ITT: Games improved a lot

When it first released I thought it'd be dead in a year with all these bugs and lack of content, but damn did this game made one of the best comebacks in the history of games

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CS: GO was kind of dead on arrival. It's extremely popular, now.

Yeah, despite all the shit talk on Yea Forums I still play it

Yeah I love all the anime characters with wacky abilities they added. Really what I was looking for in a RS game

Its still shit OP and was never good.

>implying rainbow six siege was ever realistic
Holograms are more realistic than handheld emp granedes

That's like your opinion man

>Rainbow 6 Siege

Point still stands

They ruined the game, the fuck are you talking about? It went from tacticool chooter to feminists and manlets running around throwing sci fi gadgets at eachother.

I just hate how the new ones are dressed and their looks. Dokabi is a kawaii korean girl with fucking glasses and a "hacker "cap. Ela has fucking green hair with yoga pants

Imagine being that wrong lol, the game is better than ever before


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>muh realism
Just go play a shitty military simulation

How about you play literally any other Rainbow Six game you fucking zoomer shitbag

It was an ARC. Started out unfinished, was finished, then Ubisoft saw it successful and decided it needed to keep going. The polish/Chinese Operators should have been the last ones added,
Go play Arma faggot

I will, i just also lile bullying sissy Siege players desperate for people to take their shitty game seriously

Does that mean you'll go play Apex legends or the other gay diversity quota games?

Why don't you? Clearly your autism can't handle this game and wants something that makes you feel like a real operator.

you're shit and your post was never good

who cares? that bitch is one of the worst Ops in the game

SWAT was way better at operating than R6 (except the planning room from original)
Sadly its also almost 2 decades dead.

Yeah I love it when established series' go completely against the design choice they were originally known and popular for, gotta have the CoD/Overwatch/zoomer audience

>hurt diversity bad white men gud
Go back to /pol/ faggot

The game became trash, it made a comeback in the sense that it attracted normalfaggots and Ubi decided to milk it which was a mistake.
Nowadays it's full of retarded OC donut steel operators and garbage maps.

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Classic Yea Forums, just goes full delusional when someone talks about a new game, just fuck off

Why Yea Forums IA full of delusional morons

I can list many great things white men brought to the world.
Less could be said about cultural and race groups forcefully cramped together.

Siege isnt new. Its established itse'f as a fucking terrible game for the last 3 years

Oh God sometimes I forget how much of a laughing stock this board is.

Ribbit welcomes you back

Yeah, isnt it hilarious no one likes the game you're shilling?

Dumb phoneposting faggot

In regards to PvP, it used to be straight sword fest for fucking days and days and days and days. Thanks to all the patches, you see pretty much every weapon in use.

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Part of the reason for this is the hero shooter design. Yes another part is the devs wanting to virtue signal but you can't ignore the core design of Siege.
5 unique characters on each team, if they were all realistically portrayed then when you spot one for a split second before the cam is shot out you would have no idea what abilities that enemy has which will give you less important info for you and your team.
I agree there is a way of doing this without turning characters into clowns but it should be taken into account.

CS:GO is a notable example. First it was a failed attempt of crossplay CS between pc and consoles. Then it was in a weird stage of limbo for a long time, not liked by anyone. And before it's eminent death they added gun skins for shits and giggles, which made it popular all of a sudden and then the devs had to haul ass to get the game to working condition.

Another recent notable mention is Halo 5. Absolute shit multiplayer at launch, but has now evolved to one of the most complete Halo multiplayer experiences.

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Sometimes I forget how dumb redditors are, then one stops by to remind me, like you

The last season that wasn't a decrease in overall game quality was Y2S1

Not really, on a technical level its only been improving and is probably one of the only current competitive FPS games. You are clearly very shaken that your favorite franchise is dead and now panders to different people, but that's just something you'll eventually have to cope with.
Hey, maybe ready or not will end up being good?

Please keep seething faggots, your screeches and retarded replies just amuses me

But this makes no sense since the launch characters and characters up till season 1 of year 2 were fine.

Siege was a really good game and improved well during the first year and beginning of 2017. After Operation health it got absolutely fucked. They started adding dumb unnecessary operators, stopped adding 4 maps a year, took out maps from the matchmaking, unnecessary buffs/nerfs or the opposite not doing what the community asked for. And they have become very greedy with lootcrates like in operation outbreak. Some repetitive game mode just to sell some packs for real money. Siege has been dead since the middle of 2017 and it kinda sucks but it was to be expected since it was from ubisoft

Agreed, Operation "Health" was a fucking joke and from then on it went to complete shit. No idea what the fuck they were thinking with the new maps.


If they kept adding 4 maps every year the game's size would be ridiculous

Kys discord onions tranny

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Wow what a nice argument, I'm sure you had to use all of your 10 brain cells to post that.

The game improved but the community got worse so its dead to me.

>But this makes no sense since the launch characters and characters up till season 1 of year 2 were fine.

True however the more characters released, the more difficult it is to make new ones visually distinct while also adhering (at least somewhat) to a realistic template.

You did play any of the OG Rainbowsix games right user?
You aren't a bandwagoning zoomer right user?

How I can bandwagon a non trendy game you fucking moron。 Just fuck off if you don't have anything to say that's not retarded

Kys you fucking ugly sand nigger onions loving Muslim cuck, go pay 25 real monies for your tranny discord onions dlc character, kill yourself with a plastic bag you black cunt

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RainbowSix was a REALLY popular franchise you fucking retarded underage faggot.

Me personally, I loved siege when the lighting was broken, the hitboxes weren't standardised and included helmets, the ping was three times what it currently is, the smokes were client sided, you could block every window with a shield, blackbeard was unbeatable, you could glitch yourself into every wooden desk and closet, 3 speeds being faster, recoil patterns were complete RNG and you could spam Q and E forever. That was siege at its prime.

>if you play a game that's slightly popular it's a trendy game, you're a bandwagoning underage fag
Okay retard

Just another babbies first FPS for the COD kiddies.

Yep this thread is full of brain dead retards

When you say something like "Just go play a shitty military simulation" talking about a Rainbowsix game people will know you are an underage nigger who never heard about the series before and is to much of faggot to even look it up.

The community isn't very vocal compared to most other big games.
Most matches I get into people want to communicate and work together as long as you treat them like actual human beings.

I dunno why people have problems with the Siege community. I guess you could say hacking, but that's mostly in P1 and Diamond in ranked.
I don't see many in P3 and P2.

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Just look at this thread my man.
Good thing these guys are silver/gold at best

I haven't played in a while but notice how the quality dropped with theme park and tower as added maps compared to the Spanish Villa and maps from the first year. I don't remember the gamesize of siege but on Xbox it is like 60? And I played rdr2 and halo 5 which are around 100gb. So I personally wouldn't have mind them adding maps till it was 100gb. Why did they do a rework of hereford base. The map was perfect as it was. They threw some dumb British airbase skin over it and raped the map. I am sure they will do the same with kafe Dostoyevsky.
Eventually the imagination will be gone but why didn't they look at actual special forces. Look at that angry anti racism nignog for the UK. They could have gone with a cool soldier design. Russian operaters have cool outfits and armor. Why don't they make a character like that instead of a 102kg Aussie the looking thing.

Am not happy to say it but siege really jumped the gun with Operation health. It only got worse and worse. In 2016+17 it was my most played game and bought it at the release in 2015. I literally went back to halo 5 because of how bad siege has gotten

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They also switched teams. Guess which team was nogunz, and learned their idea of police work fro. Michael bay?

Didn't know this but since all of ubisofts titles failed and siege was only supposed to be a temporary game in-between them. Ubisoft jumped on this game since it was the only success. So what you're saying makes sense


That's what Rainbow Six games WERE, before Ubishit made this hero shooter.

R6 was never good lol retarded zoomers

Zoom zoom he said rainbow six not rainbow six siege

>freak in OW
>freak in R6S
>w-who cares
Double standards: the board.