty girls in my guild without any form of drama. Maybe don't play with children.

yeah ideally i could handle a situation like that non-violently but if someone broke into my house there's a good chance they'd end up dead, or me i guess, but i know my house and they dont.

Your sisters were mad gross yo. I live in a house with three girls, four if you count my mom, and you'd never even know it.

Also this is top comfy. I pity people who don't have a good relationship with their siblings.

I don't really see the pros anymore desu. We destroy the place we live in in the pursuit of absolutely meaningless goals, almost all made up.

Really, what did we acheive?

They'll turn to dust.
People kill themselves over which book is truer than the other.
We're irradiating and degrading our bodies and environment for plastic bags, ads and pixels to masturbate over.
Individuals have a higher chance of survival, but the individual is in poorer shape overall, less capable and worth a lot less to society and even to himself most of the time.
>Space travel?
A sci-fi pipe dream. The technology that would allow this hasn't even been conceived. For all the theorical space bending, there are 0 actual applications.

There is beauty in the world, but most of it is in interacting with other humans or animals. Nature made those beasts more beautiful than any civilization ever could.

About detrimentality being subjective? Of course it's subjective. Most types of harm are not universal.
About jews? Some of the best art and scientific work on this planet has come from people of jewish origins.
About scientology/cartels? I hope someone comes and knives your stomach open, fucking subhuman degenerate bag of shit.

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I wouldn't.
You drop every human right under the sun the moment you decide to invade someone's property.
They wouldn't hesitate about harming you either.

>girl in the group chat
>is relentlessly mean to me specifically, calls me "trash"
>not really the same to anyone else
>ask why, she doesn't give any real reason
>none of the people she talks to privately knows either
>she doesn't actively avoid communication with me, and we even play a couple games together
>think nothing of it, it's mildly entertaining to the group and I don't have any issue with it
>talk to her again like a decade later when going through old accounts
>she still talks to me like she did before

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same, they were always chill except for this fat chick who wanted to buy me the expansion for wow and talked about how she was visiting my state all the time, pretty sure she wanted my dick and she had a husband in the guild who was really helpful and nice.

holy fucking shit i didn't realise but its so obvious

how to kiss?

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Lotta primitivism commie claptrap user
Shame you'll stay on this rock when we achieve GAY SPACE CAPITALISM

I'll stop hating jews when they fuck off from Congress and stop killing innocent Palestinians

If you are married or have kids, or even had sex you already lost

ITT: Incel misogynerds proving once again why gaming needs to be turned into a women-only hobby

irl tsundere

you'll never be a real woman

Yeah I know that consciously but my coddled first world brain would still be bummed out. I think.

You have to give her the trash dicking.

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>blame the men that enable them.
And remember Jimbo, always kill a traitor before an enemy

If they're so innocent why isn't Allah averting those missiles, goy

Oh fuck off. I'd hate playing with just women. They're all shit and can't bantz.


sounds like bull my friend

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>chad joins guild

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> now you can jerk off
I shall proceed to dedicate these wasted sperm to you, user.

eat shit and die, terrorist

don't give it free (You)s

There's no such as thing as bait too low quality for Yea Forums. I posted "No dude what do the people making the game have to do with the quality of the game? A bad game is a bad game" or something to that effect in a Bioware thread as a sarcastic response to some dude arguing with a guy who said it wasn't their hiring practices dropping the quality of their games and got like 3 earnest responses, although one starting with "assuming this isn't bait".

You'll always get a bite no matter how much effort you don't put in.

Fall in love and it's mutual or...?

I'm just kidding around, don't get your panties twisted.

Where is the horse dildo, I can't find it.

>they didn't want their leader to be a Loli

what the fuck

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sorry I just really dislike them.

This didn't happen to any guild I was in 20 years ago and it still doesn't happen now. I know some of you guys cause your own problems.

It doesn't matter if it's mutual or not.
It's like as if the first time it happens it hits you hard and you always have a remains of those feelings, even if you fall in love with another girl.

Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a Roastbeef such as you!


The missile purpose is shock, crippling the brain of everyone else so the innacurate as fuck rounds coming after get the most on concentrated fire. i.e only ballzy as fuck people would run forward to safety due to not being with the crowd.

It's okay go- I mean dude.

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>married girl joins the guild with her husband
>sends nudes to other guys in the guild
>guild implodes

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not seeing how fiction relates to reality here.


I never stopped loving my ex.
She was a literal sociopath who used the push and pull treatment for years to get me emotionally addicted.
Then she snapped and fucked half my social circle, then painted me as an abuser, which turned me into a pariah.
I just want the feels to stop bros.

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i'm in my thirties dude. ive had a lot sex. i've had boring unenjoyable sex with beautiful women and amazing kinky sex with uggos. with my sexual preferences i care much more about sexual energy and adventurousness/open mindedness than about looks.

i get with women for companionship and sexual fulfillment. looks are a minor concern to me, and what strangers think of my taste in women is of concern whatsoever.

that said. is that really a dude?

not really, i've been in guilds with grils that were fine and the experience of women ruining guilds is obviously common enough that it's not an isolated thing

It's like sexual harassment in the workplace, sometimes you get a combination of asshats and it just happens, sometimes everyone is mature functioning adults and everything is okay.

Unless you've got a guild leader that is some kind of ex-business owner with the greatest interview bullshit detector who is able to weed out morons, you're ultimately just rolling the dice as to whether you end up with mature folk or asshats who cause drama.

>married couple leads guild
>they are chill as fuck and shepherd our retarded teenage asses

The first step is letting go bro. My ex was literally perfect in my eyes. Into all the same games as me, huge tits, asian, smart, funny, etc. It took me years to get over her but I finally realized that bitching about it for the rest of my life wasn't going to accomplish anything. You gotta live for yourself.

>tfw my wife regularly let neckbeards hand her tons of free shit on mmos for being a girl and being polite to them
>we always laugh when one of them tries to get into an e-relationship after forking over alot of currency or something rare
>she barely ever plays either so its effectively being thrown into a void

We had a great moron filtering drama removing guild leader. I know cause I didn't get in.

I've worked with women exclusively and they get rapey if you're an okay looking guy.
I got groped and weird offers from older women quite often.
Going to HR won't work because the women there will just spread the word you're a fag.
They're shifty like that.

to each his own i just dont think about sex in that way and think people cheapen it, you do you though. yeah its really a dude.

Some guy redpill me on this beta gifting shit. Do they really think m'lady will suck them off if they just send enough amazon cards or whatever

>I'm 21
>Father remarried last year
>I now have a 19 year-old, 5'4", STACKED step-sister
>Personality-wise just my type too
I want to commit a crime
Why can't life give me the payoff with the literal hentai setup

I fucking hate that thot
not even physically or emotionally attractive and Im only interested in vidya and occult shit
still feel more for her than other girls, really weird

tfw not getting groped by thirsty cougars

>calling me the thing i'm calling you
wow, you really dug deep for that one.

yes. Neckbeards don't realize they're virtual paypigs.

Same, but I really like it.

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This means you aren't the type who seems to always find themselves in guilds that get blown up when a girl joins. However, there are definitely some of those in this thread.

Yes. This has been a reoccurring theme throughout history. At first it was real life riches, gold, jewelry, etc. Now neckbeards think they can do it with virtual riches.

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i used a voice changer once and got instant attention/friend requests. people are fucking retards, just look up some selfies of a thot that has nudes, mirror flip them so they dont come up on a reverse image search and it would probably work.

Its not a crime if no one knows about it.

Then go ahead and bang her.
She's not your biological sister, so there's nothing wrong.

yeah I enjoy the attention too.
too bad hot girls my age pay no mind :(

if you did that there's nothing wrong in it, but people would condemn you

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whats the problem with step siblings getting together exactly? especially at that age. i would think it could be a bit weird if you grew up together but i see no problem there.

Still counts, if not to the law then at least to everyone around us.
I'd be fucking up both our lives.
If she even wants me.

unironically based

It's okay if it's step user. Pornhub says so.

Yeah but in earlier times it was real shit you give to real women in your vicinity. What do they get out of giving shit to someone who lives on another continent and has a hundred other retards like that queuing up?

I am a girl already so no need for that shit but I thankfully don't get a ton of friend requests and shit because I don't like people much

it's not THAT weird.
You share no blood relation.

user this whole thread is about how listening to the dick can fuck you up but user
you gotta listen to the dick on this

>barely get attention
>the second i show interest their entire energy changes, its extremely easy and i get phone numbers etc without trying
i dont get it

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Based retard

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betas are stupid and would drag their balls across glass for a modicum of attention.
Don't mind them.

Why are girls so mean?

>tfw feel like love has been drained from me ever since i obsessed over a oneitis years ago

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How the fuck would I even go about this? I've got no idea if she sees me the same way (though I don't expect it), and if she turns me down I estimate a 100% chance she'll spill the beans.

if you wanted to scam people you could very easily, ive thought about having my gf do it but its just dirty and gross, not worth it imo

As this user said, just try to drop hints to her if you want consensual, and I should add, secret banging

I guess it really comes down to that huh.

guilds are stil a thing? there are still girls in mmos ?


Go download some Sislovesme or BrattySis videos and try out one of the more plausible scenarios, see what happens.

Who the fuck cares, honestly.

I'm too much of a pussy to act since I got heartbroken.
Partly manletism at play too. Apparently I have a pretty face and get glares very often, but I always end up overthinking it and letting the chance pass.

It's just a genetic memory for them. Giving them virtual goods makes them *feel* like they're repeating their ancestors' success wooing women.

>Why the fuck are male players such thirsty idiots?
Seen this shit happen on TERA (after it went f2p), pso2, ffxiv, WoW, EQ2, Ragnarok Online, BDO
Only place I've yet to see it is LOTRO

just hang out with her, get a little bit drunk and see how she is energy wise, be subtly flirtatious and see if she responds well i dont know man ive never seduced a step sister.

Best way to put it, yet most ignored

Who am I to argue with the Eternal Fire?

Trust me I WANT to listen to the dick, but even if I were to decide to, fucking HOW
Not just the dick, I've been wanting to bang her since we first met but I think I've actually fallen in love with her at some point and I honestly feel like that ryan gosling gif

I know a guy who fucked his stepsister in a similar environment. Apparently the hook was
>if only you weren't my sister
and it just snowballed

i notice girls stare at me quite often and then either look away when i do or smile, sometimes women will try to make small talk with me too and i dont even know them. im not a social autist but i just wonder the vibe that i put out to people because its hard for me to perceive myself objectively.

I'm flat and not very pretty. I'm sure there's as much "competition" for e-thotting as there is for being a retard running after e-thots. And as you say it's kinda gross, mean and I thankfully don't need the cash.


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Yeah dying without accomplishing the most basic function you were programmed to do alongside eating and sleeping is pretty based.
BTW you thinking all women are retarded whores won't make it real, no matter how much you circlejerk with other incels.

instructions unclear, walked in on her masturbating with my dick out and now im in an oyakodon threesome as i type this

Well according to all these Japanese documentaries, you need to find an onsen.

you could be a legit 2/10 and have a thirsty beta worship your farts
small tits are great as long as theyre shapely, my gf has b cups but if youre FLAT FLAT my condolences.

I worked at a petsmart in my 20's as the only male and the women would all get catty about my attention
I almost fucked one hot girl I worked with behind the fishtank wall after she dumped her bf and was angry but manager came looking for me when she started grinding against me
I should have done it since I ended up quitting a few weeks later

World is full of dickheads.
Filter them out.

my attractiveness got lamented in college.
There were a couple of models in my class who always bothered me with stupid shit. I think it was because I was different.
I was a stoner drawfag among hundreds of football normies and range rover stacies.
I was the class heartthrob despite being a manlet.
Nothing ever came out of it since I dropped out lel.

Society needs a common mindset and moral system to coexist, that's why you isolate those who don't (jail), so yeah I generalize about groups of people and I'm absolutely right.
I don't deny there are exceptions, but that doesn't mean generalizing is always wrong.

You have the banger vibe.

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They realize it but have no self esteem and don't care. I dated a findom once but wasn't into it
myself. She liked to spoil me with presents bought with her neckbeard bux she didn't need.

To my surprise they also got off to getting cucked by me like that. It was like icing on the cake for them. What a world.

Wait that works?
I can just hit her with that?
With the appropriate mood of course.
Pretty sure she's single but I know very little about her social life/preferences. She might be a flaming lesbian for all I'm aware.

Should I try it? What if she fucking tells our parents?

Why exactly are humans attracted to breasts? I mean, think about it. It's just a bag of fat.

But fuck me it's so hot

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it's 50/50 imho.
If the attraction is mutual she'll probably fuck you.
Don't get touchy or creepy unless she reciprocates.

~*~fertility and childrearing~*~

I used to do soft momplay with a milf I met at work.
Getting spoiled and groping where I liked because I was her little kid.
That was pretty neat, too bad she moved from my city.

My last guild leader owned two apartment complexes he lived in and played while working and taking care of a baby. Smart guy and the guild ran like clockwork, but he sounded like he was about to snap half the time.

>It's just a bag of fat.
no its also gland tissue. read the wikipedia entry you uneducated gamer.

>be me
>stop playing wow for like 6 years after cata because it was just kinda garbage
>hear legion is good and decide to start playing again
>its actually really fun
>meet this guy while leveling my DH
>hes pretty cool and we level/do dungeons together
>turns out he is the leader of a pretty decent guild on our server (Thrall)
>invites me
>get on discord vc with them one day
>guild leader instantly starts orbiting me and flirting hardcore after hearing my voice (i get told its pretty cute often)
>not really into men but like the guild and hanging out with them so i just kinda dont really respond at all to his comments
>im not really geared for it but he decides to start bringing my undergeared ass along on raids despite me not thinking i should and none of the other members thinking either
>actually get more than a few pieces of gear in just 2 weeks from being carried by my unimpressed guildies
>GM keeps orbiting hardcore, making me super uncomfortable and our guildies often make comments about me basically just being his whore

>one day an autistic guildie who hates mestumbles upon a discord server i had been in over a year ago
>autistically scans through hundreds of comments i had made to find an old post talking about how i was trans and had transitioned
>posts it in our guild discord
>guild is in absolute chaos as they cannot stop laughing hysterically at our gm who has been oribiting a trap for almost 2 months now

>leave as soon as they find out and block all of them because dont want to deal with harssment
>guild disbands not long after
>i just wanted to make some fucking friends and play some goddamn wow

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what do you mean? like a sexual thing?

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and that's important because

I guess you're right. But like I said not something I aspire to be. I honestly just think it's sad all around because they'll worship some waifubait streamer or whoever and then get jaded when she obviously doesn't give a shit.
Not FLAT FLAT, 80Bs but definitely on the smaller side.
Just saying B cups isn't extremely useful because size is not just determined by cups but also band size because you calculate it with under bust and across bust. A 90B and 75C are more or less the same size.
Sorry for bra-tism it's a pet peeve.

>People pretend size does not matter
>In porn they always use big dildos

because size matters to guys

its an explanation for the attractiveness of large breasts.

That's why we broke up. I realized I was basically a surrogate kid to her and it weirded me the fuck out.
Especially with how controlling she was and subtle about it. Be careful what you wish for.

This is why you never use Discord. Also you are a giant faggot

how so

Size barely matters when actually fucking, so long as you're thicker than a thumb-and-a-bit.
Big dicks are aesthetic.

size matters period. saying it doesn't is peak dicklet cope
>just learn to foreplay bro

big tiddies -> big milk glands -> big milkies -> big children

>using discord
Serves you right

more milk for the baby, better chance of survival.

Sure it matters insofar that you can't be an utter microdick but anything > 12cm is fine.
Wait a second this isn't video games at all!

I'm going to try
Wish me luck, user(s). I'm going to fuck the hottest girl I've ever met.
I hope.

Just throw it as a joke if you see her with light clothing or in some other coherent situation, don't say it while having breakfast.
If she flirts back or she doesn't freak out, you're into something, if she freaks out just keep cool and tell her "are you retarded? I was joking..."

>12cm is fine

>literal discord trannies

as long as american puritanism rules supreme in the games industry it will never be a video game.

>wow players
I think you'll find this is not exclusive to WoW.

I used to run a Gmod TTT server. Yeah it was cancer so what, point is we had a female mod. She was good and everything but shit hit the fan every time she used her mic. She'd turn it on and the game would go from srs chatter to find the T, to every guy helping the girl find their D. I constantly had to ban half my community for being thirsty fuckwits who would start raging like mindless apes the moment they get rejected, as if it's genuinely inconceivable that their joke about their dicks being the size of shotguns doesn't immediately make every woman in your vicinity ride you bareback.

Gamers are just thirsty fuckwits period. Just some of us are better at hiding it than others.

>instantly gets defensive about it
you poor thing

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>finishing university
>not spoken to a girl since starting
>not sure how to meet girls, let alone talk to
>not even sure I want a gf but feel like it's expected of me

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but i dont ever want children

great argument. Did you know that the bigger the dildo, the more likely its that a guy will buy it, not a girl?

Yeah I'm very defensive about not having a dick and boys being retarded about theirs.

oh i didnt know what the numbers meant honestly lol, my gf is 32B apparently which is 85C in euroland

That's not what three million years of evolution say, genetic mule.

>I'm a girl btw
sure thing chode

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through natural selection, of course

>man is born
>attracted to tits
>their offspring have higher survival rate because of the mommy's big tits
>children born have a bigger chance of liking big tits

you want something funny, that'd be feet, best I can come up with is that it made it easier to cum during sex, which is an advantage as sex leaves you vulnerable

I guess you don't have a choice but to separate your online person from your real one

>less than 5 inches
no thats smaller than average, i think you want to be at leat 13 or 14cm

I mean women won't laugh at your dick but you're never giving a woman a proper fuck.

You don't but your monkey brain does.
Also, every form of sexual dimorphism is inherently attractive, on a biological/subliminal level.

I'm pretty hung and it's like 50/50 girls that don't care and girls that go super crazy for it.

Thanks for the tips, man.
I'll need all the help I can get

Same in FFXIV except it usually happens within 1-2 weeks. I refuse to have any girls in my FC any more. If anyone suggests it i tell them to go to her FC. Feels good just having some chill dudes in our FC/discord, and we can joke with each other without some bitch getting offended, or having someone else get offended on her behalf.

reminder that if you are less than 5 inches flaccid and 7.5 hard then you have a micro penis and transition

nah you could scrape by with 12cm and make them cum if you knew how to move and had some girth, far from ideal though

This is what you get for telling the world you cut your dick off on a public, exposed forum for some temporary brownie points. Keep that shit to yourself, maybe share it with people it's actually relevant to.

I'm being dead serious here, not memeing at all. Don't go telling people you are trans. If and when they ask if you are trans, feel free to tell them in a private, non-intrusive manner. But you instead posted it on a public discord and wonder why it came back to bite you.

Inb4 the rest of this thread starts hounding on me for being a tranny lover, go suck your 2 inch e-peens.

so... women?


>implying flaccid cock length matters
either way i meet your bullshit bait measurements on both counts but fuck off still retard

>orgasms from penetration

We're you born without a dick or was it chopped off?

Dildos don’t feel like real dicks and there is 0 attached intimacy with a dildo and also not all girls even use dildos

>This is what you get for telling the world you cut your dick
but not only do i still have my penis its bigger than yours
> for some temporary brownie points
actually it was only on an lgbt discord to like share stories since EVERYONE ELSE WAS.
>Don't go telling people you are trans.
i dont, my new guild has no fucking idea and i plan to keep it that way for as long as possible.

I love how this got relegated to a dicklet cope thread as soon as someone pointed out that size matters


>im pretty hung
You and everyone else on the internet

I feel for you bros that had bad experience with grrls, my guild had two "guild moms" and it was the best shit ever. Always wanna talk and do dungeons or fish or whatever old people shit they tend to do in mmos

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A 12cm clitoris? Have you ever sodomized a man like Hyena females can?

Born without it. I do wonder what it'd be like occasionally.

Why are humans attracted to anything? Those traits indicate a healthy body ready for child rearing.

Also daily reminder if your mother was shitty enough not to breastfeed she permanently stunted both your growth and mental acuity, babies that are beastfed are bigger, stronger, smarter, and healthier than formula babies.

feet are an age marker, young looking feet = young. same with hair on legs or pubes, no hair = young

it's a combination of penetration and rubbing
source the porn I watch

Genuine question how did you fall for the tranny meme? There's so many fucking Frankensteinian horror stories you'd think it'd kinda give people pause.

Maybe tell them who you really are next time?
You tried to explain it the other way around but you know this guys thought you were a girl and for 2 months you didn't say anything.
You're not a woman, you'll never be.

i want him to step on me until i die

It's the rubbing.
source do the rubbing

i dont even know how many centimeters an inch is.

>still have my penis
>some random link
yeah no im not clicking that, get fucked
>it was on an lgbt discord
dont join those discords. I'm only in one of them for the emotes, theres literally no reason to chat in those things because its a cesspool of autistic fuckwits circlejerking about how they wish they were born without a Y chromosome
>im not telling my new guild


I know you're larping but in case you're not, you know the rules, you must show your tits, or leave this place.

>how did you fall for the tranny meme?
its not a meme to me. growing up i was always very feminine, sensitive, emotional, etc etc. No matter how hard i tried i could never really be a man and at 5'5 with slender shoulders and a big butt i never really stood a chance. I almost killed myself so many times trying to be a man and once i stopped and got on female hormones my happiness improved 10 fold.

i know im not a woman but i dont want to be treated like shit for who i am.

>girl joins guild
>bullies me and makes me heal or tank for her

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get off vent or I'll have you bent

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>>some random link
its a voice recording silly. so you can make fun of my voice ;)

That only counts if my gender is irrelevant to the topic, newfag.

Yeah I don't really give a shit. I answered anonymously and have nothing to gain from it. Just sharing my experience. Like I said some girls are really into it and many don't care or straight up dislike it.

Well that honestly sounds pretty shitty, sorry you got a messed up brain user. Genuinely.

Most people here are too young to remember when MMOs were not primarily for old and shut in women.
A guy that sounds sexy gets much more attention than a woman in MMOs now.


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why cant you just use vocaroo like a normal person instead of some site nobody has heard of

Yeah I just can't imagine anyone being into cervix poking but you do you

Women want attention.
Women will do anything for attention.
Women will also do anything to get higher stature which also gives more attention.
When two women meet, if they are of similar levels of stature, they will "befriend" one another to give them the chance at overthrowing the higher stature female so they are sit on her spot, normally breaking down once they get the chance.
Women are essentially social ladder climbers that see no goal other than the next rung and can't see the rung they used to climb up as soon as it's lower than their feet.
It's the same as psychopathic males who will do anything to succeed except its the polar opposite in term of social representation while "benevolent" females occur about the same as psychopaths occur in males.

>nobody has heard of

this. Women are catty abd manipulative, as opposed to men who are strong and loyal.
No shit they'll abuse your naivete.

You wouldn't be treated like shit if you were who you really are, a dude.
I will never accept your condition as something normal or "part of you" same as I would never tell a schizo the voices are real. So the moment you tell me you have transitioned, I will treat you like a mentally ill person, I hope you get better, but I don't want anything to do with you.

That's a pretty feminine voice
Wanna add me on Steam

>was about to record a clyp defending it because it sounds higher quality
>have to make an account to record now
miss me with that gay shit

And men want pussy, and will do anything for it. Weird how that goes.

>So the moment you tell me you have transitioned, I will treat you like a mentally ill person,
and that is why i will never tell most people. thank you for proving my point

>females only see your dick after they consent to sex with you
How could dick size affect something after consent to sex? Just pump, cum and go to sleep you may not keep her but who wants a slut?

Looks like you had a bad experience buddy

Attached: a-step-awayy.png (630x1695, 770K)

incel cringe

>thirsties even immediately orbit traps
Jesus lads
I kinda see why boys go full tranny

Incorrect, if you have boobs, you must post them first.
Otherwise get the fuck out.
You're not a woman anyway.

but user we're both boys

I was about to make fun of this post but pretty much said everything I wanted to say.

>I'm trans
>i still have my cock

So you are a transvestite, not a transgender. You are literally an attention seeking faggot .

We're all just looking for a hole and a heart, bro.

they check out your crotch as you do their asses, moron, doubly so if you wear awim trunks or joggers

fucking pathetic thirsty loser

Demonstrating your value as a human by being great at everything you do doesn't make you a psychopath.

You're just lazy and stupid with no sense of pride or integrity.

why would i get my dick removed when im more hung than 95% of the people on this website. miss me with that gay shit

Or, y'know, I'll stay. Call moot I don't even care nigga

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women are psychopaths.
He wasn't even vilifying them, just stating facts.
You orbiter white knights need to get a clue.

It's shooting blanks now though. The thrill is gone. RIP.

I just have questions pertaining to being transexual in private

imagine actually being an incel lmao

Because you want to be the little girl I thought

imagine not being able to comprehend that social mobility differs between sexes

That would mean only showers would have any chance in having sex then since no one is hard 100% of the time. Also, how tight are your pants to keep a huge bulge appearing? Do you just walk around parties with yoga pants?

Humans seem like monsters to ants, its true.

nice strawman

miss me with your mental gymnastics you spastic. Not my fault you're socially inept.

meh i can still kinda cum just not really
wtf is that id. steam?
im already pretty little having an axe wound wont somehow make me more of a real girl.

Where do I find girls who are as autistic as I am?

what fucking strawman? Men and women get a leg up in the world through different means, how is this news?

family get togethers

Roleplay servers.

Yeah, put it at the end of the link

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Is cumming even still fun? I know a tranny who just does butt stuff but I think they hate their dick too, for obvious reasons.

Yea Forums

you put those words and accusation in my mouth, i called you an incel cause youre going ALL WOMEN ARE EBIL!! obviously theres differences in how men and women behave socially you idiot

Mostly, subby girls. Big = domm I guess.

i have no idea how this works and i have to get rdy for college so you can add me
there you go.

you're the one purposefully misquoting me and blaming me of doing the same.
get a brain moran

If you can't hold a conversation on an anonymous imageboard i doubt your social skills are that good mr Gigachad

Have you guys seen this video

>tfw into femdom but gamer girls are all betas

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I'm not the one dancing around the fact that women have penis scanning techniques of their own, doofus


>women are psychopaths
no YOU get a brain moran


Is this wizchan now? Deleting female 3d?


Look for ones with local government jobs and prepare your anus for a double edged sword.

yes, they are, since it benefits them a lot.
Single mothers are way more likely to harm/neglect/kill their kid if it makes then miserable.

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Go to a boardgame cafe, local D&D events, LARP events, MTG meetups. Or if you're still in University/College, join a club that will attract autists.

Probably the best one that's all the rage currently, Quidditch Club. Harry Potter is a melting pot of females, from normies to total autists, Quidditch brings them in.

Yeah but it hurts like shit though. Not even "hurts so good" hurt, more like speared in the guts.

>penis scanning techniques
You got me good.

Don't go to cgl

I didn't "get" you. Do you honestly believe they don't?

Art shit. Art girls can be hardcore tism. There's a girl who's president of the local Tolkien society and boy is that bitch autistic yo.

>WOW players, anytime
>secure, sexually active with developed personalities
you can only pick one

like i said, imagine being an incel
imagine getting all of your information about women from Yea Forums and memes lmao

What the fuck is a Tolkien society?

>he‘s not a fag who hates all straight women for this reason specifically
I can probably count the respectable women I‘ve met who DON‘T wear strapons on one or two fingers. One of those is still a lesbian, and one is my grandmother.

nice strawman.

>penis scanning techniques
Where do I apply to get mine

Attached: DbAWq40W4AACsmN.jpg (499x181, 28K)

A bunch of nerds who speak Sindarin to each other twice a month.

go to the beach or gym and look at bulges, duh.

You can easily estimate the size of a man's penis with your throat.

No you just walk up and grab it while staring them down like a man. If it starts to harden they're a keeper.

Good, no one needs to know.
Also, your fault for using discord or any sort of social/communication media and expecting anything to stay private.

>actual discord tranny

you caught me

But I don't care